No there isn't any scripture that says he baptized anyone with water.
I often hear some say they
"believe" he did but that is conjecture.
But ww do know by way of scripture he baptizes today!
Matthew 3:11. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
I could not finish. "NEVER MIND THE KJV?" If you feel and believe what you are, than you are in the wrong place! All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. There is none righteous, no not one! Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The word of God is this word you see! This is the word that said let there be light! This is the word that said this is my beloved Son, hear ye Him!
Without faith it is impossible to please Him. We are saved according to his righteousness found in those who believe his words . NOT OUR WORDS!
Hi Donna. You may get other views on this passage ( Matthew 3:13-15), & no, yours is a very good question & nothing to be ashamed of, because the reasons for His Baptism are not given, except that He had said that "it (this special baptism) becometh us to fulfil all righteousness".
So we see that both John the Baptist & Jesus are included in His statement. John too was involved in this great & mysterious act. I see several things that are in Jesus' Mind & it certainly wasn't that He needed to be baptized for repentance, as you wrote. As people who were conscious of their sins & in response to John's call came to be baptized, Jesus comes along as well. As people looked inwardly to their sin-sick hearts, Jesus was looking upward to doing His Father's Will & to prepare for the long road ahead that ultimately meant the securing of those people's salvation, by faith in Him.
So I see that Jesus' baptism was that first step - a public declaration to John & others present, receiving the Father's Approval & the Spirit's empowering, the water being the medium to signify His death & burial ( Mark 10:38), a vivid testimony to Himself that there was no turning back - the Cross was before Him, & for the institution of baptism for believers to declare this same testimony of death to self, a new life in the risen Christ, & a walk of faith till the end. At that moment in time, as John was using water towards repentance, Jesus was there using water towards salvation.
And as John was a witness to all these things, so all sinners coming to Jesus for salvation, must be witnesses to His offering of Himself (a witness from the Word and the Spirit). Many, for other reasons, come to Christ & do not truly believe in the full Personhood of Christ, even some Church ministers as we have read of. Unless every sinner coming to Jesus believes the Jesus as shown in the Word & confirmed deep in the heart by the Holy Spirit, then salvation is spurious & maybe just a wishful crutch to hang onto.
Child, get off that backslide and come on over to the frontslide. Get yourself a new routine, like working out, self discipline. You can do it with God in your heart, you'll be OK.
The testing of our faith is done by seeing if there are "fruits meet for repentance." Never mind the KJV word; basically the things which come out of our inner being should demonstrate that the Spirit is at work with love; joy; peace; patience; longsuffering etal. These are in contrast to the BAD fruits of our old nature (adulteries; fornications; anger; strife; dissentions; greed; etc). The test first of all is whether we have truly been saved. That is evidenced largely by whether we have genuine remorse for our sins because we love God and have offended Him; or if we simply wish to be as Judas Iscariot and avoid the consequences. He even went so far as to realize that Christ was a "righteous man"; but never acknowledge Him as God in the flesh and worship Him. If we love God; and truly have that Agape supernatural all encompassing type affection for Him; then we realize that the Spirit of God inside us grieves at our sin (as the Spirit lives within us). Romans already indicates the "done deal" for the regenerate; those who are justified are sanctified then glorified (I'll let you find the verse). For the elect; the corridors of time are already seen with the end from the beginning; as these good works have been predestined for us since before the beginning of time (another verse to find in scripture). Another KEY concept and command is that we love one another (the brethren) and others will know we are Christians that way. What we do; whether sins of commission or omission probably have far more collateral effect on others than in our own lives. As part of His Body; we should esteem others above ourselves; and see ourselves as "unworthy servants" merely doing our duty and working to help fulfill the Great Commission ( Matthew 28 I believe). It does help to confess our sins to one another to have accountability; and also as a believer the Lord has those He wishes us to disciple and to build us up in the faith. If we are His; we "hear His voice".
Please know that Jesus will always receive one who returns to Him in faith and repentance. he will not cast anyone away no matter how many times we backslide and return to Him.
I will pray for you today.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for sister Lisa and the move of Your Holy Spirit within her to change her ways and return to You from a backslidden condition that has not honored You or helped her one bit. We ask that You will restore to Lisa assurance of salvation, strengthen her when she is tempted to return to her sin, fill her with the joy of knowing You receive her when she calls on You, build her up in faith and knowledge of You and Your Word. We ask these things from You Lord Jesus, in Your name. Amen.
Hi Lisa. You've probably read the whole of Matthew chapter 3, where the view there is of John the Baptist baptizing in the Jordan River & many folk coming to him in response to his message to repent. Amongst those coming to him, were some of the religious leaders (the Pharisees & Sadducees). Did they come with the same understanding as the others, stating that they were sinners in need of such declaration? But John looked at them sternly & stated those words of condemnation in Matthew 3:7-10 to them.
Those religious leaders came physically to be baptized but their hearts did not align with John's message of baptism with repentance. They came in pride of their heritage in Abraham, that their salvation lay in being God's elect & not because of a personal heart examination. They came with their own interpretation of the Scriptures & adding more rules & regulations that bound a heavy yoke on the people & so made themselves superior by giving those extra requirements. They came pretending to show piety whereas their hearts were full of themselves & not full of self examination. They should have been exercised in heart in how far they had strayed from God's pure Word & ought to be lovingly teaching & guiding the people by it.
So John was questioning the motives of these leaders, that they ought to bring forth fruits (evidences, demonstrations) that come with a penitent heart, & not dead decaying evidence to which God's Axe would one day come to that tree of death, to destroy it.
From your testimony of a backslidden life, the first step forward is recognition of your sad state, the weight of unforgiven sin you feel, & the grief that brings to a Holy God Who has given His all to secure you into His family. When you humbly come to Him, & not as those religious leaders, He will forgive you, accept you without reserve, fill you with His Spirit, & give you joy for this life & hope for the life to come. Luke 15:10; 1 John 1:9; John 1:11-13. Bring all this to God in prayer.
Out on the red page where you came into this site, is a Link: BECOME A BELIEVER.
It will walk you through sound doctrine on how to become a Christian, or to renew your commitment.
You have to make a stronger commitment to read the Bible (Gospels through to the End). Visiting Proverbs and Psalms also ( Psalm 51).
It's helpful to attend church, listen to church programs on the car FM radio in gridlock. You'll like Greg Laurie on YouTube. I do.
It's easier to come back if you'll draw close to the Lord. Begin to say no to the world and that voice that makes us despair. Come away from it for a while. We all deal with it; so we are here For You. Someone's here day or night.
Explore the other links or the boxes. You'll like Testimonies.
Jesus set an EXAMPLE of baptism for us and all three (tri-unity) were there. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, all together, at the baptism. Jesus always led by example.
I am not seasoned in the word YET as are most of y'all, but I do know enough to know that the Bible says this;
Revelation 22:18
Revelation 22:19
With emphasis on revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
If we were to compare water baptism today with how it was done back in Jesus' day, there wouldn't be much resemblance. I am not aware of any church that performs baptisms the same way it was done back then. Baptism back then would be complete full immersion.
It is very interesting how these baptism's worked. The person who was performing the baptism (In this case, John the Baptist), they would never touch the person being baptized. So Jesus went into the water alone. John would just be there to witness it. The person being baptized would be responsible for pulling them self under the water and the witness would be there to make sure that all of you went under, hair and everything!
Everything had to be immersed and you had to be immersed three times. Even to this day the Jews immerse three times in their baptism. The Jews had no idea why they immersed 3 times for their baptism. But after Messiah came, and when He gave the believing Jews the commission to go out and preach the gospel to the Gentiles, He said, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three times for the Trinity. Interesting background!
As for Matthew 3:11, the fire represents judgment, and we get that from the very next verse ( Matthew 3:12) where is says "But He (Christ) will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. So Christ is going to baptize His people with the Holy Spirit. That is the Lord's ministry. He baptizes people with the Holy Spirit.
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12:10 that we have been all baptized by one Spirit and all made to drink of the one Spirit, and we have been baptized into the body of Christ. When the Lord ministers His Spirit, when He gives His Spirit to people, that is called "the baptism of the Holy Spirit."
So fire is judgment! He is going to baptize people (Those who have rejected Him) with fire in the judgment. But He is going to baptize His people with the Holy Spirit. That is His ministry.
Jesus taught us many things while on this earth, including why we need to be baptized, and exactly how we need to perform the baptisim.
Matthew 3:16
"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:"
Yes, Jesus was submerged.
Matthew 28:19
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
If we are Christ followers, we will listen to His instructions, and follow Jesus.
Regarding your question about Matthew 3:11 John the Baptist is stating that: he (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:"
On the day of Pentecost, after His resurection, Jesus did send the Holy Spirit to baptize believers and the evidence of the Holy Spirit that day is found in Acts 2:3-4 "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
So, I believe that John the Baptists reference to fire in Matthew 3:11 may have referred to the future purification that would come with Christ's baptism as observed above, with the cloven tongues like of fire in conjunction with receiving the Holy Spirit during Pentecost.
Is a submerged baptism the only way to be truly baptized? This has been a very misunderstood issue with us. I was taught to be submerged my friends have been taught differently. All of us want to follow the TRUE instructions of God, but haven't been able to pin point it in the Bible .
I love John too. He and Jesus were cousins (Mary and Elizabeth). Imagine his surprise when he saw Jesus walking toward him, and the Holy Spirit said, "Behold the Lamb of God".
This event was a prophesy fulfilled. Jesus fulfilled over 100 prophesies just on the day He was crucified; and when he was entombed.
A good Reference Bible lists them as you read along. It enriches your whole study experience.
What's amazing is that the Rabbi's knew of those Old Testament prophesies, but few put it together then.
Lists of the Old Testament and New Testament prophesies can be viewed on Google. Also with the scriptures that show Jesus's life fulfilled all of them. Thinking of the odds of that happening will make you say WOW!!
Thank you so much Timmy for this encouraging word. We all should seek to do Yahs will in all that we do. Jesus set the perfect example of only doing what the father's does. Timmy may you forever be blessed in the name of Jesus I do pray amen
Luke 1:5,6, Zachariahs a priest & Elizabeth daughter of Aaron, walking in "all the commandments & ordinances of the LORD & blameless." Exodus 28:1, books of Leviticus, Luke 1:8-10, Luke 1:13, It was this John. Luke 1:13-17, (Read again Luke 1, awesome revelation :)
Then knowing John the son "of priests, blameless " would declare such a thing is Powerful, maybe that's why the "teachers of the law" were so._._. Matthew 3:1-17, Mark 1:1-11, John 1:1-34,
I thought it interesting that Jesus being related to the Priest was significant Luke 1:36,41,43,
Luke 1:48 Mary likewise with Elizabeth (& John lept for joy) felt not worthy even before Jesus birth.
This is by far one of the most powerful and beautiful moments documented in the Bible. First of all, I love how one of the holiest individuals, John, is depicted as a man of lower class. One who most likely did not have much of his own, was ultimately the strongest with his religious faith. This further exemplifies how the love and grace of God is found where you least expect it, and is omnipresent in all of us. When Jesus asks John to baptize him, John expresses that he is not worthy to baptize Jesus, and that it should be the other way around. Jesus insists that he truly wishes to be blessed by John and the Holy Spirit, and believes that even he, the son of God, seeks the blessing of God the father. It is only after Jesus is baptized that the doors of heaven are opened, and God exclaims, "this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." The beauty of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are truly showcased in a powerful way here, as the light and love from God is illuminated in our hearts and souls at this moment. Jesus shows us all that if we embrace the love of God in our hearts and souls the way he did, the doors of Heaven will be opened to us also.
I will comment on versus 19-21; we are warned by the Apostle Paul in these versus that if Christians live an ungodly lifestyle, they will not inherit the kingdom of God. In order to understand the warning we must first understand the difference between entering the first dispensation of the kingdom of God, and inheriting the second dispensation of the kingdom of God. All Christians, upon being born again enter the kingdom of God, as in John 3:5 & Colossians 1:13 The Lord Jesus taught during this first dispensation of the kingdom of God, it is within the heart of all believers. Luke 17:20-21 We got into the kingdom of God by unconditional promises, through faith without works, as part of the foundation that Christ Jesus laid. Yet when we speak about inheriting the kingdom, we cannot talk about this first dispensation of the kingdom of God at all, seeing the word used here is inheriting, meaning, the Apostle Paul is referring unto the second dispensation of the kingdom of God, known as the millennial kingdom. Not all Christians will make it into this kingdom, although they will all go to heaven, yet to make it into the kingdom of heaven, it is not a free gift, rather you must earn entrance by meeting conditional promises, as in Matthew 7:21 and as in Acts 14:22 and as in Matthew 3:5 and Matthew 3:10 All of which speak of entering the millennial kingdom of heaven by faith with works, as you meet the conditions spoken of in those chapter versus. On the other hand, if a Christian lives an immoral lifestyle, as mentioned here in these seventeen sins, he is denied entrance into the millennial kingdom of God, and will remain in heaven until the thousand year kingdom is over.
Do you believe Jesus is Lord and died for you for the hope of salvation?
John 5:22-24 these verses might be interesting to read.
You said that John 1:1 doesn't say Jesus is God, but it does. I broke it down before, but it seems we are not on the same wavelength.
There are many verses saying Jesus is God in various ways, but no where in the Bible anywhere does it say Jesus is not God. Not only that but Jesus never once said He was not God. So, it seems unusual to arrive at such a conclusion with no evidence for it and with all the evidence for the opposite.
Have you carefully read the whole chapter of John 1?
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Since you don't think the Word is Jesus, who else do you think the Word is?
Who else do you think fits that description of being sent to earth in the flesh, to live among us, and to die on the cross for our sins?
15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
John 3:28 John said "I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him."
Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
That clear sign along with the voice made it obvious that Jesus was He.
John 1:29 John acknowledges it is Jesus: Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 1:36 "And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!"
Do you believe Jesus is the Lamb of God as it says?
The next chapter Matt 4:7 Jesus is tempted and says to satan: Jesus said unto him, It is written again, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." There again Jesus refers to Himself as Lord and God. Do you agree?
Hallo Dear sibling i Christ. Now, i was so glad, but i also felt huge joy in the Holy Spirit when you read my message last time. : D. Of course I will pray for you and your calling. And He thank you for what you do for those outside, i lift you up to Jesus. He who can bear all our burdens. He happily took them on. Just as we are taught to do for ours. In Patience and not least of infinite love. God bless you in the Name of Jesus. We support each other, without seeing each other. That is what happened on Pentecost and much more that we do not understand, at least not all, yet. But everyone should understand everything in the end.
I will gladly read all books inspired by the Holy Ghost. And pray for them to come out. I write too, but that's my life. Which no one can believe or measure up to. We all have our cramps and frailties. Our cases that are only private. Then there are some people who have (do not believe in themselves) But believe that others can be saved through them. : D.
I think about the Bible too. Why do we only get a little of what Peter wrote, for example? We should have read more of the scriptures!
Now i know a person who has many visions and wonders to look at. And is blessed with many gifts. (do you know what word I got today)?
2 Corinthians 1-13.
Nor will i brag and praise myself. And neither do you. For all things are for the glory of God in the holy name of Jesus Christ, by the Holy Ghost which is in us.
Yesterday when i lifted you up before the Lord, He spoke to me and i will do an act of faithfulness to Him today. I should notice the time.
And i got peace for that. So my friend keep your faith and continue on the path of faith that the Lord has laid out for you. He is with you all the days of your life. Be blessed in the Powerful Name of Jesus.
In scripture the normative meaning when it speaks of baptism, it is talking about water baptism.
One could google that and find out if what I am saying is true or not. I encourage people to read up on what Christian history shows to be the meaning and type when it speaks of baptizing, which means to immerse in or pour water over a person.
Many on here will argue against this because they don't want the text to mean water baptism due to their desire to have it mean something different. That is why I suggest someone research it outside of the comments on this site if one wants to really find the answer.
No there isn't any scripture that says he baptized anyone with water.
I often hear some say they
"believe" he did but that is conjecture.
But ww do know by way of scripture he baptizes today!
Matthew 3:11. I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
God bless.
The word of God is this word you see! This is the word that said let there be light! This is the word that said this is my beloved Son, hear ye Him!
Without faith it is impossible to please Him. We are saved according to his righteousness found in those who believe his words . NOT OUR WORDS!
So we see that both John the Baptist & Jesus are included in His statement. John too was involved in this great & mysterious act. I see several things that are in Jesus' Mind & it certainly wasn't that He needed to be baptized for repentance, as you wrote. As people who were conscious of their sins & in response to John's call came to be baptized, Jesus comes along as well. As people looked inwardly to their sin-sick hearts, Jesus was looking upward to doing His Father's Will & to prepare for the long road ahead that ultimately meant the securing of those people's salvation, by faith in Him.
So I see that Jesus' baptism was that first step - a public declaration to John & others present, receiving the Father's Approval & the Spirit's empowering, the water being the medium to signify His death & burial ( Mark 10:38), a vivid testimony to Himself that there was no turning back - the Cross was before Him, & for the institution of baptism for believers to declare this same testimony of death to self, a new life in the risen Christ, & a walk of faith till the end. At that moment in time, as John was using water towards repentance, Jesus was there using water towards salvation.
And as John was a witness to all these things, so all sinners coming to Jesus for salvation, must be witnesses to His offering of Himself (a witness from the Word and the Spirit). Many, for other reasons, come to Christ & do not truly believe in the full Personhood of Christ, even some Church ministers as we have read of. Unless every sinner coming to Jesus believes the Jesus as shown in the Word & confirmed deep in the heart by the Holy Spirit, then salvation is spurious & maybe just a wishful crutch to hang onto.
Please know that Jesus will always receive one who returns to Him in faith and repentance. he will not cast anyone away no matter how many times we backslide and return to Him.
I will pray for you today.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for sister Lisa and the move of Your Holy Spirit within her to change her ways and return to You from a backslidden condition that has not honored You or helped her one bit. We ask that You will restore to Lisa assurance of salvation, strengthen her when she is tempted to return to her sin, fill her with the joy of knowing You receive her when she calls on You, build her up in faith and knowledge of You and Your Word. We ask these things from You Lord Jesus, in Your name. Amen.
Those religious leaders came physically to be baptized but their hearts did not align with John's message of baptism with repentance. They came in pride of their heritage in Abraham, that their salvation lay in being God's elect & not because of a personal heart examination. They came with their own interpretation of the Scriptures & adding more rules & regulations that bound a heavy yoke on the people & so made themselves superior by giving those extra requirements. They came pretending to show piety whereas their hearts were full of themselves & not full of self examination. They should have been exercised in heart in how far they had strayed from God's pure Word & ought to be lovingly teaching & guiding the people by it.
So John was questioning the motives of these leaders, that they ought to bring forth fruits (evidences, demonstrations) that come with a penitent heart, & not dead decaying evidence to which God's Axe would one day come to that tree of death, to destroy it.
From your testimony of a backslidden life, the first step forward is recognition of your sad state, the weight of unforgiven sin you feel, & the grief that brings to a Holy God Who has given His all to secure you into His family. When you humbly come to Him, & not as those religious leaders, He will forgive you, accept you without reserve, fill you with His Spirit, & give you joy for this life & hope for the life to come. Luke 15:10; 1 John 1:9; John 1:11-13. Bring all this to God in prayer.
It will walk you through sound doctrine on how to become a Christian, or to renew your commitment.
You have to make a stronger commitment to read the Bible (Gospels through to the End). Visiting Proverbs and Psalms also ( Psalm 51).
It's helpful to attend church, listen to church programs on the car FM radio in gridlock. You'll like Greg Laurie on YouTube. I do.
It's easier to come back if you'll draw close to the Lord. Begin to say no to the world and that voice that makes us despair. Come away from it for a while. We all deal with it; so we are here For You. Someone's here day or night.
Explore the other links or the boxes. You'll like Testimonies.
I am asking for a clearer understanding. I am backslider who wants to return to Christ through Repentance.
Matthew 28:19- (Words of Jesus about baptism)
Matthew 3:13-17
Jesus set an EXAMPLE of baptism for us and all three (tri-unity) were there. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, all together, at the baptism. Jesus always led by example.
I am not seasoned in the word YET as are most of y'all, but I do know enough to know that the Bible says this;
Revelation 22:18
Revelation 22:19
With emphasis on revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
If we were to compare water baptism today with how it was done back in Jesus' day, there wouldn't be much resemblance. I am not aware of any church that performs baptisms the same way it was done back then. Baptism back then would be complete full immersion.
It is very interesting how these baptism's worked. The person who was performing the baptism (In this case, John the Baptist), they would never touch the person being baptized. So Jesus went into the water alone. John would just be there to witness it. The person being baptized would be responsible for pulling them self under the water and the witness would be there to make sure that all of you went under, hair and everything!
Everything had to be immersed and you had to be immersed three times. Even to this day the Jews immerse three times in their baptism. The Jews had no idea why they immersed 3 times for their baptism. But after Messiah came, and when He gave the believing Jews the commission to go out and preach the gospel to the Gentiles, He said, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three times for the Trinity. Interesting background!
As for Matthew 3:11, the fire represents judgment, and we get that from the very next verse ( Matthew 3:12) where is says "But He (Christ) will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. So Christ is going to baptize His people with the Holy Spirit. That is the Lord's ministry. He baptizes people with the Holy Spirit.
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12:10 that we have been all baptized by one Spirit and all made to drink of the one Spirit, and we have been baptized into the body of Christ. When the Lord ministers His Spirit, when He gives His Spirit to people, that is called "the baptism of the Holy Spirit."
So fire is judgment! He is going to baptize people (Those who have rejected Him) with fire in the judgment. But He is going to baptize His people with the Holy Spirit. That is His ministry.
Jesus taught us many things while on this earth, including why we need to be baptized, and exactly how we need to perform the baptisim.
Matthew 3:16
"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:"
Yes, Jesus was submerged.
Matthew 28:19
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
If we are Christ followers, we will listen to His instructions, and follow Jesus.
Regarding your question about Matthew 3:11 John the Baptist is stating that: he (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:"
On the day of Pentecost, after His resurection, Jesus did send the Holy Spirit to baptize believers and the evidence of the Holy Spirit that day is found in Acts 2:3-4 "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them." "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."
So, I believe that John the Baptists reference to fire in Matthew 3:11 may have referred to the future purification that would come with Christ's baptism as observed above, with the cloven tongues like of fire in conjunction with receiving the Holy Spirit during Pentecost.
Hope this helps, and God bless.
What is meant by baptized by fire, Matthew 3:11?
Thank you for your help
Mark 1:1-5 : Exodus 15:2, Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, Matthew 3:3, Matthew 11:10, Luke 1:76, Luke 3:4, Luke 7:27,
Vrs 6.- compare: Jeremiah 13:1-11, 2Kings 1:8,
Mark 1:13, : Psalms 106:14, Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:2,
Mark 1:14, : Luke 3,
Mark 1:44, : Leviticus 10:10, Leviticus 13,
Isaiah 11:1-4,
This event was a prophesy fulfilled. Jesus fulfilled over 100 prophesies just on the day He was crucified; and when he was entombed.
A good Reference Bible lists them as you read along. It enriches your whole study experience.
What's amazing is that the Rabbi's knew of those Old Testament prophesies, but few put it together then.
Lists of the Old Testament and New Testament prophesies can be viewed on Google. Also with the scriptures that show Jesus's life fulfilled all of them. Thinking of the odds of that happening will make you say WOW!!
Jesus knew that Judas was the betrayer.
Then knowing John the son "of priests, blameless " would declare such a thing is Powerful, maybe that's why the "teachers of the law" were so._._. Matthew 3:1-17, Mark 1:1-11, John 1:1-34,
I thought it interesting that Jesus being related to the Priest was significant Luke 1:36,41,43,
Luke 1:48 Mary likewise with Elizabeth (& John lept for joy) felt not worthy even before Jesus birth.
To add to discussion hopefully this is welcome
Do you believe Jesus is Lord and died for you for the hope of salvation?
John 5:22-24 these verses might be interesting to read.
You said that John 1:1 doesn't say Jesus is God, but it does. I broke it down before, but it seems we are not on the same wavelength.
There are many verses saying Jesus is God in various ways, but no where in the Bible anywhere does it say Jesus is not God. Not only that but Jesus never once said He was not God. So, it seems unusual to arrive at such a conclusion with no evidence for it and with all the evidence for the opposite.
Have you carefully read the whole chapter of John 1?
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Since you don't think the Word is Jesus, who else do you think the Word is?
Who else do you think fits that description of being sent to earth in the flesh, to live among us, and to die on the cross for our sins?
15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
John 3:28 John said "I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him."
Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
That clear sign along with the voice made it obvious that Jesus was He.
John 1:29 John acknowledges it is Jesus: Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
John 1:36 "And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!"
Do you believe Jesus is the Lamb of God as it says?
The next chapter Matt 4:7 Jesus is tempted and says to satan: Jesus said unto him, It is written again, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." There again Jesus refers to Himself as Lord and God. Do you agree?
Do you believe these scriptures?
I will gladly read all books inspired by the Holy Ghost. And pray for them to come out. I write too, but that's my life. Which no one can believe or measure up to. We all have our cramps and frailties. Our cases that are only private. Then there are some people who have (do not believe in themselves) But believe that others can be saved through them. : D.
I think about the Bible too. Why do we only get a little of what Peter wrote, for example? We should have read more of the scriptures!
Now i know a person who has many visions and wonders to look at. And is blessed with many gifts. (do you know what word I got today)?
2 Corinthians 1-13.
Nor will i brag and praise myself. And neither do you. For all things are for the glory of God in the holy name of Jesus Christ, by the Holy Ghost which is in us.
Yesterday when i lifted you up before the Lord, He spoke to me and i will do an act of faithfulness to Him today. I should notice the time.
And i got peace for that. So my friend keep your faith and continue on the path of faith that the Lord has laid out for you. He is with you all the days of your life. Be blessed in the Powerful Name of Jesus.
then your thought of changing scripture so wisdom says don't go there. You can't upset an apple cart if you dont
supply more apples.
sounds odd I'm getting hungry.
One could google that and find out if what I am saying is true or not. I encourage people to read up on what Christian history shows to be the meaning and type when it speaks of baptizing, which means to immerse in or pour water over a person.
Many on here will argue against this because they don't want the text to mean water baptism due to their desire to have it mean something different. That is why I suggest someone research it outside of the comments on this site if one wants to really find the answer.