Janet, are you referring to Mark 9:17-27? If so, then the account is of Jesus coming over to a company of people & some Jewish religious leaders (Scribes) were questioning Jesus' disciples. Apparently, a man had a son with a 'dumb spirit'. This may not mean as we read it, but quite likely there was an evil spirit inhabiting this boy that produced lunacy or even epilepsy in the child & could also have rendered the boy speaking gibberish. And this was a particularly violent spirit, as from the account. So, Jesus' disciples ask Him, why could they not cast out this demon (as maybe they had done on other occasions)? This type of spirit required much reliance on God for removal (= prayer & fasting), Jesus said. We don't know how an evil spirit came to indwell this lad, but when we see so much of satanic worship & delving into the spirit world today, that so many do ignorantly, we can expect more of this demonic possession & oppression.
What was the Miracle Of Astounding Proportions? - Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:35-44: Like 9:12-17; John 6:5-14. Jesus words in ( Matthew 14:16) carried a higher spiritual cogitation; He is the 'Bread of Life', therefore, the Body of Christ is to be fed regarding the Word of God. God has an order and method by which His heavenly Blessings are divinely distributed. Reading from verse 19 of Matthew 14: (He took, He blessed, He did break, and He gave to the Disciples - that is His order with Believers as well). One of the divine Principles of Breaking Limits is ALWAYS to give 'Thanks' (cf. John 6:11). It is from God whence all blessings come. We must ever seek His Face for leading an.
I'm not sure if that is your belief or just echoing the previous commenter, but we're not robots. We absolutely have freewill to choose to follow Jesus or not and our actions determine where we go after this life. So, if someone is looking for an excuse to party and run with the world and uses this verse as support that sounds like an example of a falsehood the devil wants people to believe. JOHN 14:15.
Fred scanlan I believe that every thing that occurs in the bible has been predestined before the foundation of the world. If this is true, then let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
The disciples had already seen Jesus perform miracles but they were still shaken in the storm,in doubt and fear.Were they convinced of who Jesus was after Peter's rescue?Many believers also doubt the God they know as all powerful. Have faith, focus on Jesus,not your problems. Keep your eyes on Him or you will begin to sink.Hes with us and if you really know who he is, you have no reason to fear.
There were multiple Herod's. It was Herod The Great who had all the children killed around Bethlehem when Joseph took Jesus to Egypt. The Herod who beheaded John was a later ruler - probably a descendent of Herod The Great.
Matthew 2:19 View whole chapter See verse in context But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. This is when Jesus was a little baby. Now who is this Herod that killed John? when Jesus was an adult.
Herodias , indeed should be an example unto all men who fear God! Especially those who have power. Herod was weak, in the subconscious idea that he could tempt God while serving mammon! Anyone who thinks that they can play this game will in the end loose! Herod lost everything even his kingdom because of his lust. Anyone given power has authority only because it is given him by God.
I believe that every thing that occurs in the bible has been predestined before the foundation of the world. Like a true christian,John is a forerunner teaching Gods will living out Gods command. God had mercy on John , in that Herods order happened so quickly, John had no idea what was about to happen!
John baptized, it is sad how he died but he fulfilled his purpose. He is in a beautiful place, filled with peace and glory. Jesus came to baptize us all in his blood through his crucifixion, and fill us with the Holy spirit. As he said be of good cheer, it is I, I am here, come, why doubt him , trust in the Lord.
BSP; Verses 13,14 (reply); I like how you bring that out. I read this part and can picture all the good people who were stunned and saddened about John being killed, and coming together from all around to find Jesus for help in their trauma. And the Lord feels with them enough, like you said, to put their needs first. He hasn't changed; and He knows what's going on in the world right now with us.
Verses 13,14~ Even though Jesus had just received the horrible news that John the Baptist was beheaded and he wanted to be alone, he felt pity for the crowd and he helped them. He put the needs of others ahead of his own.
John B, no offense but you are the poor person here. John Baptist is rich in paradise presently for Jesus testified that there are no better man born to woman than him Matt. 11:11. John was doing his job preaching repentance from the greatest to the least for Herod violating the law of God given by Moses Lev.20:21 gross incest. Herod was wrong in several ways psalm 105:14, 15 "He suffered no man..
Poor John, one shouldn't redress kings. Especially over their love affairs. But God will judge the kings of this earth, for they are but men and in God's eyes lower than the mendicant begging for bread for hunger. Jesus was in the Glory of the Father as he prayed alone atop of the mountain. He beckons Peter, "come" and saves him as he falters. Her daughter dances seductively before the Kng
Jesus asked, but whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, that art the Christ,The Son of The living God. and Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed art thou Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood have not revealed it onto thee but My Father which is in heaven. Matthew 16:15-17
Many follow the Lord Jesus for many reasons. Many of those same "followers" have almost as many ideas, who Jesus the Son of man is. But whom do you say that He is? Those same "many" were the ones whom the Lord said, "but to THEM it is not given (to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven)." Why? Why to some, and not to all? Because they do not convert! Their heart is calloused not to perceive.
It raises the question between doubt and faith. But do you have faith in God, whom you haven't seen? You have faith in Jesus, who hasn't been seen for 2017 years! Jesus was sent by God. Listen, his doctrine wasn't his own but the Father who sent him. That is why God granted him Power to overcome sin. To overcome gravity. To overcome fear and doubt. Jesus was always praying to God
V.24 the ship may be Christianity that is tossed in the tempest of the sea (people that do not agree with the doctrine of Jesus) Jesus walked in the Grace of God upon the sea in peace and love. The Disciples feared that the spirit of grace was not enough to save them. Peter feared the army of opposition even though he had understanding and compassion. Replace doubt with a strong trust in God.