Christa, I will pray for you. Maybe God is calling you. We are the sheep of His pasture. When I was in nursing school several years ago, we were required to dissect a sheep 's brain. Not the thing for me. I am in to beauty, plants, etc. Anyway, our professor remarked how our human brains are anatomically the same as a sheep 's brain. It is true. Amazing! God is amazing. Like sheep we have gone astray. We are easily led but really need a Savior, the Shepherd in Psalm 23. Jesus wants us to rest in Him. Yes, and He wants us to believe, trust and obey Him. The Unity sermon is interesting because Jesus wants all His followers to believe the same, John 17:23. Do you have a Bible with a good concordance and are you meeting with a group of believers? Have you given your life to Jesus yet? Find a church that prays, believes in Christ as God 's Son, baptizes believers immerses and is growing. I am sorry you were judged. It must have been a small church. Lots of questions. What other books have you read in the Bible? The gospel of John is a good one. The very next book is Acts. It talks about the beginning of the church. Exciting to read about! Above all, pray that God leads you and shows you what you should do. He will. And Job is amazing! He had just lost his family and everything and he bowed down and praised God! Life can take some drastic and tragic turns sometimes and we can get lost in sorrow. Best to look to the Savior to lead us to pastures of rest.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
I rewrote Part 1 of 3: Part 1 of 3: Hello Jacob: James 2: 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? The scripture is still valid, because it is the truth and the word of God, John 17: 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth . The 12 men were not saved, this was the purpose of Paul rebaptizing them and laying his hands on them. It also shows the importance of have Acts 2: 38.
This is a wonderful promise of Jesus for each one of us. Praying to be sanctified in His truth. I bow down before Him and praise Him now and forever more. Amen
First natural then spiritual Jesup Christ does the will of his farther which is in heaven to lift up the farther and draw men to him that they may learn of my farther which sent jesus in the flesh so that he may reach man before he destroy his chances to be spiritually connected with the word of God the farther thru the word we may attain enteral life
Jesus is not saying he is God but that he and God are one in UNITY.. as in a Family... like I am in my mother and my mother in me... but we are 2 separate beings
not thing is as good, great and wonderful with full life benefits as knowing JESUS, trier will surely convinced YOU that our LORD IS THE TRUE LIGHT AND THE WAY,No failure nor darkness in our LORD
This prayer to GOD from Jesus telling his father what he has done and has obeyed his word while her on earth. To all that believed on him. I am So bless by this prayer JESUS said to his Father " Blessing!!
John 17 records the prayer of Jesus in which He declares His power over "all flesh " aka the human body. His declaration of "Eternal life " in regards to "all flesh " denotes the institution of immortality upon mankind. However, it takes unwavering, doubtless, faith for mortal humans to manifest this blessed state of being. Jesus said, "My Word shall not pass away " subsequently anyone who abides in His Word "without doubt " can literally manifest the Heavenly proclamation, "he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. " Literal immortality is the sole benefit of the saints of Christ that are "alive and remain " at His second coming. This group of believers will ascend into Heaven without experiencing physical death. Like the blind man who received his sight, and the lame man that "picked up his bed " and walked, the remnant of saints His second coming will literally be the answer to Jesus ' prayer recorded in John 17. Total "oneness " is obtainable for anyone who manifest in the flesh the prayer of Jesus "to as many as thou hast given him. "
Not one of the explanations of verse John17 11 addresses who Jesus was talking about. They all say that Jesus and the father are one, but one what? Remember,Jesus said "they are one just as we are one ". Does that mean that "they " are God too because Jesus is God? Of course not. Jesus is saying here that "they " are of one belief, just as Jesus and rof one belief.Trinitarians will use the scripture to support their trinity therory.
Verse 11 brings out the oneness of God "...Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. " that is that Jesus is God the Father in human form.
here clearly we can understand,17th chapter 1st and second word shows Jesus Christ is directly talking with his father,3rd scripture observe we can clearly understanding Jesus Christ is glorifying His Father. He is saying clearly you have sent me. So here is the meaning when we accept our Heavenly Father is only one God,and Jesus Christ is son of God then only we can get eternal life.
Jesus prays to God for our sanctification. He asks God not to take us away from the world but to sanctify us through the word. When we are sanctified and live a holy life, we have joy and peace and be protected to serve God through our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth.
This verse helps me out alot, about five years ago God called me to the ministry to preach.Since then there have been people who hate me and talk against me, for no reason.It still bothers me but anyone who is live right will suffer pursecution. The bible said so. But it also says when we suffer with him we will also reign with him. Be Blessed.
Identity of God as true and having sent Christ to represent him to mankind as man. His words include me and I am drawn to him by the spirit the Father gave me. I am thankful.
Jesus giving his prayer for the ones who BELIEVE in Him and follow Him and seek after Him. the ones who put down and give up the ways and insecurities and things and ultimately DEATH of this world, Oh Heavenly Father please forgive me in Christ Jesus precious oh so precious most most precious most prestigious name. Amen.
I think it is the most tremendous truth of God 's relationship to those who believe in His Son. This is the Scripture God used to draw me unto Himself and I became His child. When I first read it I prayed to God with tears in my eyes and from my heart that I wanted this relationship. Amazing God! Amazing love!
John 17, verse 25 says, O RIGHTEOUS FATHER, THE WORLD DOESN 'T KNOW YOU, BUT I DO, AND THESE DISCIPLES KNOW YOU SENT ME. What greater proof that the Father is not the way God talked to the people of old. If he were, Jesus could have never made this statement. What I sm saying is, Jesus is the way God spoke to us then, and the way he spaks to us now. That 's why Jesus can say to us that he is always with us, and always has been with us. What we must understand that God is a Trinity. That is, he has more than one personality. The Father is the way God makes his decisions about our salvation. The Holy Spirit is the way God inspires us to believe. But Jesus is the way God speaks to us. And furthermore, these personalities talk among themselves. This is what we see taking place in John 17. The mind of God is talking to itself, or among itself. This is what God has always done. This means that God was not lonely before he made us. He talkedto himsef. This is not a hard concept to understand. We, as limited humans, have a similiar capibility. We often talk to ourselves. So in the mind of God, we see Jesus talking to the Father. We don 't hear what the Father is saying because God never speaks to us by his personality the Father. It 's always as Jesus. This is how God speaks to us in the Book of John, "Hi, I d like to say good day to you, again. I am Jesus. The Father sends his greetings, too. " And when we ask Jesus to show us the Father, he says, "When you see me, you see the Father who sent me, " meaning the Father and Jesus are the same God. Then Jesus says, "By the way, The Holy Spirit says hi, too, " meaning that the Holy Spirit is the same God that the Father and Jesus are. I hope this will help you to know Jesus better!
Verse 21 "My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father... " The basic tenant of the Christian religion is monotheism, the belief in one God. So how do you interpert Jesus ' revelation of the existence of another personality of God, the Father. It 's simple. They are the same God. As Jesus said, "You are in me, and I am in You, " meaning that God is one substance, with more than one personality. So God talks to us like this Hi, I d like to say good day to you, again. I am Jesus. The Father sends his greetings, too. And when we ask Jesus to show us the Father, he says, When you see me, you see the Father who sent me, meaning the Father and Jesus are the same God. Then Jesus says, By the way, The Holy Spirit says hi, too , meaning that the Holy Spirit is the same God that the Father and Jesus are. This is the point If we try to say that Jesus is separate from the Father, or that God is two or three separate entities, we are no longer practicing monotheism, but polytheism, or the belief in many Gods. This belief system is condemned all through the Bible, and no sincere Christian will do it. God is one, and always has been. But when he speaks to us, he says he is Jesus. May God bless you!
John 17.. Clearly Shows that the Father of Jesus Christ is the only true God and Jesus wants the Church is called ones to have oneness of mind with God as he has with Him His Father
I believe this verse is as convincing as any found in the Bible in proving two very important points. Jesus is co eternal and was with God in the beginning of the World. Secondly, Jesus and God are two different centers of conscientiousness.Add the Holy Spirit, and you have the uni pleural Godhead that is made so patently obvious in the Bible. Oneness beleivers need to adhere.
Jesus is W0W He is so loving and kind and forgiving and strict and loving and peacefull and Marvelous and gracious and Beautiful and Everlasting and loving and love and perfect and Holy I love chapter 17 of John because the One shows His love for His and let me know that if obey and believe that i too can be one of His and abide in Him and the Father love and be blessed I am so happy i got saved Thank You Father God for sending Your Beloved Son Jesus to purge me of my nature and allow me to be free and holy in Him The Holy Spirit is always comforting me and Blessed God bless the poor the needy the widows the have nots the lost the hungry the lame the shut ins and may God bless this page in His Wonderful Son Jesus name amen