On Verse 15, the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom ( Romans 14:17) not physical as is the kingdom of heaven. The holy spirit is simply informing us that any person wanting to enter the kingdom of God must enter with the faith of little children that have believing minds and receptive hearts (souls). Remember both kingdoms; of God and of heaven are in Jesus Christ.
Jesus is preparing the disciples for what is going to happen to him when he goes to the chief priest at the time of the passover. He wants them to know that they will kill him, and he will be buried. Yet he will rise again on the third day. The disciples still did not get it, until after the resurrection. We have the witness of the Holy Spirit, and we should understand all these things now. That is why Jesus told the disciples after his passion, to tarry in Jerusalem till they would receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes the things of Christ, and makes them real to us.
god called abraham my friend and god called david my bossom son because of their goodness and to job and noah and many other he loved and called them good or obedient.then why jesus said there is no good man.to me there was good man and there will be good man.
In John 1 we see that Jesus made everything that exists and then in Genesis 1:1 we see that God made everything that exists. It is crystal clear throughout the Bible that Jesus is God.
It shows that Jesus was not God. Compare John 20:28. Jesus did not rebuke Thomas because as the writter of this chapter explained in the following verses who Jesus was. The son of God. John20:31
Since the discussion centers around marriage, I think it's fair to say who God intended to be married - Male & Female. He did not create 3 males, 3 females and allow them to pair up as they desired. He created one to be with the other. No confusion!
To answer the anonymous person, I'm sorry I did not answer your question. Here is some scriptures that maybe helpful to you. Matt 3:7,20:33-23,21:25. Mark 10:38-39, 11:13. Luke 3:3, John 3:1-7, Romans 6:4, Eph 4:5, Colossians 2:12, 1peter 3:21 Jesus gave commission and we must obey, alot of scriptures are very easily to understand if you pray and ask God to give you knowledge from above as I ask he gives me the word with knowledge. God Bless!!
We as the people of God in this day and time need to just like this bild man,he couldn't see but something on the inside let this Jesus that heard about was passing by. ( deliverance) was on the way. and he use what he had to get to his deliverance. we like wise need to cry out to te lord to help us also in this day and time.
In the first reasoning about marriage Jesus takes us all the way back to Genesis Chapter 1 to remind us of the simple, natural order. Man and woman as one. The Mosaic laws even define that to lay together is to be "married". In antique or religious societies divorce does not exist except for extreme cases. Divorce creates sadness and confusion. We should have discernment, accept our choice of partner and work to keep the love pure. You can't be a virgin twice. What child doesn't want their Mom and Dad to both be there? I can't say it enough, divorce is horrible.
Interesting that the next story is about the children. To accept them like the Kingdom means to have an open heart. To love nature and enjoy creation. Children are so much fun to be around. They are more true and honest than (most) adults. They need us as much as we need them. People who say they don't like children must not like the Almighty either. Are we not all children of God?
The story of the one seeking eternal life and the reasoning with the disciples after is highly important. "Then Jesus beholding him loved him..." Jesus had compassion to offer the man an opportunity to follow him...and he declined! "Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!"
Man is that true. Jesus was so free, without possessions, no home, no cares of this world. Remember the best things in life are free! Peter then throws in a doubtful little comment and Christ explains. Some times we don't acknowledge how similar we are and what gifts are right in front of our face. There are children, families, works to do any and everywhere. There are so many in need yet we only focus on our small circle. This relates to another scripture where God says that those who are alone will be put in huge families. If we follow God and the Spirit first we will have all things(including persecution).
As they made their way to Jerusalem Jesus explains how he will be captured and tortured. All James and John can think in their greed/egotism is "let us share in your glory", ignoring the sacrifice! As the others were outraged He used the example to give what I consider the greatest of teachings. That on the spiritual path the least shall be greatest, the greatest shall be a minister to all.
Finally the story of Bartimaeus ties this chapter together beautifully. Bartimaeus is crying and they try to quiet him...but he will not stop. Apparently he strips naked before the Lord. It is important to note again that Jesus did not heal him. His Faith made him whole!!! And then Bartimaeus does go on to follow Christ. Redemption.
There is a thread running through these seemingly separate tales. Love and Humility. Things Christ does and says are not planned, but occur in the moment. That is why there are contradictions between other accounts of the gospel. The lessons are fluid because each soul is unique, each day is a fresh beginning. Jesus was so humble, not even allowing himself to be called "good" or to take credit for inspiring the healing of a blind man. He showed compassion for married men and women, children, the one seeking everlasting life, his disciples, and lastly the blind man. What love The Man has. We should emulate Him to be one with all things, free, and perfect. All Glory to the Almighty, JAH!
Jesus Christ Taught the Indissolubility of the Marriage Covenant.
Our civil laws may permit divorce and remarriage, but God's Word condemns it. Marriage was established by God and not by man. In-as-much as marriage was ordained by God, His Word is the final authority in matters concerning it.
God's Word has not left us in the dark concerning marriage and divorce.
Jesus made it clear that divorce does not end the marriage covenant. If remarriage was legitimate, Jesus would have never called remarriage �adultery.�
The marriage covenant cannot be dissolved by civil law. When a man and woman unite in marriage and become ''one flesh,'' no power on earth, but death can dissolve that union.
In the divorce trial of Powers vs. Powers in the state of New York, Judge William J. Gaylord, instructed the jury as follows, he told the jurors;
�If you decide for divorce in this case, remember you may only cut the knot tied about the parties by the state's civil law, you absolutely cannot touch the covenant bond which states that these persons are married �till death do us part.�
I charge you gentlemen, that so far as concerns a covenant bond existing between these two people, we have nothing whatsoever to do with that. If these people are bound by a covenant, you and I are not seeking to sever that obligation.
When we are through with this case that obligation is left untouched.
We do nothing whatsoever to it. They are just as much bound by it after we get through with them, as they were before. We do not sever it, we do not break it, and that is something that it seems to me is very often misunderstood. Civil law cannot end a covenant made before God.�
If people realized the truth of Judge Gaylord's statements we would not be confronted with our divorce problem.
When a person goes to the courthouse and divorces his mate according to the law of the land, he only breaks the civil connection. He doesn�t break, �the one flesh� that was joined by God on his wedding day.
That day a covenant was entered into, through God�s Divine Law and civil law cannot touch that covenant. That covenant is valid unto death.
�A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives.� 1 Corinthians 7:39
As the judge states, a civil court has nothing whatsoever to do with a covenant made before God and a civil court cannot dissolve a covenant that is bound by God.
you people thingk this is about you, this is why theres about to be an understanding.
GOD was using the Prophets of Israel to express HIMSELF, that why they are HIS chosen Nation seprated form the world.
HE used the Sprirt of Love to consercrate a New Law, that we must love one another. Yes everyone are to abide by My HUSBANDS Law, but HIS chosen people the Hebrews (the blacks in bondage)those stautes are to remain with them first and before them, HIS Wife.
Who leads HIS True Church. That HE shows HIS devotions to her as HE deliveres Her.
so that means before the World gets delivered from Satans dominion, The Nation of Israel(not the false state) but the black slaves will be delivered. You know the promise of Abraham, Issac & Jacob? But before even them to be delivered it will be HIS Wife. ( ZECHARIAH 9:9)
No "exception clause" here.
The only "exception clause" is in Matthew when Jesus was addressing Israelite men. The "exception clause" does not there apply to women, for to have it apply to women would place it in conflict with the absolute prohibition of women remarrying while their husband lived.
Mary, first and always you should pray. I say that because I was that kind of husband and by the grace of God I am saved. Far as scriptures a look at Mat 18: 15-17, 2Cor6: 14-18, and 1Cor7: 13-15 might help. I would (I did) look in your bible concordance and find all scriptures concerning marriage, wife, and husband. God still loves you, never forget that. See also the book of Jude.
In Mark 10:29-30 But Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake and the gospel's,But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.Take note that in verse 30 He did not included the father in the list because He is a FATHER to us in the world to come.If you allow your heart to accept and follow Christ command, Jesus said he shall receive an hundredfold right away, because He is the hundredfold, but be careful of the persecutions.
No where in the bible does it say that Jesus cured the blind man, not the blindness. Read the scriptures in Mark 10: 51-52, it says- "51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
The bible clearly says he received his sight. Me, Matthew, and Carey have proved you wrong in almost all of your points.
Also, your hypothetical proof that the bible is wrong is not proof at all. If the same God breathed life into the first man, wouldn't he have the power to come in incarnation, and raise someone from the dead? I would think so!
with regards to Matthew 5:32, a man who divorces his wife because of her sexual infidelity, the woman won't commit adultery if she marries another. The man who divorced her won't commit adultery too if he marries another woman. With mark 10:11-12, sexual infidelity of the husband is not included among the restricted causes when a wife wants to divorce her husband.
What Mild Bill has said about the paperwork being the representation of "what has already happened in their hearts" really hits the nail on the head, because sins are, first, sins of the heart. Marrying another person was not what put this marriage beyond repair, however. It was the husband's hardened heart, making the wife incapable of beleiveing this liar would change, ever. Would you not think that Christ would think this woman had had enough abuse at the hands of this man? Where is the compassion, here, with her church? Why has the church not removed him, unless the leaders are doing similar things, and have been blackmailed into not telling by the husband?
In the case of Isaac, he married his wife by taking her into his mother's tent, and presumably sleeping with her. That act made her his wife. He probably had a blessing, as well, from his father! Think of how many women this man has taken into his "tent"! Has this not defiled the marriage over and over?
In the case of David, who already had multiple wives... he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and had a son with her. God initially called Bathsheeba, "Uriah's wife". After David and she had married, and lost that first child, and after David repented and gave his heart to God, again, God actually called Bathsheba, "David's wife". God recognized the union and blessed it! Read the story in the record!! God did. But man would not recognize the union, today, if it happened, today?!!! It is apparent that this union was blessed because of the son it produced...Solomon, and the fact that David was called "a man after God's own heart".
I think we have to be careful to not make people suffer more than God would have them suffer, especially in cases of the heart, and in cases of abuse, where the heart is also involved.
And to think that a person, even if he or she commits adultery and marries another person, lives in a state of perpetual sinning, when they are sorry, and have been forgiven, is really to presume to know what God would do. Remember that God is more merciful than you would be!! And I imagine that your heart goes out to this woman. She should not be made to labor over this guilt trip, any more. Hasn't she had enough, regardless of whether she re-marries, or not?
Time to find another church, if these biblical principles are not exonerated, and if the leaders refuse to do what is compassionate and right, which would be to remove the husband from his offices.
Did you know that Lying and fornication and witchcraft, among some other things, are considered to be ABOMINATIONS by God, and divorce is not listed as an abomination. (look up the word in the concordance, and find out what things are abominations. They might surprise you. We put so much emphasis on divorce, because it is visible, but make no mistake, it IS a forgivable sin!!) Let's put emphasis where it needs to be put, and not create any more trouble for this woman. The leadership commits a SIN OF OMMISSION, if it refuses to discipline one of its abusive members. And that is just as bad as a divorce!
If the church doesn't discipline the husband, that's not a church. He is in open sin and it is doubtful he is a Christian. He is not "pleased to live with her" and is hurting her. I believe divorce is only the paperwork for what has already happened in their hearts. The only sin which would prevent them from re-establishing a marriage would be either of them to marry another(Deuteronomy24:1-4). Then the bond, in the eyes of God, is throughly broken beyond repair.
A husband continues adulterous affairs during the marriage, also views porno on the computer & magazines, scorns the wife when she asks to talk about the situation & says "who would want you!" (meaning the wife) The wife went to pastors through the years & received no help other than be a better wife, be submissive, etc. The husband was even a church officer, had improper relations with a divorced, new Christian lady in the church, a deacon spoke to him, he still kept having affairs. He was also abusive to the wife until she finally had to leave and go to a shelter, but after the children were grown. It has been years & he continues to disobey court orders & continues to cause legal problems for the wife. She is still afraid of him. Is it scriptural for her to get a divorce - she has NO plans to re-marry or ever even date! The divorce would release her from further legal problems from the husband. The wife has had varying opinions from pastors and strong Christians. She wants to be scriptural, but is weary of the continued abuse & the husband continues to have improper sexual relations with multiple people, so much so that he was just fired from a long-term job for keeping clients phone #s, calling them & demanding sexual relations with them. This has gotten worse and the wife doesn't know what to do. Please give scriptural backing for your answers - not just your opinions, please. Thank you!
Here is my take on your question. It goes deeper than the pastor's responsibility, and I can't answer for the pastor, but to say that this depends on true belief in the individual.
If someone is not serving God in their heart, their oath to serve God through their marriage might be insincere and then divorce by being corrupt and weak.
But if the sinner should divorce, then gain a new life in Christ and love again, he or she can make an oath of marriage that is bond up in God due to the conviction in the heart.
That is how I believe that marriages are blessed and how God holds the individuals accountable.
A pastor's role in represeneting Christ in this world while he or she also represnts the synod or congregation, might be a more fundamnental question. What do you think?
Dave, if you read a little closer you will see that the birds fly in heaven everyday. So sending a man a little further up in to heaven is no big deal. In facts if you study the Bible you will find out that there are multiple heavens mentioned.
2 Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?
You see God is not waiting in outer space for men to reach Him, He has already come down to men.
Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
He came to give you life if you will receive it.
Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
It comes by faith when you turn from your pride and turn to God.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
On Verse 15, the kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom ( Romans 14:17) not physical as is the kingdom of heaven. The holy spirit is simply informing us that any person wanting to enter the kingdom of God must enter with the faith of little children that have believing minds and receptive hearts (souls). Remember both kingdoms; of God and of heaven are in Jesus Christ.
Interesting that the next story is about the children. To accept them like the Kingdom means to have an open heart. To love nature and enjoy creation. Children are so much fun to be around. They are more true and honest than (most) adults. They need us as much as we need them. People who say they don't like children must not like the Almighty either. Are we not all children of God?
The story of the one seeking eternal life and the reasoning with the disciples after is highly important. "Then Jesus beholding him loved him..." Jesus had compassion to offer the man an opportunity to follow him...and he declined! "Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!"
Man is that true. Jesus was so free, without possessions, no home, no cares of this world. Remember the best things in life are free! Peter then throws in a doubtful little comment and Christ explains. Some times we don't acknowledge how similar we are and what gifts are right in front of our face. There are children, families, works to do any and everywhere. There are so many in need yet we only focus on our small circle. This relates to another scripture where God says that those who are alone will be put in huge families. If we follow God and the Spirit first we will have all things(including persecution).
As they made their way to Jerusalem Jesus explains how he will be captured and tortured. All James and John can think in their greed/egotism is "let us share in your glory", ignoring the sacrifice! As the others were outraged He used the example to give what I consider the greatest of teachings. That on the spiritual path the least shall be greatest, the greatest shall be a minister to all.
Finally the story of Bartimaeus ties this chapter together beautifully. Bartimaeus is crying and they try to quiet him...but he will not stop. Apparently he strips naked before the Lord. It is important to note again that Jesus did not heal him. His Faith made him whole!!! And then Bartimaeus does go on to follow Christ. Redemption.
There is a thread running through these seemingly separate tales. Love and Humility. Things Christ does and says are not planned, but occur in the moment. That is why there are contradictions between other accounts of the gospel. The lessons are fluid because each soul is unique, each day is a fresh beginning. Jesus was so humble, not even allowing himself to be called "good" or to take credit for inspiring the healing of a blind man. He showed compassion for married men and women, children, the one seeking everlasting life, his disciples, and lastly the blind man. What love The Man has. We should emulate Him to be one with all things, free, and perfect. All Glory to the Almighty, JAH!
Our civil laws may permit divorce and remarriage, but God's Word condemns it. Marriage was established by God and not by man. In-as-much as marriage was ordained by God, His Word is the final authority in matters concerning it.
God's Word has not left us in the dark concerning marriage and divorce.
Jesus made it clear that divorce does not end the marriage covenant. If remarriage was legitimate, Jesus would have never called remarriage �adultery.�
The marriage covenant cannot be dissolved by civil law. When a man and woman unite in marriage and become ''one flesh,'' no power on earth, but death can dissolve that union.
In the divorce trial of Powers vs. Powers in the state of New York, Judge William J. Gaylord, instructed the jury as follows, he told the jurors;
�If you decide for divorce in this case, remember you may only cut the knot tied about the parties by the state's civil law, you absolutely cannot touch the covenant bond which states that these persons are married �till death do us part.�
I charge you gentlemen, that so far as concerns a covenant bond existing between these two people, we have nothing whatsoever to do with that. If these people are bound by a covenant, you and I are not seeking to sever that obligation.
When we are through with this case that obligation is left untouched.
We do nothing whatsoever to it. They are just as much bound by it after we get through with them, as they were before. We do not sever it, we do not break it, and that is something that it seems to me is very often misunderstood. Civil law cannot end a covenant made before God.�
If people realized the truth of Judge Gaylord's statements we would not be confronted with our divorce problem.
When a person goes to the courthouse and divorces his mate according to the law of the land, he only breaks the civil connection. He doesn�t break, �the one flesh� that was joined by God on his wedding day.
That day a covenant was entered into, through God�s Divine Law and civil law cannot touch that covenant. That covenant is valid unto death.
�A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives.� 1 Corinthians 7:39
As the judge states, a civil court has nothing whatsoever to do with a covenant made before God and a civil court cannot dissolve a covenant that is bound by God.
GOD was using the Prophets of Israel to express HIMSELF, that why they are HIS chosen Nation seprated form the world.
HE used the Sprirt of Love to consercrate a New Law, that we must love one another. Yes everyone are to abide by My HUSBANDS Law, but HIS chosen people the Hebrews (the blacks in bondage)those stautes are to remain with them first and before them, HIS Wife.
Who leads HIS True Church. That HE shows HIS devotions to her as HE deliveres Her.
so that means before the World gets delivered from Satans dominion, The Nation of Israel(not the false state) but the black slaves will be delivered. You know the promise of Abraham, Issac & Jacob? But before even them to be delivered it will be HIS Wife. ( ZECHARIAH 9:9)
The only "exception clause" is in Matthew when Jesus was addressing Israelite men. The "exception clause" does not there apply to women, for to have it apply to women would place it in conflict with the absolute prohibition of women remarrying while their husband lived.
52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
The bible clearly says he received his sight. Me, Matthew, and Carey have proved you wrong in almost all of your points.
Also, your hypothetical proof that the bible is wrong is not proof at all. If the same God breathed life into the first man, wouldn't he have the power to come in incarnation, and raise someone from the dead? I would think so!
In the case of Isaac, he married his wife by taking her into his mother's tent, and presumably sleeping with her. That act made her his wife. He probably had a blessing, as well, from his father! Think of how many women this man has taken into his "tent"! Has this not defiled the marriage over and over?
In the case of David, who already had multiple wives... he committed adultery with Bathsheba, and had a son with her. God initially called Bathsheeba, "Uriah's wife". After David and she had married, and lost that first child, and after David repented and gave his heart to God, again, God actually called Bathsheba, "David's wife". God recognized the union and blessed it! Read the story in the record!! God did. But man would not recognize the union, today, if it happened, today?!!! It is apparent that this union was blessed because of the son it produced...Solomon, and the fact that David was called "a man after God's own heart".
I think we have to be careful to not make people suffer more than God would have them suffer, especially in cases of the heart, and in cases of abuse, where the heart is also involved.
And to think that a person, even if he or she commits adultery and marries another person, lives in a state of perpetual sinning, when they are sorry, and have been forgiven, is really to presume to know what God would do. Remember that God is more merciful than you would be!! And I imagine that your heart goes out to this woman. She should not be made to labor over this guilt trip, any more. Hasn't she had enough, regardless of whether she re-marries, or not?
Time to find another church, if these biblical principles are not exonerated, and if the leaders refuse to do what is compassionate and right, which would be to remove the husband from his offices.
Did you know that Lying and fornication and witchcraft, among some other things, are considered to be ABOMINATIONS by God, and divorce is not listed as an abomination. (look up the word in the concordance, and find out what things are abominations. They might surprise you. We put so much emphasis on divorce, because it is visible, but make no mistake, it IS a forgivable sin!!) Let's put emphasis where it needs to be put, and not create any more trouble for this woman. The leadership commits a SIN OF OMMISSION, if it refuses to discipline one of its abusive members. And that is just as bad as a divorce!
If the church doesn't discipline the husband, that's not a church. He is in open sin and it is doubtful he is a Christian. He is not "pleased to live with her" and is hurting her. I believe divorce is only the paperwork for what has already happened in their hearts. The only sin which would prevent them from re-establishing a marriage would be either of them to marry another(Deuteronomy24:1-4). Then the bond, in the eyes of God, is throughly broken beyond repair.
If someone is not serving God in their heart, their oath to serve God through their marriage might be insincere and then divorce by being corrupt and weak.
But if the sinner should divorce, then gain a new life in Christ and love again, he or she can make an oath of marriage that is bond up in God due to the conviction in the heart.
That is how I believe that marriages are blessed and how God holds the individuals accountable.
A pastor's role in represeneting Christ in this world while he or she also represnts the synod or congregation, might be a more fundamnental question. What do you think?
2 Chronicles 2:6 But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?
You see God is not waiting in outer space for men to reach Him, He has already come down to men.
Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
He came to give you life if you will receive it.
Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
It comes by faith when you turn from your pride and turn to God.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ephesians 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.