Discuss Psalms 21 Page 2

  • Mala Maharaj - Deonarine on Psalms 21 - 10 years ago
    I dreamed about this palms 21 And when i got up i went and open the bible and my pause raised what it read It was all about me that i will know my enemies and it s true
  • Chantae on Psalms 21 - 11 years ago
    all you have to do is trust and believe in the lord and in due time he will fulfill all you needs. i find it hard sometimes to be patient and wait for the lord but i have to then humble myself and remember that god has blessed me thus far and hes not going to abandon me. all you have to do is have faith and no matter the problem the lord will see you through. bless his name
  • Aniefiok on Psalms 21:3 - 11 years ago
    God is Able
  • Lauren on Psalms 21 - 11 years ago
    God is awesome, His mercy truly endures forever.
  • One on Psalms 21 - 11 years ago
    Bless the name of the Lord; for there is no one Greater: he is more than we can imagine in greatness, and if we never give up in never giving up on God; then he will show us just what he has been desiring to do for us for so long...... God is so desperate to Bless us. So let us praise him, for Loving us so much Amen
  • Pheello mahamo on Psalms 21 - 11 years ago
    I was at the edge of giving up,i am not working current i am stil fighting for my terminal benefits which its delaying.other people got their monies but not me,I hear tellin me read psalm 21.what a blessing indeed.
  • Denie Hansell on Psalms 21 - 11 years ago
    It is a awesome scripture. I have been inserting my name and the name of my love ones were the scripture says...King.
    It is saying God has answered my prayer requests. and has defeated every enemy. It is a blessing to know you are on a winning team with the Lord
  • Abimbola on Psalms 21 - 12 years ago
    I need some to pray for me because I am sicking right now. Heal me Lord and remember your conevnt with me. GOD of David heal my sickness.
  • Shaquian on Psalms 21 - 14 years ago
    I love this sripture. I was going through a something and I opened the bible up to this and it read me exactly what I should do in my situation and how to. Leave it in gods hands. I'm in lust with him, his words, he is God.

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