I was in a church when verse 11 was preached about. I sincerely know and understand it because i found myself guilty of the verse. It changed me for good and i love the book of proverbs the more.
A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children: yet the wealth of the wicked is prepared for them that walk upright. When our way is blessing to the Lord He will bless our inheritance, and our children, and grandchildren will be blessed.The Lord is a sun, and shield. God will give grace, and glory no good thing will He keep from those who walk upright in the land. The meek shall inherit the Earth, and in due time there will be a transfer of the wealth of the wicked to the righteous if they faint not.
From God's Word translation, I can say that:
1. Mentoring is birthed from this mentoring. And mentoring is as beneficial and rewarding to the mentor as much as it is to the mentored;
2. Teaching on leadership and fellowship, motivation and positive habit, attitude and behaviour is rewarding to the teacher;
3. Acquiring negotiation skills is a bestowed huge benefit and rewarding to oneself.
In all, we are reminded again and again, by God that unrighteousness shall fall and righteousness shall be rewarded, for each one will have to stand before the judgment seat of God and account for our rights and wrongs. God already knows for He is omniscient (God knows all and sees all, there is nothing that we can hide from Him, Hebrews 4:12. All we have to do is simply follow God�s word and we will be alright! You couldn�t get better advise, because it comes from the giver of all life ( Hebrews 12). Love all, forgive all, don�t let it be too late for you! God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap also!
WE must teach each other that our main enemy is satan of course.a close second is self.IT IS not easy to take every thought captive to the obedience of CHRIST,but necessary,and with much practice can get better.I AM a SINNER saved by GRACE.
I choose to believe what the Word says. I am the just and I have seen the works of God. I now must continue to believe that the wealth of a sinner will be transferred to me so that I may do more good works unto the Lord.
Carmen turpin-scharff on Proverbs 13 - 12 years ago
This is the Topic of my life at the moment, thanks to the readings
of Corrie Tenboom. I'm giving it my ALL , for we must come into complete obedience. As for Proverbs......there all good!!!!
TIMOTHY WAYNE GEORGE on Proverbs 13 - 12 years ago
Hope is the key to life. We are saved by hope, and if we see what we hope for we do not hope. Yet if we do not see what we hope for, then do we with patience wait until we receive it. It is easy to see why hope deferred makes the heart sick, but since we have the Holy Spirit as believers to comfort us as we wait for what we are waiting to see. We are told in scripture to have the patience of Job when waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the blessed hope that will happen when Christ appears for the Church. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is also known for his parables. That way he could explain things that everyone (except the haughty proud ones) could understand by his illustrations.
I am surely no equal to Jesus. He was perfect and is my exemplar. I try to follow his teaching as well as any imperfect human can. With that let me use this little scenerio to illustrate a point.
I have hot water heating where I live. And it doesnt cost me a thing.
However I see an ad for a room heater. One that heats a room comfortably with radiant heat (not forced heated air)It is so safe , a person can leave papers on it without combusting. Your pet can lay on top of it when it is running at the highest temp and not get one hair singed. It is so safe you can leave it unattended. The most alluring feature is that it cuts heating costs sometimes up to 50%. With just a minor cost in electricity used.
So if I buy this for a minimal cost, will it benefit me as it advertises? Well considering the fact that it will give me comfortable safe heat at a minimal increase in my electrical bill, maybe.
Would'nt it be foolish though. Why invest in all the technology when it doesnt fully accomplish (for me) what it advertises. Comfortable safe heat and mainly "Savings!"
By sound reasoning I see that I will not gain any benefit.
You read the scenerio andprobably thought," How stupid could one person be. To even consider the thought that they would benefit."
That is the whole point of this. That you recognize stupidity.
By reasoning with the fact that," I do not have to pay for heat of any source". Also not allowing that fact to be clouded out by (someone elses suggestion)the ads promotion, I do not make a foolish purchase.
In Bible language, �stupid ones� refers, not to those who lack intelligence, but to those who ignore the wise counsel from God�s Word.
This very scripture ( Ps 83:18), taken from the earliest publication of King James (1611) was translated from the actual scriptures containing Gods true name,"JEHOVAH".
There are those who refuse to except this name because of lack of knowledge or blind faith from following the unfounded teaching of (stupid ones) others.
We should take in consideration what the Bible teaches us �He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.�� PROVERBS 13:20.
gin in 1 Tim.6;12 we are to lay hold on eternal life as we have professed a good profession before many witnesses. Also in vs.13 Jesus witnessed a good confession before Pontius Pilate, as he was going to calvary! And back in Prov. 13, the 2nd part of vs. 12 says, "when the desire cometh IT IS A TREE OF LIFE.:" The tree of death, the cross of calvary, fulfilled the total desire of the law, when Jesus said,"IT IS FINISHED." And now as stated hundreds of years before in Proverbs 13:12 when the desire cometh it is a tree of life! Jesus is both the desire that came from heaven and He is that TREE OF LIFE.
1. Mentoring is birthed from this mentoring. And mentoring is as beneficial and rewarding to the mentor as much as it is to the mentored;
2. Teaching on leadership and fellowship, motivation and positive habit, attitude and behaviour is rewarding to the teacher;
3. Acquiring negotiation skills is a bestowed huge benefit and rewarding to oneself.
of Corrie Tenboom. I'm giving it my ALL , for we must come into complete obedience. As for Proverbs......there all good!!!!
I am surely no equal to Jesus. He was perfect and is my exemplar. I try to follow his teaching as well as any imperfect human can. With that let me use this little scenerio to illustrate a point.
I have hot water heating where I live. And it doesnt cost me a thing.
However I see an ad for a room heater. One that heats a room comfortably with radiant heat (not forced heated air)It is so safe , a person can leave papers on it without combusting. Your pet can lay on top of it when it is running at the highest temp and not get one hair singed. It is so safe you can leave it unattended. The most alluring feature is that it cuts heating costs sometimes up to 50%. With just a minor cost in electricity used.
So if I buy this for a minimal cost, will it benefit me as it advertises? Well considering the fact that it will give me comfortable safe heat at a minimal increase in my electrical bill, maybe.
Would'nt it be foolish though. Why invest in all the technology when it doesnt fully accomplish (for me) what it advertises. Comfortable safe heat and mainly "Savings!"
By sound reasoning I see that I will not gain any benefit.
You read the scenerio andprobably thought," How stupid could one person be. To even consider the thought that they would benefit."
That is the whole point of this. That you recognize stupidity.
By reasoning with the fact that," I do not have to pay for heat of any source". Also not allowing that fact to be clouded out by (someone elses suggestion)the ads promotion, I do not make a foolish purchase.
In Bible language, �stupid ones� refers, not to those who lack intelligence, but to those who ignore the wise counsel from God�s Word.
This very scripture ( Ps 83:18), taken from the earliest publication of King James (1611) was translated from the actual scriptures containing Gods true name,"JEHOVAH".
There are those who refuse to except this name because of lack of knowledge or blind faith from following the unfounded teaching of (stupid ones) others.
We should take in consideration what the Bible teaches us �He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.�� PROVERBS 13:20.