>So why would you - or God - blame me for the sins that Adam committed?
Hi David, do you feel that someone is blaming you for Adam's sins? Who? I don't know of anyone being blamed for that. Did you read the previous verse shared? It explains what happened after Adam and Eve sinned- the world was cursed in a sense. This explains natural things people consider bad. Also keep in mind that satan is considered god of this world and allowed to roam, deceive, and possibly even afflict people physically: 2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Corinthians 12:7. God allows things to happen and we sometimes sustain collateral damage from others or the natural environment. This world is very temporary for everyone.
Christians say that God created all things. Christians celebrate that God created all the beautiful natural things. Then who created all the bad natural things?
And I am wondering what it is that I did in the first place? I cannot blame my children for the sins I may have committed. That would be unreasonable of me. I need to be accountable for what I do. . So why would you - or God - blame me for the sins that Adam committed?
If it's bioterrorism or something man prepared in a laboratory then it would be man-caused. But let's say it's mostly natural like other viruses or diseases, does that automatically mean you should blame God? This is a cursed and fallen world because of the original sin Genesis 3:13-19 and natural disasters are since allowed to happen. Everyone is going to die from Earth then have an opportunity to spend eternity in heaven or hell. Jesus died for you so you can be forgiven and spend an eternity in paradise if you accept his gift.
I agree.. humility and the ability to be grateful is so important. But grateful to whom? There are so many working hard right now to support people through the Corona Virus.
If God created all things, why did he create the Corona Virus? Who should we be grateful to? The one who created the problem? Or the people who are trying to help get us out of this predicament?
That is an interesting statement and I am curious about how you see the Corona Virus.
If we know ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God, does this mean that Christians (who love God) believe all things are good? Do you believe the Corona Virus is good? Why do you think that?
Why do we deserve nothing? My children deserve to live in a safe and enjoyable world and I have the power to help that to happen, so I hold myself accountable for doing everything I can to make that happen.
Many Christinas believe God has All Power. Is he not accountable to do everything he can?
So why did he create the Corona Virus? Should we not hold him accountable?
Why? Do you blame God for all bad things and praise someone else for all good things? Is that rational? What if God gave man freewill and man chooses evil sometimes, is that still God's fault?
Thank you for the comments, It is so comforting to know that God has a plan and knows the beginning to the end. Another passage is Psalm 91. Yours in Christ.
Corona Virus: Romans 8:28 And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
All Praises belongs to God, for He is Worthy to be Praised. When we stop and Thank God for what He has already done in our lives. Then we want have time to complain about things, that we don't have. Each and Every day. God open up my eyes and start me on own my way. I say Thank-you God, for giving me a little bit more time on earth. Time isn't nothing, if you don't value it properly. May the peace of God be with you and most of All In You..
We need to think about we really don't deserve nothing from God but because he Loves us so much that he gave his all begotten Son all our needs was meet at the cross when he took on my sin he was supplying all my needs then thank you Jesus for your grace.I Believe that all my needs will be meet accord to his riches in glory because he's full of Amazing Grace that I don't deserve. When we receive his love we wont worry about our needs being meet we will know our needs are meet
Marvin R Rose, please read KJV bible scriptures: Luke 4:8Ephesians 4:26 - 6:11 Philippians 4:82 Timothy 2:26James 4:71 Peter 5:8. Also, search for a book named 7 Biblical Signs of the End Times .
12. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I'd rather abound and never suffer need because: 13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 19. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
The following verses make it clear that to be saved we must accept JESUS CHRIST as our LORD AND SAVIOR. John 3:16John 1:12John 14:61John 4:10Romans 3:10Romans 3:23Romans 6:23Romans 10:9-11Acts 3:19Acts 16:311John 1:9John 3:36Galatians 2:162Corinthians 5:17Philippians 4:3
I, EVEN I, AM THAT MICHAEL ISAAC DALE: on Philippians 4 - 5 years ago
See here O man? Satan boasts of his own deceit in many flesh by perverting the Scriptures, saying, whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. Scripture, if it be OF GOD, must be given by the Holy Spirit of GOD my Father.
whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
Sorry to hear you are going through a bad patch,just remember you are the light and Christ is the head of that lightPaul said the peace of the Father surpasses all understanding,so Paul is preaching with no understanding of the Father,be as wise as a serpent,no thy self you are hue-man
8 years ago my husband had served me with divorce papers I felt my world coming to an end and felt no joy, no peace, and I felt there was no hope in my life. But then while reading the scriptures, through my tears and pain, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to three verses in Philippians: 6-8. I realized that we receive inner peace from God through Jesus Christ, giving us a reason to rejoice.
One does not need to be happy with a smile on your face 24 7 to rejoice in the Lord. Regardless of mood or circumstance one can be grateful for the Lord's provision and learn to be content in all situations, like Paul who was in prison, shipwrecked, people trying to murder him, etc.
Hi David, do you feel that someone is blaming you for Adam's sins? Who? I don't know of anyone being blamed for that. Did you read the previous verse shared? It explains what happened after Adam and Eve sinned- the world was cursed in a sense. This explains natural things people consider bad. Also keep in mind that satan is considered god of this world and allowed to roam, deceive, and possibly even afflict people physically: 2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Corinthians 12:7. God allows things to happen and we sometimes sustain collateral damage from others or the natural environment. This world is very temporary for everyone.
And I am wondering what it is that I did in the first place? I cannot blame my children for the sins I may have committed. That would be unreasonable of me. I need to be accountable for what I do. . So why would you - or God - blame me for the sins that Adam committed?
If God created all things, why did he create the Corona Virus? Who should we be grateful to? The one who created the problem? Or the people who are trying to help get us out of this predicament?
Or did God just make a big mistake this time?
If we know ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God, does this mean that Christians (who love God) believe all things are good? Do you believe the Corona Virus is good? Why do you think that?
Many Christinas believe God has All Power. Is he not accountable to do everything he can?
So why did he create the Corona Virus? Should we not hold him accountable?