This is my respond to GLENN's Romans Chapter 10 comment about verse 10 on 9/09/2013, 9:26am: The significance of confessing audibly (with one's mouth) unto salvation is that, your faith that is in your heart should be revealed by confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Prayers should be in the way as it's written in Matthew 6:5-6.
This is God's will for all who exercise faith in the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth; and love others as themselves, which is to happen here on earth once God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven ( Matthew 6:10).
One of the greatest weaPon of the Devil is fear and anxiety. But as a true believer we must understand d fundamental principle of God for our life. God is our father and he totally own us. The bible recorded it that all God created is good. Believe me or not you are part of God creation and he as created you for a purpose and he has naturally endowed us with everything which we need. But to have a life fulfiled live we must remember GOD DEMAND FROM US AND THAT IS GOD KINGDOM AND RIGHTHEOUSNESS. Jesus was very clever enough to have understand this, when satan showed him all the world and ask him to worship him, so that he casted away servant of God will give to d Son is rightful heritage without d consent of the father. GOd owns everything aLl but we have got to understand his demands from us as well. Thanks for reading.
It is very powerfull words, Jesus new already that we are in the world where people will never get contented or satisfy with whatever what they have, people will keep on pulse after material thing rathan than spitual things, seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness first will help us to focus on God only and forget all other things that may be content with our spirit mind.
Amazing to me how this scripture, which seems to encomp*** the actions of; worry, care, anxiety which are not observable activities but the actual process of THINKING.
It strikes me that what is being taught here is very likely the same as the Buddhist idea of EMPTINESS meaning that all that we may think, consider and project is empty of true meaning or of intrinsic awareness. We strive hard to keep our religious preferences separated but an honest view will reveal that God has been speaking all along in different times and climes and there has never been a time when he wasn't represented on earth even now!!
This scripture is one of many that the Holy Spirit reveal to me that my heavenly Father is the one who has the control over my life; and there is no need for me to set up and worry, lose sleep, wear myself out trying to work it all out. It has taught me how to rest in God. After all He is the author and finisher of my faith. Another good scripture to reference this one with is (Psalm3 ) and ( Matthew 6:25-33). Rest in His care!! Amen?
The ones who have dark eyes are in control of this present world, darkness will end the good & evil will overtake it, but only for awhile! God is in control & His love will prevail & no dark eyes will overtake anyone who came from above! Remember who you are & where you came from!! If you came from above, you will go back to heaven! If you were born of this world your eyes are darkened & you must repent to know the light of truth! God can save all even the earth bound! I am from above & I will go back to where I was created, let the darkness if your eyes & soul leave you! Become light & you too can go to my home in heaven above, by being like your creator who is all good & no evil! Good comes from good, bad comes from evil!!!
God gave me this chapter in a dream 28/7/2013. I have come to my senses that" i worry so much yet all the answers are with Him. First, pray and fast in secret. Secret here means meditating in God's presence. Secondly, our eyes must bring light into our whole being. Third, forgive those wrong you, then lastly worry not, because Jesus ***ured us that, just lile bipds in the air, He has good plans for us
as what that mean is u have faith in god the lord is our number one priority as being a Christian u have to follow a godly ways to receive your answer when u pray to the lord...
Note how the Basic English Bible translates this scripture: "who made it not to be a waste, but as a living-place for man". This, along with many other scriptures( Psalms 37:29, Ecclesiastes 1:4, Matthew 6:10, Genesis 2:16,17; 3:19), gives clear, indisputable evidence of God's purpose for the earth.
Why should we not acknowledge people who excel at their fields, whatever that field. I do not feel it is my place to judge if someone should take money or how much they should take for the sport they play. I believe God is loving and gave us many beautiful gifts in life. I believe one of the gifts he gave us is the ability to take a skill level above that of other creatures and I believe that to truly acknowledge and serve God I need to acknowledge this. I do not believe it is up to me to judge what that person is paid or if their heart is clean in their acceptance of this pay. It is my job in my opinion to ensure that I am settled in my heart with the monies that I receive and that I act in a way personally to honour to God.
I shall use this scripture Sunday when I minister in words and songs to the ***isted Living home Fairway Pines Sunday. The song goes along with this scripture Matthew 6:33.Thank You for your ministry! A POWERFUL MESSAGE TO EVERYONE!!!!
Matt 6:22 is actually speaking of the Pineal Gland. It is our third or first eye. It's the eye that close when Adam and Eve's "EYES" were opened. The Pineal Gland has the same fluid as the eye. It also has a cornea and a lens but most adults Pineal Glands hes a calcium phosphate biuld-up on it do to poor diet and lack of use.
Akinnusi olabode paul on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
The kingdom of God is talking about many things here....(1)HOW CAN WE SEEK THE KINGDOM OF GOD?
Answer:-> Is by doing the will of God and keep his statute, because will are the KEY to the kingdom of will must started the live a HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUS life... GOD bless you all..?
As true christians, Mathew 6:33 is required of us to make the Kindom of God our priority, then all things will fall in place for our good and to the glory of God almighty.
Jesus also gave a precise location for this Kingdom that we are to seek. Jesus has said that the Kingdom of God is within us. So, let us look within, keeping the gaze of our loving heart within - and that all that is needed. The answer to our troubles does not lie in the outside world. It is here within our very own breast. You are very close.
@Mic, there is a verse that talks about people having an "evil eye"... For some, they only see the worst in everybody. It's people who say "there is just something about that person that I don't like..." Though they know nothing about the person. The eye is the first thing that sees and then lust forms when the eye is full of darkness. There are people who see the worst in everyone... never have anything positive to say - always running people down by what they look like. Very judgmental. When the eye is dark, people are unable to "see" spiritually I believe.
Matthew 6:33,is what i call the master key to a world of unlimited breakthrough,it makes what other are running after to run after us,this is one key every true believer must possess,the desire to always attend to God and His kingdom first. Matthew 6:33 and Psalms 37:4, to me is the most powerful scripture in the bible. PEACE.
It strikes me that what is being taught here is very likely the same as the Buddhist idea of EMPTINESS meaning that all that we may think, consider and project is empty of true meaning or of intrinsic awareness. We strive hard to keep our religious preferences separated but an honest view will reveal that God has been speaking all along in different times and climes and there has never been a time when he wasn't represented on earth even now!!
Answer:-> Is by doing the will of God and keep his statute, because will are the KEY to the kingdom of will must started the live a HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUS life... GOD bless you all..?