".. because they compassions fail not; They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness." So, so thankful!
For "G" I think that God is GOOD:
Only God is truly good, without any lack of goodness, nor does He have any evil in Him. He is perfectly, eternally good. There is no one truly good beside Him as Jesus said in Mark 10:18.
Romans 3:12 says that there is no one who does good, all of us have sinned and fall short of the good that is who God is. His goodness is the mark that we fall short of.
In Genesis 1 we see that all that God created was good. It was truly good, but not perfected as He is perfect. Satan and mankind were able to sin, but God had this in mind when He made the Everlasting Covenant within the Godhead before creation. His aim in creating was to perfect a people for Himself in eternity for all eternity so that, with the angels, we will forever do His will, love one another, worship God in the way He deserves, and sing of His goodness forever.
2Chr. 7:3 says that God is good; His love endures forever. How comforting it is to know that God will never do to us what is wrong! see Ps. 119:68-the Lord is good and all that He does is good. Ps. 145:9 says that the LORD is good to ALL!
Ps. 100:5 attests that the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures through ALL generations.
So knowing that God is truly Good all the time, we, who have been made sons and daughter of God by the Holy Spirit through the work of His Son, ought to seek what is good and hate what is evil. We should avoid company that would lead us into sin, situations that will tempt us to do evil. We should live as one who has been set free of the slavery of our sinful nature and live for God, being slaves to righteousness. We cannot earn our way to God with good deeds, but we are to live as He wants us to, and that is to do what is good and righteous, godly and God-honoring. We should despise our sins and flee evil, resisting Satan.
"And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."
Holiness is His name. Mary mother of Jesus qualified God thus,'Holy is his name'. From whence came this knowledge? The Spirit moving upon the waters (v.2) sensitized every vapor that God is knowable. "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly" accordingly gave Mary a measure of the invisible quality of God. How do we differentiate between good and evil? There is only one standard which is what we can infer from this short colloquy. "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."( Mark 10:18). When God settled for light as good who shall contradict him? He as the Father of lights saw the light, that it was good. Amen.
Light and darkness are alike unto him. His Son consequently is the true Light which has a great consequence. He named the light as His own. He called the light Day which from henceforth shall signify his holiness as radiating from His godhead, from his force of will. It is set as the law. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."( John 1:5). So children of light cannot remain hidden but shine forth boldly. "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;"(Ph.2:15)
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
God separated two nations, children of light and children of darkness on the basis man responds to His holiness."But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."( John 3:21) Adam hid from the presence of God knowing that he disobeyed him.
Inversion is expressed as a narrative mode where two unequal entities are set on the basis of the Word. Thus blessing come from God to Man and not other way about. The Word is God.
Whereas God the Son becoming man explains one aspect of the Sovereign will of God. Free will on the other hand gives man the choice: either or. In believing the Apostle of God he is adopted in the Son into the Fellowship of God with Man. Here we have the Word freeing man so may be lifted up by faith in the Son. The Word became flesh.
"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me ( John 6:38-NIV). "Motive force of Jesus was squarely set on the bedrock of the Father Son relationship.
Consequently he humbled himself as man, "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross./ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name (Ph.2:8-9)." The Spirit has set this example of God the Son for our instruction in righteousness, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last first."( Mark 10:31)
Denying the free will to man is a heresy because just as his Son freely chose to be the slain Lamb, -and before the worlds began, the same liberty is given man. This empowerment places man who reveals the same DNA of faith outside the earth time and space limitations. As it is the eternal Word that is the Law or Constitution of the kingdom of God, we understand the rationale behing the Law of Gradation.
His name Abram signified 'exalted father' and considering God would change his name to Abraham to mean ' father of a multitude.' he had to walk before him and be perfect. Despite of his wife's barrenness and advanced age, his faith had to be of much sterner stuff. Many events in his life tested it. One explains the wife-sister puzzle occurring in Ch.20.
King Abimelech was in mortal danger for taking Sarah from her husband. Abraham presented his wife as sister as he did before Pharaoh on an earlier occasion. He supposed that he could get around difficulties as before. Technically Abraham was telling the truth. But both cannot be right.
Marriage was instituted owing to the flesh that is weak. When the Spirit describes the creation of Eve gives it primary sense, which what Jesus explains, "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. / For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;/ And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh."( Mark 10: 6-8) What therefore God hath joined together has one single head, which is of Christ. The will of God does not change.
The Spirit presents Abraham as a double for the Son and his wife as the Bride of Christ (See under A-Abigail) Among the heroes of faith Sara stands in her own right along with Abraham. "Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised."(He.11: 11) Her faith was her own over which she was answerable to God alone.
Let's step back and think for a moment. What is heaven exactly? Surely a large factor there is that we will SERVE God forever.
John 12:26 says in KJV: If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
Let us examine the same verse in the amplified version:
If anyone serves Me, he must [continue to faithfully] follow Me [without hesitation, holding steadfastly to Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]; and wherever I am [in heaven's glory], there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
I am not an expert on translations but it would seem eternally serving God is a theme here! Revelation 7:13-15 and Revelation 22:3 make this abundantly clear as to the serving of God eternally of His saints. Worship is also inextricably tied to being a servant; and the ruling and reigning with Christ is part and parcel with the destiny of the church as Kings and Priests before the throne as well ( Revelation 5:10; etal).
Now as we assess this life; surely we see this attitude of service begins here; and Christ of course laid out the perfect example with His life. Mark 10:45 shows how Christ came not to be served but to serve; if God incarnate followed that principal surely His disciples must do the same.
As to work in heaven; surely it won't be a drudgery. The curse with the thorns and sweat on the brow will be gone that we inherited in the garden. We won't have unreasonable taskmasters; stressful deadlines; and other difficulties. Work no doubt will be a cooperative effort since we will all be together in performing tasks. No doubt individual things will be suitable for us as well.
The world at large cannot serve without some benefit for themselves; just like we can't love unconditionally (see Matthew 5:34).
You are Absolutely Right that God is JUST! Yet, I ask this question: who is responsible for sin? Answer: satan. Justice demands that the one responsible Pays for what he has done. We are vessels, is a vessel responsible for what someone put inside of it? Satan is responsible for evil, John 8:44 ; and God is Responsible for good, Mark 10:18.
Ronald, your faith is your faith. Whether you believe or don't believe is up to you and God but I ask you to LOOK! What I proclaim is MERCY, what is being used to combat MERCY? Hatred and wrath. I say "God is GOOD!" And the response is "NO!" I've explained and am willing to continue to explain, but just as Christ had to bear the hatred BECAUSE He taught mercy, I as His servant will have to bear hatred and wrath for proclaiming MERCY.
The Message that I proclaim is that sinners WILL go to hell and Suffer, yet there is Salvation for them also!
When Christ says, "Depart from Me, ye cursed" could it be that He is speaking to the demons that are inside that Made them act evilly?
And, yes there are some who will go to the lake of fire, but I point to, Psalms 104:4. For the lake of fire is eternal, yet God is able to make His ministers a flaming fire; can you think of the one thing that fire doesn't burn? Answer: Fire.
Romans 8:35-39. Nothing can separate us from The Love of God.
Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." That is the theme of the Gospel of Mark.
It was written to the Romans and written in a style to reach the Roman mindset.
The Roman mindset was one that followed the judicial system. You had to prove everything by the law. If you couldn't prove anything by the law, they didn't buy it. It was strictly judicial. That's why the book of Romans, which is called the Constitution of the Christian faith, every doctrine is found in the book of Romans. The book of Romans is written like a legal brief. Romans is written like a lawyer would present a case in a courtroom.
And that is how he is talking to the people in Rome. Well, that is what Mark does also. I don't know if you have noticed or not, but Mark's gospel is pretty short and pretty blunt. He doesn't give a lot of details. If he didn't think something was necessary to prove a point, he left it out.
Mark does not give it to us because it is not necessary for proving the point. Mark presents his gospel like a script, fact after fact, and he is presenting it like a legal brief to the court. Jesus Christ will be presented to us as the Suffering Servant. Mark says I'm going to prove it to you, so that you people in Rome that have this mind that is governed by the judicial system, you'll find evidence. You are going to have to figure out what are you going to do with this Jesus? He didn't come as a king. He came as a servant. But I am going to prove to you that He is the Messiah.
Think about the evidence Christ presented that He was indeed the Messiah. Indeed; supernatural blindness HAD to be given; for Jesus even told people to believe Him even for the sake of His works ( John 14:11). And the verse was indicative of His being part of the Godhead. There were HUGE numbers of people being miraculously fed at least twice; people healed of blindness which had NEVER occurred even with the Old Testament miracles ( John 10:21); people who had demons cast out of them; as well as the miracles entrusted to the 12 Apostles and the 70 sent out two by two ( Luke 10:11). There was the undeniable proof of natural phenomenon at the crucifixion ( Matt. 27:54); as well as the 500 witnesses that saw Him; including the Apostles AFTER He was Resurrected and they all died except for John as martyrs; clearly they knew and believed the truth since denial would have saved their lives.
Unbelief therefore is something learned. Children are all born into sin; but scripture makes it clear that they have angels beholding the Father continually and that they were drawn to Christ (see Matt. 18:10). Children came to Christ ( Mark 10:13-16) and praised Him as a fulfillment of Psalm 8:2 and mentioned by the Lord in Matthew 21:16. To deny the obvious requires a hardness of heart and soul; and deliberate rejection of known truths; which of course made the condemnation of the Pharisees greater than most; and was much of the reason Jesus excoriated them in nearly the entirety of Matthew 23. They knew the prophecies but were blinded because of their obsession on the law and all other traditions that were added to put men in bondage and to render mercy and justice meaningless ( Matthew 23:23) with their myopic tunnel vision. The rest of the world if NOT enlightened by the Spirit only looked at Christ as some great miracle worker but didn't worship Him as God in the flesh.
Hence Matthew 16:17 must occur for true salvation.
Knowing God vs knowing about Him: reflections on Good Friday
John 14:9 shows how Christ rather emphatically questions Philip as to his compression of God the Father when in the presence of His Son. This verse is by no means isolated where He states what seems to be obvious as to His inevitable death on the cross; as well as His divinity. Matthew 16:17 shows what seems to be an incredible swing in Peter's life from supernatural wisdom from the Spirit; to being influenced by Satan himself just a few verses later in Matthew 16:23 when Jesus says "get behind me Satan."
Mark 10:33 as well as an equivalent passage in Luke and others in Mark 9 make it clear that Jesus repeatedly explained His fate.
This should serve as a warning to us; along with of course Peter's prophesied betrayal and denial of Christ (which BTW also was what the other disciples did; without making such a bold proclamation of loyalty as Peter did).
The Pharisees; clearly should have known who Christ was; as well as those residents of Chorazin; Bethsaida and Capernium ( Matt. 11:21-22) whose judgments were to be greater than Sodom and Gomorrah who apparently would have repented seeing such things. This is; to say the least a sobering statement. Clearly apart from Divine Revelation we all are blinded.
Romans 5:7-8 shows how although someone may die for a righteous man; for wicked rebels as us who would want to do so?
But the Father from the beginning had some who would be called His own; and chosen (see John 6:37 and many other verses in John on the subject of Predestination also some of my segments on that subject in discussing John).
As the Spirit strives against the flesh ( Galatians 5:17); we realize that we don't love God in our old nature once the Spirit takes residence. We understand not only consequences of our sin; but that we don't want to grieve the Spirit ( Ephesians 4:30). It must be love which leads us to obedience ( John 14:15). Apart from grace our efforts are in vain.
"And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running and kneeled to Him, and asked Him, Good master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
And Jesus said unto him, "Why calleth thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God."
This is the story of the rich man who said he had kept the commandments since he was a child.
This verse came to mind today along with the title of my post.
It made me think about the fact that God is good all the time. He never ceases to be good.
He is even good when He allows or even brings catastrophic events upon people or punishments such as taking Israel and Judah out of the land when they would not cease to revert back again and again to idolatry. He was following through with what He promised would happen if His chosen people did not worship Him alone.
He was good when He poured His wrath for sin upon Jesus on the cross. He was good when He allowed the persecution of the church under repeated Roman emperors leading to the martyrdom of millions. He is good today, even in our hardships, sufferings, and trials.
But, His goodness extends to us in the giving of His grace and mercy; in His patience in order to bring us to Christ; in HIs providence that He supplies daily for our needs; in His protection from the many times we experience a "near miss"; in the creation of family and friendships ; and in the beauty of this natural world that we can readily enjoy firsthand and now through film and photos taken by others.
When Jesus said that God alone is good, He was attesting to His deity in a somewhat round about way. The rich man knew to come to Jesus and kneel before him in order to find eternal life, which only comes from the goodness of God.
So, today I think on this topic. I would love to hear from others how God has bestowed His goodness on one's life.
The Bible does not specifically mention the word abortion. However, if we look at Exodus 21:22-25, it looks to me that God's view is that if you kill an unborn baby, the penalty is death.
A baby in a mothers womb is a living being. Aborting that baby is considered murder. It baffles me that people who commit murder, in many cases, they receive the death penalty. But what about murdering an unborn child?
This topic should touch the heart strings of every believer. Again, the closest thing I see that would give God's view on abortion (other than you shall not murder) in Exodus 20:13, would be Exodus 21:22-25.
Other verses to consider are: Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21, Leviticus 24:17, Mark 10:19, Leviticus 24:21.
No, I don't believe we're supposed to wear crosses. Leviticus 26:1, nowhere does it say wear a cross, as jewelry. However it does say not to make idols.
Recently I thought, if a person had a friend that was killed by gunshot & had a miraculous recovery. How would he feel, if when he returned to his friends & family, they had an image of the gun or bullet around their neck, to honor him. I would think it would be upsetting to say the least. Wouldn't he say, "your missing the main point." isn't it the life lived?Jesus himself being the example of a loving life, helping others in need? & the hope & promise of resurrection. John 5:21-29, 1Corinthians 15:42-58, John 11:25, Ecclesiastes 5:15, 1Timothy 6:7,
Bare your cross: Luke 14, looking at context, whole chapter Jesus in doing the better thing by healing, suffered rejection, hate, wrongful judgement.
A cross is painful, it's obvious, on view for everyone to see, not something we can hide in our pocket. It causes ridicule & even division. Luke 14:11, Luke 14:12-14, Luke 14:17-20,24, Luke 14:26,27, also Matthew 10, note Matthew 10:36, Matthew 10:17,18, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 10:22, please read in context Matthew 10, Matthew 10:32-42, & Luke 9:22-26, also Matthew 16:21-28, Mark 8:29-38, Mark 10:14-52,
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
Irregardless of whether men or women have any different roles either now or in eternity I thought a few words on eternal rewards needed to be said for exhortation. Hebrews 11:16 makes it clear that a heavenly country was sought; hence we are as aliens and pilgrims on the earth ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). Paul exhorts us to press on to win the prize and to put worldly concerns behind us ( Phil. 3:14). We must be careful to endure to the end so as not to forfeit our reward ( Rev. 3:11).
It is clear from these and other exhortations that our reward comes not in this life but in heaven. This; of course is against those preachers emphasizing worldly riches as indication of "blessings from God." Luke 4:6 should be a healthy reminder that the enemy also can offer things in this life and in the end of course pull the rug out from under us.
There are verses talking about people praising our "good works" ( Matt. 5:16). Such was probably the case early on in Christ's ministry also; while He hid from many His truths in parables and didn't yet fully reveal Himself to men so as to accellerate beyond the set time for the persecution and death to occur. There were many who would see Him as "good teacher" would recieve the statement in Mark 10:18 about God alone being good. We will be hated in this life; clearly and our reward being great for the hurtful statements in the Beatitudes clearly is indicative of eternity in heaven after this life. It is for "His Name's sake" ( Jn. 15:21) that we suffer these things. That name; which is the only figure in religion I know of that is cursed by all pagans. The Name which claims to be THE truth ( Jn. 14:6). Satan is going to resist God and His people as long as he is still loose in this world and to the extent God allows Him to test us. May we hold on tenaciously to His promises through the power of the Spirit. Let us continue until the end to be "salt and light!" ( Matt. 5:13-14).
Baptism: Acts 2:38-47, Matthew 28:18-20, these are the same baptism, Ephesians 4:5, context Ephesians 4:1-13, please read all the scriptures I've included even the scriptures surrounding the ones you're asking about. They're very important on what Jesus our Christ =(the Messiah) is saying & the Scripture is saying about Him.
Origin of Baptism: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1, John 3 - John 4:1,2, ; Matthew 21:25, Mark 11:30, Luke 7, Luke 20:4, Acts 13:24,25,26,
Acts 1,
Symbolism of baptism: Matthew 20:22-28, Matthew 11:10,11,12,13, Mark 10, note these scriptures in Mark 10:21,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,39,42,43,44,45, Mark 16:16, Luke 12:49-59, in context Luke 12, John 3:3,5, Romans 6, Colossians 2:12, 1Peter 3:21,
Scripture about an Angels carrying ._. Not "spirit" Luke 16:22, 'your question spirit seeing loved ones on earth', more importantly GOD ALMIGHTY sees us Psalms 139, Psalms 27:10, & Jesus intercedes for us Romans 8,
It's important to understand the Biblical laws of marriage were given to Moses for Israel & "the Children of GOD" John 1:12, also Romans 8, relevant.
These laws are for GOD fearing, believers, a guideline for what's best.
Mark 10:2-12, Matthew 19:3-12, Matthew 5:31-37, notice it was to test, Jesus. Deuteronomy 24:1-4
1Corinthians 7,
Malachi 2:10-15, John 3:16, Matthew 25:31-46, Jude 1,
Sorry for such a long delay in responding I went right off to bed after my last reply.
A disciple of Christ is one who has truly believed on and trusted Christ and have been born of God's spirit. This is not professing to be born again and trying to live a righteous life or by serving or by going to church or by ministering. It's confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that initiates God's spirit to take residence in you. You are baptized by the Holyspirit, meaning you are Identified with Christ. Christ righteous is imputed over on to you. You are then given a new heart with the ability to love and wants to obey him and serve him at your best. John 14:23-26.
You will also love the brethren. John 13:34-35. 1 John 4:21.
You can't redeem yourself! You are redeemed when you truly believe on the work Jesus did on the cross where he paid our ransom as mentioned.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Christianity isn't anything you "DO"
A Christian is what you "BECOME" by the working of the Holyspirit. And you become that by truly trusting in Christ not the works of our own hands. Christ becomes the Lord over your life and the head of the body of Christians you have been baptized into.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
We don't go to heaven by being good, nor in just believing in the existence of God. One would have to recognize his sinful and lost state and have faith in Gods plan of redemption.
God is Holy and there is nothing man can do to reconcile himself to God.
Romans 3:10-11 says "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
The wages of sin is death, we're all sinners and sin have to be paid for, so I don't like to say Christ done away with sin on the cross but rather "Christ paid the penalty for our sin on the cross". He was the sacrificial lamb, He died in our place. Jesus was sinless and when the Lord took upon our sin God the father didn't spare him.
There is no way to the father but through the son. John 14:6.
You asked "Is it right to put a good man into hell because he doesn't believe in God?
No one is good but God as shown here in Mark 10:18 "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
If we wish to separate those "would be" believers who desire to go to heaven but have no compulsion to serve God from those who already are His bondservants and just would be continuing what they started to practice here on earth we can evaluate their love for God and obedience to obey His commandments ( John 14:15). There are many shallow; foolhardy and at times downright blasphemous concepts of "love" today which permeate much of Christendom; particularly in the "music industry". The concept of obedience because of love seems a foreign concept today; especially in our nation. How many social issues could be deflected if that were the case of more children in their family upbringing for their parents today? Surely; there is more to His love than us being bondservants; as He calls us "friends." ( John 15:15 in the very next verse!) To serve to the length of our own hurt is surely seen in Christ's ministry; not the least of which of course was the crucifixion and all the sufferings beforehand. We often neglect the extent of the rest of His public ministry; where He wasn't even able to mourn the death of John the Baptist; despite making a deliberate attempt at retreat to be alone in a desert place with His chosen few. ( Matthew 14:13). While the Son of Man came to serve and not be served ( Mark 10:45) while on earth; He is certainly worthy to serve and exalt for all eternity for what He did for us. For Him to lift Himself up is not sinful like with the rest of His Creation.
True; there are "pleasures for evermore at His right hand" ( Psalm 16:11). This has to be balanced with the rest of our reverent service toward Him. The shallow; sentimental emotional "love" is at best a tepid version of the Spirit; at worst just a hyped up emotional mindset which is of the world; or comes from occult persuasion. Our emotions; mind; and soul must be incorporated into worship of God ( Mark 12:30).
Wes gave a wise answer on Christmas. Exodus 23:8, Deuteronomy 16:19, Ecclesiastes 7:7, may The HOLY Spirit teach us. John 14:26
I love to celebrate Christmas, I really enjoy the lights, the focus on our Savior. The generosity in the season. Christmas is a time of year, people remember more their fellow man, needs & wants of others. Christmas time reminds us of the joys of giving & putting smiles on others faces, teaching by love & kindnesses. Surprising a person with anonymous unexpected gifts, giving hope to people in desperation, food, clothing, volunteering, etc. warms their hearts, body & soul & sometimes gives them hope for a better ' tomorrow '. Christmas is the time of year people are more willing to receive from a Christian.....
We as Believers have an open door at Christmas unlike any other time of the year, to show the World who Jesus is, who the Church is.
When we remember those most "forgotten by others" showing them, they are not forgotten by GOD, it's amazing how even those around them are affected.
This Christmas season we really have a moment to help comfort, our nations with love, giving hope through the WORD, to poor in spirit & helping heal wounds. There is much we can give this year, for those in need. I pray GOD lead us even now, to start the giving season early. Romans 6:23, 2Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 15:23,
I believe it's possibly scriptures mixed together that are actually separate. However the main point you're getting from it seems to be in Paul's letters to the Church in Corinthian: 1Corinthians 7, note 1Corinthians 7:10-17,
Mark 10:1-31, Luke 16:13-31, John 4:1-43, Ephesians 5:33, Romans 7:2, John 8:1-11
Jesus speaking in context : Mark 10:13-31, notice he started with the little children that were being pushed aside._.. Notice too he says many not all. Luke 18:17, Mark 10:15,
Giannis says Israel, that seems very contradictory to the WORD: Romans 11, whole chapter. Notice, Luke 13:22-35, note Luke 13:27, iniquity, Matthew 7, Matthew 25:31-46, Isaiah 48:12, Matthew 24:48-51,
Matthew 20:1-16, again arrogance & expecting more reward than another? Again if you go back a little in context Jesus is telling them don't forbid the children to come to Him. Matthew 19:14, continued the same event follows. Matthew 19:14-30, so Matthew 20, is repeating the teaching of 1st, & last; meekness, in another perspective same teaching. Matthew 10:22,24,25,42, Matthew 10:5-42, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:27, Matthew 18:3,4,5,
Moses controlled the sea by order of GOD. Exodus 14:15-31,
Other times, Joshua 3, 2Kings 2:8, 2Kings 2:14, Mark 4,
Exodus 17:6, note Numbers 20:7-12, GOD even gave them the power & authority to just speak to the water to come forth, matter of fact; it was an Order, & because it wasn't followed it was counted against them.
".. because they compassions fail not; They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness." So, so thankful!
For "G" I think that God is GOOD:
Only God is truly good, without any lack of goodness, nor does He have any evil in Him. He is perfectly, eternally good. There is no one truly good beside Him as Jesus said in Mark 10:18.
Romans 3:12 says that there is no one who does good, all of us have sinned and fall short of the good that is who God is. His goodness is the mark that we fall short of.
In Genesis 1 we see that all that God created was good. It was truly good, but not perfected as He is perfect. Satan and mankind were able to sin, but God had this in mind when He made the Everlasting Covenant within the Godhead before creation. His aim in creating was to perfect a people for Himself in eternity for all eternity so that, with the angels, we will forever do His will, love one another, worship God in the way He deserves, and sing of His goodness forever.
2Chr. 7:3 says that God is good; His love endures forever. How comforting it is to know that God will never do to us what is wrong! see Ps. 119:68-the Lord is good and all that He does is good. Ps. 145:9 says that the LORD is good to ALL!
Ps. 100:5 attests that the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures through ALL generations.
So knowing that God is truly Good all the time, we, who have been made sons and daughter of God by the Holy Spirit through the work of His Son, ought to seek what is good and hate what is evil. We should avoid company that would lead us into sin, situations that will tempt us to do evil. We should live as one who has been set free of the slavery of our sinful nature and live for God, being slaves to righteousness. We cannot earn our way to God with good deeds, but we are to live as He wants us to, and that is to do what is good and righteous, godly and God-honoring. We should despise our sins and flee evil, resisting Satan.
Holiness is His name. Mary mother of Jesus qualified God thus,'Holy is his name'. From whence came this knowledge? The Spirit moving upon the waters (v.2) sensitized every vapor that God is knowable. "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly" accordingly gave Mary a measure of the invisible quality of God. How do we differentiate between good and evil? There is only one standard which is what we can infer from this short colloquy. "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."( Mark 10:18). When God settled for light as good who shall contradict him? He as the Father of lights saw the light, that it was good. Amen.
Light and darkness are alike unto him. His Son consequently is the true Light which has a great consequence. He named the light as His own. He called the light Day which from henceforth shall signify his holiness as radiating from His godhead, from his force of will. It is set as the law. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."( John 1:5). So children of light cannot remain hidden but shine forth boldly. "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;"(Ph.2:15)
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
God separated two nations, children of light and children of darkness on the basis man responds to His holiness."But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."( John 3:21) Adam hid from the presence of God knowing that he disobeyed him.
Inversion is expressed as a narrative mode where two unequal entities are set on the basis of the Word. Thus blessing come from God to Man and not other way about. The Word is God.
Whereas God the Son becoming man explains one aspect of the Sovereign will of God. Free will on the other hand gives man the choice: either or. In believing the Apostle of God he is adopted in the Son into the Fellowship of God with Man. Here we have the Word freeing man so may be lifted up by faith in the Son. The Word became flesh.
"For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me ( John 6:38-NIV). "Motive force of Jesus was squarely set on the bedrock of the Father Son relationship.
Consequently he humbled himself as man, "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross./ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name (Ph.2:8-9)." The Spirit has set this example of God the Son for our instruction in righteousness, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last first."( Mark 10:31)
Denying the free will to man is a heresy because just as his Son freely chose to be the slain Lamb, -and before the worlds began, the same liberty is given man. This empowerment places man who reveals the same DNA of faith outside the earth time and space limitations. As it is the eternal Word that is the Law or Constitution of the kingdom of God, we understand the rationale behing the Law of Gradation.
His name Abram signified 'exalted father' and considering God would change his name to Abraham to mean ' father of a multitude.' he had to walk before him and be perfect. Despite of his wife's barrenness and advanced age, his faith had to be of much sterner stuff. Many events in his life tested it. One explains the wife-sister puzzle occurring in Ch.20.
King Abimelech was in mortal danger for taking Sarah from her husband. Abraham presented his wife as sister as he did before Pharaoh on an earlier occasion. He supposed that he could get around difficulties as before. Technically Abraham was telling the truth. But both cannot be right.
Marriage was instituted owing to the flesh that is weak. When the Spirit describes the creation of Eve gives it primary sense, which what Jesus explains, "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. / For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;/ And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh."( Mark 10: 6-8) What therefore God hath joined together has one single head, which is of Christ. The will of God does not change.
The Spirit presents Abraham as a double for the Son and his wife as the Bride of Christ (See under A-Abigail) Among the heroes of faith Sara stands in her own right along with Abraham. "Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised."(He.11: 11) Her faith was her own over which she was answerable to God alone.
Let's step back and think for a moment. What is heaven exactly? Surely a large factor there is that we will SERVE God forever.
John 12:26 says in KJV: If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
Let us examine the same verse in the amplified version:
If anyone serves Me, he must [continue to faithfully] follow Me [without hesitation, holding steadfastly to Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]; and wherever I am [in heaven's glory], there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
I am not an expert on translations but it would seem eternally serving God is a theme here! Revelation 7:13-15 and Revelation 22:3 make this abundantly clear as to the serving of God eternally of His saints. Worship is also inextricably tied to being a servant; and the ruling and reigning with Christ is part and parcel with the destiny of the church as Kings and Priests before the throne as well ( Revelation 5:10; etal).
Now as we assess this life; surely we see this attitude of service begins here; and Christ of course laid out the perfect example with His life. Mark 10:45 shows how Christ came not to be served but to serve; if God incarnate followed that principal surely His disciples must do the same.
As to work in heaven; surely it won't be a drudgery. The curse with the thorns and sweat on the brow will be gone that we inherited in the garden. We won't have unreasonable taskmasters; stressful deadlines; and other difficulties. Work no doubt will be a cooperative effort since we will all be together in performing tasks. No doubt individual things will be suitable for us as well.
The world at large cannot serve without some benefit for themselves; just like we can't love unconditionally (see Matthew 5:34).
The last enemy destroyed is deateh (1COR15:26
You are Absolutely Right that God is JUST! Yet, I ask this question: who is responsible for sin? Answer: satan. Justice demands that the one responsible Pays for what he has done. We are vessels, is a vessel responsible for what someone put inside of it? Satan is responsible for evil, John 8:44 ; and God is Responsible for good, Mark 10:18.
Ronald, your faith is your faith. Whether you believe or don't believe is up to you and God but I ask you to LOOK! What I proclaim is MERCY, what is being used to combat MERCY? Hatred and wrath. I say "God is GOOD!" And the response is "NO!" I've explained and am willing to continue to explain, but just as Christ had to bear the hatred BECAUSE He taught mercy, I as His servant will have to bear hatred and wrath for proclaiming MERCY.
The Message that I proclaim is that sinners WILL go to hell and Suffer, yet there is Salvation for them also!
When Christ says, "Depart from Me, ye cursed" could it be that He is speaking to the demons that are inside that Made them act evilly?
And, yes there are some who will go to the lake of fire, but I point to, Psalms 104:4. For the lake of fire is eternal, yet God is able to make His ministers a flaming fire; can you think of the one thing that fire doesn't burn? Answer: Fire.
Romans 8:35-39. Nothing can separate us from The Love of God.
Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." That is the theme of the Gospel of Mark.
It was written to the Romans and written in a style to reach the Roman mindset.
The Roman mindset was one that followed the judicial system. You had to prove everything by the law. If you couldn't prove anything by the law, they didn't buy it. It was strictly judicial. That's why the book of Romans, which is called the Constitution of the Christian faith, every doctrine is found in the book of Romans. The book of Romans is written like a legal brief. Romans is written like a lawyer would present a case in a courtroom.
And that is how he is talking to the people in Rome. Well, that is what Mark does also. I don't know if you have noticed or not, but Mark's gospel is pretty short and pretty blunt. He doesn't give a lot of details. If he didn't think something was necessary to prove a point, he left it out.
Mark does not give it to us because it is not necessary for proving the point. Mark presents his gospel like a script, fact after fact, and he is presenting it like a legal brief to the court. Jesus Christ will be presented to us as the Suffering Servant. Mark says I'm going to prove it to you, so that you people in Rome that have this mind that is governed by the judicial system, you'll find evidence. You are going to have to figure out what are you going to do with this Jesus? He didn't come as a king. He came as a servant. But I am going to prove to you that He is the Messiah.
Think about the evidence Christ presented that He was indeed the Messiah. Indeed; supernatural blindness HAD to be given; for Jesus even told people to believe Him even for the sake of His works ( John 14:11). And the verse was indicative of His being part of the Godhead. There were HUGE numbers of people being miraculously fed at least twice; people healed of blindness which had NEVER occurred even with the Old Testament miracles ( John 10:21); people who had demons cast out of them; as well as the miracles entrusted to the 12 Apostles and the 70 sent out two by two ( Luke 10:11). There was the undeniable proof of natural phenomenon at the crucifixion ( Matt. 27:54); as well as the 500 witnesses that saw Him; including the Apostles AFTER He was Resurrected and they all died except for John as martyrs; clearly they knew and believed the truth since denial would have saved their lives.
Unbelief therefore is something learned. Children are all born into sin; but scripture makes it clear that they have angels beholding the Father continually and that they were drawn to Christ (see Matt. 18:10). Children came to Christ ( Mark 10:13-16) and praised Him as a fulfillment of Psalm 8:2 and mentioned by the Lord in Matthew 21:16. To deny the obvious requires a hardness of heart and soul; and deliberate rejection of known truths; which of course made the condemnation of the Pharisees greater than most; and was much of the reason Jesus excoriated them in nearly the entirety of Matthew 23. They knew the prophecies but were blinded because of their obsession on the law and all other traditions that were added to put men in bondage and to render mercy and justice meaningless ( Matthew 23:23) with their myopic tunnel vision. The rest of the world if NOT enlightened by the Spirit only looked at Christ as some great miracle worker but didn't worship Him as God in the flesh.
Hence Matthew 16:17 must occur for true salvation.
John 14:9 shows how Christ rather emphatically questions Philip as to his compression of God the Father when in the presence of His Son. This verse is by no means isolated where He states what seems to be obvious as to His inevitable death on the cross; as well as His divinity. Matthew 16:17 shows what seems to be an incredible swing in Peter's life from supernatural wisdom from the Spirit; to being influenced by Satan himself just a few verses later in Matthew 16:23 when Jesus says "get behind me Satan."
Mark 10:33 as well as an equivalent passage in Luke and others in Mark 9 make it clear that Jesus repeatedly explained His fate.
This should serve as a warning to us; along with of course Peter's prophesied betrayal and denial of Christ (which BTW also was what the other disciples did; without making such a bold proclamation of loyalty as Peter did).
The Pharisees; clearly should have known who Christ was; as well as those residents of Chorazin; Bethsaida and Capernium ( Matt. 11:21-22) whose judgments were to be greater than Sodom and Gomorrah who apparently would have repented seeing such things. This is; to say the least a sobering statement. Clearly apart from Divine Revelation we all are blinded.
Romans 5:7-8 shows how although someone may die for a righteous man; for wicked rebels as us who would want to do so?
But the Father from the beginning had some who would be called His own; and chosen (see John 6:37 and many other verses in John on the subject of Predestination also some of my segments on that subject in discussing John).
As the Spirit strives against the flesh ( Galatians 5:17); we realize that we don't love God in our old nature once the Spirit takes residence. We understand not only consequences of our sin; but that we don't want to grieve the Spirit ( Ephesians 4:30). It must be love which leads us to obedience ( John 14:15). Apart from grace our efforts are in vain.
Mark 10:17-18
"And when He was gone forth into the way, there came one running and kneeled to Him, and asked Him, Good master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
And Jesus said unto him, "Why calleth thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God."
This is the story of the rich man who said he had kept the commandments since he was a child.
This verse came to mind today along with the title of my post.
It made me think about the fact that God is good all the time. He never ceases to be good.
He is even good when He allows or even brings catastrophic events upon people or punishments such as taking Israel and Judah out of the land when they would not cease to revert back again and again to idolatry. He was following through with what He promised would happen if His chosen people did not worship Him alone.
He was good when He poured His wrath for sin upon Jesus on the cross. He was good when He allowed the persecution of the church under repeated Roman emperors leading to the martyrdom of millions. He is good today, even in our hardships, sufferings, and trials.
But, His goodness extends to us in the giving of His grace and mercy; in His patience in order to bring us to Christ; in HIs providence that He supplies daily for our needs; in His protection from the many times we experience a "near miss"; in the creation of family and friendships ; and in the beauty of this natural world that we can readily enjoy firsthand and now through film and photos taken by others.
When Jesus said that God alone is good, He was attesting to His deity in a somewhat round about way. The rich man knew to come to Jesus and kneel before him in order to find eternal life, which only comes from the goodness of God.
So, today I think on this topic. I would love to hear from others how God has bestowed His goodness on one's life.
John 14:6 kjv
The Bible does not specifically mention the word abortion. However, if we look at Exodus 21:22-25, it looks to me that God's view is that if you kill an unborn baby, the penalty is death.
A baby in a mothers womb is a living being. Aborting that baby is considered murder. It baffles me that people who commit murder, in many cases, they receive the death penalty. But what about murdering an unborn child?
This topic should touch the heart strings of every believer. Again, the closest thing I see that would give God's view on abortion (other than you shall not murder) in Exodus 20:13, would be Exodus 21:22-25.
Other verses to consider are: Deuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21, Leviticus 24:17, Mark 10:19, Leviticus 24:21.
No, I don't believe we're supposed to wear crosses. Leviticus 26:1, nowhere does it say wear a cross, as jewelry. However it does say not to make idols.
Recently I thought, if a person had a friend that was killed by gunshot & had a miraculous recovery. How would he feel, if when he returned to his friends & family, they had an image of the gun or bullet around their neck, to honor him. I would think it would be upsetting to say the least. Wouldn't he say, "your missing the main point." isn't it the life lived?Jesus himself being the example of a loving life, helping others in need? & the hope & promise of resurrection. John 5:21-29, 1Corinthians 15:42-58, John 11:25, Ecclesiastes 5:15, 1Timothy 6:7,
Bare your cross: Luke 14, looking at context, whole chapter Jesus in doing the better thing by healing, suffered rejection, hate, wrongful judgement.
A cross is painful, it's obvious, on view for everyone to see, not something we can hide in our pocket. It causes ridicule & even division. Luke 14:11, Luke 14:12-14, Luke 14:17-20,24, Luke 14:26,27, also Matthew 10, note Matthew 10:36, Matthew 10:17,18, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 10:22, please read in context Matthew 10, Matthew 10:32-42, & Luke 9:22-26, also Matthew 16:21-28, Mark 8:29-38, Mark 10:14-52,
Philippians 2:1-15, Colossians 1:10-29 ,
Matthew 25:31-46, James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful
Genesis 2:22-25 kjv.
Hopefully this is helpful
Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,
I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,
* Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,
John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,
Hopefully these are helpful
If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
Irregardless of whether men or women have any different roles either now or in eternity I thought a few words on eternal rewards needed to be said for exhortation. Hebrews 11:16 makes it clear that a heavenly country was sought; hence we are as aliens and pilgrims on the earth ( 1 Peter 2:11-12). Paul exhorts us to press on to win the prize and to put worldly concerns behind us ( Phil. 3:14). We must be careful to endure to the end so as not to forfeit our reward ( Rev. 3:11).
It is clear from these and other exhortations that our reward comes not in this life but in heaven. This; of course is against those preachers emphasizing worldly riches as indication of "blessings from God." Luke 4:6 should be a healthy reminder that the enemy also can offer things in this life and in the end of course pull the rug out from under us.
There are verses talking about people praising our "good works" ( Matt. 5:16). Such was probably the case early on in Christ's ministry also; while He hid from many His truths in parables and didn't yet fully reveal Himself to men so as to accellerate beyond the set time for the persecution and death to occur. There were many who would see Him as "good teacher" would recieve the statement in Mark 10:18 about God alone being good. We will be hated in this life; clearly and our reward being great for the hurtful statements in the Beatitudes clearly is indicative of eternity in heaven after this life. It is for "His Name's sake" ( Jn. 15:21) that we suffer these things. That name; which is the only figure in religion I know of that is cursed by all pagans. The Name which claims to be THE truth ( Jn. 14:6). Satan is going to resist God and His people as long as he is still loose in this world and to the extent God allows Him to test us. May we hold on tenaciously to His promises through the power of the Spirit. Let us continue until the end to be "salt and light!" ( Matt. 5:13-14).
Hopefully these are helpful
Origin of Baptism: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1, John 3 - John 4:1,2, ; Matthew 21:25, Mark 11:30, Luke 7, Luke 20:4, Acts 13:24,25,26,
Acts 1,
Symbolism of baptism: Matthew 20:22-28, Matthew 11:10,11,12,13, Mark 10, note these scriptures in Mark 10:21,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,39,42,43,44,45, Mark 16:16, Luke 12:49-59, in context Luke 12, John 3:3,5, Romans 6, Colossians 2:12, 1Peter 3:21,
HOLY Ghost HOLY Spirit Baptism: Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 11, Acts 19:2-7,
In one Spirit 1Corinthians 12:13,
Hopefully these are all helpful
It's important to understand the Biblical laws of marriage were given to Moses for Israel & "the Children of GOD" John 1:12, also Romans 8, relevant.
These laws are for GOD fearing, believers, a guideline for what's best.
Mark 10:2-12, Matthew 19:3-12, Matthew 5:31-37, notice it was to test, Jesus. Deuteronomy 24:1-4
1Corinthians 7,
Malachi 2:10-15, John 3:16, Matthew 25:31-46, Jude 1,
Hopefully these are helpful
Sorry for such a long delay in responding I went right off to bed after my last reply.
A disciple of Christ is one who has truly believed on and trusted Christ and have been born of God's spirit. This is not professing to be born again and trying to live a righteous life or by serving or by going to church or by ministering. It's confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that initiates God's spirit to take residence in you. You are baptized by the Holyspirit, meaning you are Identified with Christ. Christ righteous is imputed over on to you. You are then given a new heart with the ability to love and wants to obey him and serve him at your best. John 14:23-26.
You will also love the brethren. John 13:34-35. 1 John 4:21.
You can't redeem yourself! You are redeemed when you truly believe on the work Jesus did on the cross where he paid our ransom as mentioned.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Christianity isn't anything you "DO"
A Christian is what you "BECOME" by the working of the Holyspirit. And you become that by truly trusting in Christ not the works of our own hands. Christ becomes the Lord over your life and the head of the body of Christians you have been baptized into.
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13.
God bless.
We don't go to heaven by being good, nor in just believing in the existence of God. One would have to recognize his sinful and lost state and have faith in Gods plan of redemption.
God is Holy and there is nothing man can do to reconcile himself to God.
Romans 3:10-11 says "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
The wages of sin is death, we're all sinners and sin have to be paid for, so I don't like to say Christ done away with sin on the cross but rather "Christ paid the penalty for our sin on the cross". He was the sacrificial lamb, He died in our place. Jesus was sinless and when the Lord took upon our sin God the father didn't spare him.
There is no way to the father but through the son. John 14:6.
You asked "Is it right to put a good man into hell because he doesn't believe in God?
No one is good but God as shown here in Mark 10:18 "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
God Holiness is above our comprehension.
Isaiah 55:6-9.
God bless.
If we wish to separate those "would be" believers who desire to go to heaven but have no compulsion to serve God from those who already are His bondservants and just would be continuing what they started to practice here on earth we can evaluate their love for God and obedience to obey His commandments ( John 14:15). There are many shallow; foolhardy and at times downright blasphemous concepts of "love" today which permeate much of Christendom; particularly in the "music industry". The concept of obedience because of love seems a foreign concept today; especially in our nation. How many social issues could be deflected if that were the case of more children in their family upbringing for their parents today? Surely; there is more to His love than us being bondservants; as He calls us "friends." ( John 15:15 in the very next verse!) To serve to the length of our own hurt is surely seen in Christ's ministry; not the least of which of course was the crucifixion and all the sufferings beforehand. We often neglect the extent of the rest of His public ministry; where He wasn't even able to mourn the death of John the Baptist; despite making a deliberate attempt at retreat to be alone in a desert place with His chosen few. ( Matthew 14:13). While the Son of Man came to serve and not be served ( Mark 10:45) while on earth; He is certainly worthy to serve and exalt for all eternity for what He did for us. For Him to lift Himself up is not sinful like with the rest of His Creation.
True; there are "pleasures for evermore at His right hand" ( Psalm 16:11). This has to be balanced with the rest of our reverent service toward Him. The shallow; sentimental emotional "love" is at best a tepid version of the Spirit; at worst just a hyped up emotional mindset which is of the world; or comes from occult persuasion. Our emotions; mind; and soul must be incorporated into worship of God ( Mark 12:30).
I love to celebrate Christmas, I really enjoy the lights, the focus on our Savior. The generosity in the season. Christmas is a time of year, people remember more their fellow man, needs & wants of others. Christmas time reminds us of the joys of giving & putting smiles on others faces, teaching by love & kindnesses. Surprising a person with anonymous unexpected gifts, giving hope to people in desperation, food, clothing, volunteering, etc. warms their hearts, body & soul & sometimes gives them hope for a better ' tomorrow '. Christmas is the time of year people are more willing to receive from a Christian.....
We as Believers have an open door at Christmas unlike any other time of the year, to show the World who Jesus is, who the Church is.
When we remember those most "forgotten by others" showing them, they are not forgotten by GOD, it's amazing how even those around them are affected.
Deuteronomy 15:7, Job 5:16, Proverbs 19:4, Psalms 69:33, Proverbs 14:21, 2Corinthians 9:9, Psalms 68:10, Galatians 2:10, Romans 15:26, Psalms 40:17, Proverbs 22:2, Psalms 41:1, Luke 14:13, Psalms 74:21, Proverbs 29:7, Proverbs 28:27, Psalms 112:9, Psalms 82:3, Daniel 4:27, Proverbs 21:13, Proverbs 31:10,20, context Proverbs 31, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 19:7, Luke 4:18, Matthew 11:5, Mark 10:21,
Proverbs 19:6, Esther 9:22, James 1:27,
This Christmas season we really have a moment to help comfort, our nations with love, giving hope through the WORD, to poor in spirit & helping heal wounds. There is much we can give this year, for those in need. I pray GOD lead us even now, to start the giving season early. Romans 6:23, 2Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 15:23,
Psalms 31:24, Ecclesiastes 3:1,
Deuteronomy 24:1-5, Matthew 5:27-32, Matthew 19:3-12, Mark 10:2-12, Romans 7:1-4, Malachi 2:11-17,
Deuteronomy 7:3-16, Nehemiah 13:23-29, 1Corinthians 7,
1Timothy 4:1-10, 1Timothy 5:14, Hebrews 13:4,
James 1:5
Mark 10:1-31, Luke 16:13-31, John 4:1-43, Ephesians 5:33, Romans 7:2, John 8:1-11
Hopefully these are helpful
Giannis says Israel, that seems very contradictory to the WORD: Romans 11, whole chapter. Notice, Luke 13:22-35, note Luke 13:27, iniquity, Matthew 7, Matthew 25:31-46, Isaiah 48:12, Matthew 24:48-51,
Matthew 20:1-16, again arrogance & expecting more reward than another? Again if you go back a little in context Jesus is telling them don't forbid the children to come to Him. Matthew 19:14, continued the same event follows. Matthew 19:14-30, so Matthew 20, is repeating the teaching of 1st, & last; meekness, in another perspective same teaching. Matthew 10:22,24,25,42, Matthew 10:5-42, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:27, Matthew 18:3,4,5,
Hopefully these are helpful
Other times, Joshua 3, 2Kings 2:8, 2Kings 2:14, Mark 4,
Exodus 17:6, note Numbers 20:7-12, GOD even gave them the power & authority to just speak to the water to come forth, matter of fact; it was an Order, & because it wasn't followed it was counted against them.
Mark 9:23, Luke 18:27, Mark 10:27, Matthew 19:26,
James 4:1-3,
Hopefully these scriptures are helpful
Mark 10:42-45, 1Timothy 3:1-13, 1Timothy 5:17-22, Hebrews 13:7,17,24, 1Corinthians 4,
Exodus 18:13-26, John 7:24, Deuteronomy 1:16,18, 1Corinthians 11:31, Isaiah 3:4,12, Isaiah 14:2, Isaiah 32:1, Deuteronomy 15:5-18,
James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful