Wisdom our sister shines a light on darkness so that the woman and man can show their sons and daughters how they should not walk with the wicked and why they should'nt be drug dealers gang members or fools nevertheless one must chasten their children while they are young for you have more control of their minds but if you allow the government to raise your child you will be trouble like A.P.
this is a good bible web site. It makes it easy and interesting to read the bible. A also like the daily quotation. May the Lord bless this team in Jesus Name.
V17 18 as hard as it is sometimes, we should not b glad when our enemy is being dealt with but pray for those people that they learn from the mistake. Otherwise when we are happy they are getting what we think they deserve it does not please God, our hearts are not right with God so therefore now he has to deal with our wrong attitude. So we need to pray for them as well as ourselves!
This saying is so true,to the fact we are what we think. Transformation must start from the mind first then a physical change will come. So please practice to safe guard our thoughts. Everything we see was a thought first then it manifested into the reality that we see in front of us.
Wisdom will build and sustain you and those around, whom you seek to share and impart it upon. One who is void of it only invites and desires desolation in every facet of their life and others. Share, live, love!
A righteous person certainly doesn 't equal a perfect person, especially in this system. Many Bible examples have stumbled such as David and Moses however, they did rise again and were counted as faithful in the Bible. On the other hand there were enemies of God 's servants such as pharaoh and Absalom, who fell and did not get back up......they died due to their wickedness. Repentance is key for our rising back to favor in God 's eyes.
Jehovah God will not allow those trusting in him to stumble or to experience a fall an adversity or a setback in their worship from which they cannot recover. We can have confidence that Jehovah God will help so that we can continue giving him our utmost devotion.
Some lapse into minor sin even repeatedly because of some weakness. But they are still righteous in Jehovah God eyes if they sincerely repent and strive to resume a course of loyal service.
I think the world has nothing to offer me but God gave his son to the world to save me while forgiving me of my sins Therefore God offers me Eternal Life I live to seek direction and to do His will.
I recently went through a very painful divorce. My wife was physically and mentally sick. We were married for 32 years and lived in a beautiful home where we raised our children. Just about all my lifetime memories were there. She wanted divorce due to the effect her disease MS had taken on her. I had been her fulltime caregiver and kept her out of the nursing home all those years but it had taken it 's toll on my health. I walked away from everything just to keep from causing her any discomfort and wanting her to stay in our home since it had been built to accommodate her illness. While we were separated waiting for our divorce my children come in and threw away and sold all of my belongings. Everything I had accumulated in my lifetime was lost. I am a very sentimental person and I have nothing left now. I really feel like my dwelling was plundered and this scripture applies to me.
It means productivity is ever to be prioritized than pleasure Our world should know that focus should be on making our works work than making our plays progress Individuals are to invest more in work communities are to focus work more nations are to focus dwindling wealth on work than in nihilistic ventures as leagues Sometimes I am perturbed by the wisdom of celebrating pleasurable wastes such as sports to serious life issues as the work that the Omnipotent gave man God first gave man job before giving him home or pleasure God first made His work good for Himself before settling down to His well deserved rest We should preach this sermonet to our world from Africa to Europe from Asia to Americas
I think that if you see a person that is living contrary to the word of God you should tell them and you will be blessed by the lord. People say don't Judge but that is to silence you. Because they don't want the truth they want to live a lie. And say they never know the truth as a tool of satan's device.
Do not be a witness against thy neighbor without just cause. Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you. Do not show favoritism in the courts, but render judgment with integrity so the legal system will be fair to all people.
We are able to bounce everything off of God's Word and learn... examples good and bad are everywhere. Lessons of contrast and those of likeness. I love the book of Proverbs; there is so much wisdom in every one of God's words!!
even sadly we can all learn from the troubles of others.
vs32 "Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction."
Resilience is a trait that the Lord seems to be pleased with. Tenacity; stick-to-it-ness... bumps and scrapes are part of the course; but, a child of God will get back up, brush off, square the shoulders and press on. It's a trait of God in you; the hope of glory.
16. For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.
I believe this verse among others throughout the scripture tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are born again. a "dipstick" check if you will. If you stay in sin then investigation needs to be done on your salvation; but, if there is an inward hunger for holiness then that is a fingerprint of the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in an earthly tabernacle.
I really like what the one brother said about the honey and the honey comb; comparing it to knowledge and wisdom, but something that really got me in this chapter was how he said that even the thought of foolishness is sin. Can you even think of how many time you've sinned by just thinking of foolishness and it�s not like we've just done it once. The human person, the flesh will do it all the time without remorse, and I want everyone to think about this. God is Saviour, Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for all your sin, and every time you sin you take more of that blood, and the sin includes even the smallest thought of foolishness. God, Great God and how wonderful and merciful you are to us; we should exalt your name in the streets. God and Jesus do love you but they hate sin. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, have nice days until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and you see them.
HURRICANE ISAAC is brewing .i think i will plan for its arrival,in whatever capacity.PLANNING is a good thing.I want to be responsible for everything JESUS has given me.ESPECIALLY my wife SHIRLEY..
COLORADO TRAGEDY.....DID anybody love this man with the guns .DID he get attention ,unlike what he is getting now?I know a couple people i was almost ready to give up on,...i dont think i will now .JESUS is loving me through my dysfunction....
SIN IS SNEAKY,it sneaks.....pleasure seems right for the moment.alcohol is sneaky.FIRST i take it,then it takes me .(I PROMISE)or anything that i gratify my flesh with ...sex,pride,religious stuff,food,gambling,boasting,etc.JESUS LOVES US...
even sadly we can all learn from the troubles of others.
vs32 "Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction."
16. For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.
I believe this verse among others throughout the scripture tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are born again. a "dipstick" check if you will. If you stay in sin then investigation needs to be done on your salvation; but, if there is an inward hunger for holiness then that is a fingerprint of the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in an earthly tabernacle.