God supplies all our needs every other day, despite our blindness to discern His unique providence at an unexpected delivery. And as long as He is the incomparable Lord and shepherd to one without want. Psalms 23.
On verse 14, now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. It�s important to know who we are in Christ. We have been given the mind of Christ and have been made partakers of His divine nature. We are more than conquerors in Him, Romans 8:37. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, Philippians 4:13.
I feel that if we as Christians can adopt the discipline of letting go, and letting God, the practice of trusting the lord to give us the power to do all things; then this verse could be well implemented.
Philippians is a book I love so much because Paul has put a lot of emphasis in virtues, and the more we practice reading them, we shall live them and eventually be able to be like the way God wants us to be. Today I am preaching on the book of Philippians 4:8. Amen.
Last summer I was with my grandparents and I was asking a whole bunch of questions and then GOD told me to look up to Philippians 4:13. I will never forget this verse because it�s special to me. I am only 13, so it was so exciting when GOD talked to me.
Having the mind of Christ is what allows us to put this verse into practice. Jesus said as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So we must learn to think good thoughts, and rebuke those thoughts that are not Christ like. So whatever things are true, honest, noble, pure, praise worthy, and of good report, think on these things. As we meditate on these things, we will be filled with the joy of the Lord, which is our strength, and we will be able to rejoice in the Lord always. May the Lord who gives us strength prepare our hearts to put these things into practice every day of our lives.
In verse 17, Jesus is making an observation of man's heart ( Jeremiah 17:5-10), on how most do not give the Almighty God the gratitude he so richly deserves for the everyday miracles he performs just to sustain life and supply all our needs according to his riches and glory ( Philippians 4:19) and how the rain falls upon the just and the unjust.
Literally, it means when taken I can become like him in all essence and being one with him capable of what he is capable of, sharing his abilities and his power to create unlimited worlds and life of lives, miracle of miracles, greater works shall you do, always love and forever in eternal awe.
My beloved I know what it is to be abound and abased, for many years and currently. I like Paul have received gift offerings because of my poverty. I receive them as blessings, I do. God�s love is present in my life. Yet, I know I'm not to be anxious for nothing. But I do worry about my family. When I was in abundance, I did not follow Jesus, but kept Him in a metaphoric box. Today my life is filled with Him. Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He is my everything and my daily passion is to serve Him and serve Him and I do... Humbly; ministering to the sick, crippled and dying, feeding off His Word to keep me strong and nourished spiritually... My wife and daughters are recipients of this dilemma because of the lack of monies. My wife and I always have shut off notices laying on our counter and have gone through bankruptcy. Yet still today we still face the same worldly responsibilities without enough monies to handle them. We are penniless, Yet, we press on trusting and loving our Lord and His teaching. And reject the lies of the enemy as each moment is hard. I feel humbled daily by Our Lord's Grace. And I feel humbled venting all that I just have. Pray for my family.
When I see evil that exists on this earth in what I observe men doing to other men, I can more clearly see what good is. How is it that I can distinguish what is good or evil? "In the beginning God, (Good) created." And everything God created, He said it was good. What went wrong with creation? Free Choice! We were created with free choice, to choose good or evil. Ezekiel 28:13-19, very quickly describes an angel, that was created perfect, better than good, and he chooses to worship me, myself, and I, setting up his own trinity. When you look away from God, (good), to serve yourself only, you turn into a devil. When you think your ideas are more perfect then your creators ideas, then you make yourself a God in your own mind. Yes it�s a mystery how something created so perfect, could come up with the idea that he could go his own way, and sustain his own existence. When you turn evil, you cause war, and that is what happened in heaven according to Revelation 12:7, and he drew 1/3 of the angelic host with him in Revelation 12:4. They were cast down to earth, where our home was, while it was perfect. God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit created us, Genesis 1:26, and we were created perfect. We choose to not trust the ideas of our creator, and listen to the lies of the evil one, and we were then told to leave the Garden of Eden, which used to be heaven on earth, our first home. We now choose sides by our behavior, and how we love one another, which is good, which is Godly, which is what Christ came to do, by coming to earth at some point in time, living a life each day filled with the spirit and power of our creator to overcome evil with Good. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.
I am sympathetic to your situation for I have recently lost my position in a hospital that I have been with for several years because of knee replacement and no longer am able to perform my position at the level that is expected.
1. A door closed by God cannot be opened by man and a door opened by God cannot be closed by man!
2. Others maybe dependent on us, but we must always trust in the lord and be always dependent on him ( Proverbs 3:5-8; Philippians 4:19);
3. As for judgment on the world ( John 16:8-11), we must first judge ourselves to check our standing with God ( 1 Corinthians 11:31,32);
4. God has already judged sinners at the cross;
5. God will judge the world, nations, and people according to his holy scriptures by his son Jesus Christ ( Romans 2:14-16);
6. The judgment seat of Christ for born again Christians ( Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:13);
7. The white throne judgment for persons who have not been born again ( Revelation 20:11-15);
8. Born again by the holy spirit only without water baptism or any other works related deeds that some religions require.
Do all things without murmurings or complaining and disputing or arguments or being contentious. Instead do everything by prayer, supplications, intercessions and thanksgiving, let our request be made known unto God. We are commanded not to do Philippians 2:14 but to do Philippians 4:6.
Philippians for reminds me to think about all positive things which come from the Lord. Also that I am able to do all things through Christ. That is true motivation!
Philippians 4:4, 5 and 11, Rejoice in the lord always Brethren, let your moderation be known to all men and I did not speak in respect of want but I have learned in whatever state I am to be content and give thanks. This words lifted up my spirit and I received peace and joy from meditating on it.
It is commonly a well known fact that unbelievers are much less tolerable and much more opinionated against believers than vise versa. II Corinthians 12:10 the holy spirit (via Paul) states that when I am weak then I am strong. Weak=humble, when we are trusting in our own human strength (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually) then God has difficulty strengthening us in his might (spiritually, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, etc), Proverbs 3:1-13; 5:9, Philippians 4:13.
Verse 33, the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and by placing Jesus first in all that we do and say, God the father will make sure that all our earthly needs are provided ( Philippians 4:19). Verse 22, we must control what we allow ourselves to view because the eye is like a camera and anything we view will be imprinted on our memories. Be careful little eye, about what you see!
I am sympathetic to your situation for I have recently lost my position in a hospital that I have been with for several years because of knee replacement and no longer am able to perform my position at the level that is expected.
1. A door closed by God cannot be opened by man and a door opened by God cannot be closed by man!
2. Others maybe dependent on us, but we must always trust in the lord and be always dependent on him ( Proverbs 3:5-8; Philippians 4:19);
3. As for judgment on the world ( John 16:8-11), we must first judge ourselves to check our standing with God ( 1 Corinthians 11:31,32);
4. God has already judged sinners at the cross;
5. God will judge the world, nations, and people according to his holy scriptures by his son Jesus Christ ( Romans 2:14-16);
6. The judgment seat of Christ for born again Christians ( Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:13);
7. The white throne judgment for persons who have not been born again ( Revelation 20:11-15);
8. Born again by the holy spirit only without water baptism or any other works related deeds that some religions require.
It is commonly a well known fact that unbelievers are much less tolerable and much more opinionated against believers than vise versa. II Corinthians 12:10 the holy spirit (via Paul) states that when I am weak then I am strong. Weak=humble, when we are trusting in our own human strength (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually) then God has difficulty strengthening us in his might (spiritually, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, etc), Proverbs 3:1-13; 5:9, Philippians 4:13.