Jehovah God is the only being that will be there for you unconditionally. We can build trust in Him by reading the Bible, with a view to learning more about our creator. As we see too often people will let you down. As Lillian said, sometimes they just lack the means. However, God is all powerful and lacks nothing.
Vs 22 and 23 I take counsel in and I claim it because I believe it for my situation I am going through right now. God is good all the time and he is awesome. Amen
ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 4 1 12 15 7:12 I believed that the entire Chapter 4 was the vision of Zechariah about the candlesticks which have two olive trees standing in both sides which are the anointed ones. And he shall bring forth the headstone thereof. The candlestick that gives light and the headstone according to the BOOK OF PSALMS 118:22 that people refused Him. Thank to Almighty God that He gave his only begotten Son that SAVE us for our sins. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. A-men.
This is an encouraging verse. My constant declaration. The enemy used to bring panic and anxiety attacks so unexpectedly. I would cry and feel so hopeless and so afraid. I thought I would die but the enemy is ashamed and disgraced in Jesus ' name. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. Praise Jesus! :
2 Years ago God gave me a new life in Jesus. The Lord is very good and His mercy and love shown to me will forever define who I am now, thank you Lord my life is now full of joy. Joy that supercedes all understanding, everlasting life joy! I pray that those lost are given the same wondeful experience of the relevation of who Jesus is and how much He is ready to help. Glory to God!
Glory to The Lord on High! He is so good to me! His mercy is everlasting! Just the other day He did a miracle for me and I 'm so glad to serve The One true God, The Alpha and Omega, My rock and my King. Amen
Psalms 118 v, 23 is an hall way to God We begin to establish a close relationship with him. 1 "This is the Lords doing, and its marvelous in our eyes. When we truly give thanks, praise and honor to God for all the things that he has done, we become blessed beyond what we could ever imagine.
Our God is good and his mercy is new every morning. He wants us to depend on him alone. Our God is a jealous God and wants our attention as well. So every day that he allows up to open our eyes, we should praise his wonderful name because he truly the reason for anything happening in our lives. Thank you JESUS for being a present help in the times of trouble an also being patient with me daily.
I think it us superb. I was in need of inspiration once, and opened the bible at random at psalm 118. Since then I have found it open at this page another 3 times. Twice I was flapping the duvet, and the air created turned the pages . The other time I woke during the night, after a bad dream, and it was opened at 118 again. All within the space of a few weeks.
i qouted this in my nighted mare and i strongly believe God is with me. The angel of God are everywhere around protecting me.Am happy cause i know i shall not die but live to declare the goodness of the lord.
Linking thi verse with John3 16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son.that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. There is no end in the everlasting life order of God in Christ Jesus.As I live on this earth until I fulfill the purpose God has for me,death will have no power over me,untill the time God launches me into another realm of existence with Him beyond this phase of life Iam living, death has no hold on me so long as I trully remain in Christ Jesus.
Man may fail to stand by you because he lacks the means. He may not know what is best for you. Trusting in the Lord is the best thing one can ever do. He is an ever present help in trouble and own everything. He cannot disappoint you. trust him and he will see you through
Beautiful Psalm. We can 't just get so thrill over something and then let it slip away when troubles come.We have every right to rejoice and be glad. We are made of clay we have this TREASURE in this earthy vessel. That Treasure is none other than the Holy Spirit. We must fight the Good Fight of Faith each and every day. We can rejoice because the battle is already WON!