I know Jude was speaking from the Spirit and sent to warn us, he said those of you who are "called" that's ultimately remarkable, because not all of "us" are-
THE faith. About 5 times, the K.J.V. has "Faith of Christ", and other versions have reduced this to "faith in Christ", suggesting our faith rather than his faith in us. Here Jude states that a faith package was delivered or entrusted to those made holy in Christ. We are joint-heirs with Christ. Jesus entrusted his power to his servants while he went to a far country for a time. (see Lu. 20:9). As I understand it, Jude is saying Jesus entrusted his faith to his followers for us to apply in our world unto his glory. Awesome.
My opinion. This flood of Noah`s was a located flood and was to wipe out evil and was to wipe out the sons of God in Genesis 6 the sons that left their first estate,heaven, to take wives. They were trying to stop the progress of God sending Jesus, immanuel, God with us and the angels of satan are evil and enjoyed woman as play things and had children, giants.angels or messengers are not much different body wise. Remember we ate manna 40 years on the desert, that's Angels food and Angels look just like us, well, I'm old, angels look like young men, a little different puddy/skin. David killed one. The serpent beguiled (nasha means seduce completely) and in Gen.3:15 the enmity between seeds (zera,means generation, posterity,the successive descendants of a person,generations not yet borned) and from this we see the Parable of the Sower Matt.13:37 to 44. satan, sends his. In Gen. 4:2 we see And "she again" again in Hebrew "Yacaph" meaning to continue# 3205 this is notes wrote in ink in my Bible and I think they are the right numbers, oh, beguiled # 1816 and check out 2nd Corinthians 11:3 but eve had cain and Anyway it was for a reason of that area because satan and his evil crew were there and they didn't care about the rest of the world just the evil that they injoy to do. In Jude 1:6 AND THE ANGELS WHICH KEPT NOT THEIR FIRST ESTATE...( HEAVEN) BUT LEFT THEIR OWN HABITATION,.. and at this time they are chained and waiting. They were trying to destroy Gods plans. This flood was targeted. The first flood Jeremiah was total wilderness, no trees,no birds, and no Noah or family or boat. The flood in the book of Jeremiah God says in Hebrew He took it by His Hand and sunk it in water and washed it and we see it when on the desert and see sea shells and other things a person runs across that should be some place different. I think God can do anything God wants to do. He protected this letter so I can get home and its just like He wants me to have it and for anyone who loves Him, we all have a choice. People don't realize how serious this time is. Oh, yeah! Its just a short period but its a test. Love God and do good and come home. Or love evil and do evil and gone. The 6th day creation were just fine on that first influx. Yes, 2 of every flesh got on the boat and show up in 1st Chronicles 2:55 kenites, sons of cain and this scribes I'm pretty sure its accounting, they helped with the money, bad thing to have a kenite around ur money. I`ll check it out. Anyway talk later. G
I believe that the sons of God were angels and that they took wives and produced children. Jude 1:6. This is scripture that is very confusing and needs more clarity. The book of Job speaks of these sons of God as well.
Satan the enemy that sowed the tares ,kenites[ sons of cain] is the wicked one in Matthew 13:36 to 40. And I was talking about the angels that left their first estate and cme to earth in Genesis 6 is also in Jude 1:6.
Once again I must assert that this verse is not referring to fallen angels. Take a look at the Book of Enoch as compared to the rest of the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures often repeat themselves, however the Book of Enoch mentions things that no other book even bothered to mention. It also uses words such as "Ages" and the "elect". When I read things like that, about the "lord of the ages" or how the "elect" will be blessed...well, let's just say that those words scream the illuminati.
It is written: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24 KJV. Yet, the Book of Enoch says this "The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked ⌈⌈and godless⌉⌉ are to be removed."
Open your mind for a minute and try to think why this book hasn't been accepted into the Canon. It's just like the rest of the Apocrypha - Vastly different from any other Canonical book.
The Book of Enoch also makes references to several angels. Here are some angels of note: Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel. However, Michael and Gabriel are the only angels mentioned in Canonical text. Uriel and Raphael, however, are mentioned in the Apocrypha. Putting the Apocrypha aside, how can we be led to believe that Uriel and Raphael, if they were real angels, weren't even important enough to mention in the rest of the scriptures if they play such a huge role in this supposedly important book? And, remember that Michael is actually Jesus Christ, for the name Michael actually means "He who is like GOD", therefore the only angel mentioned by name in the Canonical texts is Gabriel.
Also, you keep bringing up the existence of giants. I never argued against their existence. The Bible clearly states that they existed.
The Bible also assert's that Enoch existed. I never said he didn't. I also never said he wasn't a prophet. But you can't take the ONE cross reference between The Book of Enoch and The Book of Jude and just jump to the conclusion that The Book of Enoch is a Holy Book and that the early church rejected it because they were either misinformed or they were trying to hide something from the people.
You also make mention of Jude 1:6. How can one assume that Jude 1:6 is talking about the "fallen angels" from the Book of Enoch? Did you not forget that one-third of the angels in Heaven fell with Lucifer after they tried to stage a coup against the throne of GOD? I would assert that THESE are the angels that Jude is referencing here. It mentions this in Revelation 12:4 - "And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.�
You also mentioned this: "all cultures have a version of the "gods came from the sky and gave us knowledge" stories. the aztecs, the egyptians, the mayans, native americans, the dogon..."
Why should that make a difference? All of those civilization believed in pagan forms of worship, not Judaism or Christianity. What they believed has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion at all, nor does it have anything to do with the Bible.
"as for the book of enoch being a lost book. in ethiopia it was never lost. they have had it since forever. so the book was NEVER lost."
The Book of Enoch was considered to be a lost book for over 2000 years until 1773, when James Bruce returned from Ethiopia with three copies of it. Could it have existed for those 2000 years? Maybe. Did the church know about it or have it in their possession? No. Therefore it was lost to GOD's people.
Enoch was a prophet, but he didn't write this book. It's nothing but a farce - something to take your mind away from the truth, from the way things truly are, the things that truly exist, and, most importantly, GOD.
the sons of God ARE fallen angels, who breeded with human women, and the offspring was giants. there is no other way to interpret this. nowhere does it say that seth's offspring and cain's offspring were forbidden to marry. angels can take any form they choose, especially human form. didn't Lot originally believe the angels were simply travelers? didn't Jacob wrestle an angel? so although they are supernatural beings, they CAN take physical form. the original giants were up to "3000 ells" tall. we don't know exactly how big that is but I would guess 100 ft tall. by the time giants like Goliath were around the potency of the bloodline had abated, resulting in smaller giants. I would guess that Goliath was 9-12 ft tall. Og, king of Bashan was 16 ft tall. So it seems that giants could be many different sizes. There are verses which state that some giants had 6 fingers and 6 toes. there have been many dead or fossils of giants found that have 6 fingers, 6 toes and sometimes double rows of teeth.
there has been much debate about the authenticity of the book of Enoch. One author i've read, L.A. Marzulli, said that the early church accepted the book of enoch and it wasn't until later that it was rejected. it is written in the first person but the one difference between enoch and any other prophet with a book is that enoch never died. so if he indeed wrote a book, wouldn't it be different? there are also numerous refernces to enoch in the Bible. there are also references in the Bible to the invasion of fallen angels. Jude 1:6 "6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day". paul instructs a woman to cover her head I Corinthians 11:10, "because of the angels". the UFO phenomenon today is similar to when fallen angels came down before. the Flood was to destroy all life, the evil of man and the contamination of the earth by the giants.
all cultures have a version of the "gods came from the sky and gave us knowledge" stories. the aztecs, the egyptians, the mayans, native americans, the dogon, ...the list goes on and on. the fallen angels/sons of God point of view is completely consistent with the Bible. as for the book of enoch being a lost book. in ethiopia it was never lost. they have had it since forever. so the book was NEVER lost.
This portion of the Blble is reminding Christains of the fact that Evil exist in the world but that make Jesus Your focus will always keep you from falling because he has gotten a name which superceeds any existing Name on earth,and in Heaven but if we compromise we will be ensave by the evil.
This is a great Book of the Bible. It gives of the fate of the fallen angels and why they will be destroyed. The entire word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. I love to bask in the word and receive what my MASTER is saying to me. "TO GOD BE THE GLORY".
Praise the Lord for your timely and spiritual insight into what your reader audience need. This is truly the best past time one could get fron the internet, namely becoming knowlegable of the word of life.
Louise, really good..
I got one more thing from this which really does not come as a surprise but, just because you are saved, even a resident of heaven (angels), having seen the face of God. This does not mean that you cannot, and will not be punished. Once again we see examples showing that God can be provoked into action, and cannot be mocked. It might appear that you, or someone else that you see, is getting way with it, but appearances are deceiving..
It is a sad thing that many have no fear of the one and only true living God, Jehovah God. It is also sad that many believe that Jesus our Christ, who paid for our sin debt, is nothing but a story, untrue. Truth be told that all who believe that the aforementioned is true, their place is reserved in the blackness of darkness.
Once again I must assert that this verse is not referring to fallen angels. Take a look at the Book of Enoch as compared to the rest of the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures often repeat themselves, however the Book of Enoch mentions things that no other book even bothered to mention. It also uses words such as "Ages" and the "elect". When I read things like that, about the "lord of the ages" or how the "elect" will be blessed...well, let's just say that those words scream the illuminati.
It is written: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24 KJV. Yet, the Book of Enoch says this "The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect ⌈⌈and⌉⌉ righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked ⌈⌈and godless⌉⌉ are to be removed."
Open your mind for a minute and try to think why this book hasn't been accepted into the Canon. It's just like the rest of the Apocrypha - Vastly different from any other Canonical book.
The Book of Enoch also makes references to several angels. Here are some angels of note: Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel. However, Michael and Gabriel are the only angels mentioned in Canonical text. Uriel and Raphael, however, are mentioned in the Apocrypha. Putting the Apocrypha aside, how can we be led to believe that Uriel and Raphael, if they were real angels, weren't even important enough to mention in the rest of the scriptures if they play such a huge role in this supposedly important book? And, remember that Michael is actually Jesus Christ, for the name Michael actually means "He who is like GOD", therefore the only angel mentioned by name in the Canonical texts is Gabriel.
Also, you keep bringing up the existence of giants. I never argued against their existence. The Bible clearly states that they existed.
The Bible also assert's that Enoch existed. I never said he didn't. I also never said he wasn't a prophet. But you can't take the ONE cross reference between The Book of Enoch and The Book of Jude and just jump to the conclusion that The Book of Enoch is a Holy Book and that the early church rejected it because they were either misinformed or they were trying to hide something from the people.
You also make mention of Jude 1:6. How can one assume that Jude 1:6 is talking about the "fallen angels" from the Book of Enoch? Did you not forget that one-third of the angels in Heaven fell with Lucifer after they tried to stage a coup against the throne of GOD? I would assert that THESE are the angels that Jude is referencing here. It mentions this in Revelation 12:4 - "And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.�
You also mentioned this: "all cultures have a version of the "gods came from the sky and gave us knowledge" stories. the aztecs, the egyptians, the mayans, native americans, the dogon..."
Why should that make a difference? All of those civilization believed in pagan forms of worship, not Judaism or Christianity. What they believed has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion at all, nor does it have anything to do with the Bible.
"as for the book of enoch being a lost book. in ethiopia it was never lost. they have had it since forever. so the book was NEVER lost."
The Book of Enoch was considered to be a lost book for over 2000 years until 1773, when James Bruce returned from Ethiopia with three copies of it. Could it have existed for those 2000 years? Maybe. Did the church know about it or have it in their possession? No. Therefore it was lost to GOD's people.
Enoch was a prophet, but he didn't write this book. It's nothing but a farce - something to take your mind away from the truth, from the way things truly are, the things that truly exist, and, most importantly, GOD.
there has been much debate about the authenticity of the book of Enoch. One author i've read, L.A. Marzulli, said that the early church accepted the book of enoch and it wasn't until later that it was rejected. it is written in the first person but the one difference between enoch and any other prophet with a book is that enoch never died. so if he indeed wrote a book, wouldn't it be different? there are also numerous refernces to enoch in the Bible. there are also references in the Bible to the invasion of fallen angels. Jude 1:6 "6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day". paul instructs a woman to cover her head I Corinthians 11:10, "because of the angels". the UFO phenomenon today is similar to when fallen angels came down before. the Flood was to destroy all life, the evil of man and the contamination of the earth by the giants.
all cultures have a version of the "gods came from the sky and gave us knowledge" stories. the aztecs, the egyptians, the mayans, native americans, the dogon, ...the list goes on and on. the fallen angels/sons of God point of view is completely consistent with the Bible. as for the book of enoch being a lost book. in ethiopia it was never lost. they have had it since forever. so the book was NEVER lost.
I got one more thing from this which really does not come as a surprise but, just because you are saved, even a resident of heaven (angels), having seen the face of God. This does not mean that you cannot, and will not be punished. Once again we see examples showing that God can be provoked into action, and cannot be mocked. It might appear that you, or someone else that you see, is getting way with it, but appearances are deceiving..