The 12 tribes of the old had a priesthood out of the tribe of Levi.
The old was done away with.
The new has a priesthood out of the house of Judah.
At present, in this generation, or age, Christ is ONLY calling out the PRIESTHOOD, not everyone will be in this priesthood in THIS GENERATION, or age.
When all the priests; the Sons of God, have been gathered, Christ will resurrect ALL the dead back to their bodies of FLESH, and they will be JUDGED and RULED by the Sons of God.
It will be a shadow of the old.
Joshua 9:21 And the princes (the sons of God) said ... Let them LIVE, but let them be HEWERS of WOOD and DRAWERS of WATER unto all the congregation (sons of God) ...
But THIS TIME the children WILL NOT take up the ways of the Canaanites, BUT will cause the nations to take up the WAY OF GOD.
Zechariah 14:21 Yea, every pot (man is the pot and Christ the potter) in (NEW) Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of host; and they (those resurrected to flesh) that sacrifice and come and TAKE OF THEM, (the new creation, now the likeness of Christ), and seethe therein (THE WORD): and in that day there shall NO MORE CANAANITES in the house of the LORD of host.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest EXPECTATION of the creature WAITETH for the manifestations of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 Because the creature ITSELF shall BE DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption (death) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Obadiah 1:21 And SAVIOURS (sons of God) shall come upon Mount Zion to JUDGE the Mount of Esau, and the KINGDOM shall be the LORDS.
The only two references that come up are in Joshua 9:5,12; and these are spelt the U.K. way: mould. These references don't give the same application as your references to moth and rust, but to the deception by the Gibeonites when they went to visit Joshua.
This chapter talks about why weaker people form alliances for their own protection. Deceit was used in approaching the stronger nation meaning these people wanted to remain separate, verse 14 not becoming the same religion, yet they wanted a treaty of alliance to coexist. Verse 23 calls them cursed because they have the wrong religion but they are accepted to be hewers of wood which I think symbolically means to be soldiers that will support Israel and drawers of water symbolically meaning bringing people to support Israel through negotiations. This chapter is about forming treaties and alliances in war.
The inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai so they feared for their lives, and figured out a way to remain alive. They believed God was all powerfully, and they would be destroyed. We need to keep our patience and keep in prayer to avoid making rash decisions that we may regret.
When the deal is too good think twice! No matter what is presented to us,whether in Gold or Silver,we should seek God first.He knows who are for or against us.May god help us.
Joshua 3 talks about lying and the consequences of lying. I was reading Andre Murray's book which talks about 3 sins which will grieve the holy spirit, lying, anger and stealing. The tribe who lied to Joshua till today lives in poverty. Secondly, even when you walk closely with the Lord when we forget to take counsel from Him for our dealings, the deceiver will deceive us and take us away from God's presence.
Given what Moses in Deuteronomy 33:8 calls "thy Thummim and thy Urim" is called in Joshua 9:14, "the mouth of the Lord", can help us to read Exodus 15-16, "15And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do.
16And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God." The way of the Seer that is established with the burning bush anointing is comfirmed in Exodus 7:1," 1And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet." Note: "Maimonides writes that the Urim and Thumim, although present in the Second Holy Temple, did not perform their intended function because in order for one to receive a message through the Urim and Tumim, one must posses the "holy spirit", Ruach HaKodesh[3], which no one possessed during that time period. "
The OLD is a SHADOW of the NEW.
The 12 tribes of the old had a priesthood out of the tribe of Levi.
The old was done away with.
The new has a priesthood out of the house of Judah.
At present, in this generation, or age, Christ is ONLY calling out the PRIESTHOOD, not everyone will be in this priesthood in THIS GENERATION, or age.
When all the priests; the Sons of God, have been gathered, Christ will resurrect ALL the dead back to their bodies of FLESH, and they will be JUDGED and RULED by the Sons of God.
It will be a shadow of the old.
Joshua 9:21 And the princes (the sons of God) said ... Let them LIVE, but let them be HEWERS of WOOD and DRAWERS of WATER unto all the congregation (sons of God) ...
But THIS TIME the children WILL NOT take up the ways of the Canaanites, BUT will cause the nations to take up the WAY OF GOD.
Zechariah 14:21 Yea, every pot (man is the pot and Christ the potter) in (NEW) Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of host; and they (those resurrected to flesh) that sacrifice and come and TAKE OF THEM, (the new creation, now the likeness of Christ), and seethe therein (THE WORD): and in that day there shall NO MORE CANAANITES in the house of the LORD of host.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest EXPECTATION of the creature WAITETH for the manifestations of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 Because the creature ITSELF shall BE DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption (death) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
Obadiah 1:21 And SAVIOURS (sons of God) shall come upon Mount Zion to JUDGE the Mount of Esau, and the KINGDOM shall be the LORDS.
God Bless YOU!
16And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God." The way of the Seer that is established with the burning bush anointing is comfirmed in Exodus 7:1," 1And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet." Note: "Maimonides writes that the Urim and Thumim, although present in the Second Holy Temple, did not perform their intended function because in order for one to receive a message through the Urim and Tumim, one must posses the "holy spirit", Ruach HaKodesh[3], which no one possessed during that time period. "
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