Discuss Jonah 2 Page 2

  • Leye Isola on Jonah 2 - 8 years ago
    Within this book we have the deep into understanding of the mission of Christ to descend to hell to preach salvation
  • Tracy Graham on Jonah 2 - 9 years ago
    Jonah proved that hell was not a place of luxury neither is it a personal decision that a person would make on their own. To top it off jonah couldn't get out until God made that decision but thanks to God he has given us the privilege to go to him in prayer. Yet if we go to hell there is nothing God himself can do to change it.
  • Nicole on Jonah 2 - 9 years ago
    This is truly a special passage. Again God's mercy extended. How overwhelming his soul was in torment. Just a few minutes seem unbearable but Jonah was the belly for three days. Think about the soul agony. Jesus was in hell 3 days and nights, separated from his father even as Jonah was cut of from the land of the living.Jesus did that for us, Jonah shed a little light on the souls agony in hell, down in the deep heart of the earth. God's plan of salvation is mercy and grace to spare us from such. He extends it and we must accept it in order to avoid sins consequence. i am quite sure 3 days was a long time, almost loosing hope and despair, but eternity has no end.
  • Daniel on Jonah 2:8 - 9 years ago
    Jonah's prayer is a prophesy of Christ's descent into hell. This verse tells us that those who look to or depend on anyone or anything other than God will forfeit the Grace The gift that is salvation that could b Be theirs.
  • Happie brown on Jonah 2 - 9 years ago
    To my own opinion I think Jonah was trying to tell us that stress is another way God can use to draw us back to him and help us to redefine our priorities! Weather in Happiness or stress stick to God and you will eat the best of Him!
  • Cary 69 on Jonah 2:8 - 9 years ago
    Some think lying vanities was Jonah listening to him going the opposite way then where God told him to Go. That is "LIARLAND ". Like Disney land. Oh! We will have fun. It 'll cost you! Check your billfold. Oh my, I 'm over my limit with God. He caused trouble it affected others. The knew he was the prophet Jonah. Then tossed him over...not a shark thank God or he would have been gone. Even in the whale, his minutes was numbered. Yes, God has everything under control. He couldn 't see....but he could FEEL, SMELL, HEAR BETTER NOW, THINK CLEARER NOW. BUT THE GOURD TREE OF God 's GRACIOUS kindness DIED. AFTER ALL HE STILL WAS DOING GOD 'S WILL OUT OF PROTEST. Finally God had a come to Jesus meeting with him. History records that Nineveh repented. But later rebelled. As Paul Harvey never said. That 's the end of the Story!
  • Nonye on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    I also think this verse means,we christians should not work according to our sensory perceptions,only then will our needed miracles manifest.For,the devil is liar!and everything he does has always been in opposition to what the word of God says about us.
  • Nicola on Jonah 2:3 - 10 years ago
    Definitely God is always with us and nothing is too hard for Him. We may go through the waters, even the waters may cover us but because He is with us, we will not be overwhelmed or drowned. I am excited about our awesome n mighty God. Although sin pushes us into the deep. He does not forsake us. Yea, I bless God.
  • Prophetess Nicky on Jonah 2 - 10 years ago
    Jonah 2 paints a picture of God 's love and mercy. If we are faithful and just to acknowledge and confess our sin God is faithful to forgive It doesn 't matter where we are God is never far remove from us and no matter how far we are in sin there is hope for restoration. Bible says even while we were sinners Jesus died for us Praise God. Amen
  • Euchari a on Jonah 2 - 10 years ago
    Jonah 2 thought us when GOD say something to do he will do it no matter your reason and he hears our prayer even though we offend he
  • Barbara Lindsey on Jonah 2 - 10 years ago
    Jonah understands now he can 't hide or run away from Elohim- and can 't kill himself if Elohim wants Him to live! Psalm 139:7-10 He repents and Elohim causes the fish to vomit up Jonah. Obedience is better than a sacrifice!!!
  • Betty on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    i think it is giving attention to symptoms and circumstances, instead of believing God 's Word alone.
  • Johnson Odaji on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    Jonah 2 8 lying vanities is looking at the situation around you. Jonah was in a deep sheet and he refused to look at the circumstance surrounding him rather he make God his focus and contemplation.
  • Patrick Kyei on Jonah 2 - 10 years ago
    Jonah although erred, he still confesses his sin. His reason for running from the divine errand may sound potent in ears he was afraid to go to Nineveh because they kill some of the prophets of Israel . For fear death, he turned the direction. The book of proverbs says that there is a way that seem right before man but the end there off is death. God had Mercy on him even while in the fishes belly.
  • Peter Yoila Neple on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    Jonah accepted his fault and God granted him mercy. If he had lied God won 't have pardoned him.
  • Charles Toworfe on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    A steadfast look at the crucified One will never look in vain at the great physician. Jesus Christ is the great physician. There is never a disease HE can not heal, there is never a problem HE can not solve and there is never a burden HE can not bear. Jesus Christ is the SOLUTION to all fundamental issues of life. Now observing lying vanities means the Christian is looking else where for help. In other words, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is lacking. The Christian is dwelling on the flesh thereby focuses on material help. The resultant effect is to miss Grace from the Lord for the pain in question.
  • Ric S. Malit on Jonah 2 - 10 years ago
    It is very hard to obey God to love and minister to our enemies. Hence, God will allow trials and afflictions for us to realize that it is our sacred duty to obey God even if we do 't understand Him. While passing through the storm of our life, we remember the goodness and mercy of God in spite of what we are. Then we understood His will.
  • Christy on Jonah 2:8 - 10 years ago
    Lying vanities are those things that we observe When we walk by sight ....We should focus on God but not on what we see or the circumstances around us. Just because you feel pain in your body it doesn 't mean that you are sick Isaiah 33 24, Isaiah 3 4 5 . Or just because you don 't have money in your bank account, it doesn 't mean that you are poor or broke 2 Cor 8 9 . We should walk by faith and not by sight. Believe on God 's word.
  • Evodia on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    If one run away from God He will use other means to bring him back to Him
  • Sister KK on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    That is confirmation Minister Jeff Davis's, My Brother Apostle Robert Atkins ministered on Jonah Chapter 2 and his concept of Jonah, and he said that God Truley protect Jonah by having the Great Fish(whale) swallow him, although Jonah thought he was in prison, he was saved by Gods amazing Grace and mercy.
  • Sherron singleton on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    Johnah. Was on the run when God called him, e figured well he could slide, just the same wen God called some of his children, they ain't ready, sin walks in, an God will have his way, He made us in his likeness, his DNA sin us from, God says I will never leave u nor forsake u even to the very end,,,so Jonah ad to c all that excuse, didn't make sense, repent, but God only but God,,,
  • Chaplain Bob Walker on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    Funny how Jonah went West when told to go East to Assyria. Gets swallowed by a great fish (Whale) and gets spit out on the shore of Assyria maybe in front of fisherman. The god of Assyria was Dagon Assur the fish god. Surely their god has sent them a prophet they must have thought. So they listened to Jonah and repented.
  • Jim on Jonah 2:8 - 11 years ago
    when GOD speaks we must obey or he will put us in a place that we have to trust & obey in GOD not in self Jonah came to the end of himself he had no hope in saving his self it was the end when we come to that place in our lives we then are a candidate to be saved when we turn to GOD with a hole hart GOD use me don't refuse me
  • Neff on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    You could think Jonah has repented if you did not read on. Chapter 2 is all about Jonah and what he has to say to stop God from "afflicting" him.
  • Joseph on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    @ Sandie, when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, He started off with: Our father which art in heaven... Luke11:2. So yes our prayers do go to heaven. Isaiah 61:1
    Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne,
    and the earth is my footstool: where is the
    house that ye build unto me? and where is the
    place of my rest?
  • Sandie on Jonah 2:7 - 11 years ago
    But, God is everywhere, so would we say our prayers go up to heaven?
  • Nicola hassan on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    Jonah came to his sense and repented
  • Minister Jeff Davis on Jonah 2 - 11 years ago
    God knew the whole time that Jonah would run from his calling. Yet and still God gave Jonah another chance to get it right. God had a tailored made fish to save Jonah's life. Many people look at the fish as a prison, but I saw it as a safe haven for Jonah. Jonah would have died in the depths of the deep, but God spared him. God could have disciplined Jonah by allowing him to die, but instead God's grace and mercy kept him.
  • Christprisoner on Jonah 2:8 - 11 years ago
    Jonah 2:8 can mean, those who trust or have hope in the things of this world instead of God, reject and loose their own portion of mercy from God.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Jonah 2:9 - 11 years ago
    Jonah sacrificed unto the Lord with the voice of thanksgiving, and payed the vow that he made, for salvation is only from the Lord. There is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved, and it is Jesus. When we vow to preach the Word, we must go where ever the Lord will send us, and preach the gospel which is able to save souls. Thank God that He gives us a second chance to do what He told us to do, and many of us have been given many chances.

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