Discuss Matthew 19 Page 2

  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 19:17 - 2 years ago
    Hi James. The command to give honor to our parents is to show the respect, love & readiness to be there for them when they find themselves in need. Yet, in some homes sadly, sexual abuse, drunkenness & disorderly behavior can make the child's desire to love or obey the commandment so much more difficult. Fortunately, there are laws for their protection & removal.

    Then, as you quoted Matthew 19:29, and I would also submit Luke 14:26, we read of what seems a departure from giving all due love & respect to parents. However, I don't believe Jesus wants those who wholeheartedly follow Him, in maybe some service that takes them far from home, to stop loving or respecting their parents. It's a matter of priority that the Lord gives: He must always be first in our lives - even before family & self. Those who have the call of the Lord upon their lives, can certainly trust Him to care & provide for his or her family; and the family (parents) should certainly understand the burden upon their 'child' to serve & that the Lord will see to all of their needs.
  • Sammi - In Reply on Matthew 19:17 - 2 years ago
    Not all of our , by that I mean gentiles / none Jews , mothers and fathers are Christians . Or even religious at all . The commandment was given to the Israelites and is part of the covenant of Moses , we are not under that covenant , we are part of the new covenant , Christians . We can still honour our parents , even if they are not Christians , we can still treat them with kindness and affection and respect . We , as Christians , should treat everyone with kindness and respect , but , who is King in our hearts ? If our mom or dad said to any of us : I don't want you in my house if you are a Christian ! Give it up or get out ! What would we do ? What do we think God would want us to do ? Would we do it ? So , it's just about treating everyone with kindness and respect but keeping Jesus enthroned in our hearts and anyone who doesn't want to know us because of our faith ? Stay friendly if possible ? If not , so what ? Prioritise , that's all .
  • James Bell on Matthew 19:17 - 2 years ago
    I have a serious question. How do we reconcile vs. 29 with the commandment to honor thy mother and father...?

    Jesus restates in Matthew 15:4 the importance of this commandment as well as Paul in Ephesians.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Knowledge of Good and Evil (part 3)

    What is good and evil? To get a definition we must first adhere to God's standards rather than our own; while acknowledging that His ways are higher than ours. For instance; we are not commanded to fight against the whole world of wicked man and the Antichrist and False Prophet and usher in God's Kingdom. There are some Dominionists who seem to go pretty far in that direction though; acting like Christ coming in vengeance ( Isaiah 63:3) is going to somehow be preceded by a red carpet welcoming mat of a world that is subjugated to Christianity. That isn't even what Post Mil reformers are saying! In any case a mass slaughter of most of the surviving earth at the end of the Tribulation isn't something that would be classified as good for anyone but the King of Kings. No doubt; of course Antichrist will beforehand attempt to justify his wars of conquest as a "man of peace" and when that is proven to be wrong; as the only one who can fight God who will be; to put it mildly called unjust.

    To the world; Psalm 2 will seem like a way to "loosen their fetters" so to speak; this will seem like the ultimate revolutionary act to do for the world against those "aliens" attempting to invade the earth!

    The other side of the coin; of course is the concept of what exactly "good" is. We know that God Himself can do no wrong; and is love itself ( Job 34:12; 1 John 4:8). We know that no one does good and all are estranged from the womb ( Romans 3:12; Psalms 14:3). Christ mentions this with those who are "evil" that give good gifts to their children. ( Luke 11:13). Therefore; the action may be the same among the regenerate and unsaved; but the motivations will be different; for instance pride of self or family; or an attempt to appease God and men through behaviors. This may be why the young man wasn't disputed when he said that he obeyed certain things since a youth. ( Matthew 19:20 and elsewhere). Hidden covetousness was thus exposed.
  • TheLORDredeeMEd - In Reply - 2 years ago
    10 His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.

    11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

    12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it. -( Matthew 19: 10-12)

    NOW concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

    2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

    3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

    4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

    5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

    6 But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.

    7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.

    8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

    9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

    10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

    11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

    -( I Corinthians 7:1-17, but I ran out of room) Unless your son cannot contain his flesh, please cease from pressuring him esteemed brother or sister of the faith. He is able to focus. If he marries, and his wife beareth seed: Matthew 24:19!
  • T Levis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    Scripture about an Angels carrying ._. Not "spirit" Luke 16:22, 'your question spirit seeing loved ones on earth', more importantly GOD ALMIGHTY sees us Psalms 139, Psalms 27:10, & Jesus intercedes for us Romans 8,

    It's important to understand the Biblical laws of marriage were given to Moses for Israel & "the Children of GOD" John 1:12, also Romans 8, relevant.

    These laws are for GOD fearing, believers, a guideline for what's best.

    Mark 10:2-12, Matthew 19:3-12, Matthew 5:31-37, notice it was to test, Jesus. Deuteronomy 24:1-4

    1Corinthians 7,

    Malachi 2:10-15, John 3:16, Matthew 25:31-46, Jude 1,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Duncan - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    Hi Mary,

    1.God created only two genders as its written in the scriptures.

    2.LGBT is man-made due to the lust of their hearts and God has given them over to their own imaginations

    Please read the book of genesis 1:27 and Romans 1

    Repent and pray for God to help you understand his words Amen
  • Duncan - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    Hi, Giannis

    God is the creator of all children. according to his will Just wanted to point out this

    Exodus 4:11

    The LORD said to him, "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
  • Giannis - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    Hello Mary. My opinion...

    Disabled children are also born, is that God's Will or God planned it? No, not at all. Something went wrong during the pregnasy, probably some drugs taken, probably something during baby's formation in the womb, diffected/altered DNA, many reasons may cause bad things. Homosexuality may be something created since birth, but it can be also caused due to psychological reasons during growing up, many people that don't receive love during their time as childs and teenagers have often problems with it. But besides that in our days it has become kind of a fashion, especially among famous people (and not only) and since those are often examples, many follow.

    So it is not somebody to be condemned, especially those who have problems with it, these people need real love but they also need freedom. BUT, and this is the important thing we all have to have in mind, all these things that occur to people, during their lives here on earth are a result of man's apostasy from God, they are a result of the sinful life we are living away from God's commandments and God's protection. We have chosen to live away from God and those (everything bad in our lives) are the inevitable consequences. Sin causes death, both biological and psychological. If people stayed obedient in the beginning and stayed pure as they were created none of those would have happened. So it is our fault, not God's, like any other sin. So what can somebody do now? As for any other passion or sin the only person that can set us free is only God. If one goes to God humble, with faith, and having decided in their heart that they want to get free, God will definately set them free. Also you should know that God is love but He is also truth. That means that everything outside truth (and how things were designed and created by God), are not His likings. He wishes people to become in His image, pure and clean from any sin, whatever that sin is, from the least to the biggest.

  • Adam - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    Hi Mary, I agree with your last few sentences that we are absolutely to love each other. Love a person, but not love sin; hate sin. Sins are not people, and people are not sins. One common deception is to bundle these together as if people have "no choice" but to choose to sin 24/7 and if you don't accept it then you're "wrong." We shouldn't attempt to judge people's salvation, but the Bible supports discernment on who you let influence or corrupt you, and it doesn't mean for you to put you or your family in danger, for example. Someone would not hire an atheist for a pastor of a Christian church, for example, for fear of not wanting to "judge" them for their beliefs.

    I don't believe God created anyone LGBT but he gives the gift of freewill which means people can choose good or evil. God is clear on what is good or evil and that is not in agreement with the world that has its own different list. Many things God deemed evil, the world calls "good". People use all kinds of clever rationalizations. One of those is that "I can't help it, I'm born this way" rationalization. Currently its being used to rationalize committing sodomy and other acts God said is sin. But the same doesn't even apply to those who consider themselves heterosexuals. Just because someone may choose to find someone average or above in attractiveness doesn't mean they will act on their passion, fantasy, or lust. Most don't. This means its a choice, yet when it comes to a LGBT the claim is that they somehow have no choice in the matter but to act out their desires. I don't think God buys it.

    Ironically, what is claimed as a lack of choice for this sin is then suddenly a choice for committing the sin of murder. So the rationalizations are hypocritical and contradict themselves as the world's invented morals usually do. So, a mother rationalizes that murdering her son or daughter in the womb is ok, because its her choice. And they call that "health care." Satan is the father of lies.
  • Mary on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    Can you explain Matthew 1:12? I've always wondered if it was possible God created LGBT to test his two greatest commandments. 1. Love God 2.. Love each other. They are no if, ands or buts. It God's job to Judge people on the end. His commands to us was love them.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes S. Spencer, faith does come by hearing the Gospel when the Holy Spirit empowers it to bring one to faith. When I was

    brought to faith at a very young age (I don't even remember a moment when I did not believe) it was the Father who drew me

    in love to Him. It was the Spirit who made me alive in Christ and supplied to me the faith to believe in Jesus, even when I was

    too young to fully understand all matters of our conversion and life with God.

    This is a good example of "monergism" where God did all the work of saving me, not because I had innate faith nor because I

    had intellectual comprehension of what was done for me in Christ. But because God had elected me and brought me to faith at

    the time He appointed for me. I can never brag about coming to faith with my own efforts, because my conversion did not

    involve my effort. It was done all of God in a wee one. Like Jesus said, "Let the children come unto me, and do not forbid them,

    for of such is the Kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14.

    It comforts me greatly to know this, because I can see how God "kept" me through all of the years of childhood, adolescence,

    and early adulthood when we can be so foolish. Despite the sins, He kept me in the faith, continued to forgive me, grew me in

    knowledge of Him and His Son, created in me a hunger to read the Bible without anyone urging me to do so, helped me to be

    decisive about how I wanted to live my life at crossroads of continuing in a way that was sinful or walking His way, equipped me

    to be a prayerful person, lead me to my believing husband, and so much more.

    The grace He has bestowed on me is precious to me. When I look back I can honestly say, I don't want to go back to who I was

    but instead, press on to become more and more like Jesus until He brings me home to Him at last.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 1:14. The concept of the Kinsman-Redeemer was in the Book of Ruth; as to Boaz obtaining Ruth as part of his inheritance; or you could say "property". The concept of ownership is foreign in today's culture in terms of slavery; however we should look at verses such as Luke 17:10 on us being "unworthy servants" when we do what we are told. With the story of Ruth she was from a Gentile origin; and her sister Orpha decided to abandon Naomi when she told her to go back to her people (the Moabites). Apparently Ruth's first husband was an Israelite but he had died. Ruth hanging on despite Naomi asking her to go back reminds me somewhat of the tenacity of the Gentile woman asking for healing in Matthew 15:26. The colloquialism Christ used was of the dogs; yet she was commended for her faith.

    Obviously; Christ redeemed us as His bride from among all mankind according to the Ephesians quote and this is mentioned in many other verses (Google search is always very helpful). As Boaz brought value to Ruth by marrying her and continuing the lineage of Naomi's family we are adopted as sons ( Romans 8:14-17). God took us; worthless sinners hopelessly lost and His enemies and took on our sin defeating it with His blood sacrifice once and for all at the Cross. He purchased us and it even pleased God to crush Him to accomplish this ( Isaiah 53:10). God's love therefore transcends our own as we would scarcely die for a righteous man let alone a wicked one (according to human standards) according to Romans 5:7.

    Now that we are part of His family; we also will recieve crowns as a reward for faithfulness ( James 1:12 etc). We shall rule and reign with Him ( Matthew 19:28-29) but notice the caviat; "if we suffer for Him". We are warned in Revelation 3:11 about losing our reward; that is not a salvation issue. However; we need to make sure that we are producing fruit "meet of repentance" ( Acts 26:20). If He lives within us we are transformed and a new man.
  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Mark 13 - 2 years ago
    alex1939....Hiya Neville.... Matthew 19:28...Blessed are them that follow me in the REGENERATION when the son of man is revealed...The last days when the book is opened and the seals are loosed.. that book that he wrote with his own blood...Thats when they all sang that new song ( the new Covenant) when Jesus will regenerate himself with his seed sown in humanity the contents of the book (words) of that book...Rev.12:5 is a picture of Regeneration of Christ...Her Child is the H.G. The Promise

    ..... Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness that we have done but by his mercy he saved us...By the washing and REGENERATION of the H.G.

    .....That last generation is his (Jesus) GENERATION...Thats when the woman becomes pregnant for his Children, The Children of Promise,The H.G. are the Children of PROMISE....Our New Heart n New Spirit...As that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit ...

    ....Which is the H.G. The Israel of God...That Heavenly Jacob..Read Romans 9:8 KJV
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago

    A eunuch is somebody who is unable to produce children. That is just a general definition without getting into it.

    It says in Matthew 19:12, But there are some eunuchs, first of all, which were so born from their mother's womb. They were born with a physical defect and are not able to produce children.

    And there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: That is, people take them and they castrate them, which is what they did for the guards that had to guard the harems for the various royalty and kings. They were castrated so that they would not have a desire for a woman.

    And there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. That's personal. It's a calling, and it is self-discipline!

    In first Corinthians Chapter 7, Paul answered the question, and this is the area of marriage and divorce, and remarriage for the Gentiles. But Paul says it is best if everybody is just a like I am.

    Paul says that he is single, and it is best if you stay like I am. And if you have the grace to do it, stay single. That is 1 Corinthians 7:8.

    But, he says in 1 Corinthians 7:9 that if you cannot contain yourself, and you are burning with passion, then it is better to get married.

    Those are the three kinds of people. People born with the physical defect, people who have been castrated, or a personal calling that God is giving you the grace to be single, or God hasn't given you the grace to be single, and you are burning with passion. Then he says it is best to get married.
  • Mike Hogan on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    what is a eunuchs spoken in Matthew 12
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jonet Kemp, Jesus said in Matthew 19:9 "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." This of course means "put away her husband," too. However, according to the late Billy Graham, God never said that we must stay in a life-threatening marriage. Even if your husband hasn't threatened your life, he could suddenly ignite into a dangerous fury. If you are scared of him, pick a time when he is at work or not expected back for several hours, pack what you can in a hurry and go to a family or friend or a women's shelter, and do not meet him anywhere in private to talk things over. (NOTE: leaving, but not divorcing.)

    God protect and bless you!
  • Joshua - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 19:14

    King James Version

    14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Deuteronomy 24:1-5, Matthew 5:27-32, Matthew 19:3-12, Mark 10:2-12, Romans 7:1-4, Malachi 2:11-17,

    Deuteronomy 7:3-16, Nehemiah 13:23-29, 1Corinthians 7,

    1Timothy 4:1-10, 1Timothy 5:14, Hebrews 13:4,

    James 1:5
  • Frances nyarko on Matthew 19 - 2 years ago
    i have some of your bible and i love them God bless you
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus speaking in context : Mark 10:13-31, notice he started with the little children that were being pushed aside._.. Notice too he says many not all. Luke 18:17, Mark 10:15,

    Giannis says Israel, that seems very contradictory to the WORD: Romans 11, whole chapter. Notice, Luke 13:22-35, note Luke 13:27, iniquity, Matthew 7, Matthew 25:31-46, Isaiah 48:12, Matthew 24:48-51,

    Matthew 20:1-16, again arrogance & expecting more reward than another? Again if you go back a little in context Jesus is telling them don't forbid the children to come to Him. Matthew 19:14, continued the same event follows. Matthew 19:14-30, so Matthew 20, is repeating the teaching of 1st, & last; meekness, in another perspective same teaching. Matthew 10:22,24,25,42, Matthew 10:5-42, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:27, Matthew 18:3,4,5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Moses controlled the sea by order of GOD. Exodus 14:15-31,

    Other times, Joshua 3, 2Kings 2:8, 2Kings 2:14, Mark 4,

    Exodus 17:6, note Numbers 20:7-12, GOD even gave them the power & authority to just speak to the water to come forth, matter of fact; it was an Order, & because it wasn't followed it was counted against them.

    Mark 9:23, Luke 18:27, Mark 10:27, Matthew 19:26,

    James 4:1-3,

    Hopefully these scriptures are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    2Thessalonians 3:10-12, 1Timothy 5:8, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 19:9, Leviticus 20:10, Mark 10:19, Luke 18:20, John 8:3-11,
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Judy, the Scriptures do not tell us that Adam had any other wife than Eve. In fact, Jesus spoke to this in Matthew 19:4-6 in speaking of marriage. He said that in the beginning, God made mankind male and female; and that the man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife. The two become one flesh. What God has joined together, let no man separate. So, When Adam and Eve were created, they only had each other. There was not any other persons with whom to add to their marriage (in regards to polygamy) and that it was wrong to divorce a spouse to marry another. Adam would of had to take one of his daughters or neices as another wife. But Scriptures do not say this. It says that Eve was the mother of all the living. Therefore, any children born to Adam were born through Eve.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Revelation 3 - 2 years ago

    I'm not sure if your question was about GOD or man. I will try my best to answer it. Ironically " ambiguous " meaning double meaning._._

    I think that GOD's WORD the Bible is clear, when we study, & pray for wisdom. James 1:5,

    1st GOD gave people dominion: Genesis 1:26,27,28, = power, dominion ect. Within 2nd Generation & continued; 1st crime: Genesis 4:6-9, & Genesis 4:23, dominion with disregard for others, even anothers very life. Genesis 6:5, Exodus 1:8,13,16,22, even disregard for life of children

    Even then though GOD doesn't disregard HE repayed. Exodus 12:29, Exodus 13:15, notice the whole chapter of Exodus 12, points to John 3:15,16,17, Again people with dominion & power disregarding life of innocent: Luke 22:1,2,7,20,54,63,64, continued; Luke 23:1,2,15,21,33,34,

    Also: they killed their own children, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:1-8, that GOD had destroyed nations for that sin! 1Kings 11:7, 2Kings 23:10,

    Jeremiah 32:35, ( how? ) it's unimaginable even to GOD ALMIGHTY ! Jeremiah 7:31, Jeremiah 19:5, 2Chronicles 33:9, 1Kings 11:1-12, Deuteronomy 6:14, Deuteronomy 7:1-8, why? Was it because they destroyed the children, had disregard for innocent lives of their own offspring? Images of GOD

    Psalms 82:6, in context Psalms 82,

    GOD will Judge: Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18:5,6,10,14, Matthew 19:14, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2, 2Peter 2:7-9, Psalms 9:7,

    If your question is regarding "us" "believers" Luke 12:32, Revelation 21,

    There will be suffering here on Earth but promises to those who endure, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Revelation 10, 2Timothy 2:3, Revelation 6:9-11,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Free - In Reply on Matthew 19:23 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Abigail Watts" i see that you have not received a reply for several days. It is correct to understand that only adultery can justify remarriage. If it is important to a person. Now this applies to the husband.

    Join me on a little journey in God's word. Jesus says several times that He is one with the Father, example John 17. Actually, you get your answer there. We are also one with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

    We have a Father God, (and a husband Jesus). So when we are unmarried, for example, when we meet Jesus we become one with Him as a spouse would become. And we become one with Him if we are married too.

    Now it is the case that Jesus knows all our thoughts and needs of various kinds. Because He Himself has experienced things by being here on earth as a human, right? But the gifts we get by believing in Jesus, i.e. the Holy Spirit, will guide us to the whole truth. John 16:13 and mm. The Holy Spirit should be able to make us strong to stand against all evil, including carnal desire.

    But to cut a long story short. Shall we say that the day we made the choice to follow Jesus we were married to Him. On that day we put away all sin, for sin shall have no more dominion over us. Romans 6:1-11

    Because we have been born again into a sinless human being. Became a lover with Divine love and got to meet the Truth Himself, and receive all the good gifts Lord Jesus gives.

    Now the question is? Are you standing in this first love. Yes, you will be because nothing should be able to separate us from God's love. Romans 8:35-39

    We will always long for Him, have fellowship with Him whom we love, right? Revelation 2:1-7

    I read the word that you refer to as adultery on all sides. The only one who can do right is the one who has become a simpleton. Or the person who has never married, he does not get carnal desire either. And that is good. In marriages of true love, there are never questions or accusations. Jesus will also be there He loves us, i loves u in Christ. John 19
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Proverbs 19:17,

    Exodus 22:21-27, Exodus 23:1-12, Deuteronomy 24:12-15, Psalms 14:6, Matthew 25:31-46, Psalms 41:1, Psalms 82:3,4, Psalms 112:9, Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 21:13, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 14:13,14, Luke 18:22, 2Corinthians 9:9,

    Proverbs 13:7,

    Hopefully helpful
  • Abigail Watts on Matthew 19:23 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 19:9 (KJV) And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

    I am of the Pentecostal faith. I'm trying to obtain a clearer understanding from this verse. My understanding is God will grant you a divorce and allow you to remarry only if your formal spouse committed fornication. Please correct me with an explanation if I'm incorrect.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mark 10:28-31, Matthew 20:1-16, Matthew 19:16-30, Luke 13:23-30
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    The true gift of Bible prophecy

    When we see the prophecy of Agabus in Acts 11; we see evidence of a Word given by an unknown saint to the church as to events soon to come. An individual word of knowledge came to Paul as to what would happen when he went to Jerusalem in Acts 21. These two examples show that most prophecy has unpleasant ramifications whether it if for a nation; individual or group of people. Comparison with today's prosperity gospel type of messages there is little or no scriptural precedence for "declared" blessings of financial success. The irony is that tends to eliminate the TRUE messages of God's promotion of certain individuals for unique ministries and great works for the Kingdom of God. When the successful saint is seen to have promotion; wealth and privileges in this world the verse about what is "highly exalted among men is an abomination to God" ( Luke 16:15).

    Try telling Christ who had "no place to lay His head" ( Luke 9:58); or the disciples who said they had given up all things to follow Him ( Luke 18:28); or Christ telling others that it was harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle ( Matthew 19:23).

    Another part of the problem is that people don't trust that God works good through all things for those who love God ( Romans 8:28). This could signify personal trials; or those affecting the nations of the world (war; famine; pestilence); and even the great multitude of the Tribulation are the fruit of the crucible God has placed to test all those who dwell on the earth ( Rev. 3:10).

    I believe that any TRULY Born Again individual can do great things; and has time perhaps to do even greater things than Jesus in some sense ( John 14:12-14). This could only refer to the same Holy Spirit working quantitatively in a lifetime more than Jesus had time to do in 3.5 years of ministry, and primarily sign and wonder miracles were meant for the Apostles.

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