As it is written, not by our own actions or rituals are we saved, but by the Grace of God in Jesus Christ, according to the book of Romans. Wisdom is given liberally by God to all who asks of it, according to St. James God is the end of all wisdom, and His children have it. God Bless, in The Lord Jesus Christ 's Name, Amen!
I enjoy read the word of GOD because it gives me straight and power and glory to go on know matter what I handle that day. I read the 119 chapter of psalms every day. It started with my grandmother and she told my mother and my mom told me and I read it every day now. We all need to read the word before we started our day.
God has been over and over telling me we must not sin, people will tell you ,you cant help but sin, or my sins are paid for past ,present and future, and there is some truth to that, but that 's not the whole matter. Jesus told people after he healed them go and sin no more, lest a worst thing come a pond you. God is holy and we are to be holy, we are to be imitator 's of God does he sin Nooooo! we are to be separated from the world, we are in the world but not of , grace is not an excuse to sin! will we crucify Christ again and put him to an open shame. He that is of God ,sin nottt! over and over God is telling me the truth, The devil is telling people they can live like hell and go to heaven. not going to happen. Psalms 119 3 They also do no iniquity they walk in his ways. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. we must fill ourselves with the pure word of God, inside of each of us is a black dog and a white dog, The white dog is our spirit, the black dog is the flesh, which everyone we feed the most is going be the biggest, or the one in control, Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone ,but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God, when you fill up on his word you fill up on him.Praise his name read Psalms 119 all the way thru and tell does God want us to continue in sin, then go to 1,2,3 John read all 3 books and tell me if we should sin. now I really want to know how you feel about this, I feel in my spirit God has call me to preach and evangelize the world, not start a new church, but bring a message to the body, his body his church. Please let me know how you feel about this, to answer you your question ,I love God and his word and the holy spirit.
The Lord is my shepherd I wii never be alone. He cover me when I am in trouble, and he always there for me. I don 't know what to do without him because he his everything for me. Thank lord for loving me so much.
I have hidden your word in my heart means to me that, when I 'm in times of trouble, and I start to have doubts, I remember ALL the grace and mercy God has given me so many times before. Like my Mentor use to say just when you think you can 't go any further, He comes. Thank you Father God. I love you!
When I walk in the light of His word I shall not stumble . The light of His word lightens my way that I should walk therein. I Praise God for His word . I cannot express rightly how much He means to me . I am so Grateful and Thankful for His wonderful salvation He has provided through Jesus Christ . I am Thankful to have a copy of His word.
let us not focus on the things of this world because it sometimes can ruin us and we end up putting those things in front of God, but God 's word is truth and life and good!
Wow! Wow! De Lord is my hiding place and my shield,oooh! How sweet is de word of God its like im drinkin honey, my heart just melts with joy, sweetns, happines , laughter, love, and cponfidence to know that i have a shield, who is a greater of all de universe,wow i cant help it, im just shoutn , jumpn, tears of joy flows on my checks,. Im in love with Chirst Jesus