I myself know of much wisdom in the Apocrypha books. As there is much wisdom throughout the Holy Bible along with the book of Enoch etc. Why they separated them doesn't make much difference to me. They are trying to change the Bible around more, newer versions, than they ever have before to my knowledge. We are Blessed to still be able to access and read the Apocrypha books on sites like this one.
I'm not sure of the root of your post. The Holy Bible does not speak of God "choosing the entire world of nations" either. Yes, God created the world for man/woman and His creation. Are you stating that God is a respecter of certain "persons"? Like racism? The Lord searches our hearts.
God loves those who love Him with a pure heart. No matter where they are "from". If you have not seen these things in the Apocrypha books I shall gladly post them for you. I shall wait for your reply as I am not sure on the root of your post.
Also those books being written before the time of Jesus Christ. As after reading about, and accepting, our Lord a veil should be lifted that may shadow some who are Old Testament only readers.
Hidden the meaning of Apocrypha, books were taken out because of the truth that they hold. It does not speak of rhe great and terrible God choosing the entire world of nations. Only Israel, and it tells who the world was created for.
William A Baumgardner Sr. on Judith 1 - 10 years ago
She was a very courageous person, because of her faith.She truly trusted in God His promised protection. She was a very upright, morally clean person. She should gain Exaltation when she stands before our Judge on Judgment Day.
One has to wonder the motives of adding to or removing ANY of the books of the Bible. Whether or not we find them relaveant. Non belief in what was, up until a couple hundred years ago, included in the Holy writings, woe to those who change the Word. There is a simple explanation for removal and that is control of the conversation.
This is a comment on what your wife saw concerning Jude 1 The Bible was completed at the close of the book of Revelation This means that God is not giving any new messages to us That is if we do not believe what is written in the Bible God s last will and testiment to us before his return there is no need for him to reveal anything new But Satan can and does reveal new information to confuse us about God s truth Please tell your wife to disregard this vison because it was not from God It is just Satan s attempt to confuse her about the future God bless you
God bless u, I am here to tell u that my wife Asha was lifted up in night of 2 Jan 2014 which I could not notice and she appeared before the Lord. Lord Himself spoke to her saying GO ON Earth Back with My angels and tell all pastors, workers and everyone to whom u may reach, that something most unique will happen in May 2014 therefore preach at their best not at the snail,s pace but with the speed of racehorse. Take no rest no halt save the people to whom u may save and leave the rest. All the angels flew down with her and she awoke. She doesnt reveal this to other than me because already many people made calculations from Bible and somewhere else declared the tribulation but this could not come to pass. But this time He was not looking in the mood to wait any more. U may direct talk to her as she is diplomat in High Commission of India in Nicosia ( Cyprus) So intensify the God,s work now with no discrimination of caste, religion, race, rich or poor, gentle or sinner. KL Angora.
I think the argument for adding this books are irrelevant, the bible contain more inspiration and power from God, this is just a tactis to distract us from performing our purpose on earth which is soul winning.
i am not going to get into the argument of whether it should or should not be included with the other books but i do believe it is very valuable as far as the history aspect, after all, archeologists use the bible to look for lost artifacts like Noah's Ark, also on the quest for the Ark of the Covenant, as far as that goes, i would say these books are invaluable, as far as my faith, I use the bible for inspiration and guidance, I cannot judge someone else' opinion, it would be detrimental and i feel they have a right to their opinion the same as i have a right to mine
None of them are lost.
There all not inspired,
They're not missing pieces of the puzzle.
I'll let others give insight on that.
God bless
I myself know of much wisdom in the Apocrypha books. As there is much wisdom throughout the Holy Bible along with the book of Enoch etc. Why they separated them doesn't make much difference to me. They are trying to change the Bible around more, newer versions, than they ever have before to my knowledge. We are Blessed to still be able to access and read the Apocrypha books on sites like this one.
I'm not sure of the root of your post. The Holy Bible does not speak of God "choosing the entire world of nations" either. Yes, God created the world for man/woman and His creation. Are you stating that God is a respecter of certain "persons"? Like racism? The Lord searches our hearts.
God loves those who love Him with a pure heart. No matter where they are "from". If you have not seen these things in the Apocrypha books I shall gladly post them for you. I shall wait for your reply as I am not sure on the root of your post.
Also those books being written before the time of Jesus Christ. As after reading about, and accepting, our Lord a veil should be lifted that may shadow some who are Old Testament only readers.
Thank you. God Bless.
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