V. 6 - tells me - we can do nothing in the spiritual realm, i.e. reaching souls for Christ, which is our MAIN purpose in His life that is in us, without Him - Acts2:38 (v. 37, "what must we do?")
Bible Study Mark 16:16 1 Peter 3:21 Luke 24:47 Acts 2:38 Acts 19:1-6 Acts 10:44-48 1 Corinthians 14:2 , 14:22,14:39 Acts 5:32 John 21:15
We must be baptized in water in the name of Jesus to be saved.😇 I know this because I was raised in a traditional religion that said all you have to do to be saved is believe. Sorry , I can believe I am a grasshopper but does that make me one . Amen
To Pastor Troy - Why are you a pastor if you don't know the answer to Peter's nakedness.....? Anyway, it could be an allegory to his sin in denying Jesus 3 times; the sin made him naked .....? Just a stab in the dark. Maybe Peter's coat was his attempt to cover his own sin? OR - it could just be that it was summer and the nights were still hot. You sweat a lot in that work.
The books could not have been written , that is great , Jesus was so powerful yet so humble and willing to take our place and pay our debt for the sins we all have committed that he alone is the Lord and coming KING ! No prophet before him or after him ever rose from the dead and lived to be taken up into heaven and angels with him and thousands of miracles and signs and wonders followed him !
What Jesus is saying is show my sheep what to do and how to be baptized. Peter is the only one who knew who and what Jesus was and still is. Through Jesus is the only way to the kingdom of God if any man goes any other way they are the same as a thief and robber. The father loveth the son and has given all things to the sons hand what's left to give,nothing because he has all things. I and my father are one now how do you get trinity out of that Jesus has always been. Jesus was equaled to God while on earth when Jesus died
The two witnesses in Rev 11 are both Isaiah and Paul. The olive tree is always remembered with the mind set on Isaiah. A lampstand represents church in Rev 1:20. Then Paul comes into mind when the churches are mentioned. Many witnesses come to mind when the olive tree and the lampstand ref. Rev 11:4 are mentioned. But the greatest of these witness of Jesus Christ were Isaiah and Paul. The death of Isaiah and Paul remains a mystery till now. The death of the two will be seen by all. These two witnesses if they are dead or were taken to heaven must have been written in the Bible. The two witnesses are Isaiah and Paul and they have the power do signs and wonders ref. Rev 11:6 . Remember Paul 's sayings: "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me " ref Philippians 4:13 . Read: Isaiah 45:7, 1 Thes 4:13-18, John 21:22-23. God bless you for reading. Jesus is the answer
If we understand the message its Jesus wanted to remind Peter and his desciples to have obedience in following him, Jesus always use Peter as a fisher of men and they should remember his teaching and his powerful words before Jesus cruxified. Jehovah Jireh the only provider which he always provide our daily bread as promised. Jesus reminded us to follow him and seek the Kingdom of God first so that we can see the glory of God if we allow Jesus and Holy Spirit to dwell in our lives. Jesus is a good shephered who always provide us and protect his own people
John 21 Verse 7 Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher 's coat unto him for he was naked Question ? Who was naked ? Was it Jesus ? I do not believe it was Jesus because the he was not in capital letters.
In john 21 reminds us about our life,some times we give up on Jesus due to a lot of unanswered question,difficulties challenges in life. But he s kind n the close friend who will always be there to turn us back is our duty n responsibility to obey his voice just like what the disciples did.
I had this thought before I found it here so it to me is somewhat of a confirmation that Jesus had this in mind all along God s ways are above our ways Amen What an honor for John
The risen Christ asked Peter the question three times because Peter had thrice denied Christ after Christ was arrested This questioning allowed Peter affirm his love and adoration of Christ and thereby acknowledge his true feelings
Did the "more than these" verse follow the draught of fishes? Peter was a fisherman ... perhaps Jesus when he said "do you love me more than these?" might have meant "do you love me more than these fishes that you have just hauled in?". Peter was to be a fisher of men - so Jesus told him "feed my lambs", his new life work. I don't know Greek, and I could be wrong, but at least the verse does help me to remember my calling as a Christian.
To.Mr David Boyce ''remark '' on this chapter on 11.24.2012...Fortunately God has so much love and mercy....The w hole Bible is written under the guidance of t,he HolySpirit, by simple uneducated people and yet millions of millions copies are spread in the world and people , simple people read and understand it. Why you archeologists try to mix numbers and codes to show off your knowledge on this book? Why don't you go to a science site and do your mathematical additions and substractions? You are a very confused person . So confused that you try to find justice on this page! No wonder nobody has remarked on your comment. But someone should tell you ,you need to repent and ask for Salvation. An let God have mercy on you.Amen.
we who are shepherds must feed the flock in accordance with the word of our chief shepherd (lord Jesus) John 21:15-17. But today many shepherds have turned themselves to princes in self enrichment and oppression of the flock.
This is what Jesus Christ has just said to me: he added, "...exploring the knowledge of God's Word." That is the mandate for the ministry to which he has called me. To His name alone be all the glory!
@ paul's comment about the apostle john- 1. the book of john portrays jesus as the son of god( john 1:34)or god manifested in the flesh( john 1:1,14). 2. john was one of the 3 inner circle with christ during his earthly ministry along with james and peter( mark 14:33) 3. john is special to born again christians because he is in typology a picture of the new testament church. 4. this is why john is found with his head on the bosom of the saviour and referred to by jesus always as the beloved( john 21:20-25). 5. other than the pauline epistles john gives the best scriptures on new testament salvation and eternal security of the believer.
Mark 16:16
1 Peter 3:21
Luke 24:47
Acts 2:38
Acts 19:1-6
Acts 10:44-48
1 Corinthians 14:2 , 14:22,14:39
Acts 5:32
John 21:15
We must be baptized in water in the name of Jesus to be saved.😇 I know this because I was raised in a traditional religion that said all you have to do to be saved is believe. Sorry , I can believe I am a grasshopper but does that make me one . Amen