Fourthly, the Ten Commandments were given to Israel & were binding upon them. Some of their objectives were:
a. to reveal the Holiness of the Eternal God to His people, Israel: Leviticus 19:2; Leviticus 20:7-8.
b. to set Israel apart as distinct from all the other nations: Exodus 19:5.
c. to reveal man's sinfulness: Galatians 3:19. Although the Law is "holy, just & good ( Romans 7:12), it did not provide salvation for the nation of Israel; and it cannot provide salvation to anyone who wants to or tries to keep the Law. No one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin ( Romans 3:20; Acts 13:38-39).
d. to show to humanity that not one person can fully keep the Law but everyone falls short of God's Standard of Holiness. Realizing that, should cause us to cast ourselves upon a Merciful God for His Forgiveness. When Jesus came, He fulfilled the requirements of the Law completely and by His death fully paid the penalty for their breaking it ( Galatians 3:24; Romans 10:4). Therefore, by His Obedience, He was qualified to be the accepted Sacrifice for all mankind, for all of our sins ( Hebrews 10:10-12). If Jesus failed in fully keeping the Law, He would have been disqualified as a Savior - all mankind would be forever stuck in the quagmire of their sins & hell would be the destiny. But He was raised from the dead to show His Father's acceptance, our justification & deliverance ( Romans 4:23-25).
I hope you can see Ani, that even though there was nothing wrong with the Law, even keeping the Sabbath by Israel, anyone who puts themselves under the Law (i.e. to find forgiveness or acceptance by God by it), is doomed to fail. Our Rest - continual rest (Sabbath) is now found in Jesus & not in Law-keeping & we can only be subject now to the Holy Spirit who enables us to fulfil both the spirit of the Law & finding the true rest in Christ Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-9; Romans 8:1-4).
Hi Ani. GiGi has shared accurately with you and I would like to add some more thoughts for your study & consideration.
I'm unsure where you obtained this particular Bible study book from, as it's clearly slanted towards 'keeping of the Law'. Does your Church support this teaching or are you doing this study by personal choice?
Firstly, the Jewish Sabbath has always been the Saturday (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) & was given to Israel as part of the other commandments for them to observe ( Exodus 20:8-11). Why was this particular Command given? It was the seventh day when the LORD ceased from His Work of creating & it was for a remembrance when God brought out His people "with a mighty hand & a stretched out arm": i.e. from the perennial state of bondage & hard labor in Egypt to a time of liberty & rest. Even when Israel collected their food (Manna) while in the desert, they were not allowed to gather it on the seventh day ( Exodus 16:19-30), indicating the sanctity of the Sabbath Day.
Secondly, the Christian observance of Sunday, is not a redefining of the Jewish Sabbath - it is what is termed, the Lord's Day ( Revelation 1:10), or the First Day of the Week ( Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2) - never the Sabbath.
Thirdly, the Church is not required to observe the Jewish Sabbath as we were never in bondage in Egypt & brought into Canaan. We were however, once in bondage to sin & the flesh & now given a glorious forgiveness & release into the Lord's Rest. See Matthew 11:28-30 and Hebrews 4:1-11. Not only is the Christian given Christ's Peace in his heart, but also a resulting rest that comes only from Him. And yet, there is also a coming rest ( Hebrews 4:9), where the word here is 'sabbatismos', or Sabbath Rest: a rest in God's Presence that will be one continual Sabbath Rest, when our earthly toils & hardships are finally over.
Dear Ani, I think that we are to obey all of the Commands that Jesus and the apostles affirmed as binding on the Christian believer. But Jesus and Paul both have removed the obligation to keep a Saturday Sabbath, because we have entered into the 'rest" promised of God through salvation by faith. The other commandments, Jesus spoke extensively about in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 are binding because they are how we are to love God and others. The Sabbath was made for man, not for God, with the intention that we have rest from our labors.
I am doing a Bible study and a whole chapter is dedicated to The Sabbath day, the study says the Sabbath is Saturday (not Sunday as I have always believed) and that as its one of Gods Ten Commandments, I am sinning if I dont keep Saturday holy. The study provided various references both Old and New Testaments. People I talk to and listen to have said this died with the coming of Jesus, but dont we still have to follow the Ten Commandments today? I am uncertain, I am praying about this and seeking Gods guidance. Can you help?
Alex1939...Michael Lim...The very reason Jesus died was to destroy the works of the Devil, all sin is of the Devil....ALL SIN
.....1 st John 3:8...He that comittieth sin is of the Devil;...For the Devil sinneth from the beginning...For this cause was the Son of God was made manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil.
..... 1st JOHN 3:9...Whosoever is born of God doeth not commit sin...For his seed ( the living word ) remains in him...Gods seed remains in him and he cannot sin....Not the written word but the living word which is the H.G...That Child of Promise....The letter is a killer but the living word is spirit and life...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations...The spirit of truth that is gonna be born in us...The H.G. The kingdom...No Eternal life in the scripture per se....Search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal but it is them that testify of me...The New Covenant that book that he wrote with his own blood,...The words of LIFE....But God told Daniel go thy way Daniel these words are sealed till the last days...Then the woman
will travail in birth pains...For that spirit of truth the man child..Gbu...Our new hearts and new spirits
Does someone who chooses to sin assume that satan is responsible and not themselves?
My understanding is that satan only tempts us with evil and doesn't cause us to do anything- people choose that themselves, so why would blame fall on him and not on us?
Hi Michael, I believe that we are only asked to forgive other humans in Scriptures. I do not recall anywhere where we are asked to forgive fallen angels. The forgiveness we grant to one another is meant to improve human relationships and interactions, to heal and restore fellowship among humans, and for us to show mercy to one another as God has shown mercy to us and forgave our sins. God has not shown mercy or forgiveness to any fallen angels.
Could I ask a question that I am really confused? God told us to be forgiving. But can we forgive Satan? You may say Satan did something really bad. But people did it too. We need forgive people, why don't we forgive Satan? I know Satan is Ghost created by God, have a free will. (I am a protestant who is already been baptized.)
Psalm 65. This Psalm has several prophetic overtones; both of the first coming and Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 2 reminds us of Haggai 2:7 as the "desire of nations" shall come. Again; we see specifically mentioned those who are in prayer and God "hearest" them. God does not heed to the prayers of the wicked ( Prov. 15:8); this of course can be extended to those in rebellion. Christ is NOT desired of men ( Isaiah 53:3) in our natural state; and to understand the beauty of the love the Father extended to us who was pleased to "crush His Son" ( Isaiah 53:10) while we were yet enemies is something beyond our comprehension.
1 Samuel 13 shows how David was chosen; much like the verse 4 in this Psalm. Certainly Christ was chosen as well to fulfill all righteousness ( Matthew 3:13) and His baptism was part of the plan.
Verse 5 is somewhat indicative of the scenario during His judgments; although there through the rest of the Psalm generally gives God's blessings through the natural cycle with tides (verse 7) and weather patterns of rain v. 9-12; and the resulting harvest (v. 13). These will; of course be brought to the greatest fruition during the Millennial period and we will see an end to much destruction with natural disasters; notwithstanding those who refuse to come to Jerusalem to worship shall have no rain. ( Zech. 14:8).
In John 1:29 John sees Jesus and says "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
And then in John 1:33 John says Jesus "is he which shall baptize with the Holy Ghost.
John's baptism was to Identify the Jews with the coming covenant which would be brought in by Christ death. see Hebrews 9:15-17.
Jesus baptism was Identifying with us. see Romans 6:3-6.
Jesus was baptized because He was taking our place. This reveals His perfect identification with us; He took the place of the sinners.
The account in Matthew 3:15 Jesus says it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness"
He was made "sin for us, who knew no sin" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21). I think the explanation is found in that. He's identifying Himself with the human family in the baptism.
I can speak a little on Jesus' baptism. I do agree with the things GiGi has shared in that the triune nature of God was revealed during His baptism.
But as far as Jesus being baptized to be cleansed of sin, you are correct in saying He has no sin. So we can rule out that as being the purpose for His baptism.
If we look at Matthew Chapter 3, we see Jesus coming to John to be baptized by him. But John didn't want to do it.
In Matthew 3:15, Jesus answers and says to John, allow it to be for now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered, (or allowed) Him.
Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness.
It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. to fulfill all righteousness! And there are some things that are very interesting about Jesus' coming.
At 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age.
The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, (a baptism). They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus Chapter 29 Verse 4.
But, Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness.
And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.
Now all of this information is to bring us back to our text. Jesus was 30 years of age, and in order for Him to officially, according to the law, enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.
So that is why He was baptized, not to be cleansed from sin, as you rightfully said, but to fulfill a requirement for Him to enter into His ministry.
Why did Jesus get baptized? Matthew 3:15...And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to FULFIL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then he suffered (baptized) him.
Jesus was our example. He did no sin, but he went through the process he expects us to go through. As for the Holy Ghost, it appeared in the bodily shape of a dove. And remember God spoke saying, "this is my son in whom I am well pleased." What this shows you is God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or as some say, The Trinity). God is not Jesus and Jesus is not God. They are two seperate beings.
John 1:1...In the beginning was the Word (notice the capitalization), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I submit to you God as in God the Son. Not God the Father. I have the same last name as my father, but I'm NOT my father. Hopefully that makes sense.
Genesis 1:26...And God said, Let us (us means more than one, so who else was he talking to? Jesus! Remember, he was from the beginning) make man in OUR (there's another word that means more than one) image, after OUR likeness: and let them have ominion...
Anything that doesn't have eternal value is corrupted. Anything that has been touched by sin has been corrupted. All mankind can achieve a crown as a reward of his doings but with no eternal value. Corruption carries a death sentence with a rot that will corrupt what it comes in contact with. Just as in Adam all have sinned and have been corrupted through the deceit of self-righteousness (pride) as their crown of glory. Only "in Christ" is incorruption found and honored as pleasing as voice by God himself ( Matthew 3:17). Christ alone is God's only means of righteous standing before Him as Holy and acceptable, therefore without the "crown" of Christ righteousness you have no righteousness of your own to be in the presence of the only Holy Righteous God. You must understand simple terminology laid out in the KJV bible which many times is lost or left out in other versions such as "in", "of". Example: we are saved and live by faith "in" Christ, but we are to walk by the faith "of" Christ (Rom.3:22, Gal.2:16, Phil.3:9). Remember small words can carry a lot of meaning. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth must be an essential in understanding (2Tim.2:15 and this verse you find changed in other versions) the Bible. In short, the crown is your reward of life, and all will receive a crown; the unrighteous (in Adam as the lost) to everlasting destruction (resulting in hell and separation from God b/c of rejecting Christ for salvation) and the righteous (as the saved and sanctified in Christ) unto Eternal life (with God).
Just a quick point , three times in the Gospel of John , Jesus Himself refers to the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Truth . That's very powerful to me and it how I always perceive the Holy Spirit , God is the Everlasting source of all Truth .
Hello Ellyn, you can read my response to Jacqui for some ideas that may help you understand Who the Father, Son, and Holy spirit are within the One Godhead. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:29 that Christian baptism is to be done in the name of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He was speaking this revelation to His apostles before He ascended back up to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, the Father. These apostles were Jewish and Judaism and Israelites in the O.T. believed in One God, as God states in the "Shema" in Deuteronomy 6:4-5. These apostles would need Jesus' teaching and the that of the Holy Spirit to come to understand and believe that this One God of their Scriptures (O.T.) consists of Three Persons in One Being, with all three possess this One Divine Essence, yet are distinct from One Another. In this verse ( Matthew 28:19) Jesus reveals that this One LORD of the Shema is a reality of Three Persons in One God. So, when the apostles were taught this by Jesus and given understanding and faith to believe it by the Holy Spirit, they understood the Shema more truthfully than they had been taught about it from the rabbis. Hear, O Israel, the LORD (YHWH) our God, the LORD (duet. 6:4-5) YHWH) is one God here in Deuteronomy was teaching the Israelites that there is only one God, not many, like the pagans believed in the world with them. Jesus, in Matthew 20:19 teaches the Apostles and all believers that this ONE God is not many Gods (as the Shema teaches) but then three Persons in One Godhead.
Let us know if you have more questions, Ellyn. This topic comes up often on here. You can look under the Bible Questions tab and click on "Is God a Trinity?" link to read more. You can go to sites like Got Questions, Compelling Truth and Test All Things asking "How is God One Being, yet Three Persons?" for more good information.
Hello Jacqui, I just noticed a possible misunderstanding. I'm reading Giannis's quote:
"God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit."
And now I'm reading your quote:
"I believe something slightly different to Gianni's . I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate being from God . This is not a common belief amongst Christians but I can assure you it's not exactly unheard of either . "
He didn't use the word separate and didn't say anything was separate from God, either, but distinct within God. Deuteronomy 6:4 says God is one. There's only one God. And within the one God 1 John 5:7 says there are 3 parts. The 3 are still one. This is what most Christians believe because this is what the Bible says.
All 3 components of one God are already spirits. God the Father is a spirit, God the Son (Jesus) is a spirit, and the Holy Spirit is a spirit.
By your comment, within one God do you only believe in only 2 parts within one God instead of 3 parts within one God like 1 John 5:7 says? God bless.
Hello . I believe something slightly different to Gianni's . I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate being from God . This is not a common belief amongst Christians but I can assure you it's not exactly unheard of either . The Spirit of the Lord or the Spirit of God is a very common phrase in the Old Testament and even pops up in the New . There are very many references that I could give but I will just give a few . If you have a concordance you can look these things up for yourself . Genesis 1 : 2 , Genesis 6 : 3 , Genesis 41 : 38 , Exodus 32 : 3 , Exodus 35 : 31 , Numbers 11 : 29 , Numbers 24 : 2 , Judges 3 : 10 , Judges 6 : 35 , Judges 11 : 29 , Judges 13 : 25 , Judges 14 : 6 , 1st Samuel 16 : 13 , 2nd Samuel 23 : 2 . Matthew 10 : 20 , Matthew 12 : 28 , Luke 4 : 18 , John 15 : 26 . Acts 8 : 39 , Romans 8 : 9 , Romans 8 : 14 , Romans 15 : 19 , 1st Corinthians 3 : 16 , 1st John 4 : 2 . There are a lot more . I hope my reply hasn't confused you , best thing to do is to read everything through for yourself , God wants you to know and understand His Truth and He will help you to do so . Enjoy your voyage of discovery .
God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit. But still God is one, not 3 Gods, not a God with somehow 3 heads. One God, but 3 persons (of the same nature). It is difficult for us people to understand this since there is nothing respective to that in our world but we have to believe it and accept it simply as we hear it. Many things will only be revealed to us in the future, in Heaven. So The Holly Spirit is a person, not a thing. Every person of the Godhead or Trinity (other names of the triune God) has a distinctive work that performs in the church and in the world. GBU
What is the Holy Ghost? I have never been clear on this. In church when I was a child we would say "I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost". What is the Holy Ghost?
I agree with you on the two Gospels being preached. Where some get confused is they think that means there's 2 means to salvation. But that's not so.
( This may take several posts)
Part 1.
The gospel of the kingdom is the preaching of John the Baptist: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" ( Matthew 3:2). We do not preach that gospel today. The Lord Jesus preached it when He first began (see Matthew 4:17), and He sent His disciples out, saying, "Goto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand" ( Matthew 10:6,7). These men went out and preached that, but the day came when that changed. After His death and resurrection He said, "Don't just go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but go now to the world" (see Mark 16:15). And to the world was to be preached the gospel of Christ. Paul mentions in Romans 15:19, "I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." Read his epistles and you'll find that the gospel he preached was that of the death and resurrection of Christ. He wrote to the Corinthians and said, "I delivered unto you first of all the gospel. And the gospel I preach is the one that you believed in, the one that saved you." Well, what is it, Paul? It's "that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:3). That's the gospel, it's nothing but the gospel, and nothing else is the gospel. Even if an angel from heaven appears to you and preaches any other gospel, Paul says let him be accursed! (See Galatians 1:8.) Because there's only one gospel that we are to preach today. We do not preach the gospel of the kingdom. I wish we could get that through today to a great many who are talking about the gospel of the kingdom.
Stuart, you are right in that we should not give politics first place in our lives, nor expect any form of redemption nor favor from any particular political party. God does set in place governments for the carrying forth of His will in history.
We are to certainly exercise our rights and participate wisely in the governance of our nation and communities. We should certainly pray earnestly for our elected officials to govern righteously and with proper attention to the needs of their constituents. We should become as informed as we can about issues and candidates so that we make wise voting decisions as well as in informing others on such matters.
But, as you imply, we are to not look to government to deliver to us a nation that acknowledges God as sovereign over all and a peace in our nation that comes from a citizenry that walks with God. It is God that provides these things. We certainly should pray and also witness to the salvation of Jesus to those God brings to us. We can certainly voice our faith in Jesus and encourage others to seek Him. We can certainly live godly lives in a wicked generation. And we can certainly trust that God can deliver us from all that is opposed to Him.
Passivity is not the best way to bring about any change for the better in our country. Active participation in the arena of politics (on whatever level one is called to) is effective. We exercise our rights as fully as we can in order to make inroads for godly thoughts and policies in our government and in our communities. We speak up and give a godly world view concerning political and social matters. We inform ourselves and and pass on information about issues facing our nation. God will bless our input into these arenas as we stay true to the Word and His ways in our speech and actions. We are the light that shines into the darkness of unredeemed hearts in hopes that these may see their sinfulness and the error of their world views. We pray for God to bring repentance and faith
The lord my God has pricked me and said to tell all people that he is displeased with their idol worship of their political parties(they have attempted to seize power for their own purposes)in which i says the Lord Jesus have not,and certainly not granted them permission!
James 1:5,
Exodus 20, Exodus 31:12-17, note Exodus 31:16,17, Exodus 35:1-2, Leviticus 16:29-34, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 24:8,9,
Leviticus 25, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 12, Matthew 28:1-9, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:52,53,54,56, John 19:31, Mark 1:21,
2Chronicles 36:20-21, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 17, Amos 8, Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 3:4, John 5:10,16 hypocrisy & cruelty, John 7:22,23, Malachi 3:5,
Nehemiah 10:31, Nehemiah 13:14-27, Isaiah 56,
Colossians 2:16,
Hopefully these are all helpful in your study & Bible Study.
Fourthly, the Ten Commandments were given to Israel & were binding upon them. Some of their objectives were:
a. to reveal the Holiness of the Eternal God to His people, Israel: Leviticus 19:2; Leviticus 20:7-8.
b. to set Israel apart as distinct from all the other nations: Exodus 19:5.
c. to reveal man's sinfulness: Galatians 3:19. Although the Law is "holy, just & good ( Romans 7:12), it did not provide salvation for the nation of Israel; and it cannot provide salvation to anyone who wants to or tries to keep the Law. No one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin ( Romans 3:20; Acts 13:38-39).
d. to show to humanity that not one person can fully keep the Law but everyone falls short of God's Standard of Holiness. Realizing that, should cause us to cast ourselves upon a Merciful God for His Forgiveness. When Jesus came, He fulfilled the requirements of the Law completely and by His death fully paid the penalty for their breaking it ( Galatians 3:24; Romans 10:4). Therefore, by His Obedience, He was qualified to be the accepted Sacrifice for all mankind, for all of our sins ( Hebrews 10:10-12). If Jesus failed in fully keeping the Law, He would have been disqualified as a Savior - all mankind would be forever stuck in the quagmire of their sins & hell would be the destiny. But He was raised from the dead to show His Father's acceptance, our justification & deliverance ( Romans 4:23-25).
I hope you can see Ani, that even though there was nothing wrong with the Law, even keeping the Sabbath by Israel, anyone who puts themselves under the Law (i.e. to find forgiveness or acceptance by God by it), is doomed to fail. Our Rest - continual rest (Sabbath) is now found in Jesus & not in Law-keeping & we can only be subject now to the Holy Spirit who enables us to fulfil both the spirit of the Law & finding the true rest in Christ Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-9; Romans 8:1-4).
Hi Ani. GiGi has shared accurately with you and I would like to add some more thoughts for your study & consideration.
I'm unsure where you obtained this particular Bible study book from, as it's clearly slanted towards 'keeping of the Law'. Does your Church support this teaching or are you doing this study by personal choice?
Firstly, the Jewish Sabbath has always been the Saturday (from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) & was given to Israel as part of the other commandments for them to observe ( Exodus 20:8-11). Why was this particular Command given? It was the seventh day when the LORD ceased from His Work of creating & it was for a remembrance when God brought out His people "with a mighty hand & a stretched out arm": i.e. from the perennial state of bondage & hard labor in Egypt to a time of liberty & rest. Even when Israel collected their food (Manna) while in the desert, they were not allowed to gather it on the seventh day ( Exodus 16:19-30), indicating the sanctity of the Sabbath Day.
Secondly, the Christian observance of Sunday, is not a redefining of the Jewish Sabbath - it is what is termed, the Lord's Day ( Revelation 1:10), or the First Day of the Week ( Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2) - never the Sabbath.
Thirdly, the Church is not required to observe the Jewish Sabbath as we were never in bondage in Egypt & brought into Canaan. We were however, once in bondage to sin & the flesh & now given a glorious forgiveness & release into the Lord's Rest. See Matthew 11:28-30 and Hebrews 4:1-11. Not only is the Christian given Christ's Peace in his heart, but also a resulting rest that comes only from Him. And yet, there is also a coming rest ( Hebrews 4:9), where the word here is 'sabbatismos', or Sabbath Rest: a rest in God's Presence that will be one continual Sabbath Rest, when our earthly toils & hardships are finally over.
Thank you
Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:38,
Acts 16:19-34, Romans 6, 1Corinthians 12, 1Corinthians 12:13, Colossians 2:10-15, 1Peter 3, 1Peter 3:21,22
James 1:5,
Matthew 7, Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful
.....1 st John 3:8...He that comittieth sin is of the Devil;...For the Devil sinneth from the beginning...For this cause was the Son of God was made manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil.
..... 1st JOHN 3:9...Whosoever is born of God doeth not commit sin...For his seed ( the living word ) remains in him...Gods seed remains in him and he cannot sin....Not the written word but the living word which is the H.G...That Child of Promise....The letter is a killer but the living word is spirit and life...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations...The spirit of truth that is gonna be born in us...The H.G. The kingdom...No Eternal life in the scripture per se....Search the scriptures in them you think you have eternal but it is them that testify of me...The New Covenant that book that he wrote with his own blood,...The words of LIFE....But God told Daniel go thy way Daniel these words are sealed till the last days...Then the woman
will travail in birth pains...For that spirit of truth the man child..Gbu...Our new hearts and new spirits
I would ask the question: forgive for what?
Does someone who chooses to sin assume that satan is responsible and not themselves?
My understanding is that satan only tempts us with evil and doesn't cause us to do anything- people choose that themselves, so why would blame fall on him and not on us?
Romans 14:12, 1Peter 4, Jude 1, Zechariah 3, 1Chronicles 21:1, Job 1, Job 2, Matthew 4:10, Mark 1:13, Luke 4, Luke 22, John 13,
Mark 4:15, Luke 13:16, Acts 5, notice Acts 4:32-37, continued into Acts 5, - Acts 5:13, 1Corinthians 7:5, 2Corinthians 11:13,14, 2Thessalonians 2:9, John 7:24, Romans 14:13,
Acts 26:18, Romans 16:20, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20, Psalms 98:9,
James 1:5,
Hopefully these give you wisdom
Hopefully these are helpful
1 Samuel 13 shows how David was chosen; much like the verse 4 in this Psalm. Certainly Christ was chosen as well to fulfill all righteousness ( Matthew 3:13) and His baptism was part of the plan.
Verse 5 is somewhat indicative of the scenario during His judgments; although there through the rest of the Psalm generally gives God's blessings through the natural cycle with tides (verse 7) and weather patterns of rain v. 9-12; and the resulting harvest (v. 13). These will; of course be brought to the greatest fruition during the Millennial period and we will see an end to much destruction with natural disasters; notwithstanding those who refuse to come to Jerusalem to worship shall have no rain. ( Zech. 14:8).
In John 1:29 John sees Jesus and says "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
And then in John 1:33 John says Jesus "is he which shall baptize with the Holy Ghost.
John's baptism was to Identify the Jews with the coming covenant which would be brought in by Christ death. see Hebrews 9:15-17.
Jesus baptism was Identifying with us. see Romans 6:3-6.
Jesus was baptized because He was taking our place. This reveals His perfect identification with us; He took the place of the sinners.
The account in Matthew 3:15 Jesus says it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness"
He was made "sin for us, who knew no sin" ( 2 Corinthians 5:21). I think the explanation is found in that. He's identifying Himself with the human family in the baptism.
I hope this helps.
God bless.
I can speak a little on Jesus' baptism. I do agree with the things GiGi has shared in that the triune nature of God was revealed during His baptism.
But as far as Jesus being baptized to be cleansed of sin, you are correct in saying He has no sin. So we can rule out that as being the purpose for His baptism.
If we look at Matthew Chapter 3, we see Jesus coming to John to be baptized by him. But John didn't want to do it.
In Matthew 3:15, Jesus answers and says to John, allow it to be for now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered, (or allowed) Him.
Notice it says becomes "us" to fulfill all righteousness.
It is the fulfillment of Exodus 29:4. to fulfill all righteousness! And there are some things that are very interesting about Jesus' coming.
At 30 years of age, that is the age of the priesthood. According to Numbers 4:30, it was 30 years of age.
The priest had to go through a MIKVEH, (a baptism). They had to be baptized from head to toe. The washing, or the MIKVEH of the priesthood is in Exodus Chapter 29 Verse 4.
But, Moses was supposed to do the baptizing! That is interesting because here is John the baptizer standing there and Jesus says this is for "us" to fulfill all righteousness.
And so John is stepping in the place of Moses and baptizing Jesus for the priesthood. The anointing of the priesthood is in Exodus 29:7. They were anointed with oil.
Now all of this information is to bring us back to our text. Jesus was 30 years of age, and in order for Him to officially, according to the law, enter into His priesthood according to the Jews, He would have to be baptized.
So that is why He was baptized, not to be cleansed from sin, as you rightfully said, but to fulfill a requirement for Him to enter into His ministry.
Jesus was our example. He did no sin, but he went through the process he expects us to go through. As for the Holy Ghost, it appeared in the bodily shape of a dove. And remember God spoke saying, "this is my son in whom I am well pleased." What this shows you is God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost (or as some say, The Trinity). God is not Jesus and Jesus is not God. They are two seperate beings.
John 1:1...In the beginning was the Word (notice the capitalization), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I submit to you God as in God the Son. Not God the Father. I have the same last name as my father, but I'm NOT my father. Hopefully that makes sense.
Genesis 1:26...And God said, Let us (us means more than one, so who else was he talking to? Jesus! Remember, he was from the beginning) make man in OUR (there's another word that means more than one) image, after OUR likeness: and let them have ominion...
Let us know if you have more questions, Ellyn. This topic comes up often on here. You can look under the Bible Questions tab and click on "Is God a Trinity?" link to read more. You can go to sites like Got Questions, Compelling Truth and Test All Things asking "How is God One Being, yet Three Persons?" for more good information.
"God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit."
And now I'm reading your quote:
"I believe something slightly different to Gianni's . I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a separate being from God . This is not a common belief amongst Christians but I can assure you it's not exactly unheard of either . "
He didn't use the word separate and didn't say anything was separate from God, either, but distinct within God. Deuteronomy 6:4 says God is one. There's only one God. And within the one God 1 John 5:7 says there are 3 parts. The 3 are still one. This is what most Christians believe because this is what the Bible says.
All 3 components of one God are already spirits. God the Father is a spirit, God the Son (Jesus) is a spirit, and the Holy Spirit is a spirit.
By your comment, within one God do you only believe in only 2 parts within one God instead of 3 parts within one God like 1 John 5:7 says? God bless.
God is one but there are 3 distinct persons which are called The Father, The Son(who became the man Jesus Christ) and The Holly Spirit. But still God is one, not 3 Gods, not a God with somehow 3 heads. One God, but 3 persons (of the same nature). It is difficult for us people to understand this since there is nothing respective to that in our world but we have to believe it and accept it simply as we hear it. Many things will only be revealed to us in the future, in Heaven. So The Holly Spirit is a person, not a thing. Every person of the Godhead or Trinity (other names of the triune God) has a distinctive work that performs in the church and in the world. GBU
Thank you
I agree with you on the two Gospels being preached. Where some get confused is they think that means there's 2 means to salvation. But that's not so.
( This may take several posts)
Part 1.
The gospel of the kingdom is the preaching of John the Baptist: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" ( Matthew 3:2). We do not preach that gospel today. The Lord Jesus preached it when He first began (see Matthew 4:17), and He sent His disciples out, saying, "Goto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand" ( Matthew 10:6,7). These men went out and preached that, but the day came when that changed. After His death and resurrection He said, "Don't just go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but go now to the world" (see Mark 16:15). And to the world was to be preached the gospel of Christ. Paul mentions in Romans 15:19, "I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." Read his epistles and you'll find that the gospel he preached was that of the death and resurrection of Christ. He wrote to the Corinthians and said, "I delivered unto you first of all the gospel. And the gospel I preach is the one that you believed in, the one that saved you." Well, what is it, Paul? It's "that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures" ( 1 Corinthians 15:3). That's the gospel, it's nothing but the gospel, and nothing else is the gospel. Even if an angel from heaven appears to you and preaches any other gospel, Paul says let him be accursed! (See Galatians 1:8.) Because there's only one gospel that we are to preach today. We do not preach the gospel of the kingdom. I wish we could get that through today to a great many who are talking about the gospel of the kingdom.
See part 2.
Mark 1:11, context Mark 1, Luke 3:22, 2Peter 1:16-18, 1st hand account, witnessed
Also, Luke 9:34 context Luke 9:27-36, Mark 9:7, context Mark 9, Matthew 17:5, context Matthew 17, Luke 3,
Romans 8, 1John 4:15, Galatians 4:7, 1John 5:10,13,20,
Hopefully these are helpful
Talking about Government because it says ordained of God. It is written in the
Context to the church of God and those powers are apostles prophets evangelists
Pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints. Also Timothy says to
Pray for those in government that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.
Believe our calling is not to change government or politics because they are
Always influenced by the adversary. As I like to say each one win one. In
Pennsylvania there was a Christian who made to be a state representative
And quit one month later because of the corruption, esp. in so called other
Christian's. There is way too much compromise in politics.
We are to certainly exercise our rights and participate wisely in the governance of our nation and communities. We should certainly pray earnestly for our elected officials to govern righteously and with proper attention to the needs of their constituents. We should become as informed as we can about issues and candidates so that we make wise voting decisions as well as in informing others on such matters.
But, as you imply, we are to not look to government to deliver to us a nation that acknowledges God as sovereign over all and a peace in our nation that comes from a citizenry that walks with God. It is God that provides these things. We certainly should pray and also witness to the salvation of Jesus to those God brings to us. We can certainly voice our faith in Jesus and encourage others to seek Him. We can certainly live godly lives in a wicked generation. And we can certainly trust that God can deliver us from all that is opposed to Him.
Passivity is not the best way to bring about any change for the better in our country. Active participation in the arena of politics (on whatever level one is called to) is effective. We exercise our rights as fully as we can in order to make inroads for godly thoughts and policies in our government and in our communities. We speak up and give a godly world view concerning political and social matters. We inform ourselves and and pass on information about issues facing our nation. God will bless our input into these arenas as we stay true to the Word and His ways in our speech and actions. We are the light that shines into the darkness of unredeemed hearts in hopes that these may see their sinfulness and the error of their world views. We pray for God to bring repentance and faith