Matthew 20:19
'He will rise again". Why the word again, this implies He rose before. Help me understand. Love to you all and I pray that the Lord bless you kindness
The Master call is for all to come. Work while it is day for when the night come no man can work. When we hear the voice of the Master do not turn a deaf ear. I pray I'm willing to open my heart and receive Him. We all have sinned. No matter when we receive and obey at the end we all shall receive a crown of life. So glad for a compassionate and just God.
Matthew 20:16 - i tend to agree with the first adam as the last. And the last Adam was Jesus who will be and is first in all things. I just hope to do a pleasing thing in his sight. I'm sure we have all been last in something in life, and first in something in life. I dont concern so much with being first, but i just wanna hear well done from him.
God has appointed time to bless us and heal us. Jesus is the great Shefered all He wants is the Sheep (us) to follow him and obey his words so that all of us must have life in abundance. Lets give thanks and praise Jesus only BECAUSE HE LIVE WE SHALL LIVE ALSO ANEN
Insight 777; Matthew 1:16;you wrote",this proves Jesus was NOT of the bloodline of David" Luke 18:38"And he cried saying, Jesus,thou Son of David, have mercy on me."Matthew1:1 "The book of the generation of Jesus the son of David, the Son of Abraham." Romans 1:3,2Timoth2:8, Matthew 20:30, etc. You say he is NOT Son of David; God says he is. I believe God not you.
John preached the baptism of repentance. Jesus did not need to repent. At His baptism by John Jesus accepted. He became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. What is baptism? Matthew 20:22-23
22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?
Where is the house that man has built for God our Father.? For Jesus himself rebuilt it in three days. Have we learned nothing of the understanding of the way of God ? God sent us His son to give us eternal life so that where He is we can also be.Jesus commands us saying freely you have received freely give.My Father's house Is A House Of Prayer.
An excellent tool for evangelism or simple witnessing the gospel truth to win souls from hell to God's's also great to strengthen all believer, to continue in the faith unto eternal life. Thank you so very much for all your effort to facilitate the harvest of Christ. Bless you all
But it shall not be so among you: But whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. Rather than minister some translations used servant. The important thing is that a Christian should serve or minster to the needs of people. Jesus came to serve. Those who came in His name must follow His steps. They must serve the needs of neighbours, church members, friends, colleagues, co-travelers and even enemies, who are less privileged, deprived of their right, oppressed, depressed, sick, ignorant, weak, faithless, orphans, widows and widowers, illiterate, etc. In this talk Jesus was telling Christians to serve because service to humans will build them up. In the church people should not be looking for high sounding names, praises, colours, titles, opportunities for eloquence, to be noticed in wonders but visit the sick, those absent from church and fellowship, help the poor, support new converts and backsliders, visit the aged, support widows and widowers, sweep and clean church without asking for notice, attend to community activities to bring security, harmony and physical development without posing as lords or masters, etc
The Group that was hired first is the Jews who God gave his message first and the group of the third hour is the 12Apostles of the early Church Market Place , and the group that comes during the sixth and the ninth hour is the Millerites before the Great Disappointment of 1844 William Miller with his Interdenominational Movement from almost all the Protestant Churches in America which consisted of about 200 Ministers who believed that Jesus was coming in October 1844 after his discovery of Daniel8 14.The Group of the ninth hour is the Adventists who inherited Miller 's beliefs about the Sanctuary that begun to be cleansed in 1844 daniel8:14 and the beginning of the 3angel 's messages by the Church of Laodecia 7th-Day Adventism . The 11th hour group will come just before the second coming of Christ and thus cause the bulk of the Jews to murmur when they see an end time remnant being saved out of all nations.
Matthew 20 is about God 's grace toward ALL man kind. Grace to the Jew first then to the Gentile also. The pay "reward " is Heaven, both to the Jew and to the Gentile also. Those who serve Him a life time and he who serves but a moment, thief on the cross will both receive life in heaven.
It is obvious to see how the kJV continues to be mocked by others so to corrupt the minds of Christians, by using miss spelled words so as to make the kJV seem false to allow their versions of the bible to seem right! It is an abomination to God, to add or take away from his word. Now as for the scripture in Mathew 20:16 You better get ready for he is coming soon.
Our Holy Father have prepared his only begotten Son to sit on his side coz Jesus is the perfect obedience to the Father to fullfill the scriptures of what God had commanded to Jesus to do when he wast sent to the world. at the time of his life, Jesus performed his teaching, healing, blessing and forgiving sins and was condemned to death we must understand his cruxifiction and resurrection. God gave Jesus a divine recognition because of his perfect obedience. There is no other above name is Jesus. John 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus Christ whosoever believes in him will not be perish but have eternal life. If Jesus can obey to the Father we must also obey Jesus what he have told us to follow. Jesus is the only way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except thru Jesus. He is the gateway for us to access to heaven and be with the father. We must obey his commandments until rapture and believe Jesus as our Savior . Jesus loves all of us and he is faithful to his promises. Thanks Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us.
I agree with Chatauna Robinson 's comment about the church being a sanctuary for some. There are many needy people who have no one to help them and their understanding of the Scriptures is weak. The one thing most can agree on is that the CHURCH is "suppose " to help Jesus said, it is there to serve...So these needy people go to the church for this help and too often the help they receive is more in the form of "We 'll pray for you. " instead of providing what the people actually need. This is a sad situation, yet defines the times we live in, i.e. a laodicean age...
Wesleys says that Jesus CAN grant someone to sit at his right side. But this is contrary to what Jesus himself said. All bibles say that Jesus cannot grant anyone to sit at his right side. Matt20:23. Wesleys credibility is damaged to say the least.
Sounds like the labourers that started out thought that their time invested, by being first, was more important than that their love for the work. I feel that the saints of God must remember that we can not afford to loose our love for God 's work and souls that come in no matter what hour. We are labourers and labourers work until the end.
I especially like to see my way. Without Christ I can 't even see the Kingdom of God. Thank God Almighty, I am saved, I was blind too, but now I see. Be blessed, Pastor Evangelist, Joe Rucker
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 20 - 10 years ago
Hello Bill I understand what you are talking about, however people see the church as a sanctuary, a place of refuge. When they cannot find any help anywhere else they go to where they believe they can get help. Unfortunately in these troubled times, help from the church is not like it used to be in some churches.
In our day many people contact a church to see what is available for them. Jesus didn t call on the synagogue to see what programs were available. Jesus was not looking for his needs to be met. He was looking for opportunities to meet others needs. If we want to be great for God, we need to live like a servant and not like a guest.
mathew 20 28 In other words all the choosen one are to serve the called one, Jesus said if one want to be great, He She must be prepared to serve them all. That 's why God gave Christ a higher name of them all, coz He served saved Human kind..
Who will serve? ex. A little child cannot serve his mother but mother serve her child. It means jesus say "I came for serve ". It is a method of politeness when a powerful. Person serve weaker continuously POLITENESS
Im speaking on a topic that says "NOT ME ' and the text is taken from Matthew 20 18. It was written in the old testament before Jesus was born. The book of Isaiah 53 says it all but, who will be the instrument to be used for other people 's destruction or downfall? It is happening in Nigeria and in the world today. People are being used to destroy other people 's joy and happiness just like Judas was used to betray Jesus. Everything that is happening in the world today had been written and it must surely come to pass but, who will be used to accomplish negative things definitely "NOT ME '
In a manner of speaking, these labourers resemble newly won souls at an altar call, zealous and willing to work in His vineyard. In reality, the first hands normally reckon they are the chosen ones but forget dismally that we are all disciples hired for one purpose, it ain 't about me or you but the harvest and no matter how hard one works, the result ought to be the same Harvest
'He will rise again". Why the word again, this implies He rose before. Help me understand. Love to you all and I pray that the Lord bless you kindness
Matthew 20:22-23
22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?