Both Wisdom vs 4 and Foolish vs 16 cry out to the same person to come in. Wisdom, our divine spiritual imagination and Foolishness, our own sense realm, beckon our attention. One leads to life and understanding and one to death and destruction. Choose this day whom ye shall serve. I set before thee life and death, blessing and cursing. The ongoing human struggle.
V. 8 is referring to a 'wise' man who is walking in the 'light' of the Word of God; he has God's spirit in him and therefore has God's love for souls and will welcome any correction from a fellow Christian in that walk - so he will be right with God. He won't feel condemned if the correction is given gently in the spirit of God's love.
Proverbs 9:13-18 to me mean a choice before me : better if we walk the path of wisdom or bitter the path of folly. I called these paths brain tracks. The names that follows each track are name of spirits.
1. Sonship/Daughtership
Offence>Forgiveness >Mercy>Grace>Love
2. Orphan aka Folly
Offence>Unforgiveness>Resentment >Bitterness >Revenge >Slander or Murder or Stealing
you need to study 1st. 2nd. peter and proverbs 9:10 and 14:12 and read 1st.thessalonians. I pray this will be a help to you. and I believe we are in the last days. and what we call the rapture is soon to happen. so be praying watching.
As I grow in Christ, it is truly a grand experience. Intellectual knowledge has no comparison when it comes to the wisdom that comes from above. I have learnt to separate the two.
When Jesus was teaching inside the church people who believe in him they are listening to his words. In our life believing Jesus and to have FAITH IN HIM IS ONLY BY HEARING THE WORD IF GOD. Without hearing the word if God its impossible to please him. THE FEAR IF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM; AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF HOLY IS UNDERSTANDING. AMEN
Do you hear what Wisdom is saying. ? Become an Overcomer and receive grace! Jiolas School of Righteousness coming soon In the SPRING of 2016 Founder Brother Jackson
Romans 2:7-8 "eternal life"=entering God's Kingdom. "Indignation and wrath"=eternal damnation=burning in hell. Proverbs 9:18"But he knows not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell:" Proverbs 15:11, 15:24, 27:20, Psalms 55:15, Matthew 23:33, Luke 10:15, Revelations 1:18, etc, etc. Looks like Gods' theology !!!! Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Amen
Job 15:2 Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind? Job 21:22 Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Psalms 33:9 For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.
Temptation is everywhere, and God is telling us how to use Wisdom in not being tempted by foolish people, things, and ways. Really doing the right thing (righteousness) by living by God's Word, so we can go home to be with the Lord, and we will hear Him say "well done my good and Faithfull servant." As I read the book of Proverbs, I am gaining new Wisdom, and renewing my Wisdom.
importance of trinity not to be overlooked- in this case God our Saviour means the Father who sent his Son Christ Jesus John 3:16 somewhere in scriptures, the gospels, Christ says, "I don't do things on my iniative, I do things I hear in heaven, not of myself, the Father's will not my will: I obey the Father who has given me complete authority to do so" for instance, in the Gethsamane garden Christ agonizes in prayer to the Father "that this tribulation cup pass from me", then submits to his Father's purpose "not my will but thy will be done", "even unto death" epistles of Hebrews and Romans the Father is the grand orderor of all things which Christ has full power to obediently implement Genesis 1:26 the Holy Ghost, too, a principal actor Genesis 1:2, Hebrews 9:14, Proverbs 9:2
Proverbs chapter 9 enlightens christians that to fear the Lord and learn of His statues will allow the Lord to prolong your life. The Lord warns all christians to be aware of the temptations of the deception from the enemy. The Lord informs christians that the trap is death and all those who have gone before you are already destined in hell. The Lord is saying if we truly want wisdom, it is ready and available and we do not have to seek hard for it.
God has giving us instruction, to live by him, so that we can be prepared to go home, when it is time, So we all have to get our spirits right,if you don 't listen to me, why should l pay you any attention, to you, because You just want to do what you want, tell you what , when you are ready to listen to me, my child l will give you what your heart desires.
Temptations will always be there. The free will that God has given us,will either have us hear the Holy spirit to guide us or give into the temptation and the consequences that follow.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Let us fear god and be wise so that we will be able and ready to accept corrections in order to be prepared for his soon coming.
1. Sonship/Daughtership
Offence>Forgiveness >Mercy>Grace>Love
2. Orphan aka Folly
Offence>Unforgiveness>Resentment >Bitterness >Revenge >Slander or Murder or Stealing
Proverbs 9:18"But he knows not that the dead are there and that her guests are in the depths of hell:" Proverbs 15:11, 15:24, 27:20, Psalms 55:15, Matthew 23:33, Luke 10:15, Revelations 1:18, etc, etc. Looks like Gods' theology !!!! Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Amen
"He who has an ear let him hear what Spirit is saying to the Church of Christ's."