Discuss Matthew 6 Page 32

  • GVO on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    The truth that needs grace from GOD to follow nevertheless, even in little things, we can see that it is the truth and the way to get good things from GOD.
  • Ceazar on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It means if you are going to be charitable... do it in a hush manner, don�t try and get acceptable to the world for your charity. Just know God will bless you abundantly.
  • Paulokorie on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It doesn�t mean we shouldn�t go to the church to pray, or we should not go to the street to preach the gospel and pray after the preaching, but we trust in God and not to be ashamed of His gospel. But you don�t have to tell him all your problems because he knows you more than you knew yourself. So why complaining?
  • B on Matthew 6:22 - 12 years ago
    I believe it to be the pineal gland in the geometric center of the brain.
  • Olaniyan Akinyemi on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    In all thing will should put God first. Let God be first
  • Andr� on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    It is imperative that you know your limits, and learn to be moderate or even indifferent with food when you are replete.
    Of course no one can ignore hi/her limits, not even children, to the largest extent; when they are replete, they will stop. But there are moments when we are not alert, or simply not willing to obey our bodies� signals. That�s where we are caught.
    So it is most about will than about knowledge.
    The Bible says, ��Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,...�� We must be sober (moderate), which is not being anxious. It is a choice I believe you successfully make.
    God bless you.
  • Shingie on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Let our words be few when we come to God. Let our prayers be straight to the point, and let us know that God hears us when we pray according to His will.
  • Jeanne nelson on Matthew 6:25 - 12 years ago
    Can this be applied to overcome my compulsive food obsession, and guilt, and ultimately overeating. I am constantly worrying about everything I eat "Is this bad? Is this good? Am I bad if I eat this?" I want to have God show me how to "take no thought" I want freedom to seek Him first.
  • Elibariki on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    God is teaching all believers the manner in which the true worship is to be conducted. 1. Secrecy in worship and prayer. Jesus knew exactly what was in the hearts of many professed believers of that time, many demanded men's appreciation that they were God follower while in their hearts were fully of boost and self exaltation. When we talk of worship we mean prayers and giving, this giving is including tithe and offering many Christian today do not adhere to this teaching which is of GOD! VERSE 6 of Matthew ....for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and in the corners of street that they may be seen of men. As the return of the LORD is near many Christian shall depart from the cherished truth of the bible and reject the warning of our Lord, nowadays giving is no more of love to our creator but of homage and respect to our pastors and men of this dying planet, CHURCHES sometimes do mention names of offering givers in their local churches something which is contrary to the teaching of the LORD! we are in an impending judgment for we have ignored the sacred truth and teaching of the coming Lord, may be Jesus preserve his holly Ghost in our days so that we remnant of the final days be humble and fearful to our creator. Amen
  • Tim adedeji on Matthew 6:8 - 12 years ago
    I think when we pray, we should ask God for spirit of knowledge to be able to know what we need, because sometimes what we want is not what we need, if have the spirit of God in you, that same spirit will lead you to put your prayer perfectly before our father in heaven. I think when praying pray in secret, point what you need and continue thanking and praising for answering your prayer, when your prayer has been answered use the blessing wisely so as to remain permanent---Amen
  • Wayne Fisher on Matthew 6:24 - 12 years ago
    Brilliant pointing out of mankind�s PSYCHE. I am in HE and He in me.
  • GRAHAM on Matthew 6:7 - 12 years ago
    I love, you can really bring conviction to a Catholic, Pentecostal or Muslim and show them that God is not impressed by repetition of words, mantras, and even gibbets, and even with this wonderful verse so many are confused on the issue, may Jesus work in your life John 3:30 - HE must Increase, And I Must Decrease , .......THE ELVENTH HOUR IS AT HAND
  • Paul Ingold on Matthew 6:13 - 12 years ago
    There are two basic ways this text can be translated--"do not lead us into temptation," and "do not lead us into hard trials or testings". When both are considered, the following translation is something like, "Don't lead us into hard trials and temptations" and implied is...hard trials and temptations "which result in sin." It is clear from other scriptures that God often causes the adversary to come with hard trials--but God�s intention is that we grow and become more like Him--(even as God led Jesus to be tested and tempted by satan just two chapters before). Our prayer is that we would never succumb to sin in temptations, and within the trials that God is allowing--this is the end of the prayer--but deliver us from the evil one (Just as Jesus was delivered from the evil one in Matthew chapter 4). So, the translation is, "Do not lead us into hard trials and temptations which result in sin, but deliver us from the evil one (and from evil).
  • Natasha on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Thank heavenly father for the word
  • Hope on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    I recall a minister putting it like this:
    seek God and do what is right. That is what I remember.
  • Mabel kwarteng on Matthew 6:8 - 12 years ago
    I think that we should thank him for knowing our needs and also have faith in him that he will provide all our needs for us.
  • Dr Vijay Saradhi on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    God the Holy Spirit revealed me to understand Matthew 6:33 in a way that first seek his kingdom and his righteousness refer to Jesus. Jesus said 1) first seek his kingdom means seek him in prayer where we surrender to the Lord for his Lordship on our life. 2) Seek his righteousness means seek Jesus by meditate up on his Word where we get faith and by faith we will become righteous. Therefore when we have these two in our lives, God will grant our needs. Praise be to God.
  • Andr� on Matthew 6:20 - 12 years ago
    Laying up treasures in heaven is not synonymous with staying away and losing interest in life endeavors,. While the word of GOD condemns slothfulness, laziness, it urges us to do things heartily as to the lord and not men ( Colossians 3:23,24), which means we are called to excel (give the best we can) in all we do; including business and profession� However, we are warned against dishonesty, greed, love of money, selfishness and all excess that life tends to drive us in. In doing things heartily, obeying the lord, we are laying up treasures for ourselves in heaven�.
  • Anthony on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Matthew chapter six is my favorite of all the Bible. So beautiful, powerful, and thought provoking.
  • Patrick I Rodrigues on Luke 6 - 12 years ago
    Mt 6:22. I worked for Whole Foods Market for 8 years,& never sole from them or such like, & yet they fired me @ 78 years old with no benefits when
    i should have been allowed to finish my work at
    age 80 years & a family that are dependant on me
    for some support. Matthew 6:22 in Chapter 6 speaks
    of this & i found It very helpful that it is better to 'Be Certain Of God' than to trust in man who does not keep God's Eternal Word.
    God will judge the world, and there has to be
    Standard by which God will judge the world,& it
    would be unjust in God to judge the world and the
    world knowing no Standard to go by.
  • Johnartyboasiako on Matthew 6:8 - 12 years ago
    i think is that we should not talk much because God the all knows what is in our head and what we are about to tell Him so we should not bee like pagans
  • Erick on Psalms 83 - 12 years ago
    How beautiful is to see how we are being obedient to Jesus, by sanctifying Jehovah�s name his father. ( Matthew 6:9)
  • KRISTIN WATSON on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
  • Robert Teye on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    Definetly Seeking God first and His righteousness must be our forever priorit ih this life because without God we are nothing, if you beleive that say AMEN.
  • Neal on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    The "Lord's prayer" is the example and refutation to the "grace" vs. "law" preaching ("Once saved always saved" heresy) that says once you have been saved, you no longer need worry about losing Heaven by breaking any of the Old Testament Laws !!! Nor are you required to ask for forgiveness for the sins of omission, and commission, that if we are honest with ourselves, we grieve the Holy Spirit with daily. This example is no comprehensive list... just a simple acknowledgement, that we are still subject to human failures to live as we know we should. "Forgive us our debts..."
    see also: enduringword(dot)com/commentaries/4507.htm
  • Bruce on Matthew 6:6 - 12 years ago
    I agree with previous comment,"Enter into thy closet" does not mean Physical Room/Place. It is an internal closet.
  • Wayne on Matthew 6:10 - 12 years ago
    Why is it that other translations use on earth instead of in earth. I weigh this heavy in my thoughts for me in earth tells where my soul is while on earth.
  • Pauline on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    This scripture from Matt 6 is helping to realize, that the things in this life means nothing if your preparation is not for Heaven, i had forgotten where to find this part of the scriptures for awhile and i found it once i found it i broke into tears, i was so happy because i was depressed and feeling down and i know if i found that Matt 6, 1-34 my soul would feel full fill and i would know the purpose of life for me with Christ is to hope for nothing but Salvation, i feel much better now since i have read it thank God is name is a light unto my path.
  • Marty on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Sophie - "22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." If you are focusing on multiple things, you are not focused on Christ. An eye that is single is focused on one thing. Look through a pair of binoculars and spread the sides apart and you will see two images, neither of them clear. Push them back together and you can focus on what you see. Make your eye "single", or focused on Jesus Christ, and nothing can pull you away, though Satan will sure try!
  • Bane on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    ANSWER TO JER About the pearl, these words are not mine but the words of Jesus. I used them because this parable was most helpful to me to understand the Kingdom of God. I noticed that whole deed of Jesus was directed to the Kingdom of God. Even the John the Baptist said so on the Jordan.
    P.S. Again, everything I say is only my opinion. Who am I to give the definite answers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

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