This is Literal... seek the literal kingdom in these last days... where they keep true worship. And secondly there is a sanctuary in Heaven operating right now where Yashua (Jesus) is interceding on your behalf. So to get right with him,,, or become one with him... have your sins blotted out in the sanctuary that is operating right now in Heaven. So find his Kingdom and do his righteousness. Asking forgiveness daily going before the throne.
this is Literal: there is a Kingdom to rise up in these Last Days that we are living in right now. And there is a Sanctuary in Heaven that operates right now... with Yashua interceding on your behalf... that is how you become righteous. So find the real kingdom and get right through the sanctuary system. This is what this literally means.
We as children of GOD look to HIM for all things. Follow after HIM imitate our FATHER. Desire to do as HE does. Love HIM with all our heart mind soul and strength. And HE like a loving FATHER delights to see HIS children following in HIS steps;embraces them cares for them and supplies their every need.
No, We are not going to heaven. According to this: Matthew 5:5 � Meek Inherit the Earth.
Adam and Eve was supposed to live forgive on this Earth in Pardise and be fruit and have a children but they failed and disobey in the name of God.
He said he promised for righteous and unrighteous to live here forever and removed the wick of the system of things. Wait a minute.. Unrighteous too ? Yes.. Here: The book goes on to say��But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?
Acts 24:15: I have a hope in God (a hope that these men themselves accept too) that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke 23:42 42 And he said, �Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.� 43 And he said to him, �Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.�
Other criminal insulted Jesus will not come with him in Paradise at all.
So that the unrighteous will have an opportunity to prove that he love God in new Earth right here. Yes, for one thousand years.
God has a name. Jesus said: �Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified� Matthew 6:9.
The father has a name. Go to your bible and you will be shock even your churches a false churches do not taught God's name. God and Lord is the subjects! PSALM 83:18 -- His name is what ? Yes, JEHOVAH!
Mathew 6 is a dissertation on treasure. Mt 20 has to do with generosity and greediness. Matthew 25.14-30 explains what use individuals made of treasure entrusted to them, and verse 31 reveals the conditions of judgment to all individuals of all nations. 1 John 3 clears up any leftover doubts for believers.
that we dont let flesh overtaken us.and not going and let people no what u r doing for others.let God get the glory.watever u doing for a person do it unto God with love and good intentions
The most important thing to know is God loved us first.and. his love is everlasting. For seek him we seek his kingdom and all his riches for God is the creator for all things and the master of everything. With God nothing is impossible.
Mathew 6.1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men. To be seen of them ;otherwise ye have no reward of your father which is in heaven. I think this means that if you to give materially to another; then you give because it blesses you as the giver and it blesses the recipient. Not give materially to be seen by mans eyes but by our father in heaven
"Seek ye first, the Kingdom Of God..." I believe He is saying BEFORE you DO anything, confer with Him first. Remember He is our GUIDE. "And His righteousness..." Doing what He would DO, "And all these things shall be added to you..." He shall give you your food, water, clothing, etc. He clothes the grass and feeds it, and His people are worth more to Him than grass. He takes care of His people completely when His people faithfully put Him first.
It is a non negotiable facts to every Christian believer that seeking the kingdom first will open the doors to every desired knowledge,be it it spiritual or the secular knowledge.
i believe it means when we are living in the flesh and not the spirit, when our prayers our selfishly motivated. when we ask god for what we want rather than what he wants.
When God prompts me to go on a missions trip but I can't because a co-worker already has that time that moment, I realize that I am serving Mammon...yes, I am loving God and despising my job. Now it is up to me to believe for God's wisdom and to find "knowledge of witty inventions" with the ultimate goal of creating enough passive residual income so that I can be financially free, no longer trading my time for money and able to be available every time the Master calls.
take thoughts captive as a man thinkith he is pulling down every vain imagination and bringing into captivity every thought2nd cor 10:5 how we take a thought is by sayinbg dont listen to the lies of the enemy God is good he will provide God is for us.He love us .
Sunday Israel Oyedokun on Matthew 6:6 - 11 years ago
If you patiently read that chapter with understanding, you will find out that Jesus Christ means when you are interceeding for somebody. That is why He said, "for they love to pray standing ....TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS." Then he said' "truely, they have recieved their reward in full."
And what is reward? Reward is a thing that you are given because you have done something good.
So interceeding for people in public means that you want people to speak well of you that you are kind instead of letting God to reward you.
..from matthew 6:33
By keeping and by following His commandsments is a very important thing especially when we spread His word to those unbelevers..thank you Lord Jesus..
Olajoju Temitope Joseph on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
This is the principle of Mattew 6:33. The moment we seek or look first after the kingdom of God; He 'Jesus' will cause everything needed to search and find us.
I like matt 6:22 Jesus spoke in parables, this verse means alot to me, I know exactly what he is trying to say here. To everyone it has its own meaning, this lets me know I am on the right track.
Marc:...I agree with you because we should KNOW KNOW WHO our LORD Jesus Christ really is...The Word "was" God and "was" made flesh ( John 1:1,14)...Let us NOT LIMIT ourselves in believing the "name of the FLESH" of our Lord Jesus Christ only...but also to believe his "name before he was made flesh" and accept the fact that he is NOT OF THIS WORLD ( John 17:1-26)...therefore it is true that "his flesh" did pray to the FATHER whenever he asked anything from HIM the same way as he taught us to do when we want to ask something through prayer from our God the Father ( Matthew 6:5-13)
Matthew 6:9-13 is NOT AN EXAMPLE but instead a COMMANDMENT that prayer should be in that manner...You should NOT say..."deliver us from evil..deliver us from evil..deliver us from evil"...OR to do the same with the whole content of the Lord's prayer...AS IF you shall be heard if you do that...
I love Matthew 6. I feel that Christians need to read it more carefully. Are not the words in verse 9-13 an example of how to speak to God privately in your own words? How is it that these words were then turned into the Lord's Prayer, which is repeated publicly, when Jesus counsels against this in the preceding verses? It seems hypocritical. Just as Jesus said it did. Can someone please explain?
We always end up crying if our plans and programs go failing. This is most especially because we do not put God first in those plans. I'm sure He will not ignore us if we consider Him the priority.
I think Wesley made the best comment. Your means your INTENTIONS. Whatever you give attention and desire from it, effects not only your body, but your soul. And if your eye be "single", meaning pure or true, the presence of God (the light) will illuminate your life. Peace :)
This is my respond to GLENN's Romans Chapter 10 comment about verse 10 on 9/09/2013, 9:26am: The significance of confessing audibly (with one's mouth) unto salvation is that, your faith that is in your heart should be revealed by confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus. Prayers should be in the way as it's written in Matthew 6:5-6.
This is God's will for all who exercise faith in the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth; and love others as themselves, which is to happen here on earth once God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven ( Matthew 6:10).
Adam and Eve was supposed to live forgive on this Earth in Pardise and be fruit and have a children but they failed and disobey in the name of God.
He said he promised for righteous and unrighteous to live here forever and removed the wick of the system of things. Wait a minute.. Unrighteous too ? Yes.. Here: The book goes on to say��But why will Jesus permit a man who was a criminal to live in Paradise?
Acts 24:15: I have a hope in God (a hope that these men themselves accept too) that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke 23:42 42 And he said, �Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.� 43 And he said to him, �Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.�
Other criminal insulted Jesus will not come with him in Paradise at all.
So that the unrighteous will have an opportunity to prove that he love God in new Earth right here. Yes, for one thousand years.
God has a name. Jesus said: �Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified� Matthew 6:9.
The father has a name. Go to your bible and you will be shock even your churches a false churches do not taught God's name. God and Lord is the subjects! PSALM 83:18 -- His name is what ? Yes, JEHOVAH!
And what is reward? Reward is a thing that you are given because you have done something good.
So interceeding for people in public means that you want people to speak well of you that you are kind instead of letting God to reward you.
By keeping and by following His commandsments is a very important thing especially when we spread His word to those unbelevers..thank you Lord Jesus..