It stands to reason, at least to me, if the Christ said that "the kingdom of heaven is within you ,and we are instructed to go where the power of the FATHER is, which has nothing at all with your surroundings. Prey for Peace
Verse 30, God has created the natural existence of all things, which, as the example of grass, will perish in the future by natural expiration or by mans intervention for his own purpose. God created mankind in a body that will perish in the future by natural causes or by the action of another man. Verse 31 is making the point that concern should not be for the body that will die no matter what one does to try to sustain it. The soul, spirit, is life not the body. Verse 33, seek union with God in his kingdom FIRST because that is eternal life. Verse 34, Attain love of God and mankind first then see to your physical needs each day, for it is God that has determined the outcome of the future so do not worry about it. To be accepted into the kingdom of God is to receive an incorruptible inheritance of life that does not fade away or die.
I am in awe! Ifound these comments by accident! I had read these verses before. All Iknew was that they were in Mathew.I kept searching thru my phone cuz I don 't have a computer and don 't read the bible cuz of semi-blindness. Past few days kept searching for methew. Tonight your comments very recently put every verse in someone wants to remind me of what is important in a hurry!!!! Alot of years in one night. Thank you in case I don 't find u again. In Jesus name. Amen.
We must seek the kingdom of God first and love God with all our hearts and soul all things that we need will be added, we are feed thru Jesus. The kingdom of God is within us, we must believed Jesus that he is the Son of the Living God who saves us and gives us life through his precious blood. We must obey God 's commandments and follow and live like Jesus until rapture. Jesus is the only way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father except thru Jesus only. We must fix our eyes to Jesus only as our eyes the light of our body. Jesus loves us and he will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Our Father is a loving and kind, his mercy and goodness will always follow us.
This is the only physical need Jesus included in this prayer. God hears our prayers and within our prayers we reveal the desires of our heart, which God already knows. King Solomon said, VANITY, VANITY, ALL IN THIS LIFE IS VANITY. He prayed for wisdom and he finally got it at the end of his life. God will provide physical needs. God wants a living loving relationship with us. I now pray for God 's kingdom here on earth to be revealed unto me daily. We must be careful what we pray for because God is listening. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalms 23.1 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise God! Hallelujah! Jesus lives!
SAM we can not blame God cause we have 3 cars we can only drive one at a time. So decide which one you want to fix first cause everything that is made of man gives us a warning before it breaks down. But my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory, by Christ Iesus. We need to know first what is God riches in glory, so we much first have to do something as Christians to obtain his riches in glory. Then your house if you do what you can and believe God he will supply all of your all of Matthew but Matthew 6:31-34--- Trust him I know
there are precautions we should take as christians and see things as God sees them. our hope should in God. do not be worried about tommorrow but trust God.
Fasting is not taking in false doctrine but even the act of baptism, a ritual, is meaningless if one is doing it just to be seen as righteous. If the love of God, Jesus and man is not there then the rituals are meaningless and God is the one that sees the truth of what you really are.
Verses 16 to 18...fasting is NOT eating false doctrine. God knows what you think at all times. Eating the bread of Jesus, the word of God, is anointing ones head, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, washing ones face in the blood of the Lamb to be cleansed of sin. This is symbolic to represent it is not outward ritual that defines the laws of God but inner purity of loving God and man. God knows if you love him and his creation, all mankind, or not. God moves in the heart of Christians to bless the world with love and peace. Only loving people gives the world this blessing. Without unity in this world there is no perfect order, peace, garden of Eden. Listen with a loving heart, trust Jesus, fast from false doctrine, follow through with the guidance we receive.
Reminds that one the first things God did to teach Jews of their need of him. The giving of the Manna and how it was suitable to meet their needs. It also reminds how implicitly we should trust him.
In Matthew chapter5 6, Jesus took the 12 disciples upon the mountain to describe the kingdom of God. God is not of this world. The kingdom Jesus is referring to is a spiritual place where tangible physical things we feel, taste, hear see do not exist. Until I was granted eyes and ears to see and hear what God is saying to me this passage meant nothing to me. I had to cease praying for , a new car, a bigger house, and even basic necessities. I began praying for God to reveal himself to me. Because no matter how attentively I listened, no one could explain God to me. God cannot be explained, He must reveal himself. Something that happens when we stop chasing worldly things. Things of this world are not real. They will all be as dust very soon. I lost everything I own twice and I see what 's real now. Fellowship with Jesus and obedience to his commandment come first, and all else follows. And when God blesses us with things of this world we are to share with our bretheren.
Jesus ' death on the cross has already delivered us from the evil of the fear of death and hell. And He gives us the hope of eternal life forever. But we still need to pray daily for deliverance from the evil that could befall us during our daily walk with Him in this life, such as, accidents, sickness, the dangers of animal attacks, and the evils from unsaved wicked, such as burglars, murderers, etc. When we pray we are telling the Lord that we are trusting in Him for our protection and safekeeping and not in ourselves.
Remember "The Lord 's Prayer " was given to man BEFORE Christ 's death. For those living AFTER Jesus ' death on the cross to use this prayer verbatim is to make the death of Christ of no avail because Christ 's death DID DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE and Christ 's death DID BRING THE KINGDOM OF GOD DOWN TO MAN. .... Heb. 2:14-15 tells, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also, himself, likewise took part of the same: that thru death He might destroy him that HAD the power of death, that is the devil: and DELIVER THEM who thru fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. ".... and Col. 1:13 tells us God "... HATH DELIVERED US INTO THE KINGDOM of His dear Son. " ... Thus, according to these two witnesses of Heb 2:14-15 and Col. 1:13 Jesus ' death on the cross DID deliver us from evil and DID bring the kingdom. The very act of asking the Father to do it again by quoting what is called "The Lord 's Prayer " is a denial of what He already did thru the death of His only Son!
I love this scripture!!!!!!! It tells us about living a Godly life.We should not dwell on tomorrow.You should live from day to day.You never know what tomorrow will bring you. Be blessed and highly favored. There is nobody like the Lord!!!! :
PROVERBS 11:28 COMMENTS 1 28 2015 5:46 PM If we trust our faith in riches of this world then we can easily be deceive. As what written in BOOK OF: MATTHEW 6:241 TIMOTHY 6:17. But instead we must trust into the "WORD OF GOD " through our Lord Jesus Christ. A-men.
I would like a comment on verse 17, because in portugues is very different on version simple, the expression "anoint thine head ", so this "comb hair ". Thank you very much God Blessing you
This chapter other than the lords prayer is talking and asking why want the the things of this world when there temporary? Instead you should want whats in stored for you in heaven because god has a plan for all of us he wouldn 't do anything to us that he knows we couldn 't get through. This being said don 't try to put your heart into the world,but instead you should put your work and efforts into god because a greater prize is in store for you. I 'm not saying you should listen to the world and accept just because you want a lot of riches, but you should want to serve god and Iove him with all of your heart.