This seems similar to the last verse. David is again acknowledging his dependency on God to hold him up. Then I shall be safe, or better, saved. This is, like last verse, temporal and eternal salvation in David's mind. Then I will have respect unto thy statutes continually, or better said, Your word is the apple of my eye.
I believe we all pray this prayer. Keep me from falling in the trials and temptations of life. Again David acknowledges his total dependency on God, in this life and in the life to come. He ends, don't let me be ashamed of my hope, that would be his trust in God's word.
My mind went to 1 Corinthians 5:10. Here Paul is stating the necessity of engaging the world in which we live, which means we will, at times, be in company of fornicators, covetous, etc. Paul does go on to forbid such contact if those practicing these life styles call themselves Christians. I believe what David is saying here is he did not want anyone around him that would deter him in his walk with God. I believe the line is drawn when the one you are trying to influence is influencing you. At that point it is time to pull back.
I picture David reading and meditating on God's word and as he reads he is taking in all the promises to the righteous. As he reads, I see a smile on his face,because of the sweetness contained in this book. Sweeter than the honeycomb, Psalms 19:10 states.
When someone hurts you or mistreated you your flesh wants to cause you to do things that's not of God. So this way if you believe. Have faith trusted in him.and God works it's out.
I really like verse two 2 of Psalm 119. Our wills need to be completely broken and surrounded to Him that is what it means to seek God with the whole heart, in my opinion .
119 vs. 114, Thou art my hiding place. Sound like Psa. 32:7. I believe this has a dual meaning. First it could mean David found refuge in God from his enemies, and for sure that is true, however I believe the deeper meaning is the refuge is from consequences of sin. The shield spoken of in this verse would protect him from guilt, sadness, and sorrow of past failures, as the enemy would try to use sins already forgiven, against him. David ends this verse like so many others stating,"I hope in your word", that is the promises and truths in it. The word hope is not like one would hope something would come to pass, but rather a resting the thing desired is already secure.
119 vs. 114, Thou art my hiding place. Sound like Psa. 32:7. I believe this has a dual meaning. First it could mean David found refuge in God from his enemies, and for sure that is true, however I believe the deeper meaning is the consequences of sin. The shield spoken of in this verse would protect him from guilt, sadness, and sorrow of past failures, as the enemy would try to use sins already forgiven, against him. David ends this verse like so many others stating,"I hope in your word", that is the promises and truths in it. The word hope is not like one would hope something would come to pass, but rather a resting the thing desired is already secure.
119vs 113, I hate vain thoughts. The Hebrew meaning of vain thoughts is divided mind, skeptic thought. One of the reasons that David loved God's law was there were no contradictions. God's law is perfect. God's law does not divide the mind. Isa. 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little. That is commandment upon commandment and the line upon line is the cord that connects everything together, or harmonizes everything.
What we see here is a resolve to be true to God. My mind went to Isaiah 50:7, For the Lord God will help me therefore I shall not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. True religion can never be faked because it can only be lived out by those who are sold out. There is no power in the most moral man to pull that off. That power comes only by the Holy Spirit in a persons life who has yielded control and now trust God whatever the outcome. David ends his verse saying he would keep God's statutes always, that is constantly, and to the end, which would mean permanently.
What David is saying in this verse is, what God has spoke in His law, I have taken ownership of or Your law is my law. There was no compulsion from God on David, but rather David counted is his delight to be immersed in God's law, or as put, it is the rejoicing of my heart. Have you noticed whatever a man finds pleasure in, that becomes what he makes time for. For David, the law was what consumed him.
What David went through was no different than Daniel as men set a trap in Daniel 6:4-28. It has been going on throughout history and will to the end of time. How one handles those attacks is more important than the attacks themselves. David had the formula. Stay true to God's word, no matter what.
The Septuagint renders this verse, "My soul is always in Thy hands", which seems to make sense. I think of Job 1:8- 10, When Satan says to God, vs 10a. Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house. Satan could go no further than the Lord would allow. As a result of being in God's hands, David could rest as he read God's law and found strength in His promises.
There are a lot of offerings that were offered to the Lord in David's time such as grain or wheat, however those offerings depended on the good will of the Lord to give them to them. I believe this offering can be taken right in context, an offering from the mouth. This was a offering from the heart that was not of compulsion but freely given. Teach me thy judgments, which is Thy law or commands.
There is much teaching today in the Christian culture that states the believer may enjoy, or even expect, a bumpless ride through life. This teaching states all we have to do is speak to the problems of life and they will simply disappear. God called David a man after my own heart, however as we follow David's life we find him in constant troubles and afflictions. This is just one verse to document that truth. I am afflicted very much. That is a truth that will follow every genuine believer I the Lord. They that live godly will suffer persecution. Philippians 1 29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but to suffer for His sake. David ends this verse asking God to quicken him. I believe he's asking God to give him strength to bear up under the circumstances he finds himself in. According to thy word, that would be all the promises found in God's word.
Verse 106, What David is doing is serious business with God. When God gives an oath He will most certainly perform it. In Genesis 26:3b we see this truth in action. "I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I swear unto Abraham thy father." David beings by saying, "I have sworn". That is saying, I call God in as a witness, I want this done in His sight. Then David says," I will perform it", that is the oath he just proclaimed to God. This is a serious resolve to see it through. I thought of the 40 men in Acts 23:21 who were tying to kill Paul, who bound themselves together with an oath that they would not eat or drink until he was dead. One only wonders if they carried that out. There are numerous occasions recorded in scripture where men failed to kept what they promised in oath to God. Better not to make an oath to God than to make one and not keep it. David finishes this verse declaring what the oath is, " That I will keep Thy righteous judgments". This an amazing oath for a lot of reasons. First he puts no time frame on this oath. This is for life. David had no inclinations of retreating. David was sold out to God. It seems like David no sooner penned these words and verse 106 happens. I am afflicted very much. Trials will certainly rest our resolve.
verse 104: There is no way to ascertain what is right or wrong without coming to scripture. That's exactly what's going on in higher learning where God has no place in their thinking. Man on his best day could not know perfectly right without the counsel of God. 1 Cor. 2 14 states to the natural man, or the unsaved man, the things of God are foolishness, because the things of God are only understood by the help of the Holy Spirit, which they lack. Information that something is wrong isn't enough, because there are things that man knows that are intrinsically wrong, and that is by his Godgiven conscience, but he still does them. David shows the difference. David desired the truth to avoid the lie, and he found that in the law. With that came a desire to hate the every false way.
Verse 103: How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea sweeter than honey. As I read this verse my mind went to Job 23:12, Neither have I gone back from thy commandment of His lips, I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. Think of it. We have to eat to live physically, and it's no different in the spiritual realm. Those who eat of it of it once a week, and then just an appetizer, will flounder in their walk at best. When the storms of life come, they have no foundation on which to stand. Those like David will eat the meal and come to the desert, or the richer things found in scripture, they will soar with God. When they face trials or temptation, they are ready to endure them.
David is not claiming perfection as though he never has been disobedient, but what he is saying is his character is one of striving for obedience. He has learned by God whether by discipline or blessing to seek to obey.
In verse 100 we ended with the statement that obedience is the proving grounds to one faith and that is is absolutely essential. In verse 101 David is modeling that principle by refraining his feet from evil. We make choices every day that effect our walk with God in one way or another. Walking with God is not an after thought but rather a raging battle that wars in our souls. There is a constant conflict that we are faced with to pull is off the righteous path, and by nature we are prone to wander. If one will walk with God, it will be a determined resolve or it just will not happen.
In verse 98 we saw David's wisdom was greater than his enemies, and in verse 99 we saw his understanding surpassed even his teachers. In verse 100 we see even a more remarkable statement when we read that David's understanding was greater than the ancients, or older men. The age of a person may give greater wisdom becasue of experience or observations through time, however they also may grow dull and harden and full of bitterness. I think of the apostle Paul's words to young Timothy full of encouragement because even in his youth he was very wise. David ends verse 100 by saying,because I've kept thy precepts. Understanding without application leads to heresies. Only obedience can be the proving grounds to truth.
In verse 98 stated the benefit he being wiser than his enemies because he embraced God's law. In verse 99 he goes on even further in saying he has more understanding than his teachers. This could mean those who may instructed him in his youth, however, he is finding himself approved,a workman who is not ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The simple reason for this would be the invested time David had spent meditating in God's word. Anyone may go there, but there are few willing to pay the price for such a thing. To fall in love with the word is to fall in love with the Author, and when that happens there will be no end to your investment of time to it.
Psalms 119:98,99,100 are linked together. At first reading these might seem to be a statement of pride, however they are far from pride but rather these verses state he is more approved. In verse 98 David attributes the fact he is better off because of his understanding of God's law because out of it comes his disciplines of life and the riches that go along with knowing God intimately. Those who do not know God will have no understanding what a life knowing Him would be like, hence they will flounder at best in their understanding of life.
David said, O how I love your law. I looked at this, and at first glance, this verse didn't seem to significant, however as I stayed with it, it came alive. Only the redeemed of the Lord will have a love for His word. God's word condemns us, it reveals the sin in our lives and it shows us how short we come from God's standard. Have you noticed that your unsaved friend or love one get real uncomfortable when you share God's word. When someone get saved they change their mind and begin to have a love for God's word because in it they get to know the one that has saved them. David ends the verse saying "it's my meditation all the day," Some of the benefits will be seen in the next few verses.
God is a miracle worker and He is faithful to his words and Promises. If we are diligently seeking God first into our life we will have his salvation and life in abundance. There is no other Jehovah its only Jesus. Our job now is to believe him, obey his words and love his commandments until rapture. Without our Obedience in Christ we cant see his goodness and mercy. Thanks be to Jesus for the blood that shed for us. By His Blood our Sins are washed and cleansed. I will rejoice always for God have already redeemed us on the cross and will continue praising God and thanking God for everything he have done into my life. Without God in my life i will not see the Glory of God. I will love you Lord Jesus and will keep your commandments and will love them until rapture. i will keep your word and your statues. Amen