Hi Adam This is I read biblically concerning heaven carefully starting Genesis 1:6-8 verse 6 and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and let the dry land appear.
Verse 7 And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the
waters which were above the firmament and it was so.
Verse 8 And God called the firmament heaven and the evening and morning were the second day.
Verse 9 And God said Let the waters under the firmament be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear. So biblically when we jump in the air we are in heaven[ this is translated shamayim which means things heaved up or lifted up things] when an air plane flies biblically its in heaven. Then you have the heavenlies Ephesians 1:3 where it
states we have been blessed with spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ. Also Ephesians 1:20 Christ is seating in the heavenlies on Gods right hand.
An interesting point is the most high powered telescopes looking into the heavens have found massive balls of water larger than earth floating as far out as they can see which is whet Genesis says. Gods word doesn't miss a beat . Hell , gehenna and sheol is another discussion.
Hello, thank you for your explanation. I'm not sure where you get the source of your information, but it sounds like something you heard or read added doubt in your mind about the validity of the Bible translation. I personally do not believe your interpretation. The Bible is the most scrutinized document in world history and just the KJV took a team of experts years to complete- word for word deep research. It wasn't rushed and it wasn't man's own opinion as you suggested. I trust in God's word and the experts He allowed to translate it, over 1 man's counter opinion. The Bible is already translated accurately and it says 'hell'. There are also many other translations people can use as a basis of comparison and they also say 'hell'. Maybe you're just uncomfortable with that English word, but whatever it's called, the Bible already described it enough to where we still know what it means, such as through these verses: Link
Some find something they don't like in the Bible then try to re-translate a word to get its synonyms, then cherry pick one of those abd claim that it 'really' means this other definition. This could be done with the English language too. For instance, I just used the word 'claim'. If someone didn't like that sentence they could suggest it was talking about mining claims. Most English words have alternate meanings that can be used in different contexts. So, I believe that's what you have done with sheol and hell. See, the Bible already described it: lake of fire, fire and brimstone, everlasting punishment, fire that shall never be quenched.
So, you don't even need the word 'hell' to still know what it means through the other description. Some are uncomfortable with hell and don't want it to be true and try very hard to try to reinterpret the Bible. I hope that's not the case here. God bless.
Brother Adam, in the Old Testament the Hebrew word sheol is translated 31 times as hell, and 31 times as grave.
The two translations, hell and grave, don't come close to the same meaning. Why didn't the translators, translate the word sheol as grave every time or hell every time.
It's easy to see sheol means grave from other teachings in the Old Testament and New, death was punishment, and sheol, the grave (the place the body goes after death).
Do yo believe Jesus went to hell when he died, or did he lay in the grave waiting for the Father to resurrect him.
Man teaches if you go to hell ( Luke 16:26) there a gulf that keeps you from coming out, either way you try to make this fit into mans teaching, it contradicts itself. If Jesus went to hell, according to man he would still be there. If he lay in the grave, then sheol translated as hell is mistranslated, and should have been translated grave. This would also mean the rich man lay in the grave instead of going to hell.
Psalms 16:10 For you will not leave my soul in hell (Heb. sheol), neither will you suffer you Holy One to see corruption.
Maybe the translators were pushing their own beliefs. Grievous wolves shall come in and destroy the flock.
Maybe this was revealed to John when he wrote Revelation and said what would happen if you added or took away from God's word.
"Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL. One would assume that if there were such a place of torture for sin, the prophets would have never cease warning people. Yet not one word concerning a place called Hell. Likewise not one mention of a place of eternal bliss, called heaven."
I'm trying to wrap my mind around your comment, because clearly the Bible does talk about hell. It uses the word 'hell' in both the Old and New Testament as well as other synonyms, such as in Mark 9:48.
This fact can also be verified through a quick search:
The meaning hasn't changed through time either. For instance, man didn't suddenly invent the word 'hell' after a certain point of time.
Since a quick search confirms the Bible has always used the word 'hell', so is it possible you meant something else? Since it does not sound like a true statement, can you please explain what you mean by, "Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL."?
I agree with you there Earl , we start out as empty vessels . We are not naturally inclined to goodness , we can see this when people are left without any rules , legal or moral . Many people have lived their lives without ever having had the chance to know the Truth through no fault of their own . I cannot believe that they will spend eternity being tortured for their ignorance .God is love and I do not believe that He sanctions the eternal torture of the ignorant and I don't understand why anyone would believe this . You and others on here have helped me very much and I still have a lot to learn , this site is fab but God is in the Bible and it should be our first and main source of information . Ecclesiastes Ch 3 , V 10-22 . Much love to you in Christ .
Oh yes Earl , I think I spend too much time on this site , I need real food , every day . Some of the things I read on here drive me half crazy , so many smooth words and I am guilty because I don't challenge them . You're a cool dude Earl and you know your subject , you have much more patience than I do ! I'm off to get fed , much love to you in Christ .
Sister Sacha, I believe the DAY, of neither light or dark, began at Pentecost and will continue until Christ has put all things under his feet, then the EVENING will BE LIGHT, and he will turn the Kingdom back to the Father who gave it to him, and GOD (LIGHT) will be ALL IN ALL.
I believe the same observation could be of many church-going folks, the building with whatever name that's put on it has become the church, not the people, lost in routines, many are called but few are chosen. It is sad when attendance is put above all. When Jesus first came was for the lost sheep of Israel, and to fulfill the law and the prophets. To confirm and fulfill the first and confirm the New in, the likeness of sinful flesh, what we see in Daniel 9:27 that many put at the end time.
I agree hell is not a place for the condemned and paradise is not a place for the righteous as holding places of the dead. I have not found one verse that say we go to heaven. In Revelation 20:14 we see the last enemy; death and its holding place hell (the grave) are cast into the lake of fire. In scripture when we die the grave is our home of corruption and if the same Spirit dwell in us, we will be raised by the Spirit that raised Christ, in incorruption in our immortal glorified body, death is swallowed up in victory.
When Jesus first came the land was highly influenced by Greco-Roman philosophy. Whether we believe it or not it still has influence on today, the meaning of death, immortal souls, monasticism that Jesus called Nicolaitans, and more.
As we see in Matthew 16 and Matthew 18 Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom and what is bound or loosed in earth will be done so in heaven. The reason of all the parables was the mysteries of the kingdom was not for them to know but for those who were chosen.
I agree in most of your post but if I understand correctly those after resurrection being brought into the fold. I struggle lining that up with the white throne judgment of the rest of the dead. Revelation 20:11-15. These are not all lost people, there will be some not cast into the lake of fire because the book of life is opened and only those not written in it will be cast in to the lake of fire.
Sister Sacha, I believe we start in TOTAL DARKNESS (no knowledge of God) and we end in TOTAL LIGHT (full knowledge of God).
Zechariah 14:6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, or night: but it shall come to pass, that at EVENING TIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT.
We as, the called out, don't at this point see everything alike, because we are at different stages of maturity. There is a day COMING when we will all be in PERFECT UNITY.
Thank you so much Earl . You and I don't agree on everything but we have more in common than not if you know what I mean . I despise it when I hear so called preachers in my local town centre , aaaaall they do is insult people and preach that God is going to send them all to hell , even people who have never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel are going to hell to be tortured for eternity by some pointy tailed cloven hoofed monstrosity of their own vicious imagination . It drives me crazy , no one ever stops to listen to them or talk to them except me . They've got my number now though , when I walk towards them to ask them to show me where they are getting their info from they try to run away from me , it's easy for them to do that as I need crutches to walk outside . The first few times I managed to engage them and one of them looked embarrassed because he couldn't back up anything he was saying from scripture , the second was gobsmaked by this middle aged woman who could run rings around him and the third actually put his hand on my face to push me away and called me a devil . Preachers of lies and hate and fear . We only need to fear One and that is God , the Holy One of Israel . Christ is coming , you had better know what you believe in and it had better be the Bible , Old as well as New .
This is just an observation of the people around the town I live in, and not an indictment of them are anyone on this forum.
Most people don't read God's word, much less study it.
Most have no knowledge of the Kingdom of God, as taught by scripture. They have been taught, believe in Jesus and go to heaven, or if you don't believe, then you go to hell, it's all up yo you.
They are taught out of the New Testament, with most, seldom ever studying, in depth, the Law and Prophets.
When Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God is at hand, there was no written New Testament, he taught out of the Law and Prophets.
Jesus speaking one of his parables said:
Luke 16:31 .....If they hear not Mosses (law) and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Acts 28:23 And when they had appointed Paul a day, there came many unto him into his lodging; to whom, Paul expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses and out of the prophets, from morning to evening.
Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL. One would assume that if there were such a place of torture for sin, the prophets would have never cease warning people. Yet not one word concerning a place called Hell. Likewise not one mention of a place of eternal bliss, called heaven.
The Kingdom of God is ON EARTH (CHRIST IN YOU), Christ has been calling man into his Kingdom for two thousand years. Those that are NOT CAUSED to hear his call in this AGE, will be resurrected back to their flesh, and Christ and those that WERE CAUSED to hear his call, will judge the earth, and bring the remaining sheep into the fold. This is very evident in the Law and Prophets.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, man uses this parable to teach the doctrine of heaven and hell, Yet JESUS SAID, if they want believe the Law and Prophets, which DOES NOT teach heaven and hell.
Hi, I just read today that John, the apostle, was put in a pot of boiling oil but did not get burned. He was then exiled to the Isle of Patmos, where He received the Revelations of Jesus from Jesus and then wrote the book. I did not read about is death. Maybe I need to look further for its account.
Thanks for your reply, I will meditate on what you shared, and I mean that. I agree, that compassion for those who do not have a clue where their going is bitter, and by sharing the word we can receive some bitter remarks. I cannot place us as John as prophesying to others after the resurrection. I feel we have different understandings of after resurrection but that is ok.
Amen and Amen, Brother Ronald, I would like to tell you what has been revealed to me in studying God's word.
Revelation is signified, so most nouns represent something other than what a dictionary would define them.
I believe, the BOOK, is Christ, The WORD, the BOOK, of life, of truth, of wisdom, etc., etc., all things.
Christ told us that we had to eat his flesh and drink his blood, he is our food and water.
I believe the same applies to the open book (Christ), we eat the book, as we eat his flesh.
It's sweet in our mouth because it has brought TRUTH TO US, it is bitter in our belly because we see our brothers (the world) that has NOT YET been GIVEN this Knowledge.
But we will again prophecy to our brothers after they are resurrected back to their flesh here on earth, the SECOND time.
Isaiah 11:9 .....for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
This one will be a hard nut and it may be empty when you crack it, as in John 21:20-23, Peter was showing he was jealous of John and what Jesus said, maybe Jesus was telling Peter it is not your concern, just follow me and feed His sheep. There was a rumor started that John would not die but Jesus did not say that. Other verses may spur interest relating to John's possible living longer, in Revelation 10:8-11.
The little book that was open that John was told to eat. If the book was open, does that mean it did not contain a mystery or a secret? Did it contain what the seven thunders had uttered, that John was told to seal up and not to write? John was told thou must prophesy again; will that be in the future? Is it written in the rest of Revelation that John had not written down yet?
The Bible does not record the death of John, but there are theories out there you may research those, there is one they boiled him in a pot of oil. I would like to give you more scripture for you to study but this may not have an answer and only come to speculation.
The end makes it seem that John is among us. He will live this whole time to present day until Jesus coming. I know further readings will show John in an island in the book of Revelations. Does he die then? I'll have to find out.
Hi Rene Bourrier , John 21:25 says I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. So there simply isn't enough space, nor do we have enough time for Yahweh to have written everything down. There is no way we would have read everything nor have gotten the message. As it is, people still find The Bible too long to read, so why would Yah have made it longer? Instead he focused mostly on his people or the message that was at the core of the scriptures. We will know things that really doesn't matter like Cain's wife when we get into the kingdom. God bless you.
Hello Kathleen. If you read John 21:20-24, we see that the "disciple whom Jesus loved" was reclining against Jesus at the Lord's Last Supper. And it's this disciple who says, "This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true". We know that Lazarus wasn't present at the Last Supper, so he couldn't be the Gospel writer. And we also understand that John, as others, tended not to refer to themselves by name, especially when there was a special Grace being afforded - that they not be the focal point. See 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 as an example from Paul.
Interesting insight very encouraging for moments we are going forward in that perspective.
I've thought of it many times as even though knowing the outcome Paul through Jesus' example was able to face adversity regardless of the outcome. Luke 9:22, Luke 9:44, Luke 18:31-33, Matthew 16:21-27, Matthew 17:22-23, Mark 8:31-38,
Jesus Christ sent Paul ( Acts 9:15) to preach about his name. Jesus Christ
means in Hebrew "Jehovah is Salvation" ( John 3:16,17; Psalm 83:18)
so Paul was taking the lead and many other qualified men were appointed
to lead the congregations or "Churches KJV". 1 Timothy 3
According to Acts 2 man and woman fulfilled the prophecy at Joel 2:28
during a day of Pentecost ( Acts 2:16-18). All were filled with the holy spirit ( john 4:24)
were all at the same time speaking in tongues. (multitudes heard in his own language
Acts 2:1,3,6)
Paul was maybe trying to explain that the congregation is not that event.( 1 Corinthians 12:27-31)
that they must speak or prophecy one at a time. to keep the congregation in order. 1Corinthians 14:33.
However, because a man is the head of his wife. a wife remains silent in the congregation ( 1Tim. 2:12).
if she wants to ask a question about something. she should not become authoritative within
the congregation or church (if she doesn't understand something, she should go to her husband).
1 Corinthians 14:35
Ephesians 5:21-24
if someone is single. then the head would be Jesus Christ because he is the head of the man (Jesus Christ has appointed qualified men to shepherd the congregation John 21:17. if a woman is single or not married, she can
go to the one taking the lead, and they can pray for her.
James 5:14-16
1 Samuel 1:9-18; Luke 10:38-42;
Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3
Regarding woman and head covering, according to 1 Corinthians 11:5,8;
if her husband is present, she covers her head if she is preaching or praying.
if her husband is not present and she preaches and prophecies or prays to God,
then she should cover her head as a sign of authority because of the angels.
this is what the scripture says. I can't tell you anything other
1 Corinthians 11:2-3;8-10; 1Tim. 2:12
1 Corinthians 11:1,2,16 "keeping the order as delivered to them"
Hi Louis. I believe that it was John who is referred to in John 19:26,27. Why I think this, is because in other places (e.g. John 13:23; John 20:2; John 21:20) John resorts to this expression "the disciple whom He loved" & speaking in such a manner was common when the focus was taken off oneself. We can also think of 2 Corinthians 12:1-7 as an example, where clearly the Apostle Paul is speaking of His experience of Heaven though not naming himself as the one.
Then in John 21:20-24, Peter questions Jesus about "what shall this man (?) do?" And then the brethren believed "that that disciple (?) should not die". Again, who is that disciple? John then says in verse 24, "This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true." Or, 'I am that disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things...". Therefore, we can say with all certainty that the disciple whom Jesus loved was indeed John, the Apostle who referred to himself as such.
It has been a busy week. Sorry for my late response.
1 John 2:1-2. is straight forward and a blessing to the whole world if the receive it.
Here is where I believe Is one of the most ignored and misunderstood sections in the scripture, considering its importance. ( NOTICE WHAT I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED )
1 John 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM, if we keep his commandments.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: HEREBY KNOW WE THAT WE ARE IN HIM.
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.
( He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.)
( This is divinely done by the Holyspirit, it's not left up to you! This is part of the gathering together, bound together by one Spirit.) "HEREBY we know" WE CAN KNOW!! The Spirit don't lie. So we should examine ourselves to see if the Holyspirit worketh in us. Confirmed ( NOT BY YOUR DOCTRINE ). But by Love for the BRETHREN.
Here's more-
John 13:34-35. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Peter understood what level of Love this is in John 21:15-17.
You need to read Revelation chapter 22; of the King James Bible.
You are dangerously close to becoming a candidate for what's written in
Revelation 20:12-13
Revelation 22:18-20
John 21:31
Galatians 1:8-9
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Read Ezekiel chapter 2,
Then Ezekiel 3:17-27
These scriptures are a warning from God. Is this relevant in the year 2021. from someone who was pulled out of the snake pit of hell; so be wise and don't go near writings that aren't in the Bible.
Astrology is not even a science. It's a religion. The only sign that Christians have, is the BLOOD OF JESUS. Same goes for Apocrypha.
Please, please, may we all quit dabbling in and around the evil that inhabits these things...so as to give a comment on them.
There are many more people WHO WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. They need to be saved. They've heard Jesus knocking on the door of their hearts. The Harvest is here, now.
Even for us Christians, we need to read those Ezekiel verses. This is going to come up at the BEMA seat judgment of Christ. Rewards or no rewards. Everything we do has to pass through the fire.
I have a question for us all. How do you think world governments are going to pay for all this destruction and disasters in the great nations of the world? Billions and Trillions of dollars?
The one world system of money is advancing.
* The white horse of the Apocalypse represents religious deception; money system
* The red horse of the Apocalypse represents wars.
* The black horse of the Apocalypse represents famines.
* The pale horse of the Apocalypse represents pestilence (disease epidemics and pandemics) and Disasters and death.
Verse 7 And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the
waters which were above the firmament and it was so.
Verse 8 And God called the firmament heaven and the evening and morning were the second day.
Verse 9 And God said Let the waters under the firmament be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear. So biblically when we jump in the air we are in heaven[ this is translated shamayim which means things heaved up or lifted up things] when an air plane flies biblically its in heaven. Then you have the heavenlies Ephesians 1:3 where it
states we have been blessed with spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ. Also Ephesians 1:20 Christ is seating in the heavenlies on Gods right hand.
An interesting point is the most high powered telescopes looking into the heavens have found massive balls of water larger than earth floating as far out as they can see which is whet Genesis says. Gods word doesn't miss a beat . Hell , gehenna and sheol is another discussion.
Some find something they don't like in the Bible then try to re-translate a word to get its synonyms, then cherry pick one of those abd claim that it 'really' means this other definition. This could be done with the English language too. For instance, I just used the word 'claim'. If someone didn't like that sentence they could suggest it was talking about mining claims. Most English words have alternate meanings that can be used in different contexts. So, I believe that's what you have done with sheol and hell. See, the Bible already described it: lake of fire, fire and brimstone, everlasting punishment, fire that shall never be quenched.
So, you don't even need the word 'hell' to still know what it means through the other description. Some are uncomfortable with hell and don't want it to be true and try very hard to try to reinterpret the Bible. I hope that's not the case here. God bless.
The two translations, hell and grave, don't come close to the same meaning. Why didn't the translators, translate the word sheol as grave every time or hell every time.
It's easy to see sheol means grave from other teachings in the Old Testament and New, death was punishment, and sheol, the grave (the place the body goes after death).
Do yo believe Jesus went to hell when he died, or did he lay in the grave waiting for the Father to resurrect him.
Man teaches if you go to hell ( Luke 16:26) there a gulf that keeps you from coming out, either way you try to make this fit into mans teaching, it contradicts itself. If Jesus went to hell, according to man he would still be there. If he lay in the grave, then sheol translated as hell is mistranslated, and should have been translated grave. This would also mean the rich man lay in the grave instead of going to hell.
Psalms 16:10 For you will not leave my soul in hell (Heb. sheol), neither will you suffer you Holy One to see corruption.
Maybe the translators were pushing their own beliefs. Grievous wolves shall come in and destroy the flock.
Maybe this was revealed to John when he wrote Revelation and said what would happen if you added or took away from God's word.
I just noticed your comment:
"Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL. One would assume that if there were such a place of torture for sin, the prophets would have never cease warning people. Yet not one word concerning a place called Hell. Likewise not one mention of a place of eternal bliss, called heaven."
I'm trying to wrap my mind around your comment, because clearly the Bible does talk about hell. It uses the word 'hell' in both the Old and New Testament as well as other synonyms, such as in Mark 9:48.
This fact can also be verified through a quick search:
The meaning hasn't changed through time either. For instance, man didn't suddenly invent the word 'hell' after a certain point of time.
Since a quick search confirms the Bible has always used the word 'hell', so is it possible you meant something else? Since it does not sound like a true statement, can you please explain what you mean by, "Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL."?
God bless...
I believe the same observation could be of many church-going folks, the building with whatever name that's put on it has become the church, not the people, lost in routines, many are called but few are chosen. It is sad when attendance is put above all. When Jesus first came was for the lost sheep of Israel, and to fulfill the law and the prophets. To confirm and fulfill the first and confirm the New in, the likeness of sinful flesh, what we see in Daniel 9:27 that many put at the end time.
I agree hell is not a place for the condemned and paradise is not a place for the righteous as holding places of the dead. I have not found one verse that say we go to heaven. In Revelation 20:14 we see the last enemy; death and its holding place hell (the grave) are cast into the lake of fire. In scripture when we die the grave is our home of corruption and if the same Spirit dwell in us, we will be raised by the Spirit that raised Christ, in incorruption in our immortal glorified body, death is swallowed up in victory.
When Jesus first came the land was highly influenced by Greco-Roman philosophy. Whether we believe it or not it still has influence on today, the meaning of death, immortal souls, monasticism that Jesus called Nicolaitans, and more.
As we see in Matthew 16 and Matthew 18 Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom and what is bound or loosed in earth will be done so in heaven. The reason of all the parables was the mysteries of the kingdom was not for them to know but for those who were chosen.
I agree in most of your post but if I understand correctly those after resurrection being brought into the fold. I struggle lining that up with the white throne judgment of the rest of the dead. Revelation 20:11-15. These are not all lost people, there will be some not cast into the lake of fire because the book of life is opened and only those not written in it will be cast in to the lake of fire.
Have a great day and God bless,
Zechariah 14:6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
Zechariah 14:7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, or night: but it shall come to pass, that at EVENING TIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT.
If this not happening to ALL OF US, then we are not getting enough food and water (that's a parable).
We ought to have this happening, up until the day we depart this world.
We as, the called out, don't at this point see everything alike, because we are at different stages of maturity. There is a day COMING when we will all be in PERFECT UNITY.
This is just an observation of the people around the town I live in, and not an indictment of them are anyone on this forum.
Most people don't read God's word, much less study it.
Most have no knowledge of the Kingdom of God, as taught by scripture. They have been taught, believe in Jesus and go to heaven, or if you don't believe, then you go to hell, it's all up yo you.
They are taught out of the New Testament, with most, seldom ever studying, in depth, the Law and Prophets.
When Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God is at hand, there was no written New Testament, he taught out of the Law and Prophets.
Jesus speaking one of his parables said:
Luke 16:31 .....If they hear not Mosses (law) and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Acts 28:23 And when they had appointed Paul a day, there came many unto him into his lodging; to whom, Paul expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses and out of the prophets, from morning to evening.
Before the Old Testament was translated into other languages, there is no mention of HELL. One would assume that if there were such a place of torture for sin, the prophets would have never cease warning people. Yet not one word concerning a place called Hell. Likewise not one mention of a place of eternal bliss, called heaven.
The Kingdom of God is ON EARTH (CHRIST IN YOU), Christ has been calling man into his Kingdom for two thousand years. Those that are NOT CAUSED to hear his call in this AGE, will be resurrected back to their flesh, and Christ and those that WERE CAUSED to hear his call, will judge the earth, and bring the remaining sheep into the fold. This is very evident in the Law and Prophets.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, man uses this parable to teach the doctrine of heaven and hell, Yet JESUS SAID, if they want believe the Law and Prophets, which DOES NOT teach heaven and hell.
Thanks for your reply, I will meditate on what you shared, and I mean that. I agree, that compassion for those who do not have a clue where their going is bitter, and by sharing the word we can receive some bitter remarks. I cannot place us as John as prophesying to others after the resurrection. I feel we have different understandings of after resurrection but that is ok.
God bless,
Revelation is signified, so most nouns represent something other than what a dictionary would define them.
I believe, the BOOK, is Christ, The WORD, the BOOK, of life, of truth, of wisdom, etc., etc., all things.
Christ told us that we had to eat his flesh and drink his blood, he is our food and water.
I believe the same applies to the open book (Christ), we eat the book, as we eat his flesh.
It's sweet in our mouth because it has brought TRUTH TO US, it is bitter in our belly because we see our brothers (the world) that has NOT YET been GIVEN this Knowledge.
But we will again prophecy to our brothers after they are resurrected back to their flesh here on earth, the SECOND time.
Isaiah 11:9 .....for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
God Bless You!
This one will be a hard nut and it may be empty when you crack it, as in John 21:20-23, Peter was showing he was jealous of John and what Jesus said, maybe Jesus was telling Peter it is not your concern, just follow me and feed His sheep. There was a rumor started that John would not die but Jesus did not say that. Other verses may spur interest relating to John's possible living longer, in Revelation 10:8-11.
The little book that was open that John was told to eat. If the book was open, does that mean it did not contain a mystery or a secret? Did it contain what the seven thunders had uttered, that John was told to seal up and not to write? John was told thou must prophesy again; will that be in the future? Is it written in the rest of Revelation that John had not written down yet?
The Bible does not record the death of John, but there are theories out there you may research those, there is one they boiled him in a pot of oil. I would like to give you more scripture for you to study but this may not have an answer and only come to speculation.
God bless and let the Spirit of truth guide you.
Luke 24:6, Luke 24:34, Matthew 28:6, 1 Corinthians 15:20, Mark 16:6, John 21:14, Romans 8:34, Matthew 28:7
John 21:25,
I've thought of it many times as even though knowing the outcome Paul through Jesus' example was able to face adversity regardless of the outcome. Luke 9:22, Luke 9:44, Luke 18:31-33, Matthew 16:21-27, Matthew 17:22-23, Mark 8:31-38,
John 21:15-19,
Old Testament 2 Kings 2:1,2,3,5,9,11,12,
Mark 16:16
1 Peter 3:21
Acts 2:38
Acts 4:12
Acts 19:1-6
Acts 10:44-48
John 3:1-6
1 Corinthians 14:2,22,39
Acts 2:4
Acts 5:32
Acts 1:8
John 21:15
Jesus loves us! Landon
Jesus Christ sent Paul ( Acts 9:15) to preach about his name. Jesus Christ
means in Hebrew "Jehovah is Salvation" ( John 3:16,17; Psalm 83:18)
so Paul was taking the lead and many other qualified men were appointed
to lead the congregations or "Churches KJV". 1 Timothy 3
According to Acts 2 man and woman fulfilled the prophecy at Joel 2:28
during a day of Pentecost ( Acts 2:16-18). All were filled with the holy spirit ( john 4:24)
were all at the same time speaking in tongues. (multitudes heard in his own language
Acts 2:1,3,6)
Paul was maybe trying to explain that the congregation is not that event.( 1 Corinthians 12:27-31)
that they must speak or prophecy one at a time. to keep the congregation in order. 1Corinthians 14:33.
However, because a man is the head of his wife. a wife remains silent in the congregation ( 1Tim. 2:12).
if she wants to ask a question about something. she should not become authoritative within
the congregation or church (if she doesn't understand something, she should go to her husband).
1 Corinthians 14:35
Ephesians 5:21-24
if someone is single. then the head would be Jesus Christ because he is the head of the man (Jesus Christ has appointed qualified men to shepherd the congregation John 21:17. if a woman is single or not married, she can
go to the one taking the lead, and they can pray for her.
James 5:14-16
1 Samuel 1:9-18; Luke 10:38-42;
Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3
Regarding woman and head covering, according to 1 Corinthians 11:5,8;
if her husband is present, she covers her head if she is preaching or praying.
if her husband is not present and she preaches and prophecies or prays to God,
then she should cover her head as a sign of authority because of the angels.
this is what the scripture says. I can't tell you anything other
1 Corinthians 11:2-3;8-10; 1Tim. 2:12
1 Corinthians 11:1,2,16 "keeping the order as delivered to them"
"we have no custom of being contentious about"
Then in John 21:20-24, Peter questions Jesus about "what shall this man (?) do?" And then the brethren believed "that that disciple (?) should not die". Again, who is that disciple? John then says in verse 24, "This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true." Or, 'I am that disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things...". Therefore, we can say with all certainty that the disciple whom Jesus loved was indeed John, the Apostle who referred to himself as such.
It has been a busy week. Sorry for my late response.
1 John 2:1-2. is straight forward and a blessing to the whole world if the receive it.
Here is where I believe Is one of the most ignored and misunderstood sections in the scripture, considering its importance. ( NOTICE WHAT I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED )
1 John 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM, if we keep his commandments.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: HEREBY KNOW WE THAT WE ARE IN HIM.
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.
( He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.)
( This is divinely done by the Holyspirit, it's not left up to you! This is part of the gathering together, bound together by one Spirit.) "HEREBY we know" WE CAN KNOW!! The Spirit don't lie. So we should examine ourselves to see if the Holyspirit worketh in us. Confirmed ( NOT BY YOUR DOCTRINE ). But by Love for the BRETHREN.
Here's more-
John 13:34-35. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
Peter understood what level of Love this is in John 21:15-17.
God bless.
You are dangerously close to becoming a candidate for what's written in
Revelation 20:12-13
Revelation 22:18-20
John 21:31
Galatians 1:8-9
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Read Ezekiel chapter 2,
Then Ezekiel 3:17-27
These scriptures are a warning from God. Is this relevant in the year 2021. from someone who was pulled out of the snake pit of hell; so be wise and don't go near writings that aren't in the Bible.
Astrology is not even a science. It's a religion. The only sign that Christians have, is the BLOOD OF JESUS. Same goes for Apocrypha.
Please, please, may we all quit dabbling in and around the evil that inhabits these things...so as to give a comment on them.
There are many more people WHO WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH. They need to be saved. They've heard Jesus knocking on the door of their hearts. The Harvest is here, now.
Even for us Christians, we need to read those Ezekiel verses. This is going to come up at the BEMA seat judgment of Christ. Rewards or no rewards. Everything we do has to pass through the fire.
I have a question for us all. How do you think world governments are going to pay for all this destruction and disasters in the great nations of the world? Billions and Trillions of dollars?
The one world system of money is advancing.
* The white horse of the Apocalypse represents religious deception; money system
* The red horse of the Apocalypse represents wars.
* The black horse of the Apocalypse represents famines.
* The pale horse of the Apocalypse represents pestilence (disease epidemics and pandemics) and Disasters and death.