Discuss Proverbs 8 Page 5

  • Paulette on Proverbs 8:17 - 10 years ago
    Wisdom is personified in Jesus Christ.
  • Hemraj persaud on Proverbs 8 - 10 years ago
    Glory glory to the lamb and lion that sits on the throne,lord jesus is the wisdom of all things that were ever created ,see with the eyes of the holy one and not of flesh and you will see that Jesus is the Lord over all creations ,kings of kings, Lord of Lords..he is God the father ,God the son ,God the helper..
  • Tameka Cook-Phillips on Proverbs 8 - 10 years ago
    The Lord gracefully gives us knowledge of where our source is. The very point in which the road and dirt meets, He always appoints. His grace leads us on our way to what He has in store for us.
  • Jehovahthetruegod.blogspot on 1 Corinthians 1:24 - 11 years ago
    undeniable proof that that this scripture harmonizes with the wisdom that God created/obtained in proverbs 8:22-31. Christ is the Wisdom and Power of God, but he isn't God(Jehovah) himself. He's his Son .
  • Left on Proverbs 8:17 - 11 years ago
    Let us seek, because God is kind. The door will be opened when we knock. God will not give us a snake when we ask for a chicken egg. Let us seek with our actions and our thoughts, let our body and our soul both agree in praising God.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    blessings come from knowing the word. Keep reading the scriptures as your praying. Try to search for the truth as in Genesis 1:2 the word "was" is became, hayah code #1961 in the Exhaustive Strong's Concordance. We know it became without form and void because God created earth beautiful spoken of in Isaiah 45:18,19. Also check wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8:22-31 and if you check Job 38:7 and God speaking of creation to Job you notice in verse 7 all the souls ever created were there with God and as wisdom said in Proverbs so she was also with the family. So, God did know Jeremiah before, and loved Jacob before, and hated Esau in the first world that was as Peter spoke of it in 2 Peter 3 the world of old but not to a full end but reserved for fire of the ungodly men. As you read replenished to this earth, we were, and that is the mystery that Paul teaches.
  • David on Proverbs 8:22 - 11 years ago
    This is interesting to read out of context and required me reading another translation (Hollman Christian Standard) to get it.

    This is the primary introduction to Wisdom - the 'me' in the above verse. I would even say that Wesley's note is conclusively incorrect to have any correlation to Jesus. Jesus has existed as part of the tri-une deity Semper et in aeternum.
  • Emmanuel ebuka ibeh on Proverbs 8:10 - 11 years ago
    over your short coming.
  • Word on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    Wisdom was with the Father God in the creation of everything. Then you read God, His wisdom and all men. Notice Job 38:7 when God speaks of His creation of earth and you will see the whole family and that's every soul that ever was created. Makes you understand how God knew Jeremiah befor. Also makes you realize how God could love Jacob and hate Esau. God knows everyone, we were there. God created man and said in Our image and did not leave Him self out so we know who came here and set the example and gave His life, flesh life up for us on the cross. So read John 1 and you realize who sits on the Throne and when He sits look to the right hand to the face on the Throne and you will see who God is or at least the Image of the one your looking for because the Spirit of God is to big.
  • RICHARD RICARDO CHIKUMBI on Proverbs 1 - 11 years ago
    Proverbs 8:9 ! The are all plain to him who understands,and right to those find knowledge
  • ACE on Proverbs 8:22 - 11 years ago
    Patience can you clarify where in the Bible states that Jehovah created Jesus, and can you explain to me Jhon 1:1
    Thank you
  • Samuel Tsuma on Proverbs 8:17 - 11 years ago
    its Jesus who is the wisdom of God.
  • Samuel Tsuma on Proverbs 8:17 - 11 years ago
    i thinks of Jesus who is the wisdom of God.
  • Emma mackay on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    what a wonderful chapter!!!!
  • J.G.Lord on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    I have found proverbs to be enlightening and comforting. Sometimes sad at others times joyous for one man will read and say it has nothing but riddles and superficial ideas with allegorical meaning. And yet I find in all of it wise council applicable guides and treasure beyond compare. Many will write long and eloquent comments on the meaning of the word line or verse. But wisdom gives us Christ the word and the base for who we worship...
  • Ros on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    The still small voice of God take an attentive and quiet ear to hear. those who learn to discern the voice of God above all others, find themselves in a special and reserved place. A place where you stand blessed to the point of a more intimate fellowship, and daily assistance in our walk in this world and with God....32 & 34
  • Soldier of Christ on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    I like what it says about wisdom that there is no froward or perverse words on her lips you can actually get two things from just that one thing. one- you get that the words of wisdom will never tell you wrong things so whenever you here something perverted who ever said it the bible says that,that person is not wise and the second thing is that if the verse is true then if your to be wise you shouldn't let your eyes see your ears hear your fingers touch or even your tongue taste any froward or perverse things. i'm not going to tell you any of those types of things because if your saved and read your bible you'll know what your not supposed to do just the problem is adhearing to things that you know to be right brothers and sisters in Christ until we meet in heaven
  • Max Young Lynn on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    I love Proverbs 8. It touches my mind, heart and soul with God's love. If you are lost, this chapter will give your soul guidance and peace. Glory be to our father. Amen.
  • Antonio on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    I like this passage because God is offering his love to me and l want to return same love to him, as much as I can.
  • Amber on Malachi 4 - 11 years ago
    This comment is to the question of Proverbs 8:22. That is "wisdom" doing the talking. It is simply saying that the Lord possessed Wisdom.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 8 - 11 years ago
    When the truths of the Holy Writ are put to work and honoured, we automatically become praise and adoration friendly, and that is, as unto God. And with that, the heavens cannot but open up on us. The fact is that we, as created human beings, and also as born again children of the Most High God, have been accepted already into the family of the beloved Jesus Christ, and that is that we might become wise unto salvation. Praise the LORD! As a matter of fact, based on the Scripture, we are meant to sow to ourselves, in righteousness- and with that, there are heaven's guaranteed rewards that glorify and honour the LORD God that He will permit toward us. That of course is one of the intent of the book of Proverbs; for it has all manner of issues that it covers and deals with. It is such an excellent and encouraging segment of the Scripture. It has warnings, admonitions, corrections, and directions inherent in it for he that believeth. And therefore, the Just shall live through the weaponry of faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. What do these mean? Well, it connotes and reflects, that even though we may have heard some things about God Word before and learn them, yet we must keep giving committed and unwavering attention to the Word of God- and also continue to live and honour God through what we have heard and learnt from His Word. Why is this? It is because, we belong to the things of the Holy Spirit- and God's Word works beautifully, wonderfully and remarkably.
  • Racheal on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    Wisdom and understanding, We need to ask God for wisdom and understanding daily. Those who don't seek this values from God can find their lives on a very hard road.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    Proverbs 8 starts with two provoking and penetrating questions! In other words, can you hear the cry of Wisdom and knowledge in the society where you are and where you go! Interestingly, hardly is there any profession or discipline that does not have its light, but the light of the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ, surpasses all of them. And therefore, through this chapter, we have an invitation to examine ourselves and look, as it were, very carefully and thoroughly in to who we are and what we are into. You see, in the work place, if you have even been involved in any sort of work, you are likely to notice that if you must get for instance to the top of the ladder in that sort of organisation or whatever, you can�t ignore hard work, high level of discipline, passion, integrity, and also commitment that is more than the ordinary. And, in all civilised society particularly in the Western World- and also in some others, you can notice elements of order, wherever you go. These did not suddenly happen- and often there must have been years of hard work, planning and all manner of inputs into it- and that is why sometimes you can smell migrants relocating into some of these areas from other places. But what has this got to do with Proverbs 8? Well, you see, in life, all things have some measure relativity with one another. Therefore, the importance and the high relevance and necessity of the Word of God, in the life of a Christian. The fact is that, if we are genuinely born again we must have heard that, as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned, your fellowship and intimacy with the Triune God, and the level of investment that we commit in terms of prayerful time in His Word can�t be ignored. There are spaces and there are seats? There are dominions and there are thrones? There are doors and there are entrances. The truth is that the space that you give God is what He will occupy and that is because it is the entrance of God�s Word into the spiritual man that giveth light, Psalm 119:130. In fact it says: To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this book, it is because there is no light in them, Isaiah 8:20. This also points to the importance of true knowledge of the Holy Writ- and it can�t simply happen except we are really serious about it. It is also true that what you pay attention to has one way of the other, of determining the course of your life- hence the immense relevance of intensive immersion in the Holy Writ- and that is through, whatever manner of the dispensing and administering of the preached Word that comes your way. If the Holy Writ says: ��Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness���, Matthew 6:33; that is precisely what it meaneth! It is also the case that if it says, ��Delight yourself in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart�� ( Psalm 37:4), indicating and connoting, investment of great amount of time in God�s Word, through prayers , fellowship with God, reflecting upon His Word, and the practice of it, then that is what it sayeth! That means you and I, are the ones to determine the measure of obedience that we put in place vis a vis the will of God as He reveals it to us differently. The interesting things about it is that no matter your depth of knowledge about these things, God�s Word is unfathomable, and when you become a student of His Word, very soon, you would come to an understanding that, God, in His righteousness, love, holiness and immeasurable generosity, is truly and really worthy of honour, adoration, praise and worship. Blessed be His holy name forever and ever. Hallelujah!
  • T on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    Be watchful, and careful of your time. You have choices and to make the right ones. You first need to be instructed on the wrong ones. Everything depends on the outcome and what we learn from what happens to us also.
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    The light I feel God is speaking of is the separation from the light and darkness. I think of this light spoken of is goodness and badness. Like in the scriptures as you read verses you will notice that solar children are separated from the lunatics or children of darkness. A lot happens in these first few verses of the word of God. Isaiah 45:18 is the first verse. Then a war happened because of Ezekiel 28 and what Satan as the prince of Tyrus and Revelation 12:4 and we know who the stars are by reading Job 38:7 and Proverbs 8:31. So, in these first few verses Satan tried attempted overthrow and had stolen a third of God's children and God got mad and the destruction is in Jeremiah 4:22-27. Then God separated the light from the darkness so I think He separating good from evil. Then He begins to re-new the earth as it was and we were replenished in the flesh to see if we can be good enough to make it home. Judgment is in our hands, you could say because what you do on earth this time is how your ending will be. Thank God for the LORD Jesus Christ and through Him we can be forgiven. Them that don't think Jesus is who the Word says He is, well, I feel sorry for them because He is the only WAY.
  • Yvette on Proverbs 8:32 - 12 years ago
    I need more feedback on this verse, more understanding. And on Proverbs 8:34.
  • Tinotenda on Proverbs 8:8 - 12 years ago
  • Solomonkuria on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is crying for souls that are not seeking HIM. He calls everywhere all those simpletons who live out of their own accord, requesting them to seek HIM early when HE can be found; "those shall seek me early shall find me." HE says nothing can equal him...not even precious jewels; in fact, durable riches, righteous and honor are with HIM... Why then do we meander? Anyone who slips back hates his own soul and loves death, but those who love Him have life.. What a blessed assurance, JESUS is mine!! HE was!! What else on earth do I need?
  • HARRY ALLISON on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    I LOVE IT THAT JESUS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH US BEFORE ,DURING and AFTER our trials.JESUS sustains us whether we acknowledge it or not
  • Gloyd on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    When reading this chapter I would go read other accounts of the beginning. Isaiah 44:18 Job 38 and proverbs 8:22 to 31. Also the first flood Jeremaih 4 about half way to the end of the chapter. We were all here in our spirit bodies. Same form, different puddy. God is a consuming fire, Hebrews 12.

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