the Lord has already made it clear that i should commit whatever i do unto Him, that i will do. the word of God never lie. God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should confess...thank you King of Glory. ELIEL JEHUCAL
Proverbs 16:3 says to me , God has it under control and I should commit my worth my being myself to him and he will keep his promise and bless every step I take my voice will be heard my efforts will be seen and my dreams will become a reality he will write my happy ending never mind what 's happening during the climax of my life after all he is the greatest author, he can turn all bitterness into sweetness ...Amen.
All the way back to Adam and Eve, God gave them a command and they chose to disobey it. It was a conscienous choice which I believe is free will. God - for the most part does not interfere with our choices. I think people credit God for the evil that goes on in the world - such as Hitler. I don 't think we understand the depth of this Scripture. God is not responsible for our choices - we are. We must humble ourselves confess our wrongs sins to God and then our choices become alligned with God 's. God cannont sin against himself therefore, He does not direct our choices for evil.
Seth, that is very good question I will attempt to answer it by the Holy Bible Scripture. I would say sin not God created these diseases before the flood after the sin of Adam and Eve. Before that we know Luficer invented sin was kicked out of Heaven because of it and became the Devil, Satan, Serpent,and that old Dragon. This was the origin of all evil. The Scripture tells us that Satan is the god of this world system which Adam gave him the right to rule the planet when he sinned. Although God use evilbeings or Devils to bring His good will to past He did not and does not create evil. James 1:13 tells us that our God cannot be tempted with evil and doesn 't tempt any man. James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift or thing is from above they comes from the father of light. 2 Cor. 4:4 tells us that Satan control this world evil system Proverbs 16:4 tells niv tells us that God Jehovah works out everything to his own ends-even the wicked for the day of disaster. God bless us and our understanding of His Word. Amen.
Amen Toni, We need to be Born Again in Spirit you need to invite the Holy Spirit to come in to your life right now and you will see the glory of God. The Holy Presence is very important coz God will give us the power not to sin again, all worries and fear in life will be removed and God will replace them with Peace, Joy, life in abundance. God is the resurrection of life even if we die we still have life. Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us we are now live because of Jesus forgiveness and perfect obedience to the Father. John 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ whoever believes in him will not be perish but have eternal life. Jesus loves us so much and he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Jesus loves will never fail us. Delight yourself unto God first and all things that you need will be added. Jesus is so faithful to his promises he loves us. Amen
Jesus pleased His Father : Jesus is my example : Our Father God was and is pleased with Jesus. Even so : when I walk in God 's commandments I am pleasing my Father. The enemy cannot come into the camp. The Spirit of the Lord has lifted up a standard against him. My enemies are at peace with me.
Christopher Olusesi Okuselu: you asked how to overcome the devil 's temptations. The best way to overcome the devil is to stop sinning. And the only way to not sin is to walk in the Spirit. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus and ask Him to cleanse your heart and to baptize you with the Holy Ghost. We can 't serve God and the devil too. Hope this helps.
Serve God, obey him and deviate from sin.Don 't retaliate your enemies, greet and show love to them.They must surely come back to you and bless you and become your friends and helpers.I am a living testimony.Praise the LORD.
Enemies are inevitable, some will even dislike you for nothing sake, but if you acknowledge God in everything you do,ie doing whatever you do as if you are doing it for God. Then those who sees you as enemy will be compelled to align. You will become a light, indispensable and important. So if you are victimized, and it seems everyone is against you and you wonder why things are turned upside down then the first thing to do is examine your life,character and your actions at that period. Does it pleases God?, can God depend on you?, is it in agreement with the word of God. If No, you need to start adjusting your ways but if yes, you have nothing to worry about, just keep on doing your best following His guidance.
Acquiring godly wisdom, that is, gaining accurate knowledge of God s Word, the Bible, and acting in harmony with it, helps us to walk in the way Jehovah God approves.
The thing that bothers me is God tells us that gray hair is a glory but Christians, both men and women, dye their hair to cover up the glory that God has given them. This is vanity and pride which the bible tells us is a sin. If God wants me to have gray hair then I should wear it with a grateful, contented heart.
When do we commit our ways is the angle I desire us to check out this portion of God ' 's Wisdom from. Pray and sit down and think. Come out with what you desire to do then before the implementation, HONESTLY SUBMIT it to God in prayer. Implement and see His hand at work ONLY when you receive the go ahead.
The Oxford dictionary has one definition of commit as "1. to hand over, as for safekeeping charge entrust: to commit a child to the care of its aunt. " That definition sounds more like what our Lord wants - us to hand over our plans or work for safekeeping - and to entrust Him for the outcome. It 's more Fatherly. When I saw this definition, I wanted to commit my plans to Him because I know they are in good hands. I now like the word instead of rebelling against it - I felt it was more like restricting freedom before.
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. Prov 16:3...I believe you are referring to this verse. Commit is the Hebrew word galal and means to roll them upon Him, as a burden too heavy to be borne by thyself. Thy works signify all that you have to do. So if you do these things, the Lord will bless you because they are done in His will and perfect plan.
When you serve God in truth and in spirit,you build your faith in Jesus Christ and you obey God 's commandments and flee from sins.The way is Jesus Christ.The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the way, the trurth and the Life that no one comes to the Father except through Him. John 14:6.How is your way in Jesus?....Make your way perfect in Jesus Christ.
Christopher olusesi okuselu on Proverbs 16:7 - 10 years ago
really when god pleases with you,i am always dreaming about god,in so many ways,and am always victorious in all my enconters with the evil doers,i no god loves me,and even if I offend god,am always eager to go back to him,no matter the deceives from te devils and his agent,i will proclaim the name of the most high the greatest of all names,the alpha and the omega,and his name will reign from generations to generation,and his kingdom will have no end,realy want to work for him,he always visits me all the time,i want to work for him all the time,i want to be an instrument of the most high God almighty,to him all honour and adorations,and all the nations shall worship him and proclaim his glorious deeds and works in all the nations,am always been arrested by gods spirit when ever the devil comes,he his so great,please all I need is an advice on how to always overcome the devils temptations and his tricky ways of deceiving gods chosen people,i don 't want to be amonge the people that wilol make heaven,cos I believe heaven is real.thanks and god bless,ame.