Llet us build ourselves in CHRIST. Jesus Christ preserves us that HE may present us clean before the glory of HIS THRONE. He shall judge everyone with the works he she has done during his her time on earth. Dear let us keep watch and be alert all the time, prayer and fasting keeps us much closer to JESUS our saviour.
This verse in a blessing..full of hope..Christ wash us in his blood....remove all our sin and present us to his father faultless and full of joy...a father who is holy...now what more can we ask for this is pure LOVE......AMEN
This verse in a blessing..full of hope..Christ wash us in his blood....remove all our sin and present us to his father faultless and full of joy...a father who is holy...now what more can we ask for this is pure LOVE......AMEN
This book sums up the fall of creation, the coming judgment on the fallen angels and false preachers and ungodly men and women. Because they have not the Spirit marking them as God 's Sons, Spirit of Jesus is the only one who can save us from the coming judgment. Please see Romans 8 9 God Bless
This is deep and my spirit has not been able to rest on it,but it keep telling me to search more into the story of creation and it 's more to the war in heaven,satan and his fallen then we could ever know.
Just want to say how wonderful our lord Jesus is.He turned me from my ungodly
N sinful ways and I'm thankful that we have a loving and merciful god. I was on a destructive path leading me to death.And Jesus always has me running full force right back to him.I love him with all my mind body and soul. He is still working on me.He has been so good to me.
this chapter was given to me in a dream and i believe now that jesus christ is the same as God and we should flew away from evil and hold onto our faith and verse 20 says we shd pray in the holy spirit and build up spiritually.
I have been having dreams about shooting stars in the night sky and I can tell it is from God because it is so vivid. My resent dream of them was just a day or two ago, and this time there was one shooting across the sky and then it burst into two and they went from each other and burned out. And the other dreams they shoot from all different directions back and forth then stop. I don't know what this signifies but I can certainly tell it is from the Lord.
this is one of my favorite scriptures when your praying in the hoy ghostso many people have gotten away from this the holy spirit has given m e a messagefor the church on grieving @quenching the holy spiritthe church needs a fresh baptism of the holy spirit
Mockers are generally eavesdroppers that usually know nothing about a person and the Way of a Christian's trust and happiness of God's goodness.Being presumptuous mockers impose themselves as a threat and involve themselves to a man's home and workplace because of their own unrewarding demeanor.They're basically home wreckers waiting to "happen".
My respond to Val's Mark Chapter 9 comment on 9/07/2013, 9:45pm: In 2 Corinthians 4:18 it says, "the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal". So when we talk about life in heaven then we mean "life eternal" and when we talk about death in hell then we mean "everlasting punishment". In Matthew 25:46 There are people who will go to life eternal but other people will go to everlasting punishment. Even in Daniel 12:2 it says, some shall awake to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. When we talk about fire where sinners are to be cast into we mean "everlasting fire" as it is written in Matthew 18:8. It is the same fire being mentioned in Jude 1:7 called "eternal fire" where sinners shall suffer. This kind of suffering is "eternal damnation" as it is written in Mark 3:29 and that is none other than "damnation of hell" which is written in Matthew 23:33. They that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation as it is written in John 5:29. Therefore this sinners shall be burned "eternally".
We all existed before this life as spirits ( Jeremiah 1:5). The angels that kept not their first estate refers to the spirits that followed Satan in open rebellion against God (See Revelations 12:7-11 and also 1 Adam and Eve 5:7 and 55:7-15). Everyone on the earth kept our first estate, many of us fought against Satan to help defeat him, and this Earth life is our second estate. Satan failed, so he and his followers are executing a backup plan, which is to get as many of us as possible to not keep our second estate (Revelations 12: 17).
Jude was the brother of Jesus, and this is what he said about him. "Look, the Lord (Jesus) is coming with thousands of his holy ones. He will bring the people of the world to judgment. He will convict the ungodly of all the evil things they have done in rebellion and of all the insults that godless sinners have spoken against him. Earlier he said of the angels that "God has kept them chained in prisons of darkness waiting for the day of judgment." This proves that Jesus and God are the same. Because it is Jesus, as God, who comes and judge the world.
It means further that Jesus cannot be a being less than God, or a being separate from God as many claim he is. This false teaching started early in Christianity, and continues until this day. Satan knows that if we lower Jesus to a subordinate position, we can't be saved.
Even the Jews of Jesus' day knew that only God can forgive sin. And since Jesus claimed to have such power, it was his way of saying that he was God. One of the most famous verses in the Bible supports this point: "... And the Word (Jesus) was God ( John 1:1). Another famous verse is Philippians 2:11: "... Jesus is Lord (God). ..." This verse concludes with "to the Glory of God the Father." This only means that there is another personality in God besides Jesus-the Holy Spirit is the third.
What is it that GOD can't do Now unto him that is able to do exceedging abundantly above all that we ask or think ephesians 3 :20 Sick in your body he's ABLE need a job he's ABLE lost your way he's ABLE trying to fix it he's ABLE Do you get the picture he's ABLE..............
This Book is a great reminder that God is the same yesterday, today and always will be . I give thanks for his word daily invite the Holy Spirit in my life.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be filled with Christ. The Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ. Therefore, if I am filled with the Spirit, I am abiding in Christ. I am walking in the light as He is the light, and the blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse and keep on cleansing me from all unrighteousness. I am controlled by Christ because the word "filling" means to be controlled. And if I am controlled -- not as a robot but as one who is led and empowered by the Spirit -- the Lord Jesus will walk around in my body and live His resurrection life in and through me.
N sinful ways and I'm thankful that we have a loving and merciful god. I was on a destructive path leading me to death.And Jesus always has me running full force right back to him.I love him with all my mind body and soul. He is still working on me.He has been so good to me.
It means further that Jesus cannot be a being less than God, or a being separate from God as many claim he is. This false teaching started early in Christianity, and continues until this day. Satan knows that if we lower Jesus to a subordinate position, we can't be saved.
Even the Jews of Jesus' day knew that only God can forgive sin. And since Jesus claimed to have such power, it was his way of saying that he was God. One of the most famous verses in the Bible supports this point: "... And the Word (Jesus) was God ( John 1:1). Another famous verse is Philippians 2:11: "... Jesus is Lord (God). ..." This verse concludes with "to the Glory of God the Father." This only means that there is another personality in God besides Jesus-the Holy Spirit is the third.