Proverbs 8:22-31, as you would know, speaks of Wisdom. Here is Wisdom speaking of herself, that it was the LORD's possession before creation & time. So when we look at v 31, we shouldn't think of 'sons of men' as being Angels or super humans, but simply that Wisdom was there not only in God's creative Work but also finding her "delight with Adam, Eve & all their descendants".
Where did my understanding come from? I like to call the KJVBible, the Kenneth Jesus Victory Bible, my Holy Grail with
th "V" in th KJVB because of the great victory Christ Jesus led me to, in the King James Version. He did it through an amazing near-death experience, from a severe cerebral contusion; localized with my brainstem, in a motorcycle crash I had: Monday April 10th, 1972. This, combined with the miraculous recovery Jesus facilitated for me, from the ICU in the UT Hospital Knoxville, Tennessee 37920. I have been to where Jesus Christ is now, to that other place. Now that I have a good understanding of God's Word in the KJVBible; I am ready to tell my story.
I began this work in Proverbs 8:22 following Genesis 1:01, focusing on, "in the beginning of his way;" Monday morning, January 1st, 1990 and by Saturday, March 7, 2020; I had all that was needed for the hypothesis, but still needed to complete the work on the paper explaining it (in process).
I would disagree with your summation of the work. I think the perspective of the KJVInterpret is innovative, intelligent and learned. It is innovative in that using "grammar," as the media, offers a pathway having much to offer in terms of clarity, depth and correctness. It is intelligent in that intelligence must be used to imply the history of other dimensions with the grammatical features offered by Hebrew, Greek and English. And of course, it is learned meaning that one must be learn the linguistics in the letters of English, Greek and Hebrew. And, it is original, I have found nothing like it anywhere. So; go ahead, take it for a test drive and see if it does not meet up to your standards.
Clearly this is the voice of Sophia...who delighted in him...who brought Wisdom...who still brings Wisdom. This is the voice of the Feminine, who was there in the beginning...the very beginning.
This lesson learned from my honored teacher, Mary Holmes, and painted about in her Chapel of Wisdom.
The above is a decree from Jehovah, GOD, thereby a foundation tailored to fit us both individually and collectively for living life according to the WILL Of GOD. It being a decree no man can It. It shines brighter than the Sun which gives light to us so we will not stumble and fall injuring our self. Never-the less- most use Sunlight to blindly see, so we stumble and fall injuring our self.
I believe the KJV Bible is a record of the six days of the creation. From Genesis to Psalms is from the beginning: the everlasting first day, Psalms and part of Proverbs is from the second day and from Proverbs 8:22 through to the end of the KJV Bible is from the third day.
I have a question? Where is it written.. Jesus is saying . What did you expect a read blowing the wind? In other words an unstable person or wishy washy . And I no it wasn t a read. But I can t remember what it was. Thank you
We can see Jesus is crying out even in the old testament. Wisdom and understanding through the words of Jesus Christ bring this life- whoever hates jesus loves death.
What I enjoy about this proverb chpt. 8 is how important it is for the believers to have Wisdom (Gods Wisdom) since there are 2. Sometimes as believers we can get caught up in the worlds Wisdom and think it's from God, but that's not so. Proverbs 8 goes on to tell us the importance of having Wisdom and Understanding. It is vital! God's wisdom blesses us day by day which is why WE need his.
So many will say when ask that Jesus was born of Mary in Bethlehem. This chapter tells me that He was always with the Lord. If you read it with an open mind and an open heart you will see that He was always with the LORD. Proverbs 8 tells us he was with The Father during the laying of the foundations of this world.
this chapter is about God's 10 commandments, God and finding my Lord Jesus Christ. Wisdom in the high places, door ways, posts and gates; this is how the 10 commandments of God were to be displayed. Who ever findeth me findeth life... this is Jesus, and finds favor with the LORD...this is God the Father. LORD=God, Lord=Jesus.
Have you read Isaiah 45:18 how God in the beginning created the earth beautiful. He created with wisdom in Proverbs 8:22 - 30 also in Genesis 1:2 check out the word "was" and it's became without form and if you read Jeremiah 4:22 you will read of a great flood with no Noah and family and in 27 earth was desolate but not to a full end. 2 Peter 3:5 - 7 speaks of the earth age before.
"O ye simple, UNDERSTAND wisdom: and, ye fools, BE YE of an understanding heart." (v 5) "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? TURN YOU AT MY REPROOF: BEHOLD, I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT UNTO YOU, I WILL MAKE KNOWN MY WORDS UNTO YOU." (1:22-23) The LORD gives wisdom and knowledge to them that obey, and them that ask!
Read the Book. Isaiah 45:18, earth form beautiful beginning Proverbs 8:22 to 31wisdom with God creation of earth. Job 38:7 at the foundation the sons of God and His stars/children. Verse saying every soul God had created rejoicing at our beautiful home earth. With a Father our God that has been around for billions of eternal years which the scriptures say we lived with how can you not believe it.
"Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? She stands in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths." By wisdom God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. God then made man "in His image and likeness." But how can we attain to His knowledge? It must start with a good conscience, like a little child; and increase in stature by proof and grace.
To S. Morrow - I'm just curious; how do you know you are "called by His name?" I know this is a 'quote' you used, but I am assuming you are stating the fact in your own life that you are called by His name, personally. What did you do to let you know this?
th "V" in th KJVB because of the great victory Christ Jesus led me to, in the King James Version. He did it through an amazing near-death experience, from a severe cerebral contusion; localized with my brainstem, in a motorcycle crash I had: Monday April 10th, 1972. This, combined with the miraculous recovery Jesus facilitated for me, from the ICU in the UT Hospital Knoxville, Tennessee 37920. I have been to where Jesus Christ is now, to that other place. Now that I have a good understanding of God's Word in the KJVBible; I am ready to tell my story.
I began this work in Proverbs 8:22 following Genesis 1:01, focusing on, "in the beginning of his way;" Monday morning, January 1st, 1990 and by Saturday, March 7, 2020; I had all that was needed for the hypothesis, but still needed to complete the work on the paper explaining it (in process).
I would disagree with your summation of the work. I think the perspective of the KJVInterpret is innovative, intelligent and learned. It is innovative in that using "grammar," as the media, offers a pathway having much to offer in terms of clarity, depth and correctness. It is intelligent in that intelligence must be used to imply the history of other dimensions with the grammatical features offered by Hebrew, Greek and English. And of course, it is learned meaning that one must be learn the linguistics in the letters of English, Greek and Hebrew. And, it is original, I have found nothing like it anywhere. So; go ahead, take it for a test drive and see if it does not meet up to your standards.
This lesson learned from my honored teacher, Mary Holmes, and painted about in her Chapel of Wisdom.
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.