Doing good According to God 's will, working heartily at pleasing God and not man, being fully engaged in the principles of God and he will instruct you and give you wisdom and success.
My heart may think out and understand to go and or do a certain thing but the Lord may and does most of the time direct me a different way. The Lord directs my steps . Establishes my way. I want my Lord to direct my steps because His way is best.
Feel free to label it funny After reading through the whole Bible at least 3 times, I frankly wonder at the wealth of knowledge and wise counsel in the book of Proverbs waiting to be trappedas I read through it again presently. Pls read it slowly . Actually,I think one should read it EVERY DAY of ones ' life.
Very good commentary on Proverbs 16. I need to be more careful about the things I let into my eyes, my ears, and my heart. Thank you for giving us a way to express our thoughts on what we have learned with other 's. Great comment Dave!
God is awe inspiring, good, and gracious beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations. He is the chiefest among 10,000! To know Him is to be drawn to Him in Awe and Wonder!!! So when we truly behold Him in His Word, and the Holy Spirit helps us to be transformed into His Image by beholding Him in all things, and we begin to have an experimental knowledge of God in His Thoughts, Words, and Actions providentially in our daily lives, we become transformed into Him, and are growing up into the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ which God has graciously allotted to each of us. Then others will see that we have been with Jesus. Like Daniel of old, they will see that there is an excellent Spirit of God in us. We will consequently be admired, and trusted by others. In other words, God will put His Comeliness on us and we will be God like.
proverbs 16 hits it right on. n the Gospel of Matthew 6 33 it says But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew reinforces Proverbs 16 for me.
If I commit my works that is the things I do unto the Lord for His glory and not my own purposes then my thoughts, the things my mind dwells on, will be established.I won 't be constantly plagued by wicked thoughts from my past.
the less you become angry the less stress you ll have in your life life is too short to be angry stressed out all the time just put your faith belief in God 7 you ll see a big change in your life
I'm not much of a planner, so I just tend to go with the flow, although my wife loves to plan ahead in a systematic way. God has given my family BIG dreams, and I'm assured according to Proverbs 16:3 that all that we have planned shall be established because we've submitted every dream to the will of God. What a great promise! Amen!
A person who can control his anger is greater than he that takes over a city. Anger rest in the bossom of fools. So remember a soft answer turns away anger. Always be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
God and his works are mysterious therefore when one looks at the acts of sin committed by individuals (i.e witchcraft rape molestation murder racism poverty genicide) this is true satan is the culprit behind the very act of sin but God allowing it to take place is even more complex and mind boggling to anyone who does not understand the reason behind every one of Gods motives or level of understanding. Hitler is a prime example of this verse millions of men women and children died one must ask why did God allow this to take place simply put its what God wanted
To the 14 year old who wants to understand Proverbs ch 16 verse 24. Here I believe God is directing us not only on what we say but also what we hear from others. We are responsible for what we allow in our life as far as who we hang around what music we listen to what programs we watch on tv or online. Are we hangin with people that are Godly in conversation are we watching good Godly programing on tv. Always remember junk in junk out. God not only cares about our physical life he cares about our thought life and emotional well being too. As the bones of the body hold us up physically so do our spiritual "bones" as well. As we nourish our body with good healthy things to eat so should we nourish our spiritual body with kind words both spoken and spoken to us.
in this passage I see G♡̷̬̩̃̊D̶̲̥̅̊ as the master planner η the best plan executor ! So commiting everything �̥o, him we are rest assured that he will perfect all our plan and bring it to the expected end.. Halelluya!!