Discuss Matthew 3 Page 12

  • JP on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    The Bible is not a science book for someone to figure out. A lost sinner must come by faith alone nothing else and believe that Jesus is Christ the Son of God (who died and shed his pure sinless blood and was raised from the dead to pay for our sin). That is what I did 19 years ago believed that I was a lost sinner needed saved the Lord opened my eyes now I understand and know TRUTH the Bible.
  • Bruce on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    The Bible is The Living Word. Religious People or Unsaved Need to Ask Forgiveness when Called( John 6:44)You Will be Washed by His Blood(Revelation1:5)Baptized with The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8)You Will be Changed( 2Corinthians 5:17)You Will Know, Impossible Not to. Then Read His Word.The Spirit Will Help and Guide You. Some Questions Have No Answers. We Will Know When Taking Up. Son,Father, Different
  • I am that Michael Isaac Dale on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    There is no debate. For ye are of the same, wicked spirit, being confederate against the living Christ; even haters of GOD my Holy Father. For shew, ye debate with thy self while indwelling many earthen vessels and hiding behind many names. Yet, being tried, ye confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. It is written, And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lies in wickedness.
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    @JP Again like a stated before religious people need to learn how to talk to people who don't believe telling me to read a verse that I have already read will do nothing for me if you don't have the answers to my questions or if your answer is going to be "Read such and such" then you're not equipped to even have this debate with me.
  • JP on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    Hello J Jesus Christ the Son of God came to do 3 things 1. fulfill prophesy 2. fulfill the law 3. die and shed his blood to pay for the sins of the world and raised from the dead. His baptism was part of fulfilling the law. if don't understand any of this. You need to get saved (be born again) now. You are in your sins and separated from God. Please read John chapter 3 and Romans chapter 10.
  • Shane vandergrift on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    J also read 1 John 5:
  • Shane vandergrift on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    If i take an orange and peel it and set it aside on thee table, then sqeeze the juiceinto a cup and set it on the same table, then set the meat of the orange next to the peel and the cup of juice, whch item is the one orange that we began with ? All three are the orange we began with. So it is with the Godhead. God the father, God The Spirit and God the Son are one. Thats the best I can give
  • Shane on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    J. The thought of Jesus God and the Holy Spirit beingone has always been difficult to wrap my mind around. the god called it the mystery of godliness in 1 timothy 3:16. Not all God did can be logically explained, if it could it would require no faith to trust what he said. Thebest explaination I have found is in somethiing God made, the orange. I will continue on the next window
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    @Alex I was informed that Christ and God were on in the same so if they are the same how are they two different beings. I'm confused I specifically asked are god and Jesus one in the same and I was told yes now you are saying they are different. This is what I mean the inconsistences and the lack of definitive text.
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    @Alex I was informed that Christ and God were on in the same so if they are the same how are they two different beings. I'm confused I specifically asked are god and Jesus one in the same and I was told yes now you are saying they are different. This is what I mean the inconsistences and the lack of definitive text.
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    is different from others because it doesn't say that in the verse. just want people to be honest is it just something you believe in your faith or is it somewhere else in the text of the bible that ACTUALLY states his baptism was different and that it wasn't to remiss his sins.
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    like me telling you something the Easter bunny said and I mean no disrespect in what i'm saying and if I'm offending anybody I apologize. I'm just simply trying to understand and telling me something that somebody said or not said what they "meant" isn't going to bode well. I'm simply asking WITHOUT telling what somebody "meant" that I don't believe I asking where does it say his baptism
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    I love how NOBODY answered my question all you guys did was quote the bible. This is problem with discussing religion with people of faith all you guys do is quote, y 'all need to learn how to talk to people who don't believe what you guys do. You say these thing that you read from the bible and quote things from people for who me and many others do not believe in so to put it simple that would be
  • Bob Wright on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    The answer is contained in that verse: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

    Simply put, it pleased the Father for Him to be baptized.
  • Lela on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    Because Jesus was born in the flesh and the day of his baptism God spoke this is my beloved son his flesh was buried and rose in the Spirit of God (reunited); it was not until he came up out of the water that God spoke. He is our example and baptism is in all obedience signifying death of the flesh, washed in the water, in the name of the Father, Son who was born in the flesh, and Holy Spirit.
  • I am that Michael Isaac Dale on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    IF ye humbled thy hardened heart, confessing thy sins, repenting of all thy wickedness (with a broken heart and contrite spirit;) ye would not be asking such things. IF ye are not antichrist, ye shall confess (in newness of Spirit,) that Jesus Christ [is] come in the flesh [and] believe in thine heart that GOD has raised him again from the dead, being born again, reconciled to GOD in Christ Jesus.
  • Alex on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    J the father neva died it was his son that died thus they 2 distinct beings but he was also the sacrifical DOVE that had to be washed by running water and killed his blood sprinkled on the living bird which is the church thats y the DOVE descened on Christ. Doves are lovers like Christ and the Church, In SONG the 2 lovers are Christ and the Church but they refer to each OTHER AS HAVING DOVES EYES.
  • J on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    IF Jesus is God and God is Jesus why did he need to be baptized at all ? The purpose of baptism is for the remission of sin (correct me if I'm wrong) then why would Jesus need to be baptized? And if your response is he had to lead by example where in the bible does it say that his baptism is different from others?
  • Gloria Lowther on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    I really believe that Jesus forgives and thru him only you can get to ALMIGHTY GOD.

  • Rose on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    Christianity~both Orthodox
  • Rose on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    Hi Christine, you asked..."Jesus is born then he is a man. What happened as he grew? Why do we baptize babies now? Did he make his holy communion?" Not much is know of Jesus' childhood, no one was there to 'record it write it down'. A good movie that shows a little is "Jesus of Nazareth"...Are you a Catholic? I was raised Catholic...it would be my guess that NO, Jesus didn't make Holy Communion
  • Tomas Ray McCartney on Matthew 3 - 5 years ago
    Mathew 3: 11-12

    11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

    Baptize with water he did not understand. That means to be baptized in the people. He is doing both for he expects them to confess their sins. Learning about the evil people do. Now he is
  • BSP on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    Jehovah God acknowledged the relationship that he had with Jesus. He clearly stated that this was his son and he approved of him even if others did not.
  • Archie Vanderver on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    I believe with all my heart that Jesus is the only way to salvation, For He said ,,, No one sees the Father except through me! And its only through Jesus that you can be saved!
  • RMorton on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    God is incapable of lying. Numbers 23:19
  • Mimikely on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    John the Baptist preached about Jesus coming upon earth, for only by Him this world might be saved and shall receive the kingdom of Heaven. In the moment that John spoke, Jesus was not yet crucified, and the blood of the everlasting covenant has not yet been brought. But if we look at Luke 17:20-21, it is clear that the kingdom of Heaven may dwell in us. How? Rev 3:20
  • Bruce on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    Heaven,was unattainable You Could not Touch it. Now that The Son of God was Born in Bethlehem about 4-7 AD, and Paid for Your Sin, The Kingdom is within Reach, Except a Man be Born-again He cannot See The Kingdom of God( John 3:3) First Time The Word was Here in The Flesh, Jesus Will be Back Again After The Rapture and Place His Feet on Earth) The Lost will be in The Lake of Fire(Revelation20:15
  • Alex on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    They asked Jesus b/f he ascended will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel and he replied it is not for you to know the times and seasons the Father has put in his own power but you will receive power after the H.G. has come upon you SO THE KINGDOM DIDN'T COME AT THAT TIME REV 12 V1O IMPLIES THE KINGDOM WILL COME WHEN THE WOMAN GIVES BIRTH THUS WE WILL RECEIVE THE KINGDOM AS A LIL CHILD
  • Michele on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    Matthew 3:2 What does the kingdom of heaven is at hand mean to you? Do you think Jesus
    lied when he said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand".? I believe He's already come, in 70 AD. There are many versus's that would support my theory. I only read the Bible, so my knowledge comes from God alone.
  • Vanessa on Matthew 3 - 6 years ago
    as you see he his saying repent from your own thoughts, your own ways and follow God's divine way, sin is the devil device. Repentances means to repent with all your heart to God, be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and to be purged from your sinful ways, be made new with the spirit, remember you cant serve 2 gods but only 1, I choose our Father who art in Heaven, Amen! be baptized, be cleansed!

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