I want to thank the Lord for all that He is doing for me at this very second. His Word is food for my soul and reading the comments about this verse from all who believe is like the dessert. The sharing of personal tribulations and testimony of staying joyful throughout those times by keeping focused on Him is a testament to the power of His Word in our lives.
Fear not and don 't be overly an,ious for anything but pray begin to praise GOD now for hearing and answering your prayer and you will have peace that surpasses all understanding!!! Eugene Fuller Stroke survivor, by the GRACE of GOD!!!
This scripture gives me conformation to Proverb 3 5 6...If I trust, lean not,and acknowledge God... GOD will give me the strength to overcome all things thru him!!!!
To Cleta re verses 11 to 13. It means to just live your day that the Lord has given you. Do not worry about the cares of this world in your life.By doing so,and by reading your Bible which increases your faith and by private prayer on a DAILY basis, the above verses will become a living reality for you. And then, with time you will have that simplicity in Jesus Christ, that beautiful thing.For your trust in Him will overcome the fears that paralyze us and remove our peace.See ? Daily prayer and some Bible time ensures this. about 10 minutes per day out of 24 hours .So few Christians can do this.Nothing else required.
standing on His promises we, can overcome any obstacle that may come our way. We can do all things through Christ and Christ alone. Believe and receive.
To Cleta vs.11, paul has told us in whatever state he or we are in to be Content! because, God has will always supply Our needs! vs.12, he or we Know how to be abase lowly , 7 he or we Know how to Abound grow or prosper with God 's leading when the time calls for it to show lowliness abasement at 1 time at other times to present ourselves to abound or prosper! all for and to the glory of God! Finally, vs.13, we can do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Paul, You and me as believers Followers of Christ!
This scripture strenghtens my faith. I can do all things including healing the sick, raising the death, casting out demons through Jesus Christ who strenghts me. May God strenghts u all in Jesus name... Amen.
Very powerfu scripture that reminds us that, he is the ultimate pillar of strength when all else fails, our own strength and pride become invalid once you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior.
as I read this scripture I see and find these words are all descriptions of who Jesus Christ i. and he alone is to occupy our thoughts he alone is the light the alone is the truth Fix our eyes on Jesus our Lord
All my successes is due to the Almighty. He who gives knowledge and wisdom. Praises be to the one and only true God. Trust in Him that He can do all things for you!