This scipure verse give me hope that Jesus will give me the faith, relevation, love and ability to fullfill the will of the LORD and bring forth fruit that will glorify the his name. Taste and see the Glory of the LORD.
As I read a verse or two ahead of this one says I know how to be abased and I know how to abound. everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need. Then I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. God did not call me into His Grace to go this alone. He gave me holy Spirit to comfort and guide and teach me how what where and when to do all things through Christ. Praise God I will never be alone.
ALL things we can accomplish through Christ Jesus. It is He that does the work through us.He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is going to make a way out of no way. We need the refreshening which comes from the Holy Ghost which is poured out on the people of God by Jesus. He baptizes us with the Holy Ghost and the fire. We are going to have trials and tribulations, but through our faith, through prayer, through song and priase, God is going to bring us out with a mighty hand.
GOD acomplished all that was needed at the cross, placed HIS power in us, that was why Paul was told that HIS Grace was sufficient.True, we can do all things.
I struggle to bear these instructions in the forefront of my thoughts and actions ..surely we NEED to HEED this spiritual advice in a time of all the Negative news, Media, "advice ", ..gossip, and general climate of fear, cynicism, warnings , and practice...
This implies that the more glory we give unto God, the more blessings He gives in return. Therefore be ceaseless glorifying our father in heaven and you shall be blessed more abundantly.
I know that Heavenly Father knows how we bring on our own self afflicted worries and fears..he also knows that when we turn to him his peace that passes all understanding reaffirms that all we need do is keep our hearts on him,walk with one eye single to himand to his glory..he reminds us also in the next two verses phil 74 7 8 what we should think on...our Heavenly Father knows us and is mindful of us..How I love him
I know that Heavenly Father knows how we bring on our own self afflicted worries and fears..he also knows that when we turn to him his peace that passes all understanding reaffirms that all we need do is keep our hearts on him,walk with one eye single to himand to his glory..he reminds us also in the next two verses phil 74 7 8 what we should think on...our Heavenly Father knows us and is mindful of us..How I love him
I cant live my life without GOD, ITS IMPOSSIBLE to do so and every trial that comes our way he has already provided a way out now that takes abandoned faith.
Our thought pattern is one of the most important part of our lives.What we do with it determines what fruit our lives bears.God wants us to think on things that are pure,lovely and of good reports which means we should check the contents in our hearts to make sure they are pure and clean thoughts blc the issuess of life springs from there. Which means also is a power line of faith what comes out of it determines our actions and all of these is directed in trusting and meditating on the word of God which helps shape our thoughts.We walk by faith in the spirit not by sight and so cannnot have our thoughts in the physical and with prayer and suppliccation we are asked by God to make our request known unto him Amen and Amen.
I believe in God and. I know that he can do all things sometimes I get discouraged when things don 't happen when I want them to God he is an on time God and I pray God for patience God is my Saviour in him I love and trust amen.
through this position of a scripture it made me realize that even if I am enveloped by Circumstances God Has no Boundary,He Enters where people can 't , He opens Doors never opened,His indeed a Sovereign God
Chapter 4 let me know that we serve a God that wants us to trust Him. He does not want us to worry about anything, for He is in complete control of the universe. He lets us know that all of us will have triblation, but our joy and peace comes as a result of our relationship with HIM. He wants us to pray all the time, for when we accept the Lord and Savior, He lives inside of us. Glory, Glory and Glory!!!!
Only by believing in the Lord Jesus may we be saved. Before His birth, the angel revealed His name as JESUS, the savior of the world. His name is JESUS, the Christ is added as a description of his sole mission as the MESSIAH of Isreal and the whole creation. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY begotten of the Father. The rest of us are Adamic and CANNOT be Christ. We cannot be saved by our being of Christ consciousness. We are saved, sustained and eligible to inherit eternal life only by BELIEVING in the only begotten of God. Please humbly pray for humility, because the moment the enemy succeeds in getting us to the deny or trifle with the divinity of Christ , and attempts to make us sons of Adam, redeemed by grace pride ourselves in being equal with the son of God, he defeats us all over again as he did at the garden of Eden, and thrusts us directly into divine judgment just as it happened to the enemy Lucifer himself who fell because he equated himself with God. I could tell you more by His Spirit but there is no time nor spsce. Our Lord is Jesus Christ, Lord and God.... "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved ". Fast and pray so that the wicked one loses his suggestions and go away for I discern you are a faithful seeker of Christ Jesus but the spirit of error is ominously lurking in the dark of our intellect. Believe His word....the world cannot believe it because of darkness.....but you Christian, believe only His word and lean not on thy own understanding. Stay in perfect peace.
It has been assumed that CHRIST and Jesus, the man who REALIZED his Oneness with Source Father are one and the same. Jesus is a person, like you and like me, who totally understood that he and his father are one. The CHRIST, is not a person, but a "consciousness. " It is the spirit that is within all of us. If only we but REAL EYES that TRUTH, we will do what Jesus said "You will do greater things than I have done! " I understand that our small minds cannot conceive this. And as the translations continue the words are changed. King James is the version that has not been tampered with..... "I can do ALL things through CHRIST no mention of Jesus "which " strengthens me. not "who " strengthens me This does in NO WAY minimize Jesus as he REALIZED his CHRIST consciousness and oneness with Our Father. WE ARE ALL ONE in SPIRIT! That is why it is imperative that we Love one another and that forgiveness is the second most important thing that we do. By forgiving, we open the channel of the CHRIST to manifest and work through us. May this season of Easter be a time that you REAL EYES that you are a Child of the Most High God and that CHRIST in you is your hope of glory! Peace be unto you.
The lord is my salvation. I am weary of people who are always talking and thinking negative thoughts. In CHRIST we are new creatures. We have new thoughts Philippians 4 8 is what GOD SAYS is his will for us to engage ourselves in. HALLELUJAH
"Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. " Isaiah 26 3 If we think on these eight "principles " there is no way for us to go wrong in the sight of God. Things that are true, pure, of virtue, good and of praise, glorify God. We can have nothing but peace of mind and joy in our hearts, because God will bless those who think on Him. He even writes it down in His book of rememberance when we talk about God one to another. If we truly want peace, then think on things that are godly.
Think on things that are True Jesus Think in things that are Honest Jesus Just Jesus Pure Jesus Lovely think on things that are of Good Report Jesus And if Virtue Jesus and if any Praise Jesus Think on these things Jesus is all of these. He is the Word. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ which strengthens me.
Phillipians 4 13 Is one.of the most inspiring scriptures in the bible . It lets us know we are able to.reach all our mountain tops if we only realize "our cennter