It is simple yet profound...anyone can relate and understand God's teachings in Proverbs. My prodigal son in jail and many inmates are reading and studying the Book each chapter for every day of the month...the word is read daily..along with other studies...praise God!
i truly Love the Holy words of the Lord,the book of Proverbs is such wisdom and knowledge i wish i learned it before it had been showed me,thank you Jesus.fore the New Baby in Christ,please keep seeking you won't go wrong,Pray for strength in Gods Holy Words.Keep your Faith,God Bless you all
Proverbs was the first book in the bible I ever tread, I took notes from each chapter. I copied each verse that I felt was meant for me. I teach the inmates at my job to do the same. My Love for God grows daily1
I am just now beginning my relationship with the was suggested that I read Proverbs each day as well as the beginning chapters...i look forward to Gods working on me......
To live by the leading of the Holy Spirit allows us to make sound decisions in every area concerning the well-being of our souls, renewing of our minds, and the guarding of hearts. Be Blessed
Hi, Lisa; There are wonderful prayers in the Bible, for us to know what we should ask for, and how; Psalm 119 (e.g.) and the Epistles are a good place to start. As we read, and pray about what we read, we gain understanding. He gave us this whole big Bible, full of knowledge and understanding, for all we need to know in this life; and to prepare ourselves for meeting Him, for the day of eternity.
lord i pray and i declare in the name of Jesus that i have gods supernatural wisdom and understanding, let he who lacks wisdom simple ask for it and God gives it freely
Dear Valarie - The Lord has called you by name, and chosen you for Salvation. There are many prayers in the Bible; they were written for us to learn how to pray. Psalm 119 has great prayers for understanding, as also the Epistles of Paul; (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians). Feed on the Scriptures; "Write them down, pray them in, and work them out!" We live by every word of God. He gives us life.
I've been Seeking God and the real truth for years. and I still have a hard time understanding all that i read and what I've learned. please help me pray for understanding.
Thanks for words of God this morning
God is so good. Our father with a propose for us. I'm so happy to get that bless be a son of God by Jessica Christ
Isaac, the Lord Jesus loves you and He has many things to show you.We understand only by His Spirit, which inspired the holy Prophets and Apostles to write the Bible.That's why we need the Holy Spirit, to give us understanding and lead us in walking in the truth.God teaches us knowledge and causes us to grow little by little over time and by doing all He says. Get to know your Bible
thanks to God and God bless us all,,
I understand that God use our problem to turn us back to him and he as promise to gave. us holy spirit.
Thank You Brother's and Sister's
God is so good. Our father with a propose for us. I'm so happy to get that bless be a son of God by Jessica Christ