Jesus said to who has more shall be giving, therefore if you are joyful you get more Joy and will be able to state your case with God for answers. Being sad magnetise curses Malachi 2:2, Deut 28:47-48 rather with Joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation Isaiah 12:3. It is therefore good to know that this is a MASTER KEY FOR PRAYERS TO BE ANSWERED it is a COMMAND phil 4:4-7 Rejoice.
God, thank you for providing for your children. You know that my needs are simple. I do not wish for a Mcmansion, expensive clothes, jewelry, or cars. Never did, never will. I only want to have enough to live decently, to provide for those I love, to help those who are in need, and to have you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in my life. I love you, Heavenly Father.
V. 22 - All the saints salute you ..........of Caesar's household. That just sent chills of joy up my spine when I first read it. In the GREAT MAN'S house, saints were busy praying for others living and working there. I love His Word; it has so many little 'things' we miss in our general reading and skipping to our favorite verses. It's these 'hidden' things HE shows us.
I closed my eyes, asked God to guide my finger and I was led to Philippians. I read the whole book.. i couldn't stop reading. I am very familiar with Chapter 4 Verse 13. But I've never actually read the whole book.
Thank you Lord for opening up my study life with you.
Only thru Jesus we can have peace that passes through understanding in our hearts and in our mind. I will worship you Lord for you alone are worthy. Thank you for the blood Lord you're my only JEHOVAH JIREH MY PROVIDER MY RIGHTEOUSNESS, MY HEALER MY SAVIOUR. YOU ARE MY GOD WHO CAN SUPPLY ALL MY NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY THRU CHRIST JESUS. THANK YOU ABBA FATHER FOR UR LOVE
I just think god how he holds me and comfort me and crazy everyday life. He always there for us all we have to do is tap in and listen to his voice and follow instructions amen.
I was 18 y/o when i become a believers of God. Philippians 4:13, this is always apply to my life.
It became my favourite verse. It made my life contented. God will never leave us in Jesus name. Amen.
Looking at this scripture l see it gives an application for prayer in addition to the famous Lords Prayer. It reminds us of a wonderful way of how to understand and live righteously remembering out blessing but also our perils to come too. So in this message of wisdom is to be thankfully as godliness with contentment is great gain. Thank you ABBA FATHER x
We can do nothing without Him, but everything with Him. With I'm in front of possible you have impossible but add a H to impossible and you have Himpossible. I know it's not a word.
I would like to share a couple of tips on this subject that can help those and well as this helps me everytime. I know it's hard at times to draw away all these unwanted thoughts but I found ways to avoid acting on these unwanted thoughts, always put your mind focus on the things of GOD by surrounding yourself with good Christian songs, and choose your favorite verse from the bible and say them when these thoughts come to mind. talk to GOD in prayer instead and ask him to draw them away as a.s.a.p. and last very important read your bible ask Jesus for understanding if you do not understand for he is are instructor. Here are a couple of Verses that will help you to avoid into any unwanted temptation. Philippians 4:6-8 2 Corinthians 10:4-5Colossians 3:5Romans 12:2. May GOD bless you. my favorite verse 1 John 4:4
Jesus the only Jehovah Jireh the Provider of All and His Peace passeth with all understanding into my heart and mine. Thank you God for giving Jesus to us. You had blessed me enough , all my request that i have nade known thru you Lord are provided. I will trust your time coz you have appointed time to bless and heal us Teach us Lord to wait. I love you Jesus and will praise you amn
Gloria you can only fulfill this covenant obligation Tithe by Divine Grace. I once had such challenge and I truly desired to pay my tithe so I can receive more blessings from God, indeed God empowered me. When my father died devil spoke to me, now that your father is late,will you pay your tithe? If you pay your tithe how will you get more money for my father's funeral? I shun the devils voice and paid all my tithe, even the cash gift that were given to me, I paid tithe of all. God surprised me and we had more than enough after the funeral. God will engrace you to become a faithful tither. Remember that 10 cannot go a long way in meeting your needs but God can supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19
We Cristians need to always keep in mind that what we need is not always what we want. God knows our needs even if we do not. And he will fullfill our needs throught Christ to show His glory, not to fullfill our personal desires.
This verse was a sermon at a church service and I found it very helpful.At present going through a trial and I feel strengthened.This is a test and I want to pass -with Christ I can pass and be victorious.I need the love and redemption of Christ and I know the strength is being administered.Thank you God
This verse is the climax of being a christian. No matter is happening in this world that we are suffering, it does not move us to be what the world want us to be but to rejoice in the Lord because we have faith and trust that we will end in the LORD who is our Alpha and therefore, He will also be our Omega. We have the peace that the world cannot give. Even if we die, we die in the LORD and the Lord has shown us that there is a home and a mansion prepared for us. This world is not our permanent home. We are just here for a while. But we will be with our GOD forever. Therefore, Rejoice in the Lord alway, again i say rejoice. May the Lord bless this message in Jesus' Name. Amen
Thank you Lord for opening up my study life with you.
I was 18 y/o when i become a believers of God.
Philippians 4:13, this is always apply to my life.
It became my favourite verse. It made my life contented. God will never leave us in Jesus name. Amen.