We have a picture in the book of Philippians that best illustrates this verse. Philippians 1:14 And many of the brethren in the Lord, are waxing confident by my bonds, are more bold to speak the word without fear. When others of like faith see a brother going though a severe trial and his faith in God increases, it 's like a fire that spreads that cannot be extinguished. That person becomes a beacon for God, testifying that God can be trusted. Where there is hope there is joy right along side of it. That person brings glory to God for simply trusting God in the trial.
Let me start by saying David had no problem believing in creation. In other Psalms he made mention of that. David 's view of God was lofty and believed rightly that God being as Great as He is, and was able to speak things into existence, would be worth listening to about the matters concerning life. David now is asking God for understanding of His commandments. It 's one thing to have a copy of them and another to understand them. 1 Cor. 2: 14 shows us that human intellect isn 't enough when coming to God 's word. The Holy Spirit brings understanding, otherwise it is all foolishness. What David asked God for, we all need to ask.
A way to get the mind of David is to imagine you live in a country and the scriptures don 't exist in your language. Then a missionary comes and translates the Bible into your language. For the first time in that country there is a copy of the words of God 's mouth, God breathed scripture. You are finally fortunate enough to get one page of one book. What would be value if you could have the entire Bible? Men have died trying to get this book into the hands of others. It is the Book of all books. Within it lies the salvation for the soul. No other book in the history of man could offer that. With that said, what would it be worth to you? David had it right when he said the riches of the Law far exceed any temporal riches found on this earth.
This is almost a repeat of verse 67. Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I have kept thy word. David knew there was value in afflictions. Hebrews states 12:11 now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: but afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Every mature Christian can attest to that fact that trials, wearisome as they are, bring them closer to the Lord than they were before the test or chastening. They are distasteful but beneficial in the maturing process. David looked at these as just that, beneficial, and counted as good.
This verse is a continuation of thoughts from vs.69. In this verse David describe the heart of the wicked as being fat. He acknowledges them as prosperous without discernment. Many times when one lives in pleasure with all this world has to offer, they become dull to the things of God to the point rebellion. They simply have everything they could wish for. One thing that escapes them is the end of it all. Jesus asked the question in Matthew 16: "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. " My mind goes to Psalms 73 where Asaph wrote concerning the wicked. In verses 1-12 his eyes were on the wicked and their prosperity. In verses 13-16 he had his eyes on self and his problems, however in verses 17-20 His eyes were fixed on God and His truth. He said I verse 17, " until I went into the sanctuary of God then understood I their end. It 's that understanding that drove David to God when the wicked prospered around him and he experienced trials. The law comforted David.
My thoughts went immediately to 1 Peter 2:20 For what glory is it, if when being buffeted for your faults, you take it patiently? But if when you do well, and you suffer for it, and you take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. David was no stranger to unjust accusations and neither will the practicing Christian, who openly share his faith. They that live godly will suffer persecution. David demonstrated the right response under the attack of liars. He simply trusted God and went on living and seeking God. A pastor years ago was facing all sorts of lies. When asked of his wife, aren 't you going to defend yourself, he replied, "I will live my life in such a way that no one will believe what 's being said about me. "
David is acknowledging God is good with praises of His goodness. He desires those same qualities in his own life. As God was good to him, he in turn might demonstrate goodness to others. David believes, and rightly so , that instruction for such a life will only be found in scripture, hence he says, teach me Your statutes. When one seriously considers God 's goodness, they could spend a long, long time trying to exhaust the matter. As I read this verse my mind went to Psalms 17:15 David writes, " as for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake with thy likeness. " His thinking was correct. On this side of the grave we can only strive to move into His likeness, but one day we will be changed, separated from sin, and become like Him.
David is acknowledging God is good with praises of His goodness. He desires those same qualities in his own life so as God was good to him, he in turn might demonstrate goodness to others. David believes, and rightly so , that instruction for such a life will only be found in scripture, hence he says, teach me Your statutes. When one seriously considers God 's goodness, they could spend a long, long time trying to exhaust the matter. As I read this verse my mind went to Psalms 17:15 David writes, as for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake with thy likeness. His thinking was correct. On this side of the grave we can only strive to move into His likeness, but one day we will be changed, separated from sin, and become like Him.
In a time of peace and prosperity is is very easy to become complacent and to begin to forget God. This may have happened when David should have been with his troops but chose to stay behind. As a result of that decision a series of sin occurred in which David experienced the discipline of God. Discipline is never pleasant when one is going through it but at the end of it we draw in to God and our love for Him grows. It also has a purifying effect, as we don 't want to stay away again.
Even as a young boy David had a strong faith in God. He knew especially where God was dishonored there was a cause, as in the story of Goliath. David knew from first hand experience that God is a promise keeping God. In 1 Samuel, Samuel is instructed by God to go to Jesse the Bethlehmite and God chose David to be King. A lot of things happened and it was not an easy road yet David knew the promises of God would be fulfilled. Then throughout David 's life, as he read and meditated on God 's law he learned to trust God in all areas of life. David looked back and states God has done all things well and his word is trustworthy.
Not many think on the truth of this verse. Every breath we take is a gift of God. There are times every one of us have had a close call that could have cost us our lives. Most people say they we lucky, yet it was God 's mercy at work. Lamentations 3:22, It 's of the Lord 's mercy we are not consumed, because His Compassions fail not. Every sin against God deserves the death penalty, yet we read 2Peter 3 9B God is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. David knew God 's mercy extended even to the unjust in a temporal sense, however His mercy and blessing went specifically to those who were His own, and I believe this is why David desired to know perfectly God 's statutes.
This would be a good verse for dads to study with their family. Be not on equally yoked to the unbeliever. That verse doesn 't just mean in marriages but in all relationships in our lives. We try our best to evangelize the lost, but they are not our Companions. David 's didn 't choose his friends because of how well they served him or what gifts he might have received from them but rather his friends were those with like faith, worshippers of his God. It is good we train our children and help choose, as best we can, good godly friends for them.
David knew what it was to pray and what praise truly was. Jesus said in Luke 18:1, men ought to pray and not to faint. David was consistent in his prayer life. Night time seems to be a time when one 's prayer life seems to come alive. We are to pray without ceasing, however it seems God has respect those who lose sleep to be with Him. Notice David praises God and honors Him. God ' glory should be the main focus of every prayer.
There is no doubt that David had been robbed of his earthly possessions along with his good reputation throughout his life. King Saul at one time and his own son Absalom on another. There were other enemies David faced on other occasions, however the things that David possessed did not possess him. The reason for that can only accredited to his faith in God because of his love for the Law of God. It is sometimes said, there are no uhauls following the hearse, or better translated, you can 't take it with you. Unlike our earthly treasures, God 's word is eternal. David writes in Psalms 119:89, For ever, o LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. You never see David complaining for the loss of material possessions even when he was displaced from his kingdom by his son, for David trusted in the Living God and God 's promises.
It is said disobedience is sin and delayed disobedience is sin also. David practiced instant obedience. A great example of delayed obedience is found in Deut. 1 where God was ready for Israel to inherit the land, however they rebelled out of fear but after repented, then they came back and said they would do all that the LORD commanded but it was to late. All that generation died as they wandered in the wilderness for the next 40 years.
This is one of my favorite verses In Psalms 119. David penned words that best sum up a consistent Christian walk. I believed David was saying that he was ordering his life through what was written in scripture. He said he thought on his ways. I believe that 's everything he would involve himself in, not just moral issues, but the decisions of life. The thinking would involve praying and then turning to reading God 's word for direction. That would be the turning of the feet to God 's testimonies. The end result would be the stamp of God 's approval.
This shows David 's humility, bowing the knee and the heart before God, asking 1.for God 's favor and 2. for God 's mercy. We all come to God as sinners knowing we have no favor of God but we find the favor of God through His Son. As David did, we cry out for mercy, and we find that also comes to us through His Son. David knew God was Holy and His word was true, which gave David and us great hope. Those who study God 's word will also find comfort there.
Jesus asked a question in Matthew 16 26, for what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? It is said that every man has his price. David is one who proved that statement a lie. In this verse David draws the line and states, God is his portion, In other words, He is where all my desires and affections are. There is no room left, for God has filled the room. His commitment follows and that 's to keep God 's word at all cost.
This verse is a continuation of thought from vs. 55. In verse 55 we see David remembering the name of the Lord and following by keeping the law. I believe that 's where his comfort came, in the act of obedience to what he knew and did. It is a clear conscience with God that brings comfort to any who are seeking God, to do His will.
Those sleepless night when all were asleep, David would remember the name of the LORD. This was not a simple thought as to remember a persons name, but he reflected on all that God 's name embodies. I believe, we like David, will spend an eternity without sleep, never exhausting all knowledge of the Glory and Majesty of God. Thinking on God now and His word by the way, will produce holy living as one seeks, as David did, to keep His Law.
I believe David knew that his life was temporal and as the writer of Hebrews stated in Heb: 11:13 he was just a pilgrim on earth passing through. Having an understanding heaven is the next stop sure helps one deal with the momentary light afflictions, as Paul wrote of. The natural affect that will occur is songs of praise to God, which you see David doing in this verse.
This shows a strong desire on David 's part to follow God in perfection, even to the point of compulsion. He said make me to go. His delight was having the approval of God so the natural outflow of that kind of life would be obedience at any cost.
The memory is an amazing thing however in order for you to recall the word of God you must first commit it to memory. When anyone faces opposition due to the Word and obedience to it, they will find comfort during the affliction, knowing that they could suffer for no better cause than honoring God in the trial. 1 Peter 2 20 states, there no comfort in suffering when you have done wrong, but if you suffer when you do well and you take it patiently. this is acceptable to God. This teaching has been lost in much of todays churches. David found the comfort of God in hard places.
Knowing God and his word will determine whether we react or respond in an adverse situation. Reaction is usually out of control. David knew the art of waiting on the Lord and then responded accordingly. He was not ignorant of the injustices of others, however he wasn 't about to abandon the only solid foundation he knew, the word of God.
David was king yet he knew not to expect a bump less ride through life. He knew trials often worked as God 's refining tool. I believe David knew of the sovereignty of God and that any thing that got to him had to pass through the fingers of God. He wrote in Psalms 119:71, It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes. He ends verse 50 even in any affliction, Thy word has quickened me, or gives me life. Unbelievers have no understanding of this. Any adversities that they face is never to their good, and they can never find peace in the trial.
It 's one thing to know God 's word when no battles is raging and there is peace in the land but it 's another thing when you are ducking the arrows of the enemy. It 's at these times that we run to God 's word in total dependence of Him and His promises. Notice, the ground work is already done in David 's life. You can 't hope on something you do not know anything about. Preparation for battle must be done before you enter into it. David is just reminding God of something God is already aware. He is not doubting but calling on God to act.
This is a continuation of the thoughts of the previous verses. He is again affirming his love of God 's law. The meditation is simply exhausting all possible truths that my be found within God 's law, so as to fulfill his complete duty to it.