Thy lot is your experience and view of Gods grace.listen to others experience, share yours. Together we recieve a greater view of a love that is much larger than any one person can comprehend."Gods love" One purse means one love the only infinite love.
The only valuable wealth,is an understanding of Gods we act upon that understanding our house will be filled with the grace of God.the precious substance is Gods love!
Material things carries no significants to the soul, but what we give or do for Christ whole heartly and others in the act of sencere love and generosity to others do!
Practically reverencing and honouring God through our lifestyle is the beginning of true knowledge. Fools can be any calibre of persons in the sosciety,but as long as they disregard the wisdom of the wisdom of the word and its instruction, they are fools.
To receive the instruction of wisdom justice,and judgmentand equity,(Jesus Christ)should be the only one path to follow in his direction,with this is the only way will have,Love,Joy,Peace,Long Suffering,Gentless,Goodness,Faith,Meekness,Temperance,in your live because of his promise.
PROVERS 1 I HAVE HAD A Thrist really to know lot about JESUS CHRIST,MY savior and his guidance and his instuuctions and how to live by his grace and mercy (GOD)insturctions guides you daily.(GOD)IS EVERYTHING TO me/us,Proverbs tells me so much about thr of Christs,what he has for me by keeping his word in my heart and mind,I'am so so happy that I read the Bible daily,the richness that I now have no one else would have care that much love for mr or my childrens,I will always live for (JESUS CHRIST)and his guidebces,I'am blessto have the savior in my life,excause all mistakes.lve/peace Ruby
I have been thirsting to find the instruction in which Christ wants us to live by, and it took a trip to the doctors office when God sent the driver to pick me up and give me direction to read Proverbs. I'm just happy to finally find guidance and instruction.
Judy Workmans comment. Pray for our Children. We do not know when he will return, I accepted Christ as my savior 60 years ago. And have one regret, I have not been as good to him as he is to me!!!
To those who seek him, the door was opened for me with the gift of baptism in the holy ghost like in acts. I wanted to know he was real and not just traditions of men. These books of wisdom opened my understanding and fear of the Lord. I know he is real for I sought him early each morning and read all of proverbs, psalms, and ecclesiastes. His audible voice spoke to me in a soft whisper saying "My child, you have the Holy Spirit". Since then the words of the bible have come alive jumping off the page with his spirit reading each word with me. These books have become my favorites and I know how Job must have felt in the presence of God. I wish that gift for whoever reads this. Seek and you will find him knock and the door will be opened.
To read 1 chapter of proverbs and 5 psalms each day, you will read each book once a month. Doing this, and asking the Holy Spirit to help you see and understand before each reading will position you for spiritual growth and increase in your understanding of life and God, and also how spiritual law and understanding applies to our daily life and walk with God....
that only Christ lead us as a sheep, whom follow, as He called us sons of GOD.