Just wonderful...hearing someone that knows...you need the Holy Ghost to be saved...you cannot live for Jesus unless you have his spirit..it is impossible to please God with-out it......get it and your eyes will be opened you will see,hea and feel God inside you....Praise his holy name!!!
It is good and give me hope,of living because I am living with HIV for 15 years and this days I am not working, when I read psalm 23 it give me hope....
For as David walk,so have I n God has found favor in me,n rescue me from a 30 year addiction, he has taken me from a life of crime n death,drugs n gangs.Surely the Lord is my Sherperd n Savior, God is with us n he is a living God, he speaks to me know through thunder n little birds,I live you father, in Jesus name Amen
After reading this chapter and the comments all I can say is praise The Lord Jesus he is Owesome there no one like him no place he is my very Best friend and having the holy Ghost is just a blessing he leave and guides us to all truth we all need The Holy Ghost he is Jesus Spirit if we do not have him we still are not saved without God spirit we are none of his thats what the bible says.
The only Jehovah Jireh the PROVIDER of all is JESUS thanks to your blood Lord and your words you have given us life in abundance. What a promising God and faithful to his words thank you Jesus for loving us unconditionally , your goodness mercy, and favor we have them everyday. I love you Lord and will keep your commandments until rapture bcoz you live we shall live also what a loving Jesus amen
praise God,we must be on the specific route that goodness and mercy follows or else we won't be followed by them. If we need them to follow us all the days of our lives,let's stay on there track all the days of our lives amen and amen.
Our Father in heaven, bless all who put their trust in You LORD JESUS! Create in us clean hearts and renew right spirits within us that we may serve You in truth, righteousness, faith, love and charity forevermore! Make us to love our neighbor as we love our self and make us to love our enemies according to Your will, LORD GOD Most High! In CHRIST JESUS the SAVIOUR we live forevermore and in CHRIST JESUS we pray asking all these things and giving Thee thanks heavenly Father for blessings innumerable and gifts unspeakable. Amen.
I love the 23rd Psalm God is with us when we come into the world an departure from the world. God is with us all days of our life on earth. This scripture is use at a lot of funerals.
Abiding in the vine is the most important act of volition that shall realize the Promise of the quoted Psalm. One has to serve the Gospel through acts and thoughts to be able to claim the promise
Jesus is my all and all he is my helper in times of trouble he is a friend when my friends cannot be found he my sister and brother when my sister and brother cannot be found he is lawyer in a court room my doctor in time of sickness praise the Lord Jesus
This is my favorite Scripture it reminds me everyday since accepting Christ as my personal Savior what God has done, is doing and continues to in my life.
This is a very powerful psalms, read it when you are in need of a reminder of how powerful is the name of the lord, he never fails us in time of needs.
Yes Bible reveals the truth.If I and We agree God is our Shepherd we won't have lacking in our lives.He refreshes our body, soul and spirit with his holy anointing power and fills with love.