Discuss Proverbs 6 Page 5

  • Joseph on Proverbs 6:32 - 10 years ago
    I response to Vic 's comment on 2013 03 22 As She inquired "David committed adultery and his soul went to heaven. Are we talking about an unsaved person? ", We have to remember David regretted and repented! That 's why we stand a chance to say he went to heaven. He posed a lot of lamentations in Psalms. Somewhere, in the Old Testament is written, "If we confess our sins and abandon them, He is faithful. He shall cleanse us of all iniquity ".
  • Ron thompson on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    I have experienced what discord does to a congregation. It always start with private conversations with individuals wanting to tell you things you don 't know about another brother. The purpose is to poison your perceptions of another. Often they are successful.
  • Fredrick on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    I notice the seven things that God hate in verse sixteen,and the killer of humans life "ADULTERY "in verse 32.
  • Benjamin C. on Proverbs 6:2 - 10 years ago
    This verse is so accurate. I challenge you to consistently speak positive words about people, places, things, and ideas. See if it doesn 't make a difference in your life. It will and you can take that to the bank!
  • Anonymous on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    This chapter encouraged me to always be truthful.
  • David george on Proverbs 6:6 - 10 years ago
    posted my comments.Ant is the smallest of all creation yet god is reminded of this creation work and appreciates its living, rather than the creation of man, who was formed in his own image.A slothful mans behaviour is shameful for gods eyes.
  • JS on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    Notice 7 things the LORD hates and is an abomination unto him. God must really hate lying, because out of the 7 things He hates, LYING is mentioned twice 16These six things doth the LORD hate yea, seven are an abomination unto him 17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
  • Mrs R. on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    I sleep a lot, lately there has been 1 ant in my bed room. It reminds me of the proverb 6 6. I think God 's trying to tell me something!
  • Paul on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    God 's standards are so high!!! No one can fulfill them or reach them without Jesus Christ. Only in Jesus do we find GRACE that makes us measure up to what God requires of us. We should focus on the cross at Calvary where the blood of the lamb of God was shed to make us free.
  • Albert bland on Proverbs 6 - 10 years ago
    stay away from negative people keep away from negative thoughts and always stay in prayer with GOD
  • John on Proverbs 6:17 - 10 years ago
    Some or all of there sins are very visible in today s churches We live in an it s all about me generation
  • Julie on Proverbs 6:6 - 10 years ago
    I wish I could find a way to explain this Proverb to my teenage son who thinks he shouldn't help around the house.
  • Vmg on Proverbs 6:2 - 11 years ago
    god gave me this scripture wen I was douting a prayer
  • Prophet kelvin on Proverbs 6:2 - 11 years ago
    this is powerful I love d arrangement and the interpretation of the word.thou are trapped by ur. own words therefore u must learn to control ur tongue and renew ur mind daily with the word of God. create quality time in God's presence nd in scriptural prophetic meditation
  • SIMONE on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
  • David on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    Verse 17 is not talking about killing of animals as being the innocent blood, otherwise, God would not have ordained for the animals to be used in the sacrifices. This was also not talking about not killing at all, as God had ordered the children of Israel to wipe out whole towns and regions of every living thing. This statement "hands that shed innocent blood" is referring to killing of people that have not done a wrong guilty of death (except before God, as sin makes us all guilty of death). This would include abortion and infanticide, as well as euthanasia, as these individuals have not done anything that is worthy of human enforced death. This verse is also not talking about not having capital punishment, as those that experience this are not "innocent," but in fact have shed "innocent blood."
  • Canoaguilar tribe of Dan on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    I think God tells us as children to obey your honest to God parents. As adults both men and women need to becareful of being slack/caught sleeping on-the-job. Scammers / rip off artist. Hookers and liars/ cheaters. Who will leave us lying on the bed... ooh goodGod. Have mercy. the bible warns us like a fire alarm of disaster. So to keep his commandments. Hallelujah help us father and keep us close to you in prayer. Amen
  • Joshua on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    its funny how it says here in Proverbs 6:16-17 "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS that SHED INNOCENT BLOOD" because most people that own slaughterhouses and people that support them claim to be followers of LORD CHRIST the most compassionate and merciful! When he himself says to love thy neighbor! Even thy enemy! Is it so hard to refrain from killing these innocent animals and shedding INNOCENT BLOOD when our LORD and SAVIOR says to love thy neighbor? Why dont we consider trees our neighbors? Or Cows? or ants? or anything that lives around us in this UNI-verse? please tell me? because King Solomon who is one of Jesus Christ's relatives says that GOD hates hands (not claws) that SHED INNOCENT BLOOD. Please share the wonderful news for peace on Earth. LOrd Jesus says "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in EArth." Their is no killing in the kingdom of Heaven, so please don't eat any more meat or support any innocent animal killing industries.
  • Sherry on Proverbs 6:20 - 11 years ago
    keep the word of thy parents
  • Mimi on Proverbs 6:2 - 11 years ago
    This is my problem, I see that now.
  • Chukwu Israel fc on Proverbs 6:26 - 11 years ago
    It is talking about all women that got or display seducively i.e womans nature that is created by God is to attract,charm or seduce by his actions,words,looks etc all centers on the enticement,feelings or aro*****t of mens thoughts,capturedness,mind,soul etc.Infact man in its nature is to sin(fornication and adultery);i came to understand in christian life as it is writen"flee".God knew our weaknesses because we possess flesh and blood; but God said about agape love, that is to say we should be carefull as we are interacting with each other we should do it in the public place i.e you and woman should not be in a private place to avoid reflex action because u like yourselves.It is writen"A man cannot put fire in his bossom and expect that he wont be burn't".If a man is not carefull of it he is deceiving himself to be spiritual.And as you live you pray the holy spirit to 1engrace,2fear God,3know the word by studing it everytime,4you to be focus.John10:10 said the mission of satan is to steal,kill and destroy but in these situation it's destruction because you will be a begger and things will not go well for you etc. e.gLike the prodigal son instead of you to be an inherited king of abraham.
  • Frank on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    The chapter is telling me to Obey my parents.
  • Michele on Proverbs 6:32 - 11 years ago
    love this verse
  • Mas on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    Verse 32, �But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.�
    Here soul simply means your personal life, it simply means your life with its feelings, emotions and passions.
    Even David got a lot of trouble after committing adultery as 2 Samuel 12:8-12 states:
    1. The sword should not depart from David�s house;
    2. His wives would be take by another man (which David�s own son Absalom) in public, and
    3. The son that was born from David�s adultery should die. And he died.
    All such troubles did only disquiet David�s soul. Because His own son Absalom went to war against Him, that David fled from his palace.
    Praise God He is merciful that He ultimately restored him in his Kingdom.
    That�s the meaning which is earthly life troubles in this verse.
    I hope this helps.
    God bless you.
  • Vic on Proverbs 6:32 - 11 years ago
    What does it mean by destroying one's soul? David committed adultery and his soul went to heaven. Are we talking about an unsaved person?
  • Soldier for Christ on Proverbs 6 - 11 years ago
    Our Lord is the very truthful Lord. If you noticed two of the seven abominations were about a lying tongue and a false witness that speaketh lies. So be truthful with yourself and be truthful with God. Because He knows the truth about you anyway, He just wants you to admit it that you�re a rotten sinner that needs the blood He shed to wash away your sin.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 6 - 12 years ago
    The blessings of the living God, sometimes come disguised and many times discernment becomes necessary to recognize them. Praise God! Well, the book of Proverbs has many things that we can learn from, and this sixth chapter starts with some heavy warnings, against surety and pledges. In fact it warns about, standing as surety or as a guarantor for a friend. Then it also warns against pledges or vows, towards or in favour of a stranger. There are also other warnings, admonition, injunctions and corrections in this particular book. However, in this comment, I think it is appropriate that we look at the issue of surety and pledges. Really, there is nothing particularly wrong about being a surety or making pledges. However, it is appropriate that we understand that they are issues of seriousness. That demands carefulness and prayers. The fact is that in the world of business and commerce, surety or standing, as a guarantor for somebody are things of regular occurrences, and yet God, in His infinite wisdom through Solomon issues warnings against it. Really, in business, when surety or guarantees are given in support of say a business loan to an individual or to an entity, the party giving the guarantee, must have something in terms of capital or financial asset to support it, and that is, in case of default of the other party. And that means the guarantor, prior to that, must have been sure of the integrity and faithfulness of the person asking for guarantee. These warnings become important because it talks about a friend. In fact, it is like, it directs, a potential guarantor to look at things properly, and, not take things for granted, and also to advise and counsel his friend to buckle up. And that he should learn to trust God for his needs. When looked at properly, it did not talk about, a family member, but a friend, so also it refers to a pledge to stranger, and that, it is a trap in disguise. The truth is be it surety or pledges, both are issues that one must be very wise and careful about. And if we found ourselves involved in anything like surety or pledges that we�ve been corned into, then we can humbly and speedily find a way to deliver and free ourselves from it. Also, in particular, we should ask God, for wisdom and how to deal with it. In addition to these, pledges are regular occurrences, in fact in the Church, and sometimes, a person may be carried away with the environment and despite the fact that he may not at that moment, have at his disposal what he can use to meet it, he simply plunges into it. God is love and we that belong to Him through Jesus Christ, are, obliged to love Him wholeheartedly and also to love one another as He has loved us. There is no fear in love and perfect love cast out all fear. The warnings, in this opening statement of Proverbs 6, are something that we should and must take on board. God is a wonderful God- and He only reveals His mysteries to the humble, and no matter what, wisdom that is truly from God, does not run contrary to one another. God is perfect in Knowledge and that is one of the reasons why His Word and investing considerable amount of time in it should become, the norm to the humble.
  • Jay on Luke 14 - 12 years ago
    Comment on verse 26:
    1. This is a very misunderstood passage simply because people continue to make remarks about biblical scriptures without research and studying ( 2 Timothy 2:15);
    2. Can anyone of reason truly believe that Jesus is teaching us that we must hate our family members in order to love and follow him?
    3. Only an antichrist that rejects God's word and the truth of biblical philosophy would come to that conclusion;
    4. The meaning behind the word hate is the same found in Genesis 29:30,31. Jacob truly loved Rachel more than Leah in verse 30, but noticed the word hate used by God in his description of how Jacob feels towards Leah in verse 31;
    5. There are times when God uses the word hate in his describing of a feeling of one person over another when it is just a matter of a person having a more affectionate preference over someone else;
    6. To get the true description of Jesus is saying in verse 26, go to Colossians 3:1-4;
    7. True example of God's hatred about someone or something can be found in Proverbs 6:16-19.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 6:24 - 12 years ago
    Wisdom will keep thee away from the evil woman, and the flattery of the wayward wife's tongue. Therefore seek wisdom, for she will make your pathway bright. If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men freely. He must ask in faith, without doubting, because who ever doubts is a double minded man. The adulterous will seek after the precious life, so keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.
  • Prophet john mulenga on Proverbs 6:10 - 12 years ago
    The more you sleep, the more you make your body to become weak and lazy ending up to slumber.

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