David kept gods word in his heart and he had faith.he is telling us the same .look to god and keep the word in your heart.god is there he never leaves us.i love reading psalms 119 it encourage me.
I find that the value placed upon the word is so amazing so much more than what I think and stands to prove that the word of God can take care of any situation as long as we are able to meditate upon it and place a great value on it.
Well put Cheryl. There are time 's when nothing seems to be going my way, and I am just out of it. So I search for the reason and then it hits me!! Me me me, I I I. I 've been running on self will and not Gods will. I get down on my knees and get back to His will and the blessings flow.
This is a person who knows the commandments and law and knows without GOD HE CAN NOT KEEP THE COMMANDMENT AND LAW. HE SPEAKS OF HIS SOUL and makes it personal he ask GOD to save him and teach him. He knows GOD IS NEAR and GOD delivers. He believes GOD and he knows the statues he destinguish himself from the wicked. He also deprecates himself from the workers of iniquity. Last but not least he acknowledges he have gone astray and he needs GOD.
What is the key to finding the favor of God? Holding firm to God 's word. Whatever He has said in His Word, we are to believe and to do. The testimony God spoke from heaven is He has a beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased, and we are to hear Him. Jesus Christ is the Word of God manifested in the flesh. The only way to blessings is to seek Jesus with our whole hearts and to serve Him according to the will of God. We can 't serve the Lord halfheartedly. It is all or nothing with Him. If we are lukewarm, then He says He will spew us out.
The extent of your power over sin would be determined by how much of his word is in you.That is to say,His word in u is ur power to overcome sinful nature of the human flesh.
Psalms 119 105 may be one of least know yet strongest verses in what is called the bible. I flew helicopters in Vietnam. 1 dark night all alone battle was raging on the DMZ. Bullets, rockets, rpg 's were flying everywhere. I was the only one with the guts to reinforce those on the ground. camps were being overrun, hand to hand combat. Positions ran out of ammo and I had to reinforce them. No one of rank could make a decision. Men were dieing and I was doing all I could. Bullets were flying through my helicopter, rockets and rpg 's flew under and through. I made up my mind to continue. I flew into harms way time after time. Sitting on the runway at ** Ha letting them load Ammo I said Lord your word is a light unto my feet and a light that guides and governs me so why can 't this light surround me and my crew and protect us. So, after a swig of water to wash my stomach out of my throat I flew off. Back to the DMZ. I saw this light surround my ship. As I flew once again into harms way the bullets were going around my ship. My crew ship said "Sir, the bullets are bending around us and my Gunner stated the bullets are bending around over here also. " All night this continued until daybreak. About 11 00PM Gen Smith of the 101st airborne asked me what I needed and I told him. This battle is not recorded anywhere and I was given no credit. Estimated enemy dead around 4,000 and the American 's was quite low. I brought supplies etc to Americans 's and Chaos to the enemy. My remaining 7 or 8 months I used the light as my shield and protection. I figured out I rescued about 1500 to 5000 men out of danger in N. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and 3 missions into S.E.China. as well as South Vietnam. I have been called Godless, Fatherless and all sorts of names for this belief yet I was the only one with the guts, The Lord was Truly my shepherd and I put him first.
We get excited about many things in life. Do we get excited when it comes to the revealed word of God? David compared his joy as to one who has find great spoil.
Holy Spirt I pray that you help me bring to rememberance the LORD 's holy Word in times of need, to war against sin, and to strengthen my witness to the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Thank you for the countless signs and wonders you have displayed to build my faith and give me hope. In Jesus 's name I pray. Amen
As a born again Christians, sin is not rooted in our nature. We have been given a new nature! If we believe we are sinners we will continue to sin. Will we sin? Yes, for two reasons first, because we choose to and secondly, because we believe the lies of the enemy. Church, we are SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
God is love God is grace I m not perfect but the love and faith that i have for my God is perfect His word is on my heart and without it my life wouldn t be right So thank you God for your love for me Amen
God s word stands He is faithful That means that he can be trusted and relied upon Praise God Who can I ask for anything better None better He outshines them all I Praise my Lord and Thank Him for who and what He is My mere words cannot express the outstanding Love of God and His Faithfulness
This is for those that don t believe in miracles Like ever morning when am drinking my coffee I thank God for my life Knowing that I haven t even spilled a drop of my coffee As this old earth is spinning through space over 1000 MPH
I see that many take what they want and apply it in many different ways from 119. this is about the WORD of God, the living Word, The WORD that given to Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses... This same WORD that gives us life. The same WORD that was made flesh and showed us how to walk in the WORD, LIGHT, have LIFE through his ways... The only way to walk in spirit and truth is to follow the instructions of God. 119 is constantly conveying that to those that want to follow him. Jesus said to follow him AS HE does the will of the Father.
His word will illuminate our way as we are going.waiting on his leading is usually as we go on our journey we invite the Holy Spirit to show us how we can put into practice his word we have hidden in our heart . He wants his light to shine in us and through us and let the sword cut those things out of us that we don't need .
I learn more about Psalms 119, more especialy vice 130 that the entrance of his word giveth life and understanding, to have a valasting life u must alow the word of God to get inside u,and dwell in u.
This is my favorite verse and I will always charish it's words and love them all of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This verse is a true inspiration to me. It reminds me not to worry about my life and go on with my life. Good job!! Now that's a good job!!
I am blessed when I keep His word. The word of God is my Life : I cannot live without Him . Jesus spent much time in prayer to God to be able to do His will : so must I; I cannot be blessed unless I have a prayer life unto My Lord to be able to do what He wants and desires to have done in my life : I miss it; but He gets me back in line . If I stay close to Him : like driving a car :that steering wheel only needs to be turned a little bit to stay on the road : Praise The Lord !!!!
This verse is a true inspiration to me. It reminds me not to worry about my life and go on with my life. Good job!! Now that's a good job!!