I will Never Understand why my sister had to die so soon. But ...when I think about all The Blessings God has Provided, and I think of ALL He has done for me, and how He created this beautiful river that runs so deep, and the birds singing in the trees, I Do have The Peace Of God, and this Peace Will keep my heart and mind in Christ! This Peace i have DOES surpass ALL understanding!
Rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice. We as Christians should always rejoice no matter the situation or circumstance bad or good. We are the face of what Christ wants His believers non believers to see grow in upon. if we, as Christians rejoice good bad it allows our light that God wants shown to be revealed in the positive way that He wants it revealed. Giving, courage, inspiration hope to the weak, uninspired hopeless, to come to the Father. Not expecting all to be good always, but knowing that it will not always be good that too is fine. Because with through God it will work out for the good or as God, the Father will it.
It seems that David is under the gun. He is torn with the love he has for God and the desire to be with Him, or to face life 's incredible struggles. The apostle Paul had that struggle. In Philippians 1:23, he wrote, But I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. David goes on to say, but I hope in Thy word. The believer in God knows the end of it all. He has read the end of the Book! It is God 's word and His promises that have sustained men even to be burned alive, that could simply have been avoided by renouncing their faith in God. Paul in that same chapter said, Philippians 4:21 for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
The two witnesses in Rev 11 are both Isaiah and Paul. The olive tree is always remembered with the mind set on Isaiah. A lampstand represents church in Rev 1:20. Then Paul comes into mind when the churches are mentioned. Many witnesses come to mind when the olive tree and the lampstand ref. Rev 11:4 are mentioned. But the greatest of these witness of Jesus Christ were Isaiah and Paul. The death of Isaiah and Paul remains a mystery till now. The death of the two will be seen by all. These two witnesses if they are dead or were taken to heaven must have been written in the Bible. The two witnesses are Isaiah and Paul and they have the power do signs and wonders ref. Rev 11:6 . Remember Paul 's sayings: "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me " ref Philippians 4:13 . Read: Isaiah 45:7, 1 Thes 4:13-18, John 21:22-23. God bless you for reading. Jesus is the answer
Like the word of our Lord ,your comments are also uplifting. When one or more are gathered in my name,i will be also.thank you for helping me be closer to God.
Jesus is the salvation of my : our : Soul : The word also tells me what to think on. : I also am the controller of all my thoughts : It is up to me on what I want to think on : So with all that is within me I will think on that which is True : Jesus : Honest : Jesus : Just : Jesus : Pure : Jesus : Lovely : Jesus : Good Report : Jesus : Virtue : Jesus : Praise : Jesus : All is Jesus : Think on these things.
It is with the mind that we serve God that is why so many scripture verses speak about the mind. Verse 13 said we should gird the loins of our minds and be sober. We have to bring our minds into subjection to Christ. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Lets keep a pure mind. Philippians 4:8.
yes our god is so good to us HE will supply ALL our needs god love us so he send HIS SON TO DIE FOR US that meant any thing we ask in his name he will supply thank you jesus i love you
Yes God will supply all are my needs according to his riches in glory because everything i need my father has it whether it love,joy,happiness, peace, no matter what God got it so the verse is so true my God will supply all my needs.
The essence of this passage is almost ecclesiastical in the sense that Paul, like Solomon have come to understand Christ is in the full spectrum of our circumstances! This is truly a relational revelation as much as a testemenony.
The essence of this passage is almost ecclesiastical in the sense that Paul, like Solomon have come to understand Christ is in the full spectrum of our circumstances! This is truly a relational revelation as much as a testemenony.
we are creators in His hand let us allowed him to do all for us by telling him what we need and wait for him to bring it to pass ,HE is the same yesterday and forever
Philippians 4:13. This is a powerful verse .There is hope. when you think you can 't succeed .This verse reminds us that we can do all things thru christ which strengthen us what a blessing.
Almighty lord you are great, many times I doubt on your blessing still you were there with me holding my hand and guiding me. Many times I was not humble for your decision forgive me for that father. Thank you for your unconditional love and blessing in my life . Help me not worry but be strong with prayer
Trust in the Lord our God forever for he is faithful to his promises that he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Thank you Jesus for your precious blood, your ressurrection, your ascencion and thanks for sending us with your Holy Spirit Amen