Discuss Proverbs 13 Page 4

  • Ashveer on Proverbs 13:22 - 10 years ago
    When you mediate on this verse and store it deep into your spirit. Automatically, the riches that were meant for the sinner will automatically be transferred to younthe just, the righteous of god. You need to understand the word of god as simple as it is. If you own a business, this scripture will bring in clients from around the world. The unbelievers will pour in to supportyou. Make sure you make your business a medium to preach the gospel
  • Alton on Proverbs 13:20 - 10 years ago
    The people who stays on wise teachings keeping them in their lives without pretendind, God will bless them with wisdom,but those who follow the foolish teachings will be vanished and never live anymore even we are together with.
  • MockingBird on Proverbs 13:20 - 10 years ago
    Solomon was the wisest man in his time at the end , he was a fool For he took on many strange wives and they knew not his our God and they led him into worshiping idols !!! A fool is one that says 'NO ' to God It is my prayer daily to walk after the commandments of my Lord and Saviour . When God 's people hang around the unbelievers it will have an effect on our walk with God and not for the good !! I must be sensitive to God 's leadership.
  • Cathy Edwards on Proverbs 13:16 - 10 years ago
    A great book of wisdom For all to learn and apply to ones every day life and situations threw the divine word of the holy spirit.
  • Coy on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    A proverb a day keeps the devil away. Phil 4,13
  • M on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    it is good to read a proverb everyday to help us to stay in line.
  • Dana Megee on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    Last verse is referring to "feeding your soul with the word of God ", not your body with food.
  • Mike on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    Why does the last verse encourage gluttony?
  • Shay on Proverbs 13:25 - 10 years ago
    The one having good sense and is a upright person who acts with true knowledge will be blessed. Jehovah God knows what is good for us in any area of life our family affairs, our relationship with others, our ministry, or when we are being disciplined. And by wisely applying the counsel found in his Word, we will unquestionably enjoy the best way of life.
  • Peter on Proverbs 13:22 - 10 years ago
    This proverb confirms that the Good man made righteous in Yahshua by Yahweh the Father will live forever and his wealth also will last so also the opposite the sinner who does not repent will perish and his wealth will be left for the one who remains the righteous man
  • Ndzhove on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    I love this verse which says love of money is evil.
  • Christi on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    Lord, please help me to not be a sluggard, even though I am ill. Help me to not expect everyone to wait on me hand and foot. Also, remind me that you love me, even though I am weak and ill, just like the song I heard even as a young child, ie "Jesus loves me "
  • Njabulo on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    People of God! We need to undestand that this gospel is not ours but for God our father who is above everything.we need to follow his ways,seeking his present daily.Jesus is coming soon
  • Dennis on Proverbs 13:12 - 10 years ago
    I agree with "prolonged hope cause discouragement, but when what is hoped for comes to pass... it bring about fruitfulness in the heart.
  • Topel Sweeney on Proverbs 13 - 10 years ago
    VS3 "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. " I think of how death and life are in the power of the tongue proverbs 18 21 and am thankful to the Lord to faithfully remind us over and over through the scriptures. Sadly I cannot say that my words have always ministered grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4 29 Our prayer for one another should be for wisdom and self discipline in using our words to the glory of Him from whom all blessing flow.
  • Solo Finau on Proverbs 13:22 - 10 years ago
    Many a testimony has proven time and again that this verse has manifested itself in people of all walks of life One such example has been prevalent in Fiji where non believers gives generously to righteous people over and again with money land cars houses food stuff clothing etc etc and saying I have seen you in a dream and I have been encouraged to give to you Recipients have testified that they have never seen or had known these individual prior to being blessed by them with gifts May God s Holy words be blessed and continue to do as Gods commands it May God the Father be Praised and Glory and honour be unto his name for all time Amen
  • Anita Joyce Thompson on Proverbs 13:22 - 11 years ago
    We should never curse but bless those who have much wealth Because those who have the most wealth cannot take it with them when they passed away For what the unjust wealthy is always laid up for just who are without wealth if this is their belief It is just one of many creative ways wealth is acquired by those who uses their own GOD consciousness
  • Tony on Proverbs 13:22 - 11 years ago
    Good things begin with a good man and it s handed down to generations coming after him Like Abraham who was a good man by obeying and walking with God this made generations after him inherit God s covenant upon his life May God make me a good man through whom generations coming after me shall be blessed
  • Kennedy Mwangangi on Proverbs 13 - 11 years ago
  • Eva on Proverbs 13 - 11 years ago
    I know there god principles and all the wisdom there I need a transalation
  • Mzwandile Sibiya on Proverbs 13:11 - 11 years ago
    Let that be so. Amen.
  • MockingBird on Proverbs 13:11 - 11 years ago
    The love of money is the root of all evil : Money is not evil , the love of it is. He that hasteth to get rich, especially be deceit shall fall and come to poverty . He that is diligent and having the Lord : The word of God directing his way shall come to riches ; not only in money but in health and in mental stability and spiritual strength. Praise God and you can also add Peace. An undisturbed state of being and restful nights of sleep. Amen !!!!
  • Mukayira edwick on Proverbs 13:8 - 11 years ago
    In order for you to be sucessful in life, giving has to become a culture.what you give you do not lack. But the poor heareth but not rebuke,meaning they are too cautious,so they play it safe with their finances. Leading them into more misery. Hoarders are broke people but constant giving paves way for more riches to come your way.
  • Maya on Proverbs 13 - 11 years ago
    hey I like word
  • Simone on Proverbs 13 - 11 years ago
    Riches may not always mean money. An inheritance can also be one of good values, ethical behavior, following the ten commandments. One may not notice these people as they work and go about their daily lives, but their faith sustains them and their families love them.
  • Abiodun Ololade on Proverbs 13 - 11 years ago
    The Bible says there is none that is good except God- and that only comes through Jesus Christ. Hence, a good man that leaves inheritance for his children children got whatever got him into that from God. That simply connotes that, his mannerism and thought process, are based on the infalibility, genuineness, dependability and also on the authenticity of the Holy Writ. God is a good and He is forever in the business of righteousness. Therefore, they that belongs to the Son of God, Jesus Christ can�t but put their trust Him. It also signify that the wealth of the ungodly has been laid down for him, but not the wealth of they that has the God of Israel has their dependency; for they are meant to compliment one another. It is also true that the righteous has been justified and mandated to live through the weaponry of faith. God is forever trustworthy and constantly dependable- and His faithfulness endures forever.
  • i find it to be true..
  • Gboyega on Proverbs 13:7 - 11 years ago
    There is he that try everything humanly possible to make himself rich yet remain poor because he refuses to acknowledge the one that maketh rich without sorrow(God) and yet there's one who became poor for Kingdom's sake and sure the King of the Kingdom (Jesus) Makes him rich in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and wealth. The riches of the kingdom of God are the great riches.
  • Shania on Proverbs 13:7 - 11 years ago
    Giving up all you have/choosing to be poor shows God you love him more than riches and your willing to give up any and everything. Your willing to survive with the faith of God on your side. It tells God if he do blesses you with any riches, it don't come b4 him, because you can be with or w/o as long you have him. God is great, put him first b 4 anybody and everything. He made everybody and everything so why put things he gave and can easily take from us. God Bless all.
  • Flirtacia on Proverbs 13:22 - 11 years ago
    I believe if you love God and he knows you love him he will make sure you will inherit the wealth of the unrighteous.

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