Over all my opinion on the olelo is the Lord just got thru with some awesome blessings and his followers still did not understand him. They still had there doutbts. In todays life of living we then to do the same. We ask the lord to help us but we still lean on our own understanding by doubting. Mahalo.
Men walking as trees, Who saw this a blind man? how would he know how a tree look like? I myself think that Jesus showed him the beginning,man in the garden of Eden as trees or the spirit form of man in
God's image and likeness. the third eye before our mind was close to dreams. the true dimension before we took of the forbidden tree.
Joseph, I had the same question, so I researched the question- why did Jesus need two attempts to restore the blind man's eyes? I believe Jesus was acting out a parable about discipleship. He had just scolded his disciples for worrying about bread, even after Jesus had performed two great miracles in multiplying bread, and yet they still doubted. It is the nature of our flesh to doubt and it causes us to have clouded vision so that we do not see the truth when it is standing before us: Jesus is the Bread of Life. Bread was no problem for Jesus! Yet, thank the Lord he gave them another chance:34 "...Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." He wants us to learn from our mistakes and keep following Him, and He can do a mighty work in us, if we don't quit on Him, like He didn't quit on the blind man.
It is so awesome Jesus touch the mans eyes, his vision was still blurry, but with the second touch the man was able to see everything in a better perspective. It shows its not how people treat you, its how we react to how they treat us.
I love this chapter cause 1:13 is talking about how JESUS fed four thousand people who was there to hear what JESUS was preaching about.The disciples faith was small cause they only had seven loafs of bread and it was four thousand there that was hungry,but are LORD has power to do all things. So he told the people to sit and he fed all the people and had some left over. 14:21 The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod was telling me that many will say that they are the LORD, the Son of the most high. They will try to deceive many.( MARK 13 5:8)There is one GOD and he is greater than he that is in the world,So trust in the LORD with all thy heart,and lean not to your own understanding. 22:26 Is just letting us know that JESUS is great in all ways, that he can do all thing,but fail. 27:37 was just asking the disciples what do the people say I am?? Then he ask the disciples who do you say I am?? Peter told him that he was THE CHRIST,but JESUS was not ready for them to tell who he was yet. He fortold what was going to happen to him in the future and Peter started to rebuke JESUS. Thats when JESUS rebuked Peter for what was in him(the devil) and let them all know that they must carry there own cross,and will have to die for christ to make it to heaven.. So sell out for the Lord,follow the LORD teaching,cause tommrow might be to late....
What Mark 8:38 is saying is that we as Christians should stand for Christ and his word no matter what problem or situation you encounter. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
"Who do you say that I am?" This is the question of the ages." If I do not know who Jesus Christ is what someone wlse thinks is of no help to me. He is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. He is my friend, my savior, my Lord and my God.
How can we, then, be ashamed of Jesus, since he will do all these things for us, too. I believe these things happened, and I KNOW that miracles have happened for me, too! No human hand could have done for me what God has done! And that is a miracle! He commands even the wind, and the sea, and creation of food!!! WooHoo!!
God's image and likeness. the third eye before our mind was close to dreams. the true dimension before we took of the forbidden tree.
How can we, then, be ashamed of Jesus, since he will do all these things for us, too. I believe these things happened, and I KNOW that miracles have happened for me, too! No human hand could have done for me what God has done! And that is a miracle! He commands even the wind, and the sea, and creation of food!!! WooHoo!!