This verse is very inspiring. I 'm a mommy of two of one which was born with lots of health problems. With God my baby was able to overcome his health issues. I prayed for healing and protection. I knew somehow that as long as I stay with the lord he will heal us. My baby is doing remarkable now my oldest too. We are better than what we were last year, because I know and believe that I and my children as well as everyone, WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST!!!! KEEP OUR FAITH AND WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING LIFE BRINGS OUR WAY! AMEN!!!! MAY PEACE COME TO US ALL!! GOD BLESS!!
I like the verse. We are always going through something, we must learn to cast our cares on God. Inspite of what we are going through God is still good!
I like the verse. We are always going through something, we must learn to cast our cares on God. Inspite of what we are going through God is still good!
Paul knw hunger he also knw how to be full yet he knw all things come from God he is de provider of all human needs and paul understands that he can do all things through christ who strengthns him haleluyah
okorowilliams Phillipians CH 4 yes you are right Jesus confirmed this in Matt Chapter 6 verse 33 and Luke chapter 12 verse 31 where He says but rather seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you These verses came to my mid when I read your remark God is a provider God and if we could only trust and believe to His Word like a small child trusts his father then He can do marvels in our lives As humans it is difficult tto do this when we faceing serious problems but He understands because Jesus is our mediator Praised be His name We thank Him for His blood which covers us when we fall out of line and ask him genuinely to help us Amen
okorowilliams Phillipians CH 4 yes you are right Jesus confirmed this in Matt Chapter 6 verse 33 and Luke chapter 12 verse 31 where He says but rather seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you These verses came to my mid when I read your remark God is a provider God and if we could only trust and believe to His Word like a small child trusts his father then He can do marvels in our lives As humans it is difficult tto do this when we faceing serious problems but He understands because Jesus is our mediator Praised be His name We thank Him for His blood which covers us when we fall out of line and ask him genuinely to help us Amen
Our needs be they spiritual physical emotional marital health children etc can be supplied by God b cos His resources are unlimited more than enough and they are provided through our Lord Jesus Christ
Remember all your needs God will supply everything you need in life you just have to trust in him and believe it may take time and u may not always get what u want but God will give u exactly want you need hope y all are doing good
I heard someone say count your blessings Salvation is a blessing Prosperity health even as our soul prospers is the word of GOD in 1john Prosperity health and our soul prosper is GOD blessing us
Sometimes what I believe to be a need is not a need in God s eyes It may also not be good for me to have what I think I need God has already supplied ever need I will ever had according to His Riches in Glory not what I think his riches is according to me low esteem of things God is Greater than all that I can comprehend or think My need is already supplied The very first need was salvation And I received that in Jesus Christ as well as I will receive everything else Praise God for His never ending supply
I am so thankful and I am truly blessed I think if most women or anyone for that matter has gone through what I have been through in my life 90 of them would be dead so when I say or SHOUT Thanks You Jesus Thank You Heavenly Father for giving me this air that I breath its truly wonderful thanks for share tisonlyme143
this verse is telling us that nomater what happens or whay we myt go through in our lives all we need to do is kneel down and pray telling God what is troubling us and he will solve all our problems we need to trust in the lord almyt God
You have not because you ask not You ask only to consume it upon your own lust I am to be careful in nothing Even though my Lord already knows what I need I am to call upon him and acknowledge that I what Him involved in my life by asking Him for help I must also be ready to accept the path that He has marked out for me to go on and go in it Without His Grace I can not do the things and go the way He wantsme to go in That is why He sent His holy Spirit to comfort me and guide me into all truth Truth hurts from time to time but O the outcome is magnificent Let your requests be made known unto God
How fortunate are we all to receive the love and grace provided by Christ Jesus Surely we do not deserve this Nevertheless GOD gave us this miracle of miracles so that we could have this Beacon of Salvation to strengthen and nurture us in our fallen world that seeks to consume us To all Christians out there be strong and hold steadfast in your faith
TO NISH and her husband I join my faith with yours that you will conceive in 2014 and carry thru to birthing and raising a child by God s grace Choose the name and praise HIM who will do this be fruitful and multiply thing for YOU God loves you
Jesus is the Prince of Peace Jesus is the Word God does not hold our sins against us any more because through the blood of the cross there is peace between us Jesus reconciling the world unto Himself Even in tight situations the Lord makes a way where there is no other way Praise God forever more
Philippians 4 is one of the most uplifting and encouraging word of GOD WITH what we are supposed to think Pure virtues honest To the proclamation I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me I make the next verse my own and say My father GOD in heaven provides all my needs according to his riches in glory by CHRIST JESUS I woke up this morning with the lord on my mind Last night he told me to lift up a standard Then this morning and Phillipians 4 was the scripture GOD gave me Praise GOD PRAISE GOD
I do agree with Milton when you live the word you in Christ and Christ in you then the word speak what it will and it comes to pass because His word cannot come back to him void I believe that you shall decree a thing and it shall be given unto you according to your faith
It s the god in me I can do all things because God has endowed me with his spirit When my physical and mental being realizes that God is in me then I can do anything that I want to do God is my shepperd and I shall not want
I strongly believe this passage emphasizes more on the grace available to us to endure all things go through all things and suffer all things without cursing God or our destiny We can run through all the changing scenes of life and still come out a victor through THE STRENGTH THAT CHRIST MAKES AVAILABLE UNTO US THROUGH HIS SPIRIT
I love Philippians 4. It is very uplifting and encouraging, knowing that we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strenghtens us. We can overcome any situation, shortcoming, circumstance in our life, because our lord God always provides us with a way out. Thank You Lord God.
Phil. 4:19...Every need answered according His riches in Glory By Christ Jesus, the modle prayer Jesus prayed. Our Father who art in heaven...Mt.6:5-15 when we live the Word. We have our petitions...amen
This verse means to me: When a situation comes up or something you have no control over, remember "GOD is always in control!" We have to be careful not to place ourselves in the middle of a situation and mess things up. But by humbleness and continuous prayer we can lay our concerns at the feet of the Lord and walk away knowing He has already addressed them. In due time, our request will be granted, and with this being said... We can continue to praise God ahead of time for being a Generous and Gracious and Merciful GOD!