Discuss Matthew 6 Page 8

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Here are scriptures about fasting:

    When in fear of war: 2Chronicles 20:2-23, brought deliverance

    Ezra 8:21, direction & protection, Esther 4,

    Isaiah 58, * GOD pointing out hypocrisy & cruelty, & a better way,

    To avoid Judgement through repentance & fasting: Jeremiah 36:7-9, Jonah 3:4-10, Nehemiah 9,

    Fasting for Understanding: Daniel 9:2-23 (amazing description here to encourage GOD hears!)

    Please note in these, there is confessing wrong doing, declaration of GOD's goodness,

    Direction from Jesus: Matthew 6:16-18, privately

    Deliverance from spiritual difficulties some only accomplished through fasting & prayer. Mark 9:15-29,

    Additional direction in fasting for married couple : 1Corinthians 7:2-5,

    Sometimes it's good after you've done all of that, to just be still before GOD

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Giannis - In Reply on Romans 7 - 2 years ago
    Dear Marie

    Let me completely disagree to the other comments made.

    In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 it clearly states that if someone divorces (only for reasons allowed by God) he/she should remain unmarried or get back with the husband/wife. God's purpose is to keep families together not split them apart. Also the verse 15 that some christians claim that can be used to divorce (if it is explained the way they explain it) it condradicts Matthew

    5:31-32 that says divorce is only allowed for reasons of adultery. Also read the next to 15 verse (verse 16) which says that God advices you to try and get along with your husband..So as i read it you cannot date again. In verse 39 it clearly says that for God you are bound with your husband as long as he lives (no matter if he is a believer or not) , if he dies then you are allowed to remarry.

    So my personal advice is pray to God and forgive your husband (don't forget that if we don't forgive other people's sins to us neither God will forgive us. Matthew 6:14-15) and make effords to get back together. Pray that God works his heart and put faith in it and free him from his addictions. It's the hard way but it's the right way too, and God will bless you.

    Never forget that God's purpose is to unite families in Christ not split them apart.

    Now if he has been unfaithful to you yes you can divorce him, but still you have to be unmarried. If he is violent to you because of his addictions you can keep apart untill he is changed, if he changes, and keep praying but still divorce is not permitted.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Death, God Self will not forgive you either. Mark 11:24-26 Matthew 6:9-15 Then you take it with you daily.

    Please forgive everything "Donald Milledge", God bless us with all the spiritual blessing in the Heavenly world in Christ.

    2 Timothy 1:7
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Hello again, Roy,

    No, I am not a pastor, clergyman, nor religious leader. I just happen be very familiar with the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings and practices. I have been a believer all of my life as far back as I can remember. It has been a blessing to have walked with our Lord all of these years. I am a very inquisitive person, so I like to study up on topics and see how they align with the Word.
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God help Denise and her prayer request to move. You know what is best for her and her family. Please Lord Jesus Christ protect them in this environment and I ask Holy Spirit to guide in the Bible scriptures reminding her and her family Your timing God is always on time I pray in Jesus Christ name

    May I suggest you reflect on Matthew 6:33-34 and Philippians 3:12-13.
  • Roy - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago

    Thank you again. I select from your answer to me three key phrases as your ideas consolidate my own thinking:

    1."The Roman Catholic church has "mystified" what the bible calls our union with Christ"

    2. "This mysticism is a mixture of Eastern religion and the concept of believers being unified with God through Christ"

    3. "We will be perfected humanity likened to the perfect humanity of Jesus

    I have never heard of any possible association of RC thinking with the "Eastern Religions" and probably because I have not considered the possibility before and not asked an related questions. Here I find the CE teachings at fault in that they did not refer in anyway to such a link in my religious education, indeed thinking back there was never ant discussion about any alternative religion let allow RC'sm. I should add that I was educated in the a very traditional C of E environment of the English.

    Public School system and its normal "High Church" as opposed to Methodist, Baptist and Lutheran thinking. C of E still tending to support an abhorrence of Roman Catholicism with some respect for King Henry VIII and his rejection of Rome. To this day our Queen when she was crowned (1954) the Archbishop of Canterbury declared her to be the "Protector of the Faith.

    I hope that I will not be considered rude by asking the question, are you a consecrated person as in clergyman, pastor or religious leader?

    Very many thanks for your help with my understanding of our faith.

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. ( 1 Tim. 6:10). Paul himself; in fact was a tentmaker; who encouraged others to make things with their hands ( Acts 18:3). He also apparently paid for food during his travels ( 2 Thess. 3:8). Those who used to steal were given similar admonitions to work and be productive. ( Eph. 4:28).

    There is; of course nothing wrong for those actively pursuing work in the ministry to be supported and fed ( Luke 10:7). We should be discerning as to the financial accountability of those we support; however and aware of those attracted to "filthy lucre" ( Titus 1:11). Such behavior obviously is characteristic of those "prosperity preachers" whose mouth betrays their true intentions (out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh-( Luke 6:45). Such resources as "Charity Navigator" are helpful to demonstrate what percentages of funds are used directly for ministry purposes. The church itself; as a Body should be supporting one another as the early church; at least in some ways meeting each others needs; as well as contributing financially or using their talents for proclaiming the Good News and fulfilling the Great Commission.

    We shouldn't neglect verses for laypeople to "work heartily unto the Lord."( Colossians 3:23-24). We are representing our King; much as Daniel served the king of Babylon daily during the exile ( Daniel 1:5). This was much the same pattern as with Joseph in Egypt. We are even to be faithful with "unrighteous mammon" ( Luke 16:10-11). If we can't be trusted with earthly things; how can we be trusted with heavenly treasure? There are plenty of warnings to avoid amassing large amounts of gold and silver ( Deut 17:17) which God instructed Solomon (along with many wives). Money itself; therefore is an inanimate object; but as they say if "money talks" or gets a life of it's own in our lives then it is clear that it has become an idol. Matthew 6:3 is a good read on the subject..
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Hello Jernej. In 1 Timothy 6:10 we read, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Earning money or having money with us is not wrong, but when our lives are so focussed & engrossed in making more money, desiring to satisfy our lusts by it, & not using it for worthy means, then it shows that we have an imbalanced regard of money. When we spend our time & energies in acquiring more of it, it's very likely that both money & our plans will direct us into greater evil; as Paul said to Timothy, some have coveted (or, lusted) after it so much that they have even turned away from the faith - because money (or, anything that consumes our passions more than serving the Lord), will certainly present very real dangers to our love & faithfulness to Christ.

    If some have that burden from the Lord to go out & continually preach the Gospel (as the apostles did), then yes, they will have to trust their well-being to the Lord Who called them, & the Lord will not disappoint. But for many, they don't receive that calling, but are to be lights, mouths, & hands for the Master where they're at, also having a family & home to maintain - and for that one has to work as Paul commanded ( 2 Thessalonians 3:10). "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called." 1 Corinthians 7:20; though spoken in respect to relationships, the Truth can be applied to anything that God has appointed for us to do & have in life, even the love & care for our families & also to those in need that He brings in our life's path.
  • Jernej on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    I saw some people using mattwhe 6:24 as mening to qout your job and stop working for money. (Money rout of all evil ect.) And that tru way is to live on faith and to preche on street like apostle in acts.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Dear Roy, thanks for the info on what you received from the pope's rep. The Roman Catholic church has "mystified" what the bible calls our union with Christ. Some in the Catholic church teach that this union means we are "absorbed" into the essence of God.

    This mysticism is a mixture of Eastern religion and the concept of believers being unified with God through Christ. In Eastern religious thought (think Buddhism) through meditation a person "ascend" to be absorbed into the cosmic energy, thus losing personal identity, but one with all consciousness. This is what has been adopted and modified in among Catholic Church members who seek this "mystical union" with God.

    I do not think this way at all. The Bible says we are one in Christ, but not absorbed into Him nor do we mix our humanity with His deity. We will be perfected humanity likened to the perfect humanity of Jesus (which He possessed since His conception in Mary).

    However, Jesus is not a man that becomes divine, He is God who took on human likeness in every way but sin. So, in Him is full

    divinity and full humanity (without sin).

    Likewise, we are not humans who become divine. That is a gulf too wide for any to cross, as God alone is divine. We will always be human, even in heaven, but we will be perfected in our humanity to be like Jesus and never sin again. We will have a glorified human body, like Jesus has, that will be immortal and incorruptible. As in a marriage, we will be unified with Christ in mind, heart, soul, and spirit, yet remain separate individuals. We will enjoy the communion of saints which is the bride of Christ. We will forever be with Him and enjoy Him forever.
  • Roy - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    GiGi, it was all very airy fairy and I did not keep it, not like I do with the messages I get from you people which are real worth keeping for re-reading as and when I feel like it. It is easier to describe the contents by waht is did not say and it was that that left me sad and disconcerted. There was no mention at all of the kind of thought that you and I have shared. No mention of a possibility of in some way being able to again communicate with the people how have gone before us and who we loved and still love. It gave the impression that whatever the relationship between us and GOD after death was very much a one on one situation with no interface other than, as I interpreted it, my soul, spirit or whatever simply being absorbed into an all encompassing enormous shroud like entity that did not need to recognise individuality but did provide a serene form of eternal existence.

    Not all relatable to my own view.

    You ever heard of anything like that.

  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Well Roy, I am glad that you are sharing on here. I would be interested in hearing what the Pope's representative said to you.
  • Roy - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Your ideas are pretty much aligned with my own I am happy to say as I was disturbed by the response to my quest that I received form the representative of the Pope.

    Maybe I am not so far adrift in my thinking after all.

    Best regards

  • GiGi again - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Good morning Roy,

    I am not really sure of your question to me, but I think you are seeking knowledge about heaven and what it will be like for us believers. I am glad that you have the hope of heaven in you and so it awaits you and I when we die.

    The Scriptures does not describe our heavenly existence in much detail, probably for good reason on God's part.

    But Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for us in John 14:2. He says that in our resurrection, our bodies will be reunited with our souls and spirit, but in a glorified way whereby our we will be immortal and incorruptible. So sin will no longer be found in us and we will live forever with God ( 1 Corinthians 15:35-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:17)

    In heaven we will be completely satisfied with God has in store for us there. Our existence will be glorious, wanting for no good thing. We will not be solitary or alone, but have eternal fellowship with other believers and with God in Jesus Christ. We will see Jesus, and thus, since the Father and the Spirit dwell in Him, we will see God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
  • Roy - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    GiGi this is a second reply and addresses a different subject entirely - this concerns the concept og heaven and eternal life. We I try to get my head around this my mind boggles and my thoughts become more and more confused. I have reached out through the internet toward the offices of the leaders of the Church of England and to the Pope and the responses I have receive have been decidedly undefective and not in the least helpful.

    Until I receive a rather airy fairy response from someone in the Roman Catholic Church I had a partially formed (but still very confused) image of something a kind to Old Testament drawings of GOD in his heaven surrounded by all the souls of mankind and I mean all the countless billions. In some way I would join this host and there I would again be united with all of the people that I loved on this earth and in some other unclear manner we would continue to "live" in total harmony with all every other sole in heaven in a wonderous existence of no stress and no pain, total equality under the blessing of OUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN and this in my mind would be represented on absolutely heavenly existence that would be infinite. It is because of this and my hope that GOD will forgive me my sins that I do not fear what happens after I die.

    What is your view?


    What is your view?Roy
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Good morning Roy,

    I am glad that you are benefiting from this site so much. I am, too!

    To me, it does not matter what denomination we are here. What matters on this site to me is that we study the Scriptures and

    learn from it with the help of the Holy Spirit. We also learn from bible study with friends or church groups, from our pastors and

    teachers in our church. We also learn from sites that explain Christian viewpoints about Scripture. So, this is one avenue for us

    to learn and share Scripture, spurring one another on in faith and knowledge of Christ. We come from varying denominations.

    We don't all agree on all matters, but we try to understand each other and present our views as clearly as we are able from a

    biblical perspective. We also pray for one another and build one another up with encouragement and sincere concern for one

    another. It is a blessing to have this venue. Past generations lacked this but still were maintained in the true faith by the Holy

    Spirit, as we are.

    Glad to have you among us, Roy!
  • Roy on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    I have been received some great guidance from people since I started using this app to read the bible after very many years of not even thinking about the bible in my life.

    I am now intrigued as to how you would classify yourselves in terms of a denomination, as in roman catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist etc,?
  • Alvin - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Verse 21 you said, i know it comes from the heart just like your protection of the offspring of usury money and i know money is iron but if we serve like the greek word servus which means to labour for we have blasphemed God and make him angry in his jealousy it is not talking about worshiping or slaving like overworking for it but for working for it because the pharisees mocked Jesus afterwards because they were covetous .Now i dont think that the pharisees worshipped money.Do you?

    Now as for the God Jesus working for money as you say to me it looks blasphemic as God provided for him because he preched that in Matthew 6:19-33.Jesus was no hypocrite to say and dont do it himself.We get this idea that for some time Jesus forsook his heavenly throne and then lived as a poor person to be raised again in glory to his Father who is in heaven and Jesus.In the bible it says the son of the carpenter not Jesus the carpenter.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Alvin,

    I agree with some of your points, but not your main conclusions. Here is an example: "Christians cannot work for money( Matthew 6:24)". Here two different things are conflated. The verse says you can't serve two masters. At the end it says you can't both serve God and mammon or weatlth. This verse is true of course and I fully believe it. For context you can read verse 21- where your heart is. It's talking about not money itself being evil, but your heart serving and slaving money... like making it a false god or idol.

    Along the same theme I noticed you suggested that the root of evil is money, but that's also not what it says. The Bible says the "love" of money is the root of all kinds of evil. So we should not love it.

    So, its not the product that is bad, but the condition of the heart that makes it bad. This is the same for many other sins, for example: idolatry, greed, lust, coveting, lying, hating ones neighbor or father or mother. These sins occur from conditions of the heart, not objects. This is supported by the life of Jesus as he had a job and worked as a carpenter. He make something of value to society and likely traded that for things He needed for living such as food, shelter, clothing. Likely there was a unit of currency used as a convenience for trade and currency is not inherently bad as it facilitates more accurate trade- otherwise its hard to trade 1/10 a house for 1/2 a horse, for example. There is no indication that Jesus grew food himself, or made His own clothes, or was 100% self sufficient, so it is a fairly safe assumption that Jesus traded and bought and sold to meet needs.

    Matthew 22:19 - 22:22 - Jesus asked to see the money and said Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. He was for being a good steward of resources: Luke 14: 28-30, and the parable of the talents seems pro-investing. God bless.
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Let me help you out with these two parts brother (by the way, I agree mostly with the above stated because you encourage all to live Holy as Christ ought for us to be):

    "Christians cannot work for money( Matthew 6:24

    Let's take a look at the first statement. Christians cannot work for money. All Christians (although I'll admit - I don't always like doing so) must work/labor. The Apostle Paul worked as a tent maker during his early years preaching. Genesis 3:19 is one curse brought upon man (for the sin man brought into the world) that all men must bare today:

    "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Genesis 3:19

    "Christians do Not pay taxes (Render to Caesar what is his and to God what belongs to Him, what belongs to God?)"

    Christ looked at the denarian and realized this is a law of exchange of the world. God know we live in the world but we serve God in His Kingdom. God asked to render unto Caesar (taxes) what belongs to Caesar that all those who live in the world must give to the earthbound kingdom. Then Christ says what is rendered unto him which is to the Eternal Kingdom of God.

    Either one of these may seem desirable but this home is temporary brother. Once we're rejoined with the Lord -- we'll only labor unto him and only render unto Christ Jesus. What a day that will be! I'll see you there and God bless you!
  • Alvin - In Reply - 2 years ago
    JESUS said that we must not work for money and wealth and that God would provide our needs Matthew 6:19-33 and john 6:27

    He told us to sell all

    Luke 11:41 to the pharisees

    Luke 12:33 to the disciples

    Luke 14:33 to the multitudes

    Luke 18:22, Matthew 19:16-30 to the rich guy

    And his disciples approve

    Acts 2:44-45

    Acts 4:33-34

    Luke 18:28-30

    Matthew 4:18-24

    But who will go to heaven

    Jesus and Jacob give us a hint

    Luke 18:24-25

    Mark 10:17-31

    Matthew 5:3

    Luke 6:20

    James 2:5

    But where does that put the rich?

    Luke 6:24-25

    James 5:1-3

    What is the root of all evil?

    1 timothy 6:10

    Genesis 3

    Are we to live under the curse or are we set free by God through Jesus? Because he broke every curse including this one:

    Genesis 3:17-19

    Should we end in the midst of the Sodomites?

    Ezekiel 16:49-50

    Luke 17:28

    But there are days ahead that we would need to learn to trust in Yahweh for Manna his heavenly bread because the mark of the beast is the last form of money as a chip

    Revelation 13

    But if we learn to do these things that Jesus taught we might survive and prevail.
  • Alvin Kamberi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What does tbis mean?

    1 Corinthians 7:21?

    Pul does say that when you dont provide you are worse than and disbeliever but he doesnt say if you dont work to provide does he?

    Yahweh Jireh?

    When you answer anybody speaking about renouncing wealth think "what if he has done it?"

    Not "he is challenging us lets ruin his life".


    He always says sell everything to rich guys? Zaccheus sold half and other gave to cheated dudes.

    Peter said"we left all to follow Jesus" luke 18:28-30?

    Luke 11:41; luke 12:33; luke 14:33, 18:22 and other

    Its prophecied! Buy with No Money! Eat freely without payment! Isaiah 55:1-5.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    GOD is = GOD , Genesis 1,

    GOD is = GOD ALMIGHTY, Genesis 17:1, Genesis 28:3, Genesis 35:11, Genesis 48:3,

    JEHOVAH, Exodus 6:3, FATHER : Matthew 23:9, Matthew 6:6-10, GOD of thy father, GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac, GOD of Jacob, Exodus 3:6,

    Many times GOD is referred to by what HE has done: GOD that sees; Genesis 16:13, GOD that provides,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • ALvin Kamberi - 2 years ago
    Christians must forsake all wealth( Luke 14:33 Jesus says forsake it all)

    Christians cannot work for money( Matthew 6:24)

    Christians do Not pay taxes (Render to Caesar what is his and to God what belongs to Him, what belongs to God?)

    Christians travel and trust in God for daily food(Mathew 6:20-33) that's what makes them different from all the world.

    Christians live together 24/7 ( Acts 4:34-35) sharing everything in common( Acts 2:44-45).

    Christians give to the needy in secret(Matthw 6)

    Women can be leaders in the church but it is beter that all be as brothers and sisters.

    If you are a Christian you own nothing in this world, as Paul says, and you are homeless as he says also, and you are the rags of this world, as Paul says. Choose Poverty not Wealth! Make Peace not War!

    Christians are nonviolent ( Matthew 5:44-45).

    Christians forgive as much as they can.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Roy. Every blessing.
  • Roy - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Chris thank you taking the time to provide such a long and profound explanation. I had not considered faith as being the prime subject but with that in focus it all makes sense.


  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Hi Roy. I assume the passage you refer to is Matthew 6:25-34. I don't believe that the subject here is specifically on prayer, though that is certainly a part of it. In my understanding, the subject is rather on 'faith'. The examples that Jesus uses are that of the birds & the lilies, which are cared for & adorned by God, so that they can have no concern about the future.

    In like manner, even though our physiology, our needs, & our responsibilities in this life are far more involved & advanced than birds & plants, the same principle should be applied: the principle of leaving our matters, of which we have no control, to God, the One Who has all things responsive to His Command. This is not to say that we sit by idly & await for blessings & provisions to fall to us - that won't happen, but that we work with our hands, see to the needs of the family & others, & if the Lord Will, to "establish the work of our hands upon us" ( Psalm 90:17): i.e. that God would fulfil our plans we make in accordance with His Will.

    When work is going on well & a regular salary is coming in with debts being paid off, there seems no need to have faith, in light of the Matthew passage. Yet we understand that faith is expressed continually towards God, for the required health & strength to perform our work, for safety, for understanding, & for wisdom in correct apportioning of our resources. And for those with very little resources, or even none, God will reward their faith in Him, by providing their necessities in the right way at the right time. This Truth has been proven by many over the years, whether by those struggling in society, on the mission field, or being left destitute because of thieves or job loss. And here is the conflict: when such evil befalls us & we're at our lowest ebb, would we still "seek the kingdom of God & his righteousness" first? Ordinarily, No. But with the Spirit's Help, we can rise up above the misery & still demonstrate unflinching faith in a faithful God.
  • Roy on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Reference to Mathew 28 to 34 - puzzling? what was the original intent her, if read literally Mathew is reporting JESUS to be telling the Jews that there is no need for them to do anything other than pray - surely not?

    Then again how do we fit this into life two thousand years later?

    Thanks for your help

  • Free - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Dedric Armstrong" no, unfortunately i do not think so. Many on the web have views and ideas. Many have testimonies and speak from experience with the Lord. Even dismissive teachers we should stay away from. The letters of John and the letters of Peter are about teachers.

    Be blessed in His Name Jesus, I love you in Christ. Acts 18
  • Erika Davis - 2 years ago
    MATTHEW 6:8

    8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

    My question is are Father know what you need before praying about it.They when you pray for the things you need sometimes you receive it or never receive anything. I have prayed for thing as as single parent and no answer. I started questioning my Faith at times. I going through a question time now with adult child and still single.

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