No, its just a simile to help understand how important Jesus is to our connection to God. But of course there are plenty other attempts by them to blur the word. Unfortunatly for them, thats about all they can achieve.
Fathers responsibility is to be spiritual role models to their children in all sense, that they will grow up and share the same aspects with their own children in their growing up.
The great and dreadful day of the Lord. does not mean the death of Christ.instead, the book of malachi talks greatly about end time message, this shows that before Jesus return on earth, God will send a prophet with Elijah spirit who will unite fathers and sons.John the baptist was not to unite but to prepare ways of the lord. crucifixion days was not dreadful days, instead wonderful days in which we should rejoice for it. The origin of church.
Here in Revelation 10 the hour deliverance of Daniels people, Israel, is at hand ( Daniel 12:1; Romans 11:26), Israel is to be grafted in their own olive. This is the season when he finishes with the Gentiles, for it is the hour they are cut off from the olive tree because because of unbelief. In Revelation 10 the pillar of fire, the angel of the covenant visits his Gentile church, the tender mercy of of God: whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. It is the season of manifestation of sons, its the hour of deliverance from bondage to corruption ( Romans 8:18-23). It is the dispensation of the fulness of time ( Ephesians 1:10). It is a prophetic age ( Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 10:7, 11). Paul in speaking to his people the Jews warned them: Beware therefore, least that come upon you, which is spoken of the prophets: Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish: for I do a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you ( Acts 13:40-41). In Revelation 10:4 we read: seal those things the seven thunders uttered and write them not. The same voice said in ICorinthians 2:10 but hath revealed them by the spirit: for the spirit searcheth all things, the deep things of God. In Amos 3:7 we read we read the Lord will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. It is the age of the restoration of the word and the power. In verse 3, the angel or messenger of the covenant had a little book open: the making known of the words of the covenant, the restoration of all things; Malachi 4:5-6 season, Elias surely come and and restore all things (Mathew 17:11-12- note here the present and future application of these verses, for scripture has compound revelation). When God visited Israel to fulfill Genesis 49:24; 15:13-16 he descended in a flame of fire and sent Moses ( Exodus 3:1-9). This chapter is connected to Daniel 12, I Corinthians 14:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and many other scriptures surrounding the second coming, both in old and new testament. A brief commentry has just been touched on this chapter.
Chapter 11 is a fulfilment of the last half week of Daniel 9:24-27. The Messiah was cut off in the midst of the last week. The Prince to come, Rome destroyed the city , Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, the temple. They failed to recognize the hour of their visitation. Israel fell by the edge of the sword, and were carried captive to all nations ( Luke 21:20-24; 19:41-44), Jerusalem was left desolate (Mathew 23: 37-38). Israel was cut off from its own olive tree and the Gentiles were grafted into the good olive tree ( Romans 11:17-28). Between the ending of the 69th and and 1/2 week to the last half week the gospel turned to the Gentiles. Paul's commission ( Acts 9:11-16; 13:46-47; 22: 14-21; 26:12-18) was a fulfilment of Isaiah 42:6. In Acts 13:47 Paul says: for so hath the Lord commanded us, saying I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that though shouldst be salvation to the ends of the earth; in Isaiah 42:6 it says: -- and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles. Here in Revelation 11 the time of the gentiles is fulfilled ( Luke 21:24). Israel is back in there homeland when these two witnesses begin their ministry. The Gentile church is cut off from the olive tree, spewn out from his mouth for failing to recognize the hour of their visitation( Romans 11:20-22, Rev. 3:16; Malachi 4:5-6). Revelation 11 takes place between the second and third woe, for the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets are the 1st, 2nd and third woes respectives. These three woes are the three world wars. Between the 2nd and third woe Israel is back in there home land; at the same time the Gentiles receive their last message ( Revelation 10). The Gentiles fail to recognize the hour of their visitation. It is the hour of wrath, God recompenses tribulation to them that trouble the bride ( 1Thessalonians 1:5-8). God opens a fountain of healing for Israel. There will be a fountain fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 13:10, 12:10) . God will pour a spirit of grace and supplication and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Revelation 11 opens Israel to recognize the feast of atonement. They will be turned from atonement of bulls and goats to the atonement of the lamb of God. The sixfold purpose of the visit of angel Gabriel to Daniel will be perfect realized to Israel in this chapter ( Daniel 9:24) . By the time of the two witness begin there ministry they will begin the temple worship ( Rev. 11:1-12). The two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem by the beast. The beast represents the gentile kingdom. Jerusalem here in Revelation 11:8 spiritually is called Egypt or Sodom. In Exodus 20:1-2 Egypt is referred to as the house of bondage. In Galatians 4:24-26 Paul likens the Jerusalem that is to the bondswoman Agar and mount sinai in Arabia, which is also in bondage with her children born after the flesh. Jerusalem from above representing the freewoman which gendereth children of the promise, born after the spirit. After the ministry of the two witnesses christ sets up his kingdom upon the earth. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdnm under the whole heaven, shall be given to the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him ( Daniel 7:27). The Messiah will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem.
In Isaiah 2:10-22 we read of the day of the Lord of hosts in which the Lord Will arise to shake terribly the earth. In chapter 24:5-6 Isaiah of says (of this day) the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and a few are left. Jeremiah says: a noise shall come even to the ends of the earth: for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh: he will give them that are wicked to the sword ( Jeremiah 25:27-38 ). The nations shall drink the cup of the wrath of the almighty God. God had promised Abraham a blessing to all the nations through his seed, that is Christ. He was given for a covenant of the people,for a light of the Gentiles. Before the desolation of Jerusalem Paul had these words to say to the Gentiles: and if some of the branches broken off and thou being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partakers of the root and the fatness of the olive tree: boast not against the branches, but if thou boast, thou bearest not the root but the root thee. Thou wilt say the branches were broken that I may be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standeth by faith. Be not highminded but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he spare not thee.--- for if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted in their own olive tree ( Romans 11:17-26)? The beginning of the gospel was foreran by Malachi 3 messenger ( Mark 1: 1- 3); Jesus pointed in Mathew 11: 10: for this is he, of Whom it is written, Behold I will send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare the way before me. He was the forerunner of the first coming and he went before him in the the Spirit and power of Elijah, and many of the children of Israel he turned to the Lord their God ( Luke1:17) .He, Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith. He promised in Revelation 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he declared to his servants the prophets. We read in the scripture, concerning the second coming: and at midnight there was a cry made, behold the bridegroom cometh (25:5) there is the messenger that is to forerun the second coming, the supper time messenger( Luke 14:17, Revelation 19:9). The forerunner of the second coming will have the spirit of Elijah just as the first forerunner. He will have a world wide ministry because the curse of Isaiah 24:6 will follow after the days of his ministry. The Gentiles (church) will be Judged just as Jerusalem was destroyed by General Titus. The Malachi 3 messenger with the spirit of Elijah ministered the other side of the the atonement before death burial and ressurection. The messenger of Malachi 4 with the spirit of Elijah minister this side of the atonement before the rapture of the church
Hi Nataleigh, I wouldn't be so fast to draw such conclusions. The word is sun, because that's what the Bible says- sun. It's sun in all translations and has not changed. Click on the verse and you can see other translations that say, sun.
Converted by the Second Witness on Revelation 11 - 14 years ago
Please read and understand the mystery of the Two Witnesses as the time is short. The two witnesses in the latter-days (our days) are typified by many characters in Old Testament scripture which are summarized in the book of Revelation:
Malachi 4:5: Behold, I will send you ELIJAH {first latter-day messenger} the prophet before the coming of the GREAT {awesome} and DREADFUL DAY {comet�s impact see Daniel 2: 34; Revelation 8:10, 11; 9: 1} of the LORD:
In the past type, Elijah was the first witness of his generation until the manifestation of Elisha, the second witness. Elisha asked and received a double portion of Elijah�s spirit in 2 Kings 2:9.
2 Kings 2:9 �Ask what I {Elijah} shall do for THEE {Elisha}, before I be taken away from thee. And ELISHA {typifying the Second Witness} said, I pray thee, let a DOUBLE PORTION of thy spirit be upon me.
Since Elisha received a double portion of Elijah�s spirit, it reveals how the latter-day second witness fulfills his ministry, according to the scroll of life�s first side, as well as the prophecies that latter-day Elijah should have fulfilled. This is the reason Elisha received Elijah�s mantle, as recorded in 2 Kings 2:13.
2 Kings 2:13 He {Elisha} took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him�.
{Latter-day Elisha) grew out of latter-day Elijah�s church. This parallels the past type, when Solomon was as a tree�s branch that came out of the loins (rod/trunk of a tree) of David to be king in Israel (see Isaiah 11:1).
Isaiah 11:1: And there SHALL {latter-day prophecy} come forth a ROD {latter-day David} out of the stem of JESSE {typified by the father of old David}, and a BRANCH {latter-day Solomon} shall grow out of HIS {latter-day David�s/rod�s} roots:
The prophetic statement in Isaiah 11:1 is also confirmed in Revelation 5:5.
Revelation 5:5: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the LION {originally referred to latter-day King David but is actually fulfilled by latter-day King Solomon} of the tribe of {spiritual} JUDA {typifying the U.S.A.}, the ROOT {loins} of {latter-day} DAVID, hath prevailed to open the BOOK {scroll of life}, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In the past type, God � personifying a scroll�s record of that generation � sent the Assyrian (see Isaiah 10:5, 6) against the hypocritical nation of Israel�s ten tribes. After the Assyrian had taken the ten tribes of Israel�s northern kingdom into captivity, the Egyptians then overthrew the Assyrian empire. This spared the kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem in the south of Palestine from the same fate that befell the ten tribes, who were deported from the north of Palestine. However, God warned the kingdom of Judah in Palestine not to rejoice over the fall of Assyria, because the Babylonian will be coming to rule over Palestine, as illustrated in Isaiah 14:29.
Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of HIM {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day Elijah} that smote THEE {land of old Israel/Palestine, which typifies latter-day Christendom/latter-day spiritual Israel} is BROKEN {by old Egypt, which typifies the latter-day fifth reigning kingdom}: for out of the SERPENT�S ROOT {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day David} shall come forth a COCKATRICE {representing Nebuchadnezzar�s Babylon, which typifies latter-day Solomon�s/Chosen Vessel�s ministry}, and his FRUIT {representing Nebuchadnezzar�s armies, which typify the believers of this new doctrine and then the great multitude} shall be a FIERY FLYING SERPENT {personifying coals of fire that follow the comet/cockatrice}.
The city of Nebuchadnezzar�s Babylon did not exist until the Assyrians built it, as stated in Isaiah 23:13.
Isaiah 23:13: Behold the land of the CHALDEANS {Babylonians}; this people was not, till the ASSYRIAN {serpent�s root} founded IT {cockatrice/old Babylon} for them that dwell in the wilderness: THEY {Assyrians} set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he {Assyrian} brought it to ruin (before the people who became the Babylonians rebuilt it).
As the Babylonian came out of the Assyrian and Solomon came out of David, so the Chosen Vessel (latter-day Solomon) came out of latter-day David�s church in Waco, Texas. This is likened to Yahshua being baptized in John the Baptist�s ministry. The Chosen Vessel is the branch that came forth from the rod (Latter-day David). Just as Solomon built the temple instead of David, so the branch (second witness/latter-day Zerubbabel/Solomon) will build the spiritual temple before the comet hits the land (see Zechariah 6:12).
Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN {latter-day Solomon} whose name is The BRANCH {that bears fruit, see Ezekiel 7:10}; and HE {Chosen Vessel} shall GROW UP {from the rod/latter-day David} out of his place, and he shall build the temple {as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple} of the LORD {Hayah Havah}:
Latter-day Elijah gathered followers, a number of whom now believe latter-day Elisha�s doctrine. Also, before latter-day Elijah was killed on April 19, 1993, God caused the scenario to take place at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, so latter-day
Elisha�s ministry would be easier to promote. Accordingly, the ministry of latter-day Elijah has prepared the way for latter-day Elisha, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:3.
Isaiah 40:3 The voice of HIM {latter-day Elijah} that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare YE {referring to the tribes of Christendom} the way of the LORD {Hayah Havah manifesting as the Chosen Vessel}, make straight in the desert a highway for our God (manifesting as latter-day Moses).
The first messenger (Elijah-type) in our day is also typified by the prophecy that seemed to refer to the new king, Eliakim, in Isaiah 22:22.
Isaiah 22:22 And the KEY {to the kingdom} of the house of David will I lay upon HIS {Eliakim�s/Cyrus�} shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
This prophecy concerning Eliakim is referring to the same Cyrus who is mentioned in Isaiah 44:28. Since King Cyrus� decree failed to rebuild Jerusalem and her temple, it reveals how the first latter-day messenger (Elijah-type) fails to construct the latter-day spiritual temple. Therefore, as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple of God instead of Aaron, David, and Cyrus, it reveals how the second latter-day messenger (Elisha-type) receives the key of knowledge to fulfill all unfulfilled prophecies (see Revelation 3:7).
Revelation 3:7 �These things saith he that is HOLY {scroll of life�s record}, he that is TRUE {scroll of life�s record pertaining to the Chosen Vessel/second messenger}, HE {Chosen Vessel} THAT HATH THE KEY {to unlock all mysteries in God�s word, see Revelation 10:7} OF {latter-day} DAVID {latter-day Eliakim/Elijah}, HE {latter-day Solomon} that OPENETH {the scroll of life with the key of knowledge, see Revelation 5:5, 6}, AND NO MAN SHUTTETH {with their wrongly-fitting key of error}; AND SHUTTETH {when latter-day Solomon does not reveal/open God�s mysteries with his key of knowledge}, AND NO MAN OPENETH {with his or her key that does not fit the figurative lock of written prophecy};
According to the song (testimony) of old Moses, he brought out the Israelites from Egypt, constructed the temple, fed the people, gave them laws, and led them to the Promised Land, (see Deuteronomy 32:2).
Deuteronomy 32:2 My {Moses�} doctrine shall drop as the rain {to ripen the spiritual barley, wheat, and fruits}, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:�
Today, the new doctrine of latter-day Moses is sung from the scroll of life�s first side. The people who accept latter-day Moses� song (doctrine) are also able to sing the song pertaining to latter-day Moses, as prophesied in Revelation 15:3.
Revelation 15:3 And THEY {first and second latter-day groups of redeemed} sing the SONG {new doctrine} of MOSES {latter-day Moses, see Deuteronomy 31:30} the servant of GOD {seventh angel}, and the song of the LAMB {sunlight-ministry of latter-day Yahshua/Lamb who manifested according to the prophecy in Acts 1:11}, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, THOU {latter-day Chosen Vessel/Elisha/Yahshua} King of {the three latter-day groups of} saints.
It was known to the writer of Ecclesiastes how this world had ended in the first timeline. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 12, it illustrates the time of trouble when the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled by the violent ejection of dust and thick smoke from a huge caldera (see Ecclesiastes 12:2 and Revelation 6:12; 9:2). A great star (comet of Revelation 8:10; 9:1) is likened to an eagle (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 46:11). When the ravenous bird (comet) enters Earth�s atmosphere, it causes a great sound of thunder. Its voice cries out like a thundering trumpet (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 27:13; Zechariah 9:14; Revelation
11:15). The voice heralds the time of the latter-day literal and figurative resurrection for the latter-day righteous who believed this new doctrine (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Daniel 12:1; Hosea 6:2; Revelation 11:11-13).
Isaiah was also told how our world will end. In Isaiah 13:6, it states that the day of the Lord (who personifies a comet) is at hand. At that time, the light of the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled when dust and smoke explode from a huge volcano�s crater (see Isaiah 13:10). These prophecies were written over two thousand years ago. God�s written word is able to declare what is going to take place in the last generation because God (personifying each scroll that records and plays over each generation) has seen the end already take place in the first timeline (see Isaiah 46:10). The same catastrophic event of a great star�s (personified as the return of God) impact � which causes an immense volcano to explode and release dust, smoke, hot ash, and then lava � is written in the writings of the prophets. However, the written prophecies in the Old Testament, which are to be fulfilled in our day, are written as if they could have happened during events that took place in each prophet�s generation.
With this in mind when reading the Old Testament prophecies, take into consideration that the past types are mixed-in with future, yet to be fulfilled, prophecies (see Job 14:12, 13; Psalm 18:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:2-5; Isaiah 24:17-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Ezekiel 32:7, 8; Joel 2:1, 30-32; Amos 5:16-18; Micah 3:6; Nahum 1:3-6; Habakkuk 3:3-16; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Haggai 2:6; Zechariah 14:3, 4, 12; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 19:11, 20).
(see Rev 15:2-3)
Malachi 4:5: Behold, I will send you ELIJAH {first latter-day messenger} the prophet before the coming of the GREAT {awesome} and DREADFUL DAY {comet�s impact see Daniel 2: 34; Revelation 8:10, 11; 9: 1} of the LORD:
In the past type, Elijah was the first witness of his generation until the manifestation of Elisha, the second witness. Elisha asked and received a double portion of Elijah�s spirit in 2 Kings 2:9.
2 Kings 2:9 �Ask what I {Elijah} shall do for THEE {Elisha}, before I be taken away from thee. And ELISHA {typifying the Second Witness} said, I pray thee, let a DOUBLE PORTION of thy spirit be upon me.
Since Elisha received a double portion of Elijah�s spirit, it reveals how the latter-day second witness fulfills his ministry, according to the scroll of life�s first side, as well as the prophecies that latter-day Elijah should have fulfilled. This is the reason Elisha received Elijah�s mantle, as recorded in 2 Kings 2:13.
2 Kings 2:13 He {Elisha} took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him�.
{Latter-day Elisha) grew out of latter-day Elijah�s church. This parallels the past type, when Solomon was as a tree�s branch that came out of the loins (rod/trunk of a tree) of David to be king in Israel (see Isaiah 11:1).
Isaiah 11:1: And there SHALL {latter-day prophecy} come forth a ROD {latter-day David} out of the stem of JESSE {typified by the father of old David}, and a BRANCH {latter-day Solomon} shall grow out of HIS {latter-day David�s/rod�s} roots:
The prophetic statement in Isaiah 11:1 is also confirmed in Revelation 5:5.
Revelation 5:5: And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the LION {originally referred to latter-day King David but is actually fulfilled by latter-day King Solomon} of the tribe of {spiritual} JUDA {typifying the U.S.A.}, the ROOT {loins} of {latter-day} DAVID, hath prevailed to open the BOOK {scroll of life}, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In the past type, God � personifying a scroll�s record of that generation � sent the Assyrian (see Isaiah 10:5, 6) against the hypocritical nation of Israel�s ten tribes. After the Assyrian had taken the ten tribes of Israel�s northern kingdom into captivity, the Egyptians then overthrew the Assyrian empire. This spared the kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem in the south of Palestine from the same fate that befell the ten tribes, who were deported from the north of Palestine. However, God warned the kingdom of Judah in Palestine not to rejoice over the fall of Assyria, because the Babylonian will be coming to rule over Palestine, as illustrated in Isaiah 14:29.
Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of HIM {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day Elijah} that smote THEE {land of old Israel/Palestine, which typifies latter-day Christendom/latter-day spiritual Israel} is BROKEN {by old Egypt, which typifies the latter-day fifth reigning kingdom}: for out of the SERPENT�S ROOT {the Assyrian who typifies latter-day David} shall come forth a COCKATRICE {representing Nebuchadnezzar�s Babylon, which typifies latter-day Solomon�s/Chosen Vessel�s ministry}, and his FRUIT {representing Nebuchadnezzar�s armies, which typify the believers of this new doctrine and then the great multitude} shall be a FIERY FLYING SERPENT {personifying coals of fire that follow the comet/cockatrice}.
The city of Nebuchadnezzar�s Babylon did not exist until the Assyrians built it, as stated in Isaiah 23:13.
Isaiah 23:13: Behold the land of the CHALDEANS {Babylonians}; this people was not, till the ASSYRIAN {serpent�s root} founded IT {cockatrice/old Babylon} for them that dwell in the wilderness: THEY {Assyrians} set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he {Assyrian} brought it to ruin (before the people who became the Babylonians rebuilt it).
As the Babylonian came out of the Assyrian and Solomon came out of David, so the Chosen Vessel (latter-day Solomon) came out of latter-day David�s church in Waco, Texas. This is likened to Yahshua being baptized in John the Baptist�s ministry. The Chosen Vessel is the branch that came forth from the rod (Latter-day David). Just as Solomon built the temple instead of David, so the branch (second witness/latter-day Zerubbabel/Solomon) will build the spiritual temple before the comet hits the land (see Zechariah 6:12).
Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the MAN {latter-day Solomon} whose name is The BRANCH {that bears fruit, see Ezekiel 7:10}; and HE {Chosen Vessel} shall GROW UP {from the rod/latter-day David} out of his place, and he shall build the temple {as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple} of the LORD {Hayah Havah}:
Latter-day Elijah gathered followers, a number of whom now believe latter-day Elisha�s doctrine. Also, before latter-day Elijah was killed on April 19, 1993, God caused the scenario to take place at Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, so latter-day
Elisha�s ministry would be easier to promote. Accordingly, the ministry of latter-day Elijah has prepared the way for latter-day Elisha, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:3.
Isaiah 40:3 The voice of HIM {latter-day Elijah} that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare YE {referring to the tribes of Christendom} the way of the LORD {Hayah Havah manifesting as the Chosen Vessel}, make straight in the desert a highway for our God (manifesting as latter-day Moses).
The first messenger (Elijah-type) in our day is also typified by the prophecy that seemed to refer to the new king, Eliakim, in Isaiah 22:22.
Isaiah 22:22 And the KEY {to the kingdom} of the house of David will I lay upon HIS {Eliakim�s/Cyrus�} shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
This prophecy concerning Eliakim is referring to the same Cyrus who is mentioned in Isaiah 44:28. Since King Cyrus� decree failed to rebuild Jerusalem and her temple, it reveals how the first latter-day messenger (Elijah-type) fails to construct the latter-day spiritual temple. Therefore, as Moses, Solomon, and Darius built the temple of God instead of Aaron, David, and Cyrus, it reveals how the second latter-day messenger (Elisha-type) receives the key of knowledge to fulfill all unfulfilled prophecies (see Revelation 3:7).
Revelation 3:7 �These things saith he that is HOLY {scroll of life�s record}, he that is TRUE {scroll of life�s record pertaining to the Chosen Vessel/second messenger}, HE {Chosen Vessel} THAT HATH THE KEY {to unlock all mysteries in God�s word, see Revelation 10:7} OF {latter-day} DAVID {latter-day Eliakim/Elijah}, HE {latter-day Solomon} that OPENETH {the scroll of life with the key of knowledge, see Revelation 5:5, 6}, AND NO MAN SHUTTETH {with their wrongly-fitting key of error}; AND SHUTTETH {when latter-day Solomon does not reveal/open God�s mysteries with his key of knowledge}, AND NO MAN OPENETH {with his or her key that does not fit the figurative lock of written prophecy};
According to the song (testimony) of old Moses, he brought out the Israelites from Egypt, constructed the temple, fed the people, gave them laws, and led them to the Promised Land, (see Deuteronomy 32:2).
Deuteronomy 32:2 My {Moses�} doctrine shall drop as the rain {to ripen the spiritual barley, wheat, and fruits}, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:�
Today, the new doctrine of latter-day Moses is sung from the scroll of life�s first side. The people who accept latter-day Moses� song (doctrine) are also able to sing the song pertaining to latter-day Moses, as prophesied in Revelation 15:3.
Revelation 15:3 And THEY {first and second latter-day groups of redeemed} sing the SONG {new doctrine} of MOSES {latter-day Moses, see Deuteronomy 31:30} the servant of GOD {seventh angel}, and the song of the LAMB {sunlight-ministry of latter-day Yahshua/Lamb who manifested according to the prophecy in Acts 1:11}, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, THOU {latter-day Chosen Vessel/Elisha/Yahshua} King of {the three latter-day groups of} saints.
11:15). The voice heralds the time of the latter-day literal and figurative resurrection for the latter-day righteous who believed this new doctrine (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Daniel 12:1; Hosea 6:2; Revelation 11:11-13).
Isaiah was also told how our world will end. In Isaiah 13:6, it states that the day of the Lord (who personifies a comet) is at hand. At that time, the light of the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled when dust and smoke explode from a huge volcano�s crater (see Isaiah 13:10). These prophecies were written over two thousand years ago. God�s written word is able to declare what is going to take place in the last generation because God (personifying each scroll that records and plays over each generation) has seen the end already take place in the first timeline (see Isaiah 46:10). The same catastrophic event of a great star�s (personified as the return of God) impact � which causes an immense volcano to explode and release dust, smoke, hot ash, and then lava � is written in the writings of the prophets. However, the written prophecies in the Old Testament, which are to be fulfilled in our day, are written as if they could have happened during events that took place in each prophet�s generation.
With this in mind when reading the Old Testament prophecies, take into consideration that the past types are mixed-in with future, yet to be fulfilled, prophecies (see Job 14:12, 13; Psalm 18:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:2-5; Isaiah 24:17-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Ezekiel 32:7, 8; Joel 2:1, 30-32; Amos 5:16-18; Micah 3:6; Nahum 1:3-6; Habakkuk 3:3-16; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Haggai 2:6; Zechariah 14:3, 4, 12; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 19:11, 20).