Discuss Matthew 12 Page 19

  • Julu Kokombo on Matthew 12 - 10 years ago
    The chapter is lively and full of teachings
  • Uwem etuk on Matthew 12:32 - 10 years ago
    Does this statement give credence to possibility of forgiveness of some sins after life ?
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Matthew 12:1 - 10 years ago
    That old serpent, the devil, satan the accusser of brethren.The devil 's traits are visible and audible to his people.The disciples were falsely accussed of harvesting, while in actual fact they were only 'picking up grain '
  • Nkosinathi on Matthew 12:19 - 10 years ago
    His humility, a stark naked contrast to His ministry of dunamis power.His humbleness is not evident in most man of power.This is a teaching,if not a revelation about how we must conduct ourselves, especially those who know that every little thing we can do and not is God Himself.In this manner, we give all the glory to God without accepting and or stealing accolades, honour and praises for ourselves. l 've known someone who was never selfish . whenever reminded about how beautiful, smart, articulate and efficient in the office, home or in public they were, she would retort with "l owe it to God who enables me " Such was the Lord, whom we ought to replicate every step He took, His personality and His divine character.
  • Nkosinathi on Matthew 12:5 - 10 years ago
    I would like to believe that Our Lord was revealing to the keepers of Law the entirety of the Sabbath that it was, as all God 's Law rooted in love.And so the legality of law can only be nullified by doing work what is Godly.Since Law could not make anyone righteous before God, Christ was here to fulfill that particular lack, so that we could be made right with God
  • Mark on Matthew 12:29 - 10 years ago
    parables are to learn from Or else how could a devil enter into God s beautiful garden of Eden and sow corruption unless he first bind God Can the devil bind God Luke 20 17
  • GBENGA ABRAHAM on Matthew 12:34 - 11 years ago
    tell the meaning
  • Karen on Matthew 12:32 - 11 years ago
    In John 16 8 Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes He will convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment So we know that the Holy Spirit has indeed come therefore the world KNOWS there is sin they know that Jesus is the Righteous One and that they are under judgment yet many deny the truth What can not be forgiven is unbelief No one will stand before God and plead that they did not know I believe the more convicted a person is yet refusing to believe the more they lash out at GOD Christ and all things Christian I don t know if I am right but that is what I think
  • Pat on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Re Minister Vern - Yeah after much thought on my part I've come to yhe concluslion that it is Fri Sat Sun that is being spoken of and not 72 hours.
    It was your comments which opened my eyes to this viz - part of a day is counted as a day.
    Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days - should therefore be translated as - on the THIRD DAY.
  • Pat on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Re Minister Vern - Yeah after much thought on my part I've come to yhe concluslion that it is Fri Sat Sun that is being spoken of and not 72 hours.
    It was your comments which opened my eyes to this viz - part of a day is counted as a day.
    Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days - should therefore be translated as - on the THIRD DAY.
  • Steve on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Karl Marx, once wrote that, the goal of the Communists was to quote,. �enter into men�s minds and cast God down from his throne.�

    Matthew 12:31Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
  • Dennis Meyer on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    In reply to Dave, if you can show me where the Father or the Messiah just do something at random then it might not make any difference to when the resurrection happened. Look at all the prophecies concerning the flood, or Israel going into captivity, or concerning the birth, or the return of the Messiah. I don't believe they just took place at any random point in time, but fall at specific points in time as appointed by the Father or the Son.
    Vern, I believe we should go back to the foundation of the statement which is found in Jonah 1:17.
    Can someone answer me this, why is it when you celebrate your birthday, anniversary, or a holiday like Christmas, one year its on a Mon. then the next year it will be on a Tues. and continue to change year after year. Why doesn't Easter do the same thing? Shouldn't the same logic apply?
  • Joseph m nyakundi on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    King james is nice.
  • Timothy Anderson on Matthew 12:30 - 11 years ago
    Whoever does not work for the kingdom of the light is working for the kingdom of darkness.
  • Dave on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    re pat & dennis Does it really matter which days it happened on? Does that change your beliefs in the resurrection, I would hope not. But the calendar we use today is not the same as the ones used in the time Jesus was in the flesh, the only thing that matters is do you believe with all you heart that it happened, I do, and because he did these things I will live with him in glory for eternity, and so will any one else who truely believes
  • Pat on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Re Dennis - Thank you for the information. I can see that you have put a lot of time and thought into this. I know that it is hard for you to hear this, and it is hard for me to tell you - but unfortunately the truth is, I am still left wondering about this matter.
  • Dennis Meyer on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Replying to Pat, in researching this what is the foundation of verse 40? You would have to go back to Jonah 1:17 where it says he was in the belly of the fish 3 days & 3 nights. So if we doubt that Christ & Jonah were in the grave & fish for 3 days & 3 nights, can we also have reason to doubt the creation and that God created everything in 6 days & nights and rested on the seventh, or did it really rain for 40 days & 40 nights at the time of the flood. As for me I believe what the Word of God says.
    Next in Ex. 12:3-6 where it talks about the Passover lamb (which I believe represents the Messiah) and that it should be brought in on the 10th day and examined 4 days before it is sacrificed on the 14th day. And as verse 5 states without blemish (just like the Messiah). I relate this with Christ riding into Jerusalem on the donkey in Matt 11:1-11. Would this not be what we know as Psalm Sunday? So my next question is if Christ entered into Jerusalem on Sun. and was examined for 4 days as spoken of in Ex. would not that mean Christ was crucified on Wed. and rose at the end of the Sabbath and not Fri. or else we have to move Psalm Sunday to Tues. for the 4 day examination to work and get a Fri. crucifixion and a Mon resurrection if you apply the 3 day and 3 nights.
    I pray Pat that you will research this more and decide one way or the other and be fully convinced in your heart and your mind. God bless.
  • Pat on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    re my previous comment.
    Please don't get me wrong. I am not knocking the Bible etc it is not wrong. I know that it is my understanding of it which is wrong and I would appreciate any help in understanding this point.
    Thank you
  • Pat on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    re Dennis Meyer I find the 3 days and 3 nights confusing and would welcome some research. As far as I can see Fri night and Sat night are two nights - he was up on Sunday morning. Early.
  • Nkrumah Meschack on Matthew 12:36 - 11 years ago
    Lord, please guide us so that we do as you wish
  • Dennis Meyer on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    If Jesus himself said in verse 40 that he would be in the grave for 3 days & 3 nights, why does the church world not abide by that? And by us not doing so, do we call Christ a liar? Do we need to research this more?
  • Cindy on Matthew 12:32 - 11 years ago
    don't understand what is not forgiven. aren't all sins forgiven if you repent and are truly sorry? aren't the father and the son and the holy spirit one in the same?
  • Russell Thibodeaux on Matthew 12:34 - 11 years ago
    It's not hard to tell if one is a Christian, what comes out of someone defines there God, A true Christian will always be talking about their Jesus, not the world or the things of the world.
  • Brian ceyan on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Accounding to eatting n doing good what the pharies called bad i jst what to asure every born again christain that jesus christ son of God never come to abolish the law but to perfect it so we are free to do anything on sunday coz everything was perfected by christ halleluya
  • Marie on Matthew 12:50 - 11 years ago
    Notice that Jesus doesn't call Mary his sister or his brother, He calls Mary his Mother. Now if the Son of God is speaking as the Son of God and says all these people are of God not because they are related to Him but because they do Gods will. We also see from that that if Jesus had seen Mary as only a 'willing vessel' He would not have specifically called His mother mother, He would have called her a sister. He reserves that title for her and only her.
  • BSP on Matthew 12:30 - 11 years ago
    This verse shows that one can not take a neutral position. There are only 2 sides to take. The choice is still there of which side a person decides to take, but either way the person will have to deal with the consequences of that choice.
  • Ernie risner sr on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    best bible in world
  • Steve on Matthew 12:36 - 11 years ago
    God please forgive our ignorance!
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    A house divided against itself cannot stand. Wether it be a family or a nation even a religion. The democrats and the republicans are deeply divided. That house will fall. Catholics and Protestants. That house will fall. The Muslim house is divided. Believers and unbelievers. There are are so many divisions in this world because the devil rules by division. However God will bring all into agreement and unity. Conflicts will become a thing of the past. All will be united in the kingdom of God.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Matthew 12 - 11 years ago
    Since we have entered into the millennium sabbath all works that we do is out of line. But God himself is coming down to work for the whole thousand years. We worship not the sun. We only worship in spirit and truth which means the power of the spirit is with us.

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