Discuss Mark 9 Page 4

  • Orion Hughes on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    I recall much horror at Jesus saying to cut off ones hand or ones eye,

    and surely I could think of at least one other body part was worried about.

    Others in my church might not be worried about their hands, because their hand is not causing

    them to sin, but mine is.

    First of all, I want to honor the Christian forum by first defending Jesus.

    I believe Jesus has a sense of humor, I conclude based on what I have read,

    that Jesus is merely teasing people who have asked him how they can stop sinning.

    I understand there is also some very deep symbolism in all of this, as evidenced, by

    Jesus talking about "offending" one of "these little ones". So, it is more than just a joke,

    but it is humor in my opinion, I cant prove it, but I just dont see Jesus saying seriously to anyone

    that they should literally remove parts of their body.

    There is some question of what is meant by "offend". Other translations have said "if your hand causes you to sin",

    rather than "if your hand offends you". There is surely some implication of hands, eyes, and potentially other

    body parts, causing one to lust. If "offend" means something other than "causes you to sin", then in that case,

    is that not exactly what the trans-gendered are doing - removing parts of their body which "offend" them?

    In Matthew 19:12, Jesus seems to partially endorse the practice of becoming a eunuch.

    All this is very scary to the young teenaged Christian such as I was at one time.

    I recall also that it is not easy for Christian leaders to soothe such fear by dismissing it,

    because, Jesus is saying this.

    The joke I talked about is a great joke, it is very deep spiritually, I think we should reflect on this,

    Jesus is really telling us not to hurt ourself, not to be hard on ourself. "Rabbi, how do I stop [shameful practice]".

    "Cut your hand off".

    Its so perfect. Its funny, it disarms the questioner of their fear, its deep, its totally flawless.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sister Kay:

    Hell: the Hebrew word sheol, a place of no perception were the dead go, the grave.

    Deuteronomy 32:22 For a fire is kindled in my anger .....

    Is this fire literal, started with a match, of the fire of the Lord.

    Luke 12:49 And I have come to send fire on the earth; and what will I (be), if it (the fire) already be kindled?

    Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.

    Luke 12:50 And I have a baptism (fire), to be baptised with, and how am I straitened till it BE ACCOMPLISHED.

    Matthew 3:11 ...he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire.

    1 Corinthians 3:15 .....but he himself shall be save, as yet by fire.

    Psalms 86:13 For great is thy (the Father's) mercy toward me (Christ): and thou (the Father) shall deliver my (Christ's) soul (body) from the lowest hell (sheol, the grave).

    Isaiah 5:14 Therefore hell (sheol, the grave) hath enlarged herself, and open her mouth without measure ....

    Mark 9:43

    I have never seen a Christian that believed these verses, if they are literal, otherwise they would have cut off their hands and feet to keep from going to hell.

    It's an analogy.

    You believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell.

    Hebrews 12:27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the REMOVING of those (literal and physical) things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things (SPIRIT) which cannot be shaken remain.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Interesting question. Most excellent Theopholis in Luke 1:1-4 apparently addressed someone as a nobleman as to who the book was written to. The man who couldn't have demons cast out in Mark 9:29 addressed whichever disciples had a failed attempt to cast it out. The conversation when Jesus said you will see a man with an colt tied up and to ask his permission was recorded in Luke 19:30-34. Matthew 17:24-25 definitely shows Peter having a conversation with the tax collector. Then there is the verse in Luke 18:39 which could refer to the Disciples complaining or telling someone to be quiet; and similar references where they were mentioned to be trying to stop someone who was also doing healings and the like in Luke 9:50.

    It seems most things were not too edifying that the disciples tried to do to interfere with what people were doing in Christ's presence. Sad commentary; but again before Pentacost many things were hidden from them. It seems there is no named individual who was mentioned; even with Christ until the trial immediately preceeding His death. We do see; however John the Baptist and his interaction which eventuallly caused him to be martyred. There were clearly interactions necessary to procure the healing of Peter's mother in law; and for Christ to give the Apostle John the care of His mother at His death.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Mark 11 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 21:21-22,

    GOD's WORD says seek & you shall find, knock & it shall be opened, Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9, Luke 1:37, Luke 18:27, Mark 10:27,

    Ask & you shall receive, say with your mouth believe with your heart & it will happen. Mark 9:23, John 16:23,24, John 14:13,14, John 15:16,

    Mark 11:22-26,

    That doesn't just apply to believers GOD even gives people over Romans 1:18-32,

    Matthew 17:20, Hebrews 11:6,

    Mark 14:36,

    James 4:3,

    James 4,

    Please stay within scripture, write it upon your heart. Proverbs 7:1-3, Deuteronomy 11:18, Proverbs 3:3,

    Mark 7:9, Mark 7:13, Colossians 2:8,

    Hopefully these are helpful & insightful
  • Jesse - In Reply on Mark 1 - 2 years ago

    I'm not sure if you follow manuscripts or not, but Matthew 17:21 is actually an addition. It is not in some manuscripts, but it actually describes what Jesus said about praying. Howbeit this kind goes not out except by prayer and fasting.

    What He means by that is bring him to me. He is not saying that prayer has some magical work to it, like pray over them and the demon will come out. He's saying it's through prayer, give him to me.

    I understand that fasting serves two purposes. Number one: To become physically weak in order to be spiritually sensitive. That's the religious meaning for fasting. You go without food and your body becomes weak in order to become spiritually sensitive.

    But also, you fast in order to lose your physical strength so that God's Spirit can use you. And that's Jesus' emphasis here, bring him to me. Make sure that you're not involved, that your flesh is not at all involved, and bring him to me.

    And again in Mark 9:29, just like the Matthew text, that little phrase "and fasting" was added to many manuscripts. Originally, it was just prayer, but if we keep the fasting in there that's not a problem.

    The important thing we need to know is that it is not part of a formula. What is the first thing Jesus said? He said the answer is, bring him to me, and if I am not here, pray! Bring him to me!
  • Larry K. Tippens on Mark 1 - 2 years ago
    Rsv bible mark 9:29 & matthew 17:21 have lost "fasting and prayer" that jesus said in kjv are both necessary to cast out evil/ demons.

    two satanic worshippers prevailed in 1963 process to leave out "fasting" in rsv.

    (note: " *saint joseph's partners" article "the power of fasting".)

    john wesley would not ordain a minister into colonial georgia methodist church who was not fasting.

    president abe lincoln declared 30 april as usa national day of fasting and prayer.

    a few days later a stray confederate bullet hit their commanding general.

    in his absence gettysburg was a turn of the civil war in favor of the union of usa.

    why are we today not fasting on bread and water on wednesdays ( day of judas' betrayal) & fridays ( the crucifiction), like early christians practiced?*)

    fasting is to humble ourselves, like wicked ahab did when elija told him god's judgement on him was all men and women in his kingdom would die. ahab fasted for a week..god spared ahab's people during his rule.

    esther 4:16 she and all jews fasted 3 days. god acted.

    the king canceled his command that they all jews be killed.

    why struggle under evil, pandemic, closed churches, war time attacks?fasting can be developed step by step.

    cardiologist, dr. p. jamnadas lectures:"the amazing benefits of "fasting for survival" as he lecture med students at fla. state univ. med school.

    (( why not reverse and cure diabetes? 80%of usa is prediabetic.

    clear brain fog? reverse cardio vascular disease? reduce waist lines to less than 40 inches?)

    this assistant med school professor describes how to, step by step, develop ability to fast.

    how about reduce risk of cancer by 70%for life time?


    lead us in developing ability to fast and pray..., as jesus expects us to do.

    lets cast out evil.

    why not?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    True David.

    For me, I try to always remember that Jesus promised that God does hear the prayers of believers and answers. And I always try to remember that He is sovereign and will always do what is in accord with His will and purpose. Also, I try to always remember to trust Him with the answers He gives, for he is faithful and just. He loves us and is willing to answer our prayers from His goodness and grace, freely given to us.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    1Peter 3:7, Micah 3:4, Isaiah 1:15, Psalms 66:18, Isaiah 59:2, Proverbs 1:28-30, James 4, James 5:1-9,

    2Chronicles 7:14, 1Peter 3:12, humble ourselves, turn from evil, 1Timothy 2:8, James 5:10-12,

    Even when things look impossible keep praying: Isaiah 38:1-9, Matthew 9:29, Matthew 17:14-21, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9-13, Acts 12:5-18, James 5:13-20

    Never give up

    Psalms 37, 1Thessalonians 5:17, James 5:16,
  • David Williams on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    Remember, God is neither a genie nor a wishing well for your pleasure. All prayers are answered. May be not the answer or time frame you were looking for in your prayers, but answered. Praise the Lord.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Luke 3 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 4:23, Matthew 9:35, Luke 9:1,2,11, 1Corinthians 12, Psalms 6:2, Matthew 10:1,8, Mark 9:23, Mark 9:14-29, Mark 16:17-18,

    I have also noticed the Laws given Moses in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, etc. about what GOD said not to eat many of those proven to causes of health problems. I know someone that changed diet & cured her diabetes.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Marke - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    A Christian who is walking with God can pray for anything according to the will of God and it will be given to him. But the Christian must have faith and faith is based upon the written word of God so any requests not harmonizing with God's word will not be granted by God.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    Brother Spencer, thanks for your encouraging words'
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    Asking for help in my unbelief!!

    Valuable piece in verse 24 Brother Jesse.

    God bless.
  • ELB - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    Brother bill mc:

    mark 9:23 jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

    what is it that we have to believe? what's inside this belief that make all things possible?

    ephesians 4:4 there is one body, and one spirit ......

    ephesians 4:6 one god and father or all .....

    christ is the body, the father (spirit< truth< life) dwells in the body (of christ).

    john 5:26 for as the father hath life in himself; so hath he given the son to have life in himself.

    john 5:19 .....the son can do nothing of himself .....

    christ is the body of the father, everything is done by the father through the action of the body. his son, christ.

    all things are possible for christ, because he has the father indwelling him.

    through the operation of the cross, we can now have the father (spirit< truth
  • Giannis - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    It means that if one has faith in God that He hears and answers back when one is asking something from Him then God will definitely answer back. So have faith in God that He will give you anything you ask for.

    Please read Matthew 7:7-11.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago

    In Mark 9:23, Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

    So Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.

    But look what the man says in Verse 24, and this is a beautiful, beautiful picture of how we ought to approach the Lord.

    "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

    Nowhere in the Bible does it challenge someone to come up with their own faith so that Jesus can perform in your life. That's the cry of a person. I believe, but Lord Help my unbelief because I can't believe. Only God can give me that. Help my unbelief!

    It is always the strong point in a person's life when they can approach the Lord, even as a nonbeliever, even if you don't understand the things of God, you can still approach Him and say "Lord, if you are real, make yourself real to me!"

    I mean, as a nonbeliever, as somebody who doesn't believe in God, you are asking God to do it all because you realize your human inability to figure Him out.

    But how are you going to find God? How are you going to know about Him? You know, when you come to Him and say, help my unbelief, I am empty, magnify yourself to me, show yourself to me, because I don't have the ability to know, and He reaches down to those people to manifest Himself.

    Hope this helps!
  • Bill Mc on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    Can you please explain Mark CH9 v 23
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Linda,

    If I may give another understanding of why Jesus told Peter "Get the behind me Satan". We find this in Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33. It may seem that Satan was influencing Peter, but Satan wanted Jesus to be killed because that would stop Jesus the Messiah from setting up the kingdom on earth, God's plan was hidden, even from the disciples.

    Everyone and the disciples thought when the Messiah came, He would set up the Kingdom and set up the new world order. Jesus told them several times He would be killed and be resurrected, Matthew 16:21 Matthew 17:22-23 Mark 8:31 Mark 9:31-32 Mark 10:32-34. In Luke 9:44-45 it was hidden from them until He was resurrected Luke 24:6-8, and later the Holy Spirit would bring all remembrance to them, John 14:26.

    The understanding of those sayings was hidden, and Peter took Jesus aside and was saying surely God would have mercy and not let this happen. Jesus turned away and when He said what He did all the disciples heard what He said. The word Satan was originally a common noun meaning adversary.

    The disciples were amazed Jesus was going to Jerusalem and they were afraid Mark 10:32. Even though they were told what was going to happen it was hidden they did not have a clue, they were still looking for Jesus to overthrow the Romans and set up the kingdom. That was the reason they all scattered when Jesus was arrested and Peter's denial, they all were devastated and shocked because the Messiah when He came was to set up the kingdom not to be killed.

    Jesus' response to Peter and the disciples was drastic but it was a message relevant to them all, a message they all needed to hear to get them through what was shortly to happen. One other thing, when Jesus came it was for the lost sheep of Israel only, even after Pentecost it was still for the house of Israel until the mystery of the gospel of grace was revealed.

    Jesus only lost one, Judas who He called the son of perdition, John 17:12.

    Hope this helps

    God bless,

  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read: Isaiah 26:19, Ezekiel 37:12,13, Matthew 27:50-54,

    John 12:1, Romans 8, Matthew 9:18-25, Matthew 11:5, Matthew 28, Mark 9:9, Luke 24:46, John 2:22, John 5:19-29, = Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25, John 11:39-53, John 12:9, Romans 14:9, 1Peter 4, Revelation 1:5-8,

    Revelation 20,

    Ephesians 5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 5:21-24, 2Kings 2:11, 2Kings 2, Matthew 17:1-7, Mark 9:1-7,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Here are scriptures about fasting:

    When in fear of war: 2Chronicles 20:2-23, brought deliverance

    Ezra 8:21, direction & protection, Esther 4,

    Isaiah 58, * GOD pointing out hypocrisy & cruelty, & a better way,

    To avoid Judgement through repentance & fasting: Jeremiah 36:7-9, Jonah 3:4-10, Nehemiah 9,

    Fasting for Understanding: Daniel 9:2-23 (amazing description here to encourage GOD hears!)

    Please note in these, there is confessing wrong doing, declaration of GOD's goodness,

    Direction from Jesus: Matthew 6:16-18, privately

    Deliverance from spiritual difficulties some only accomplished through fasting & prayer. Mark 9:15-29,

    Additional direction in fasting for married couple : 1Corinthians 7:2-5,

    Sometimes it's good after you've done all of that, to just be still before GOD

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 28 - 2 years ago
    Hey Raymond,

    We see this in Matthew 17:1-9 Mark 9:2-10 and Luke 9:28-36, some may believe Moses and Elijah were in heaven and came and appeared, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mountain, He was transfigured before them and Moses and Elijah appeared talking to Jesus.

    If we take note of what Matthew writes, "And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. 8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. 9And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead"

    It was a vision and a confirmation from God to these three that Jesus is the Son of God and the Law and Prophets will be fulfilled with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Mark 9:10 another place that shows things were hidden from the apostles until the Holy Spirit brought remembrance to them of what things Jesus had told them, John 14:26.

    One other thing, Jesus is the Firstfruits of them that slept, 1 Corinthians 15:20. Jesus was the first to be raised from death Acts 2:24. No one has ascended to heaven, John 3:13 and no one will overcome death until Jesus returns on the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30.

    In my understanding of scripture to us today, Moses and Elijah are awaiting the resurrection, with no knowledge or time in death, to them, it has already come.

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You could look at Mark 9:17-27.
  • Andrew Kingsly Raj on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    An Encouragement in Christian Journey

    Mark 9:41:- For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

    Romans 16:13:- Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.

    Who is this Rufus? Why do we consider him?

    Rufus is the best example, the promise given by Jesus Christ himself is still in effect. Rufus is a Son of Simon a Cyrenian who bore Christ's cross for a while ( Mark 9:41, 15:21). It is the true and greatest joy for Simon a Cyrenian to know his Son found Christ and saved and has a notable place in Paul's Salute. ( 3 John 1:4)
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm not sure what you're saying, but it seems to me you have so much disputting around you, you feel it's spiritual attack "jump on" you.

    1st , Matthew 5:10-16, Luke 12:52,53, * 1Peter 4,

    2nd, Ephesians 6:11-18, Matthew 10:1, Mark 9:28,29, Matthew 17:21,

    3rd Matthew 10:8-42, Matthew 12:30, Matthew 26:55,59, Matthew 27:1, Mark 3:6, Mark 13:9-13,

    4tu, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5, Psalms 37,

    5th, Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:47-49, Luke 17:3,4,

    Even Jesus had to stop disputes with believers : John 12:7,
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It is important to remember the admonition in Luke "help me with my unbelief" ( Mark 9:24). There is too much emphasis these days as I am sure you are aware of emotion in regard to worship. That being said; there needs at some point in are walk a recognition that the Spirit is living inside us. Hebrews 12:6 indicates that "He chastises all He loves". Recognition of the BENEFITS of this makes us live as Peter did rather than Judas Iscariot who Christ never took the time to rebuke. Iron sharpens iron ( Prov. 27:17). Exhortation; along with encouragement among the saints seems to be a forgotten trait; but nonetheless is helpful in building up the church.

    It is certain from the Prophets and their encounters with the Living God that when we stand before our judge; there is no lack of sensing His Holiness. Another problem today is the lack of fear of God. Numerous verses indicate that the "fear of God is the beginning of understanding ( Prov. 9:10).

    Clearly there are two things that stand in the way of sensing the Spirit of God if we are truly saved. Before this; the "god of this world" has blinded man to the truth. ( 2 Cor. 4:4). The first issue is the old nature; which is continually contending with the Spirit; and vice versa. Our minds are saturated with all sorts of imaginations due to our fallen nature; and the way it has been marred with past patterns of sin. In tandem with this; of course is Satan and his minions which work with the world system to keep men in subjection. There is certainly the issue of spiritual oppression even if a believer can't be possessed directly (a debatable issue). We need to evaluate if there is any wicked way in us; and realize that "obedience is better than sacrifice". ( 1 Samuel 15:22). Other N.T. verses indicate that before offering a sacrifice; forgiveness with an estranged brother is needed. We are also commanded to love the brethren; and esteem others as higher than ourselves. I hope this helps somewhat.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 2 years ago
    According to Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the KJV Bible there are three variant Greek words translated devils.

    The root word in his Greek dictionary of the New Testament is:


    Transliteration daimn (Key)

    Pronunciation dah'-ee-mown

    Part of Speech masculine/feminine noun

    Root Word (Etymology) From daio (to distribute fortunes)

    a daemon or super-natural spirit (of a bad nature); - devil.

    Matthew 8:31; Mark 5:12; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 18:2.


    Transliteration daimonizomai (Key)

    Pronunciation dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee

    Part of Speech verb

    Root Word (Etymology) Middle voice from (G1142)

    to be exercised by a daemon;-have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil (-s).

    Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 8:28; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:36


    Transliteration daimonion (Key)

    Pronunciation dahee-mon'-ee-on

    Part of Speech neuter noun

    Root Word (Etymology) Neuter of a derivative of (G1142)

    a demonic being; by extension a diety:-devil, god.

    Matthew 7:22; Matthew 9:34; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 12:24,27,28; Mark 1:34,39; Mark 3:15,22; Mark 6:13; Mark 9:38; Mark 16:9,17; Luke 4:41; Luke 8:2,27,30,33,35,38; Luke 9:1,49; Luke 10:17; Luke 12:15,18,19,20; Luke 13:32; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 2:19; Revelation 9:20.

    demon - The Modern English word demon derives from the Middle English demon: from medieval Latin demon, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimn 'deity, genius'; in demon; also from Latin daemonium 'lesser or evil spirit', from Greek daemonion, diminutive of daimn.

    devils - The Modern English word devil derives from the Middle English devel, from the Old English dofol, that in turn represents an early Germanic borrowing of the Latin diabolus.

    The KJV translation is not a word for word or uniquely and infallible inspired representation of the Greek New Testament, and we should be cautious in choosing which English words in it we want to make our hills to die on without first consulting the Greek.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mark 16:15-20,

    Matthew 10:1, Matthew 10:8,

    Mark 16:9,

    Matthew 17:16-21, Mark 6:1-13, Mark 9:16-29,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 18:2-14, Mark 9:36-37, Mark 10:13-15,

    KJV definition of child: Exodus 21:22, starts in womb, 1Kings 3:7-10, Matthew 2:1, Psalms 131:2, Ecclesiastes 4:13, Hosea 11:1,

    A child has to trust for every provision

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Kevin - In Reply on Psalms 118 - 2 years ago
    I believe that not only did Jesus pay for our sins in His Atonement, but that He was also beaten for our healing - by His Stripes. Matthew 8:16-17 He healed all that were sick and cast out all the devils with His Word as also stated in Acts 10:38

    In Mark 9 the spirit could not be cast out because of their unbelief.

    All things are possible with God. It is us that are limited by what we believe God would or would not do. If we are not ready to help in season or out of season then we would not be able to help when needed or if we have to go and fast for awhile.

    Think about it - When was the Word of God not sufficient or faith in His Name not sufficient to accomplish the purpose to which it was sent. Jesus says speak the Word only and Believe!

    Jesus was complete in everything! SOZO! Let's bring up our faith and our trust in Him to accomplish His word as we believe in Him!

    Humbly, Let us also say with tears, Lord. I believe, help thou my unbelief!

    Mark 9:24

    May God bless us richly and may He bless you and your family Indeed!!!

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